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You might already know that our team at The Writers For Hire likes to think of standard operating procedures (SOPs) as a building’s structural support. That is to say, no matter where… Read More
Call it a content schedule, a content calendar, a content marketing plan, an editorial calendar, or anything you like. Whateveryou call the document that puts—and keeps—your cont… Read More
A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a comprehensive set of written instructions outlining the sequential steps required to effectively execute routine jobs and activities. Adhering to SO… Read More
We like to think of SOPs, or Standard Operating Procedures, as the structural support of a building. No matter where you work or what industry you work in, SOPs are an essential group of doc… Read More
In the literary world, there exists many different types of writers with many different personalities, quirks, habits, and skills. These different traits mean there is no shortage of creativ… Read More
Learning about our family helps us connect with the past and discover a greater sense of self. Looking into our family history gives us a glimpse of where we came from. It’s no wond… Read More
It’s okay to hire a ghostwriter to create the book you’ve always dreamed of publishing. After all, you may not have the time to write, especially if you already have a full-time… Read More
What is a ghostwriter, anyway? The term has a mysterious sound, but there’s really nothing mystical about it. You could think of yourself and a ghostwriter as a relay team. … Read More
Mergers and acquisitions present several challenges for companies engaged in these undertakings. One of the biggest is process integration, which joins the policies, standards, and work proc… Read More
At first thought, blogging may seem like a thing of the past. But believe it or not, blogging plays an intricate part in the marketing strategies of most successful businesses. Blogging m… Read More
ESG reporting is gaining significant momentum. It’s all about disclosing information covering an organization’s operations and risks in three areas: environmental stewardship, so… Read More
Many companies struggle with managing their content campaigns, especially if they have multiple projects going at once. The solution is to have a tool in place that allows you to multitask e… Read More

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The Write Blog - The Writers For Hire
