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Ever hear the phrase: “You are an asset to this company”? Perhaps it’s even been said to you. If that’s the case, well, I’m sorry to say, but, you’ve been… Read More
A term once confined to economic classrooms and dusty textbooks, Tariffs have risen up again. But what are Tariffs, how do they work and who pays them? The post What is a Tariff? appeared fi… Read More
21 Top Presentation Tips to master any presentation. Don't be scared, nervous or ill-prepared. Be the example. The post 21 Top Presentation Tips appeared first on Nickonomy Read More
Fast, passive side income. The allure of money making apps. False hope for consumers and a goldmine for money bloggers. Are money making apps real or are they a scam? The post Are Money Maki… Read More
Knowing how to save money in college is important. As a college student money is almost always tight. Expenses increase, but income usually won’t. The post 27 Easy Ways to Save Money… Read More
The Death Penalty. The most severe punishment to any crime commitable in the United States. Now, it’s time to call an end to this antiquated act of so-called justice. The post Death to… Read More
The End Of Cash And Rise Of Cashless
We love money, and there is little else that pleases us more than holding a fat wad of cash, even one-dollar bills would suffice. When we think of wealth and being rich, we think of cash, no… Read More
Why Toothpaste Is A Scam.
Toothpaste is an everyday essential you just don’t question. You buy it, you use it, your dentist recommends it, but do we even need toothpaste? Turns out you don’t. … Read More
Those savings accounts that every single bank in the world offers? Yeah, those are scams. If you’ve ever heard about a checking account (accounts where you can quickly withdraw and… Read More
Those savings accounts that every single bank in the world offers? Yeah, those are scams. If you’ve ever heard about a checking account (accounts where you can quickly withdraw and dep… Read More
How Do Tariffs Work?
Tariffs, while being somewhat relevant for the last 200 years (and around much longer than that) have, in the last decade, increasingly become the center of attention. From Trump’s Glo… Read More
It’s been over a year since the president imposed his widely criticized steel and aluminum tariffs on worldwide imports of the metals to the United States. Since then he’s impose… Read More
I’m usually very passionate about complaining, some things I would argue are worth fussing about, others not so much. While everything I’ve posted so far I would consider worth f… Read More
How often do English professors use trigonometry in their day to day lives? How many times per year does an accountant write a literary analysis? The answer is simple, never. Every year thou… Read More
I go to a private college, and I want to make sure I’m maximising what I get from my costly tuition. However, when I started college in the US I had no idea how the system worked (as I… Read More
Is it realistic to expect people to go to college straight after high school? From my observations, 17 and 18-year-olds students don’t tend to care as much about college as older, more… Read More
At college, I know a lot of people who label themselves as socialists. They think that socialism as an economic system would be ideal. But despite calling themselves socialists, I like refer… Read More