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Feeding Your Ferrari


Good morning. My name is Dr. Robert Kiltz and I’m a reproductive endocrinologist. I’m a fertility specialist. I take care of men and women seeking to have children – as individuals or as couples, in same sex relationship or in opposite sex relationships.  I’ve been focused on this for thirty years. What I’ve learned about the human Body and the causes of disease have all stemmed from my learning about infertility.

Human beings were meant to have children in their early teens or early twenties. The thirties and forties are late in the scheme of nature. We have postponed our child bearing, and because of that, we see much disease that is related to causing infertility, but we often think it has an unknown cause or idiopathic.  Everything looks great, and quite commonly the woman gets blamed over the man.  My bet is the simple answer is the one:  Inflammation.

Our bodies become more and more inflamed the longer we are alive. Yes, it seems like a mystery and maybe genetics and DNA are the cause, but they’re the ultimate drivers and blueprints of who and what we are. They determine that we live in an oxygenated environment of approximately 21% and that we require a certain amount of food and water in order to thrive and survive. Over time, we will be degenerative, diseased, and die. Sometimes it happens in a shorter time; sometimes in a longer time. But often we don’t understand what time even is.

Time is what you make it. You are alive right now for a short amount of time.  In that amount of time, your job, my job, all of our jobs are to do something that matters to the Universe, but more importantly what matters to you. We’ve been given certain guides:  teachings from our parents, our teachers, our churches, our government, our friends, our foes, our families. We’ve been taught by the farmers, the food industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the healthcare industry, the “get well” industry, and the self-help industry.  Truly, your life, my life, our lives, are full of self-help. It really is how can you help yourself into this amazing thing called life.

The body requires lots of oxygen and you do not have to work hard for that one. A breath and smile every day to start the day. This is my morning and gratitude—the prayer of life. It’s not a prayer of hoping for something or wishing for something. It’s simply a prayer of gratitude—“Thank you God for this day, for this amazing oxygen that I breathe. You’ve made it so abundant in this environment. I am somehow a lucky one that you have created me as a living human animal to thrive, survive, grow, create, move and make and live life to its fullest. You have put many, many obstacles in the way.  But as Ryan Holliday says, ‘the obstacle is the way’”.  Not to run away, but to go full on at it all. Go on at it all with the fullness of life, God’s love, faith, harmony, happiness, and creativity. What do you choose to create this day? It’s all part of the health and wellness of your mind, your body, your life.

We do not need much water, by the way. The juices of our bodies flow with the combination of the molecules of protein, fat, and very little sugar. Add water and it all mixes together into a serum, the humors, the stuff that creates our lives. Every day and in every way, life is created with and for each and every one of us.

The body requires food in order to digest and breakdown into the simple components and create the most important molecule of our body, which is called fat.  Fat is the fuel of the Ferrari. And I know I speak this over and over again, but you and I are Ferraris. A Ferrari requires the best fuel in the universe.  It’s called acetyl Co-A and it comes from (guess what?)—FATTY ACIDS.

The human body, while we digest many carbohydrates, both complex and simple, the majority. . .  Oh, wait a minute, no carbohydrates are required in the human body.  I know, I didn’t believe it, didn’t know it, and didn’t understand it.

You and I are made up of fat. Fat is what’s needed in our body, not sugar and not much protein.  But we’re capable of converting those things into fatty acids to provide the hormones, the cellular structure, and the fuel for the Ferrari. It’s a crazy concept and idea, and I know it doesn’t make sense to many of us. But life often doesn’t make sense either—the loss of loved ones, of family, friends, and people we don’t even know, but somehow, we admire and can’t imagine they are gone already. Remember, this is a short one, from zero to nothing. We are born with nothing and we leave with nothing. What we create in between is never ours; it belongs to the universe. We are just the caretaker of this thing called life and how do we want to make it the very best for ourselves, our families, our friends, our loved ones, our colleagues, and all of those beyond us who are really all part of us. As we see things in our minds, we create things everywhere, always and forever.

Remember, you and I are the creators of the universe. It took me a while to figure this one out because in modern medicine we do not utilize faith and the belief of something greater than all of us. But that thing actually turns out to be the thing that is us. It’s the thoughts we think each and every day. And through the power of God’s universe–love, joy, harmony, happiness, hurt, pain, light, darkness, good, bad, all unfold into that which we are:  the singers, the dancers, the poets, the writers, the builders, the destroyers. But that which we are, which is God’s love.

Now all of that stuff that goes into the Ferrari . . and if you’re eating 3-6 times a day and it’s mostly carbs, you’re creating an environment of inflammation. You’re bringing into your body that stuff which is ultimately not needed, but it can be converted from sugar to fat fast in the liver. Glycation is the binding of glucose to every, every, every little nook and cranny of your body, which causes the inflammation, which causes the damage and disease that we can’t figure out.

Your body, my body, our bodies are amazing Ferraris, but they are a showroom Ferrari. We were created in a showroom and meant to be taken out from time to time. The Italian-designed Ferrari and Fiat when they’re made in Italy with the design, materials, and workmanship, we know how valuable they are. But when we take the same blueprints but different material and workmanship someplace else and they’re purchased with less value, they are taken care of in lower and lower amounts. The Fiat-Italian designed, made in Yugoslavia at the time with lower pride/workmanship/materials—the Yugo.  With all respect to all people in this world, but sometimes all of us/each of may be working, designing and creating with less than we think.

Our job/your job/my job/all of our jobs is to create with the most mastery, intention, and creativeness of the day. I feel the pain and I push with the pain and in the pain know that nature is nurturing me to grow, create, and be better. All of the mistakes of yesterday are our learning opportunities and the teaching methods and ways of the day. I simply say, “Thank you God for the day and the way.”

I know I infuse this talk with ins and outs of God, love, faith, harmony, and happiness. Today is my good friend Roz’s birthday celebration. We celebrate all life. We celebrate all death. We celebrate the moments of our growth and learning, but we must also celebrate the failures of all of us. The failure is the necessity of the universe. This is how mountains, canyons, rivers, oceans, and prairies are built—through mistakes and failures. But you must take it, this day and every day, in such a nice and easy way.

The food in the mouth is broken down into the simple components of simple sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids. They go into the stomach, and they do not know where they came from. They do not know if they were kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, seeds or nuts, candy or Coke.

The universe takes the sunlight, combines it with carbon dioxide, adds a little bit of water and makes long chain particles into those things we calle plants which make roots, stems, branches, leaves, fruits, fiber, seeds, nuts, legumes, beans . . .we’ll go down the list. It’s infinite–all of the amazing products of nature for each of us to consume and enjoy. We have learned to process all of it. That processing has created you and me.

Our bodies are capable of simplifying them, sending the amino acids and simple sugars to the liver, where they must be converted to fat. Our bodies are a fat-making machine. Fat-making machines because we are fat-making/fat-building machines, and we require the liver to do that. Insulin is required from the pancreas. The spleen and the pancreas and all of the blood flow from the gastrointestinal tract goes right to the liver where it must convert those products into fat. It stores them first in the liver and then deposits them all over the body because the body requires fat EVERYWHERE.  In every nook and cranny and every inch of the body, fat is required because FAT IS WHERE IT’S AT.  Fat is the fuel. Remember, cushions and curves make babies, NOT little skinny sticks.

Ten thousand years ago, even 10 years ago, if you did not contain fat, you were dead.  Fat is the fuel for survival. We’re meant to go 3 minutes without air; 3 days without water; and 3 weeks to 3 months without food because the body utilizes only fat for energy and sugar. We are not a sugar-burning machine, we are a fat-burning machine.  This term ketosis is misinterpreted. There are things we label as ketone bodies, but essentially, they are all coming from fatty acids, and fatty acids make acetyl CoA.

Glucose and amino acids must be converted into fat in the liver in order to be used as energy in your body.

A quick-stop at the five causes of disease:

  • GLUCOSE: Glucose comes from all plant material and causes something called glycation.  Glycation damages every nook and cranny of our body and causes inflammation. It causes damage and disease. This is one that you and I can’t quite imagine. All of these healthy carbs are somehow not so healthy. Yes, we can eat them and utilize them, that’s they’re beauty. But they are like cocaine. We are addicted to them.

It’s so simple and so easy, my friends. The universe has compelled each and every one of us to seek out food (and yes, fucking).  We’re seeking the food to help us thrive and survive in the relationships and the reproductive ways to make babies. At the end of the day, making babies is what matters most for each and every one of us, always, always, always. This story seems opposite of what you and I have been taught, but I can tell you that this is the true story.

We can eat any of it. The farmers grow amazing amounts of food that are ultimately all sugar and carbohydrates. Fiber is in there too, but fiber is not needed one bit. Fiber fuels inflammation. Besides the glucose from the plant material, the fiber, which is like steel wool and sandpaper that damages every noon and cranny of our bowels. And the fiber is poorly broken down in the upper GI tract, and so it makes its way to the lower GI tract where it fuels the bacteria and yeast and all microorganisms that cause a tremendous amount of inflammation inside the colon. The colon is the ring of fire. That ring of fire is simply causing damage and disease to every nook and cranny of your body:  the prostate, the uterus, the ovaries, the tubes, the kidneys, the adrenals, and the vasculature that sends the inflammation up and down the vascular tract—either the lymphatics or the arteries or veins.

This story seems hard to believe, I know. How can all of that grass, grains, fruit, fiber, and vegetables be bad for us?  Well, they help you get energy in order to get reproduced, but ultimately, they are the leading cause of our disease. Inflammation from the fruits, fiber, microorganisms, and sugar. Those plant antigens, the molecules, the lectins, the latex, the particles that the plants make in order to utilize as good and bad things for themselves—either to repel or attract things—for need of protection or reproduction. All of it is the same, by the way.  For you and me, it’s all about reproduction. It’s a hard one to get, but we go crazy emotionally all over our relationships and our reproductive needs. Yes, we get hangry over food. We go nuts over not being able to consume food, find it, to have it, even when we are overly fueled with fat. But the body wants more because it does not know that the markets where we get our food are open tomorrow. It’s always seeking to fill the tank and to fuel the Ferrari of fucking and fun in order to build a family for the future.

I know it seems crazy. These concepts and ideas, I know I did not believe them as a western trained physician.  But the phytochemicals and the plant antigens cause the damage and disease. They come mostly from the variety of plants that we eat. They are fueling the fire of inflammation. Glucose, plant antigens, phytochemicals, and the fiber all fuel the fermenting factory of our bellies. The GI tract must take the complex and make it simple in order to convert it to fat since we in our modern worldly diet do not consume real fat—that is animal fat, nature’s fat.  Yes, nature makes plant oils too, but in small amounts. You can eat them and survive a long time when you eat a lot less frequently. You simplify those carbs. You add the real fat:  bacon, eggs, butter, tallow, and lard.

I know it seems nuts and crazy, but this is the one thing I’ve learned over time, and the universe is compelling every on of us to learn something more amazing and different, great and grand. God is full of love and the stories we learn. You can thrive and survive on pretty much any diet—vegan, vegetarian, a mixed diet, you can live on a carnivore diet, you can live on anything.

My bet is we came from the tree dwellers, down to the grasslands not to eat the grass, but to eat the grass eaters. I know it sounds crazy, and please forgive me if I am insulting anyone in this story, but this is the amazing story of the universe. You and I are the Ferraris. We are the lions; we are the tigers.

You and I can eat anything, I know it, but what about this scientific fact, but really science is the same as faith. It’s a story that you and I believe from the “experts” that are really no more expert than you or I.  Because you have a big label and lots of education and spend lots of time and money to get there doesn’t make you smart. We human beings are easily gullible and taken down the trail to the showers, but they’re gas.  I know it doesn’t make sense.  All of us are the same beautiful, amazing human beings. The human Ferrari is you and me. Always. No matter your size, your shape, your height, your past, your present, your future. We are all children of the Great Creator, called God. And ultimately, we are all God. If you have not read U.S.Anderson’s Three Magic Words, I recommend it. Check out Richard David Feinman’s book The World Turned Upside Down. You must read and question everything and everyone, even the experts and teachers. Stand back and say, “Is that really so?”  You are learning many tricks of the trade and ways to learn and grow and take it to the next level every day.

Back to the five causes of disease:

  • Glucose – it causes glycation.
  • Plant Antigens
  • Plant Phytochemicals
  • Fiber, Bacteria & Yeast – the run the fermentation bucket of the universe, your belly. Gas, heat, alcohol, and aldehydes are deadly for each and everyone of us.
  • Exercise – We’ve got to move, but for some reason moving damages our bodies in ways we don’t even understand. It’s a crazy one!  But our bodies are the most amazing things in the universe. Moving is necessary, but moving too much and in the wrong ways and doing this thing called exercise damages every nook and cranny of our bodies.

I know it doesn’t make sense, but I’ve learned something that is more opposite and amazing than anything I’ve ever, ever realized. As you heat up the body, it damages DNA, it damages every nook and cranny of our body, it causes inflammation and every joint, muscle, and fiber. The blood flow to the core is robbed and taken to the extremities. It’s seems opposite and doesn’t make sense, but it’s really the most amazing truth I’ve ever learned. Running, running, and running heats up the body and steals the core of blood. Rest and digest are what we really need to do. That one meal at night. You may think that breakfast, lunch, and dinner and snack in between are good for you, but, in fact, they are fueling the inflammation bucket of the belly, creating damage and disease in the GI tract and sending it to every nook and cranny of your body.

When I started learning about the Paleo diet (or the caveman diet) featuring nature’s foods, that was good. Then I learned about keto and this term ketosis, going from being a sugar burner to a fat burner. But, in fact, what I’ve learned is that we are the fat burners of the universe. Sugar and protein are converted to fat in the liver to fuel the fire of survival. Remember, all of our lives require air, water, and fat. They require essential fatty acids and essential amino acids. There are NO essential carbohydrates. ZERO. We require zero carbohydrates or glucose to be eaten ever. We have been taught the wrong ways. The hospitals, the doctors, and industrial complexes have it wrong. They are sharing and teaching us the wrong thing. I know it is crazy.

My recommendation is the B.E.B.B.I. Diet—bacon, eggs, butter, beef, and ice cream. I created that acronym because I make babies. At CNY Fertility, we’ve been making babies for over 20 years, and I’ve been doing this for nearly 30.

What I’ve learned about the diseases of the human body, between depression, anxiety, Alzheimer’s, dementia, epilepsy, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, all of the autoimmune diseases, cancer, and suicide are all related to inflammation in the body. Due to the recommended daily consumption of fruits, fiber, vegetables, lean meats, and little-to-no fat (“healthy fat” which is a term I’m not sure I understand), and plenty of exercise, which I’ve come to understand is all opposite and wrong.

It took me a while to understand this, until I finally realized and did it myself. After seeing my patients lose 25 / 50 / 100 pounds and diabetes, hypertension, cancer, stroke, epilepsy, dementia, all diseases GO AWAY in ways that you and I have never been taught to be possible.

The showroom Ferrari lasts and looks better than you’ve ever known. You and I are the human Ferrari. We go, we go, we go, and we go. We go with the flow of life in many ways, in ways you and I don’t even understand.

In the breath and smile of the day, Thank you God for the day. Thank you for my problems, my pain, my journey, my obstacles, my way. This is how we grow and learn.

Think and Grow RichThe Power of Positive Thinking.  The Alchemist, The Secret.

From the ancient sages of the universe, to learn the way, the day. And today, remember who is in control of your life, your mind, your mastery?  It’s you. You determine what you buy and what you put into your mind and your mouth. Are you listening to something upbeat and positive this and every day? Or are you simply following the rut in the road? You must move out of the rut. And the fork in the road leads to the road less traveled. That is for you. Make it today in every way.

Yes, we seek food and fucking. We seek that relationship, but we must be kind to ourselves and those around us. Remember, our friends and our foes are the same. They are us because they are created in the mind. The masters of philosophy, of religion, art, literature, of building and destroying are all but us in the universe. We all love to find something to hate, but we change that hate and learn that love triumphs over all. Your life, my life, all life is meant to be uplifted, to get up and move, to grow and create. Whether you’re walking, running, biking, driving, flying, life in some way is meant to get fucked. It hurts or it feels good from time to time, but without the pain, we do not grow, we do not learn, and we do not master the mind ourselves.

We will all become diseased and die. It is the nature of the universe. How can we find joy and happiness even in the pain of life? The process of indigestion, taking the complex and making it simple, and then build something else. Eventually it will become simplified again and go back into the vibration of the universe, which is you and me.

In God’s way and every day, for God and life are full of love. You are the love fantasy-maker of the universe. Remember to find the joy of life today in every way. YOU are the great creator of the universe in every way and every day.

God Bless and enjoy the day.


Ah, the ez-pass of life. This is just a little diversion as I’m stopping through the EZ-Pass going from Skaneateles to Buffalo. My Ez-pass clears the way and lets me clear the gate. Life is an easy pass, by the way. We imagine the hardships of the day, but in fact, it’s all really easier than you know. The universe is infinitely full of opportunities and variety, creativeness, and God’s love. You and I are the love-makers, sharing love and kindness with everyone around you in more and more and more amazing ways. God’s love is here today for you and for all of us.

Alright, a fertility specialist talking about food and fucking. I know it sounds crazy, and I’m not working here to insult anyone in the words or the way. I want to inspire myself and all of us that somehow our relationships are critical to our mates, our friends, our families, our foes, everything in the universe. Go out there and create as you are learning to create. There are so many teachers for each and every one of us. Not only the teachers are the creators, but also the students. We are, each and every one, a student and a teacher. As we learn each and every day from those who’ve come before us through listening, reading, writing, building, destroying, failing, it’s all about succeeding. You’ve already succeeded because you are the success seed of the universe. You are a human animal. You are the human god, the human life.

I know it doesn’t make sense because it didn’t make sense to me. As I felt the pain of life, I finally realized the light is within each and every one of us. For I and you, all of us, are God. God is the great creator of everything. Your mind is the master to create a good day, a bad day, a right day, a wrong day, good weather, bad weather—all of the possibilities are within you, my friend. It’s a simple way, in the day. Even those relationships that are falling apart and pushing and shoving and seem like so much hurt and pain. That is the pushing of the universe to show you the light and the love of God.

You have to read Joseph Campbell and there’s a list of books that I’ve listened to and read as I’ve written, painted and potted. Remember, take the breath of the day to clear the mind, the mouth, the gut, so the fuel is purely acetyl CoA.   Reduce your glucose levels tremendously. Get rid of the plant antigens and phytochemicals, fiber, yeast, and bacteria. Probiotics are bad, my friends. And science is not science. Science is all our fantasy and made up. I’m sorry. Even the science of religion, philosophy, and art, it’s all in the mind—the master. That which you think, you create.  If you have not read Thoughts are Things by Prentice Mulford or The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, you’ve got some learning to do.

Each and every day in each and every way, visualize the beauty of your body and those dreams that you desire as they are already here, and they will come. My recommendation is to eat high fat, low protein, zero carb diet. Do it at night then rest and digest. Get rid of alcohol.  The fiber, yeast, bacteria, and the sugar ferment in the gut to make damage, disease, and cancer. Our mothers consumed this stuff that damaged our bodies before we were even born!  Based on the science and the “experts” telling us the healthy things to eat, but they are wrong.

Grains and grass will fry your brains. They’ll ferment in your colon forever after. They cause the damage and disease that causes inflammation and damage to the testicles, the ovaries, the prostate, the seminal vesicles, the uterus, the tubes, the vessels, the organs, the muscles, the joints, that damages the inner parts of the body and ultimately causes infertility.

Change what you think; change what you eat; and the change of the mastery of the body will happen and inflammation will diminish. You need some inflammation, by the way. Without friction, growth, creativity, and change do not happen.

Bacon, eggs, butter, beef, and ice cream. Kiltz’s keto is king. It’s called the Lion King Plan. Check out Kiltz’s Keto. Check out the Fertile Grounds Café, check out Mind, Body, Smile. Check out CNY Healing Arts, and CNY Fertility.

I’m simply sharing the failures I’ve found in my life as a fertility expert. As a Christian/Catholic/atheist/agnostic/spiritualist/Buddhist/Muslim –do whatever you want and whatever you believe, be it. Learn from the sages and experts before us, but you too must learn that you are the master of the universe and maybe there is something opposite and different for all of us to learn. All of us are here on this journey to become poets, writers, dancers, creators, in order to attract the mate to allow us to get food and fucking, to be produced, to connect, because ultimately that’s what matters most in the universe.

We become emotionally crazy and crazed when we are repelled, but ultimately the repulsive forces are also part of the attractive forces.  Remember, the universe and God are always working in your favor.  Even when death and destruction are upon you, you are but a particle of the universe and on your way to the eternal journey of light making.

When I transfer an embryo into the uterus and on the ultrasound there’s a flash of light, I call it “the flash of life.”  It doesn’t make sense to you or me, but ultimately make it make sense to the mind and the mastery of creativity.

You can visit every one and anyone whenever you desire in the mind. Be the creator of your health and wellness no matter what you think it is today, you can change it in a moment and think it’s amazing and beautiful.

From Deepak to the destiny you create in the mind, divinity is within all of us. This is an eclectic story that I’ve learned. From the bibles of man to the fighting of our fantasies of our future, we are all great creators of the universe.

You decide this day and every day how you wish to make it—a good day, a bad day, a right day, a wrong day, an easy day, a hard day. I, too, have had many problems and losses – a sister, parents, friends, family, relationships, but you lose nothing because nothing is yours. It’s all part of the flow of the river of universe. It’s the eternal energy that you and I are mastering with God’s love.  Within you is the seed of everything.

In the breath and smile . . . daily meditation, always 24/7. Remember, it’s not clearing the mind, it’s actually driving the mind in the direction you want it to go. Hold it and never let it go. For who is the great creator?  YOU are, my friend! You and I are the creators of the universe with God’s love.

Kiltz’s Kick-Ass Keto is King. The Lioness Plan or the Lion King Plan. Remember, we are lions and tigers, not pigs and cows. We came down out of the trees to eat the grass eaters, but yes, you can eat the grass too. We can process it into energy, but we need to learn to do it differently. Separate it out 12-24 hours apart. I call it intermittent feasting. Don’t fast because fasting is intermittently not eating. You want to intermittently eat from time to time. Yogurt, granola, fruits, fiber, and vegetables are deadly. You can do it from time to time, but not all the time. Seeds and nuts are deadly.

Keep reading, keep listening. Check out Dr. Kiltz at Mind, Body, Smile. Look at all of my stuff. I’m sharing it and I want you to share your stuff. Be the creators also. Paint, dance, sing, write, make mistakes, be a failure. God Bless. Enjoy the day. This is Dr. Rob Kiltz. Enjoy!


This post first appeared on Mind Body Smile | Daily Smile Therapy By Dr. Rob, please read the originial post: here

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Feeding Your Ferrari


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