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Best of the web – retail marketing April 2016

Best Of The Web – Retail Marketing April 2016

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Here are the best retail marketing articles we’ve found in the month of April, 2016. Our summarised views on each article are below.


Leapfrogg: Making friends with Google’s micro-moments

This thought-provoking article by Rosie Freshwater, brings to the surface what micro-moments are within the consumer buying journey. We now longer sit down and methodically research a purchase at a computer. We fit our research around our busy lives, finding these moments of opportunity to nudge ourselves one step further along the path to purchase.

The term micro-moment has been coined by Google and is described as: “critical touch points within today’s consumer journey when added together, ultimately determine how that journey ends.

Rosie gives retailer some great advice on how to consider these micro-moments within their strategy. These include

  1. Listing the moments the retailer must dominate within their customers’ journey.

  2. Defining what the customer needs from the retailer at each specific moment; what type of information or inspiration they need.

  3. Creating timely, relevant content that delivers on these needs

It’s about seizing opportunities and having a personal, relevant interaction on a mass scale, so retailers can guide their to a smoother, more spontaneous buying experience.

click here to read the article in full

Sweet tooth rewards: The Advantages of Snapchat For eCommerce

This social media app’s potential in e-commerce has been underestimated so far. In this insightful article by Kirsten Burkhard we’re reminded that Snapchat can be a powerful tool for promotion, targeted marketing and brand building.

Kirsten provides 4 great examples of how e-commerce businesses can use Snapchat to engage their audience and compel them to buy:

  1. Using Live Events
  2. Contests, perks and promotions (see the example below)
  3. Partnering with influencers
  4. Sharing behind the scenes info about your business

Here’s an interesting example of a successful Snapchat promotional campaign from Grubhub. The company rewards their followers with promotional discounts simply for viewing their Snaps.

click here to read the article in full

Practical Ecommerce: 9 Ecommerce Marketing Skills That Drive Success

This article gathers everything that is relevant to optimize your Ecommerce marketing. Despite being quite general it is nonetheless exhaustive. It offers an overview of what every online retailer should focus on to become successful in their marketing efforts. We see it as THE Ecommerce marketing memo.

Perhaps the most interesting point made in the article, was about learning to code. According to the author around half of current digital marketing jobs require some technical skills – HTML and CSS for example. This came as a bit of a surprise to us but is definitely a sign of things to come, from a skill-set perspective.

click here to read the article in full


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Best of the web – retail marketing April 2016
