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Arbitration has become somewhat common in civil lawsuits. With family courts so busy now, it was perhaps inevitable that arbitration would also become promoted in family law. At the beginnin… Read More
Custody Of Pets During A Divorce
Most pet owners today consider their pet a family member and not simply a piece of property like a sofa or a chair. However, the law has been slow to evolve as many states still consider ani… Read More
As 2023 fades into the background, a new set of state laws and regulations are set to go into effect beginning on January 1, 2024. These laws range from reproductive loss to poach pirating… Read More
Child Custody During The Holidays
Most children love holidays. More holidays means time off, food and parties. However, children with parents who are divorced, separated, or apart may have some anxiety about where, or who, t… Read More
Florida Eliminates Permanent Alimony
Florida has passed the Florida Family Fairness Act, which significantly modifies its spousal support laws. The new law, signed by Governor DeSantis, removes the option of permanent alimony f… Read More