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ChatGPT Mega-Prompts for Bloggers (That I Personally Use)

Have you ever felt stuck in your blogging journey?

Are you wondering how AI can revolutionize your workflow?

You’re not alone.

This guide unleashes the power of ChatGPT prompts—tailored for bloggers eager to infuse AI into their creative process.

You’ll also discover tools to streamline research, brainstorming, writing, and more.

So, get ready to transform your blogging with AI.

My blog post writing workflow

In the realm of blog post creation, I view AI as a creative ally rather than a mere tool for automation.

This perspective stems from my understanding that quality content cannot be born from a single click.

You see, relying solely on AI tends to yield content that merely echoes the vast sea of existing online information it’s trained on!

To elevate my blog posts above mediocrity, I merge my unique insights with the prowess of AI, particularly through ChatGPT Plus with access to GPT-4. This blend ensures the content is not only original but resonates with depth and relevance.

The process begins with meticulous keyword research and audience analysis, delving into the specific challenges and intentions of my target readers.

Tools like Frase, Surfer SEO, or similar platforms aid in scraping the top search results to uncover the underlying pain points within my niche.

Additionally, Perplexity acts as a specialized search engine, allowing me to focus on discussions from Reddit to extract real-world issues being debated by my target readers.

With a comprehensive background analysis in hand, the next step involves crafting an outline.

While ChatGPT can generate a starting point, I prefer to construct my own, ensuring it aligns with my conceptual framework. This personalized outline serves as a blueprint for the blog post, guiding the AI in expanding each section methodically.

Prior to elaborating on each part, I engage in a dialogue with ChatGPT, sharing my insights through exploratory questions. This process allows for a seamless integration of my thoughts, lending a unique voice to the content.

To enhance the speed of my input, I utilize a Chrome extension called Whisper to ChatGPT. This tool enables voice-to-text functionality, allowing me to dictate my insights directly to ChatGPT with shocking accuracy.

Despite being an avid user—transcribing approximately 10 minutes of audio daily—my monthly expenditure on OpenAI’s Whisper service remains minimal, around $2.

This significantly amplifies the quality and originality of my blog posts!

By infusing my workflow with these tools and strategies, I ensure that each blog post achieves high-quality standards and embodies a fusion of human creativity and AI intelligence.

This approach not only distinguishes my content in a crowded digital landscape but also enriches the reader’s experience with human-powered insightful, well-researched, and engaging articles.

ChatGPT prompts to do blog post research

Having shared the intricacies of my writing workflow, it’s time to navigate the exciting world of blog post research.

But we’re not just talking about ordinary research here—we’re harnessing the power of ChatGPT prompts to do the heavy lifting.

This is where technology meets creativity, and the outcome is nothing short of revolutionary.

Let me explain this seamless process.

Blog post research

Starting a blog post? It’s all about the research.

Diving deep into your Topic and understanding the landscape, that’s what sets the stage for a killer post.

This ChatGPT prompt generates a research document for a blog post, covering the main keyword, semantic/LSI Keywords for SEO, target audience, pain problems from forums and other relevant platforms, competitor analysis, and search intent.

It’s useful for blog content strategists and market researchers to save time and create informative and engaging blog posts.

CONTEXT: You are a blog content strategist and a market researcher.

ACTION: Create a comprehensive research document for a blog post on the topic "[BLOG POST TOPIC]" so that we can prepare a comprehensive blog post outline based on it.

Here are the steps to follow (in order):
- Analyze the topic of the blog post.
- Provide the main keyword and 5-7 keywords to include in the article for SEO.
- Identify the target audience for the blog post.
- Research their pain problems related to the topic on forums, Reddit, and other relevant platforms.
- Research competitor content online usin g"Browse" feature to understand what they have already covered and what topical gaps exist in the topic.
- Analyze search intent to determine what people are searching for related to the topic.
- Synthesize the information gathered from the previous steps to develop unique angles on the topic.

The research document should have the following sections:
- Related keywords
- Target audience
- Specific pain problems and challenges with detailed explanations
- Topical gaps based on competitor analysis
- Search intent

The document should be well-formatted and structured and only contain the main output.

The output should be based on the inputs and context given below.

Inputs needed:

  • [BLOG POST TOPIC]: The topic of the blog post to be researched. For example: “The benefits of meditation”, “How to improve your credit score”, and “The best camera for vlogging”.
  • [TARGET AUDIENCE]: The target audience for the blog post.
  • [RELATED KEYWORDS]: Any specific keywords that need to be included.

Here are some tweaks you can make for the prompt:

  • Brainstorm potential headlines for the blog post: This can help the AI focus on the main message of the article and create a compelling title. For example: “Brainstorm 5-10 potential headlines for the blog post.”
  • Identify potential experts to quote in the article: Add depth and authority to the article. For example: “Identify 2-3 experts in the field who can provide quotes or insights for the article.”

Niche topic/keyword research

It’s time to dive into SEO niche research, pinpoint buzzing sub-niches, and conduct thorough keyword research.

There’s no need to get lost in search volumes – it’s all about relevance and targeting the right keywords.

Let’s use the below ChatGPT prompt for overlooked content gaps and optimize your blog strategy.

CONTEXT: You are an expert in niche blogging.

ACTION: Create an SEO niche research report for a blog on a specific niche. 

Niche: [NICHE]

Follow the steps below to achieve this:

1. Identify and list down the most popular sub-niches related to the given niche using topical modeling.
2. Conduct thorough keyword research for each sub-niche to identify the main keywords and related keywords under them using Google search data.

For each sub-niche, create a markdown table with main keywords and related keywords separated by commas. Do not include search volume. 

Finally, identify the sub-niches that have high demand for content but low supply of content and provide recommendations to prioritize blog content strategy accordingly.

ChatGPT doesn’t have access to Google search data. To perform keyword research using Google search data, you may need to use third-party ChatGPT plugins that come with this feature.

Inputs needed:

  • [NICHE]: The users can input the specific niche they want to generate an SEO niche research report for. For example, “vegan baking” or “condenser microphones”.

Here are some tweaks you can make for the prompt:

  • Modify the prompt to allow users to input multiple niches and generate a report that compares the keyword research for each.
  • Add an additional step to the prompt that requires AI to conduct research on the competitors and include this analysis in the report.

Related keywords generator (LSI + TF-IDF)

Next up, related keywords.

These are vital tools for improving your SEO strategy. They enhance your post’s relevance and visibility.

Using this prompt, content creators can optimize their blog posts using TF-IDF analysis, LSI keywords, and competitor analysis.

CONTEXT: You have a piece of blog post. Your goal is to create a Keyword Optimization Report for it considering both TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) and LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords.

- Generate a comprehensive list of TF-IDF keywords and LSI keywords by analyzing other high-ranking blog posts on similar topics. Use topical modeling if required.
- Determine how well our content is optimized for keywords by comparing the TF-IDF scores and LSI keyword density of our keywords with the average scores in other similar blog posts. Determine if our blog posts' optimization levels for each of the keywords is high, low or medium.
- Also, identify topical gaps and opportunities where our scores can be higher.

The report should be in the following format:

## TF-IDF keywords
Keyword 1: TF-IDF Score: [Score], Optimization Level: [Our Optimization Level]
Keyword 2: TF-IDF Score: [Score], Optimization Level: [Optimization Level]
Keyword 3: TF-IDF Score: [Score], Optimization Level: [Optimization Level]

Use bullets and sub-bullets to denote the hierarchy of sub-topics and keywords.

## LSI Keywords
Keyword 1: Optimization Level: [Optimization Level]
Keyword 2: Optimization Level: [Optimization Level]
Keyword 3: Optimization Level: [Optimization Level]

## Topical Gaps:
Based on the TF-IDF and LSI analysis, the following topical gaps were identified in the content:
Gap 1: Explanation
Gap 2: Explanation
Gap 3: Explanation

The report should be based on:
Blog topic: [BLOG TOPIC]
Blog post content: [PASTE THE BLOG POST URL]

Inputs needed:

  • [BLOG TOPIC]: The title of the blog post for which the keywords will be generated. For example, “The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing.”
  • [BLOG POST CONTENT]: This is the URL of the blog post you need to optimize.
  • [SCORE]: This refers to the TF-IDF score, which measures a keyword’s importance, like a high score for “vegan recipes” in a blog about veganism.
  • [OPTIMIZATION LEVEL]: This shows how well a keyword is used in the text. For example, “veganism” may have a high optimization level in a blog about plant-based diets.

Here are some tweaks you can make for the prompt:

  • Change topic modeling technique: Replace “LSI keywords” with, say, “LDA topics” for a different topic modeling algorithm.
  • Add keyword density analysis: Add a bullet point to analyze the keyword density of the blog post and suggest changes to improve it. For example, “Analyze the keyword density of the blog post and suggest changes to improve it.”
  • Add keyword intent analysis: Add a bullet point to analyze the intent behind the TF-IDF keywords and suggest changes to improve it. For example, “Analyze the intent behind the TF-IDF keywords and suggest changes to improve it.”

Create topical clusters

Now, we need to create topical clusters.

Topical clusters are a strategic approach to content creation, where you focus on a central theme and develop a series of related articles or blog posts around it.

This method not only streamlines your content production process but also boosts your site’s topical authority, enhancing SEO and reader engagement.

Generate a series of blog post ideas around [MAIN TOPIC] for [AUDIENCE]. Each idea should cater to different aspects of [MAIN TOPIC], aiming to cover a comprehensive range of subtopics. Ensure the ideas are interconnected, encouraging readers to explore more content within the cluster. Incorporate SEO-friendly keywords like [KEYWORDS] to strengthen the cluster’s visibility.

Inputs needed:

  • [MAIN TOPIC]: The central theme of your cluster.
  • [AUDIENCE]: The specific group of readers you’re targeting.
  • [KEYWORDS]: Relevant keywords that will help in SEO.

Here are some tweaks you can make for the prompt:

  • Adjust the [AUDIENCE] to target sub-niches within your main audience for more personalized content clusters.
  • Include a mix of content types (how-to guides, listicles, opinion pieces) within the [MAIN TOPIC] to diversify your cluster.
  • Incorporate current trends or recent studies related to [MAIN TOPIC] to keep the cluster timely and relevant.
  • Use the prompt to plan a content calendar, specifying publication frequency to maintain a consistent flow of related content.

ChatGPT prompts to brainstorm blog post headlines

Headlines: The make or break of your post.

They create the first impression for readers, so they need to be gripping.

Bloggers, copywriters, and content creators can use this prompt to create irresistible, SEO-friendly headlines that reel readers in.

The headlines can also include a given keyword at the front for SEO sake.

CONTEXT: You are a top copywriter and blogger. 

ACTION: Generate 10 SEO blog headlines using the given information. Use power words and strong adjectives that make headlines standout. Experiment with different headline formats such as lists, how-tos, questions, etc. to generate curiosity.

Keyword: [KEYWORD] 
Search intent: [SEARCH INTENT]

- Make sure headlines are witty and creative. 
- Ensure they are under 50 characters. Spaces count as characters.
- Headlines should be in title case.

Present the headlines in bullet points.

Inputs needed:

  • [KEYWORD]: The keyword that must be included in all of the generated headlines. For example, best coffee-makers.
  • [SEARCH INTENT]: By understanding the user’s search intent, AI can generate click-worthy headlines, driving web traffic and engagement.

Here are some tweaks you can make for the prompt:

  • Add a constraint: Add a constraint such as “include a question mark in one of the headlines” to encourage more creative thinking and generate more varied headlines.
  • Increase character limit: Increase the character limit from 55 to 70 or 80 characters to allow for more creative and descriptive headlines.
  • Competitor analysis: Research on the headlines used by competitors in the same industry or niche. Analyzing competitor headlines can help the AI generate more unique and creative headlines.
  • Reader pain points: The problems or pain points that the target audience is experiencing. Addressing these pain points in the headlines can help the AI generate more compelling and resonant headlines.

ChatGPT prompts to create blog post outlines

An engaging headline is only half the battle.

You also need a solid structure to keep your readers hooked.

That’s where this ChatGPT prompt for blog post outlines comes in. You can generate a comprehensive and detailed outline for a blog post on a given topic and for a specific audience.

Also, it provides a step-by-step guide to creating the outline and organizing subtopics in a logical order.

CONTEXT: You are a market researcher and a blogger specialized in [NICHE].

ACTION: Create a comprehensive and detailed blog post outline on the topic [BLOG POST TOPIC] for [AUDIENCE] to [INTENT]. The blog post length will be [WORD COUNT] words.

Please follow the sequence of steps:
- Determine the main sections for the outline and add them in subheadings.
- Under each section, list down the key points to discuss.
- Expand on each of the key points in sub-bullets to make the information more digestible.

SPECIFICATIONS: Your outline should be structured in an intuitive way, with each section building on the previous one.

Inputs needed:

  • [NICHE]: The niche in which the blogger should specialize. For example, “WordPress speed optimization.”
  • [BLOG POST TOPIC]: The user should input the specific topic they want to write about. For example, “10 tips for speeding up your WordPress website.”
  • [AUDIENCE]: Input the target audience for the blog post. For example, “website owners who want to improve their website speed and user experience.”
  • [INTENET]: The purpose of the blog post. For example, “provide actionable tips to help website owners optimize their WordPress website for speed.”
  • [WORD COUNT]: Desired word count for the blog post. For example, “2000 words.”

Here are some tweaks you can make for the prompt:

  • Unique subtopics can be included in the outline for better engagement with the audience
  • Recent trends in the niche
  • The most common pain points of the target audience
  • Alternative perspectives or viewpoints
  • Potential objections or concerns the target audience might have
  • Add sections for FAQs related to the topic and provide actionable tips
  • Switch up your outline style with a mind map or bullet point list. For example, “Create a comprehensive and detailed mind map.”

ChatGPT prompts to write blog posts

Now, we will shift our focus to creating engaging posts using ChatGPT prompts.

But hold on, we’re not talking about run-of-the-mill posts here.

We will create content that resonates deeply, informs profoundly, and captivates entirely.

Well, it’s a unique blend, combining the power of artificial intelligence with your distinct voice and ideas.

Let’s begin with setting tone of voice.

Setting tone of voice

Setting the right tone of voice is like selecting the perfect soundtrack for your movie – it sets the mood, guides the narrative, and makes the story uniquely yours.

This prompt guides you on using ChatGPT to analyze a sample paragraph from your writing, determine the tone, and apply it uniformly across various niches without bias.

Identifying the tone of voice in ChatGPT
"Analyze the tone of voice in the following paragraph: [PARAGRAPH]. Identify key characteristics such as formality, emotion, and engagement level. Based on the analysis, suggest how this tone can be adapted across different blog post formats and niches while maintaining brand consistency."

Inputs needed:

  • [PARAGRAPH]: A sample paragraph from your existing content for which it needs to detect the tone of voice.

Here are some tweaks you can make for the prompt:

  • Use the prompt to analyze multiple paragraphs from different posts to identify the most consistent tone elements across your content.
  • Modify the prompt to request strategies for subtly adjusting the tone for different audience segments while keeping the core tone intact.
  • Ask for examples of sentences that would fit the identified tone in various contexts, such as informational vs. persuasive content.
  • Request recommendations for language, syntax, and structure adjustments to align with the desired tone across diverse topics.

Blog intro generator

Now that we’ve set the stage with the right tone, it’s time to captivate your audience right from the get-go.

The intro is your hook, your bait. It’s what reels your readers in and keeps them on the line.

This prompt crafts a gripping blog intro that just does the job.

Blog intro generation using ChatGPT
CONTEXT: You are a blogger with strong copywriting skills and specialized in captivating people's attention with your introductions.

ACTION: Create 3 blog introductions on the given blog post topic that resonates with the target audience. 

The intro should hook readers' attention and encourage them to read the entire blog post. 

Capture the reader's interest from different angles using unique approaches.

- The introductions should be engaging.
- Use sentence fragments.
- Each intro should be less than 100 words in length.

Blog post topic: [BLOG POST TOPIC]
Target audience: [TARGET AUDIENCE]

Inputs needed:

  • [BLOG POST TOPIC]: The main topic of the blog post. Example: “5 Tips for Successful Remote Work”
  • [TARGET AUDIENCE]: The target audience for the blog post. Example: “Remote workers”

Here are some tweaks you can make for the prompt:

  • Competitor analysis: The analysis of competitors’ blog posts on similar topics. Example: “Competitor analysis shows that readers respond well to personal anecdotes.”
  • Change the structure: Example – “Start with a quote/statistic related to the topic”.
  • Use a metaphor or analogy: Use a metaphor or analogy to help readers understand the importance of the topic in a new way.
  • Use a provocative statement: Start the introduction with a bold or controversial statement that grabs readers’ attention. Example: “Most small businesses fail within the first five years. But it doesn’t have to be that way.”
  • Add a personal touch: Include a personal story or anecdote that relates to the topic. Example: “As a small business owner myself, I know firsthand the challenges of scaling a business.”

Outline to blog post

Now that you have hooked your reader with an engaging intro, it’s time to deliver value.

Here, your blog outline comes into play.

This prompt guides ChatGPT in crafting a blog post from a given outline. You supply the framework, and it delivers an engaging, neatly structured post.

Generating blog posting using chatGPT
CONTEXT: You are a skilled blogger and an expert in the niche - [NICHE].

ACTION: Write an engaging blog post of [WORD COUNT] words based on the following outline. 

The outline provides a high-level overview of the topic, but additional context is necessary to help readers understand the content. You should provide supplementary details, explanations, and examples to make the content more accessible.

- Write in a friendly and engaging tone as if you're talking to a friend. 
- Break up large paragraphs with line breaks and use sentence fragments to keep the text easy to read.
- The blog post should be well-organized with clear headings, subheadings, formatting, and bullet points where appropriate.
- Format the blog post in markdown.


Inputs needed:

  • [BLOG POST OUTLINE]: The outline for the blog post, with each section broken down into subtopics.
  • [NICHE]: The niche of the blog post. For example, “Online Productivity.”
  • [WORD COUNT]: The desired length of the blog post. For example, “1000 words.”

Here are some tweaks you can make for the prompt:

  • Provide common mistakes to avoid when writing a blog post on this topic
  • Include additional instructions for how to handle each section, from introducing subtopics to transitioning smoothly.

Blog post section expander

This is where things get exciting.

Expanding your particular blog section might seem challenging, but not with ChatGPT.

This prompt allows you to craft detailed blog sections, especially when tackling lengthy posts over 1000 words.

Generating a whole post in one shot is not advisable as it can compromise on quality.

But creating one section at a time? Now, that’s a smart move for top-notch results.

Blog post section expansion using ChatGPT
CONTEXT: You are a skilled blogger and an expert in the niche - [NICHE]. 

ACTION: You need to write content only for a specific section of the given blog post outline. Section to expand is given below. While it is important for you to write about this section, you should keep the overall structure and tone of the blog post in mind. 

Remember, your work is just one part of a larger whole, and it is important to ensure that your writing complements the rest of the post rather than detracting from it.

- The content generated should be detailed, comprehensive, actionable and well-organized with clear headings, and subheadings.
- Include bullet points to make the content easy to skim.
- Write in a friendly and engaging tone as if you're talking to a friend. 
- Break up large paragraphs with line breaks to keep the text easy to read.

The output should be based on the inputs and context given below.

Section to expand in the outline: [SECTION TO EXPAND]

Blog post outline: [PASTE THE BLOG POST OUTLINE]

Inputs needed:

  • [NICHE]: The niche of the blog post. For example, “Online Productivity.”
  • [SECTION TO EXPAND]: The specific section of the blog post outline that requires detailed content.
  • [BLOG POST OUTLINE]: So the section’s content complements the rest of the post rather than detracting from it.

Here are some tweaks you can make for the prompt:

  • Set a word count range to keep the content crisp and on point.
  • Incorporate essential keywords or phrases.

ChatGPT prompts for blog post editing

Just finished writing your blog post with ChatGPT?


But remember, every great piece of content needs a good polish.

This ChatGPT prompt can help you edit and refine your blog posts.

ChatGPT blog editing example
I have completed a draft of my blog post and I would appreciate your help in editing it. Please read the entire post and identify any areas where clarity could be improved. Please also highlight sections that could benefit from enhanced readability. Additionally, please point out any claims that need to be supported with research or statistics, and identify any inconsistencies in tone of voice.

Here are some tweaks you can make for the prompt:

  • Modify the prompt to include a specific audience, such as “Improve the content to make it more engaging and intuitive to read for beginners.”
  • Modify the prompt to target a specific tone, such as “Improve the content to make it more engaging and intuitive to read in a formal tone.”
  • Adding the desired word count as an input to the prompt enables you to control conciseness and generate content with the specified length, such as “1000 words” or “500 words.”
  • To generate content with a different level of detail, add the desired level of detail as input to the prompt. For example, adding a “high-level overview” or “detailed analysis” will result in different outputs.

Making the blog post data-driven

Now that your draft is ready, let’s make it data-driven.


Because data adds credibility to your claims and makes your post more compelling to readers.

This ChatGPT prompt can help us infuse relevant stats and facts into our content.

Based on the above article, please research and recommend statistics, research papers, and credible sources that provide supportive evidence for the claims made. Ensure the sources are current, authoritative, and relevant to the subject matter. Provide direct links to the resources or detailed citations for inclusion in the article.

Here are some tweaks you can make for the prompt:

  • If you need the most recent statistics, specify the time frame. For instance, ask for data from the last five years.
  • If your article targets a specific region, mention it. Data can differ significantly based on geography.
  • If you prefer certain types of sources (e.g., academic journals, government reports), make sure to mention them.

Competitor content gap analysis

Ever wondered what makes your competitors’ content stand out?

Then, do a content gap analysis and find out what you’re missing.

It involves scrutinizing your competitors’ content to uncover topics or angles they might have missed.

This prompt not only highlights opportunities to differentiate your content but also enhances its value by covering overlooked aspects, thereby improving your SEO and reader engagement.

Conduct a competitor content gap analysis for [YOUR BLOG POST URL] against the following competitor URLs: [COMPETITOR URL 1], [COMPETITOR URL 2], [COMPETITOR URL 3]. Identify topics, entities, and keywords covered by competitors but not in our content. Suggest ways to incorporate these findings into our blog post to fill the gaps, ensuring a more comprehensive and competitive piece.

Inputs needed:

  • [YOUR BLOG POST URL]: The URL of your blog post.
  • [COMPETITOR URL 1], [COMPETITOR URL 2], [COMPETITOR URL 3]: URLs of competitor blog posts for comparison.

Here are some tweaks you can make for the prompt:

  • Extend the analysis by including more competitor URLs to ensure a broader data set for a more thorough gap analysis.
  • Modify the prompt to focus on specific sections of your blog post for a detailed gap analysis in parts rather than the entire content.
  • Ask for suggestions on unique angles or perspectives to cover the identified gaps, aiming to add unique value beyond just filling in topics.

Blog editing – Improve the content structure

Great, now we know what’s missing.

But a blog post is more than just content; it’s how you present it.

It’s imperative to address the issue of disorganized or lengthy information that can be hard for readers to follow.

Let’s use this ChatGPT prompt to arrange our thoughts better and make our posts more logical and reader-friendly.

Edit the blog post below to make it more logical and easy to follow. To achieve this, consider implementing the following:

- Use headings and subheadings to guide the reader.
- Break longer sections into smaller, more digestible chunks.
- Ensure that each section has a clear focus and that there is a logical flow to the overall structure.
- Use bullet points or numbered lists to help organize information and make it easier to read.

Inputs needed:

  • [CONTENT]: A block of text that needs restructuring

Here are some tweaks you can make for the prompt:

  • What are the main points the writer is trying to convey?
  • Who is the intended audience, and what are their pain points?
  • Adjust the tone of the content to make it more engaging or authoritative. For example, inject some humor to make the content more entertaining and memorable.
  • Add a specific problem or challenge to the prompt, such as “restructure this content to make it more engaging for a bored audience.”

Blog editing – Increase content’s value density

We’ve got structure, we’ve got data, but how about value?

We need to squeeze more value out of every paragraph.

This prompt is all about concise writing – delivering high-value content in fewer words.

It’s ideal for fields like social media or advertising, where attention spans are shorter. Let’s rewrite without losing detail or value.

Rewrite the given blog post in a concise and engaging manner while retaining all the details. Retaining details is crucial. Preserve the structure, headings, and formatting. Add line breaks to make the content easy to skim.

Content to rewrite:


Inputs needed:The text that needs to be rewritten with high-value density and attention to detail.

Here are some tweaks you can make for the prompt:

  • For quality output, the AI needs context. For example, rewriting a medical paper requires medical knowledge for accuracy and conciseness.
  • To adjust the content depth, we can input “high-level overview” or “detailed analysis”.
  • You can also specify word count to control content length, creating concise pieces of 500 or 1000 words.

Blog editing – Spice up boring content

Almost done!

But before we wrap up, let’s add some flavor.

Boring content turns off readers.

This prompt enhances content by favoring short sentences, aiding content creators in making their writing more reader-friendly.

Improve the blog post to make it more witty and engaging. Use shorter sentences. Preserve the structure of the blog post.

At the end, list the improvements made to the blog post.

Content to improve: [PASTE IN CONTENT TO IMPROVE]

Inputs needed:

  • [PASTE IN CONTENT TO IMPROVE]: You need to provide the content that needs to be improved.

Here are some tweaks you can make for the prompt:

  • Modify the prompt to include a specific audience, such as “Improve the content to make it more engaging and intuitive to read for beginners.”
  • You can target a specific tone, such as “Improve the content to make it more engaging and intuitive to read in a formal tone.”
  • Modify the prompt to focus on a specific type of content, such as “Improve the landing page to make it more engaging and intuitive to read.”

ChatGPT prompt for blog post repurposing

You are a content creator tasked with repurposing existing content to engage a new audience.

Using the inputs above, analyze [EXISTING CONTENT] and think about how it can achieve [GOAL] in [TARGET CONTENT TYPE]'s format. Then, repurpose [EXISTING CONTENT] which is [EXISTING CONTENT TYPE] into [TARGET CONTENT TYPE], retaining the main points and ideas of the original content but presenting it in a fresh and engaging way.

Remember to consider any relevant keywords, formatting, and platform-specific requirements when repurposing the content.

Inputs needed:

  • [TARGET CONTENT TYPE]: The user must specify the type of content they want to create. For instance, they can choose to repurpose their blog post into a social media post, a video script, or a podcast episode.
  • [GOAL]: The user must specify the goal of the repurposed content. For example, they can aim to increase engagement, drive traffic, or promote their brand.
  • [EXISTING CONTENT TYPE]: The user must specify the type of content they already have that needs to be repurposed. For instance, they can choose to repurpose their blog posts.
  • [EXISTING CONTENT]: The prompt requires users to input existing content that they want to repurpose. For example, the user can input a blog post, a podcast episode, or a video.

Here are some tweaks you can make for the prompt:

  • Add a call-to-action: Users can add a call-to-action for the repurposed content. For example, they can ask their audience to share the post or visit their website.

ChatGPT prompt for blog post upgradation

This prompt generates a content upgradation report to upgrade our existing blog post for more freshness and comprehensiveness by doing a topical gap analysis of competitor content.

CONTEXT: You are an SEO specialist and an expert niche blogger. We need to upgrade our existing content.

ACTION: Create a content upgradation report to help us upgrade the existing content for more freshness and comprehensiveness.

Blog post to upgrade - [INSERT BLOG POST URL]

Follow these steps:
- Review the existing content and identify specific actionable suggestions to optimize it for more accuracy, valuable content, and cohesiveness.
- Conduct a comprehensive TF-IDF analysis to identify any topical gaps in the existing content compared to other similar top-ranking blog posts on the internet.
- Research and gather relevant information related to the identified topical gaps.
- Analyze how to strategically integrate newly identified topics into the content by enhancing the existing sections or introducing new sections that specifically address the identified topical gaps.

Here are some TF-IDF keywords I've identified that are missing in the blog post.


The research document should have the following sections:
- Specific and contextual suggestions on optimizing existing content.
- Topical gaps (including explanation, incorporation strategies, etc.)
- New sections to add in the content.

The document should be well-formatted and structured with subheadings and only contain the main output.

The output should be based on the inputs and context given below.

Inputs needed:

  • [EXISTING CONTENT]: The content that needs to be upgraded by incorporating relevant TF-IDF topical gaps.
  • [ADDITIONAL RESEARCH AND DATA]: Additional information, insights, and data related to the identified topical gaps gathered through thorough research from reputable sources, industry publications, competitor content, and expert opinions.
  • [NEW KEYWORDS AND TOPICS]: Identified relevant keywords and topics that need to be incorporated into the content strategically.
  • [NEW SECTIONS OR SUBHEADINGS]: New sections or subheadings that address the identified topical gaps.

SEO optimization

Now, let’s shift gears to SEO optimization.

It’s the key strategy to increasing the visibility of your content.

With the right prompt, you can steer AI to optimize your content for search engines.

Let’s dive into how you can make this happen.

Meta description and title tag creation

Generate SEO-optimized meta descriptions and title tags for [BLOG POST URL] using [PRIMARY KEYWORD] and [SECONDARY KEYWORDS]. Ensure the meta description is compelling and accurately summarizes the blog post, while the title tag is attention-grabbing and optimized for search engines.


  • [BLOG POST URL]: The URL of your blog post.
  • [PRIMARY KEYWORD]: The main focus of your content, for instance, “Vegan Dessert Recipes” in a post about plant-based desserts.
  • [SECONDARY KEYWORDS]: Additional search terms related to the main topic, like “dairy-free sweets” or “healthy vegan treats” for a post about Vegan Dessert Recipes.

Here are some tweaks you can make for the prompt:

  1. Test different emotional appeals: Experiment with varying emotional triggers in your title tags and meta descriptions (e.g., curiosity, fear, happiness) to see what resonates best with your target audience.
  2. Incorporate questions: Use questions in your title tags and meta descriptions that your target audience might be asking to increase click-through rates (CTRs).
  3. Use action verbs: Start your title tags and meta descriptions with action verbs to inspire action and make your content stand out in search results.

SEO optimization of existing content

Analyze [BLOG POST URL] for SEO keyword optimization. Suggest primary and secondary keywords that should be included based on current search trends and the target audience's search behavior. Provide recommendations for naturally integrating these keywords into the content without compromising readability.

Here are some tweaks you can make for the prompt:

  • Optimize for featured snippets: Structure your content to target featured snippets by including concise answers to common questions, bullet lists, and tables.
  • Incorporate voice search keywords: Adjust the prompt to optimize your content for voice search by including long-tail, conversational keywords that people are likely to use when speaking to devices.
  • Refresh outdated references and links: Update or remove broken links and outdated references, replacing them with current and relevant resources to boost the credibility and SEO value of your content.

Internal linking strategy

Identify opportunities for internal linking within [BLOG POST URL]. Suggest relevant blog posts from the website that can be linked to and from this article (Sitemap: [SITEMAP URL]), enhancing the site's SEO structure and providing value to the reader by offering additional information.

Let ChatGPT access your sitemap page, usually located at, to identify all the blog posts on your website. It will then compare them to the current blog post you are interested in and provide suggestions for internal linking.


To wrap up, this blog post has provided a range of prompts to help bloggers infuse AI into their writing process.

These prompts serve as valuable starting points, enabling you to harness the power of AI in your content creation.

However, it’s pretty important to learn how to prompt AI effectively.

By providing concise and specific instructions, you can ensure that AI understands and executes the tasks you intend it to do.

Moreover, it is not solely about promoting; getting good content also involves providing insights that the AI should incorporate into the blog post with clear articulation.

Bookmark this blog post for future reference, and do explore the possibilities AI brings to your blogging workflow!

The post ChatGPT Mega-Prompts for Bloggers (That I Personally Use) appeared first on BloggingX.

This post first appeared on GoBloggingTips - Blogging On The Go, please read the originial post: here

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ChatGPT Mega-Prompts for Bloggers (That I Personally Use)


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