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Anger In The Workplace
Dealing with anger in the workplace can be a delicate situation. It's important to handle anger in a professional and respectful manner to maintain positive relationships with colleagues and… Read More
The Dangers Of 'Quiet Quitters'
You may call them "quiet quitters', "quit-and-stay", "soft quitters" or something else. But whatever you call them, the phenomenon is real and worrisome. In a September 2022 a Harvard Busine… Read More
Most Popular Employee Benefits
Employee benefits are an important factor in attracting and retaining talented employees. Companies that offer competitive benefits packages tend to have more satisfied and loyal employees… Read More
What Are The Benefits Of HRIS Systems?
An HRIS (Human Resources Information System) is a software system that is designed to manage and automate human resources functions within an organization. It is essentially a database of em… Read More
Help! I Hate My Co-Workers!
In just about every employee survey we conduct, people will almost always report that liking their colleagues and the other people they work with is one of the most positive aspects of their… Read More
There Have Always Been Horrible Bosses
Horrible bosses are nothing new. Even in Shakespeare's time workers lamented about their plights as powerless underlings. We found this sonnet by an unknown author which tells the story...&n… Read More
Do Bad Managers Cause Bad Morale?
There is an old adage that "people don't quit their jobs, they quit their manager". But is it completely true? In reality, the number one reason people quit their jobs is due to lack of care… Read More

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4Cs Blog: Employee Surveys and More | Insightlink Communications
