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Animation Case Study: UNHCR Nansen Refugee Awards

Animation Case Study: UNHCR Nansen Refugee Awards

We are lucky enough to get to produce all sorts of work for all sorts of causes around the world. Every so often we get to work on a project which really hits us and reminds us just how powerful the medium we work with is. Our latest work for the UNHCR Nansen Refugee Awards is just such a project.

The UNHCR Nansen Refugee Awards, recognise individuals, groups and organisations who have gone above and beyond to protect refugees, displaced and stateless people.

Live action profiles were usually played at the awards to celebrate each winner, however due to the challenges of filming during Covid-19 the UNHCR approached us to help produce impactful films in a Covid friendly way.

This post first appeared on Casual Films Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Animation Case Study: UNHCR Nansen Refugee Awards
