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Spanish equality minister to pay €18,000 after accusing man of abuse without proof

Spanish Equality Minister To Pay €18,000 After Accusing Man Of Abuse Without Proof

Spain's Equality Minister, Irene Montero, has been ordered by the Supreme Court to pay €18,000 in compensation to Rafael Marcos, after publicly portraying him as an "abuser" without legal basis. Montero made the accusations during a speech in 2020 and on her Twitter account. Marcos, the ex-husband of María Sevilla, the former president of Infancia Libre, sued Montero for violating his "right to honour" after Sevilla abducted their son and was convicted of child abduction. The court ruled that there was no evidence that Marcos was guilty of domestic violence or sexual abuse against his son.

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Spanish equality minister to pay €18,000 after accusing man of abuse without proof
