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Java Code Geeks Blog
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2018-01-25 17:00
Ever wondered how to version a release of your software? Ever looked around at the software you’re using and asked what their approach is, or whether you should use it? Have you ever b… Read More
2018-01-25 14:00
Some people have spoken against Kotlin’s decision to make classes, methods, etc. public by default (when no visibility modifier is used), and I would just like to pitch in on why I thi… Read More
2018-01-25 11:00
I wanted to write this article for some time now, but I wasn’t sure if it’s such a spread phenomenon or maybe just my experience. This tweet made me decide to write it. I think t… Read More
2018-01-25 08:00
If you have been programming in Java long enough, chances are you needed to generate reports for business users. In my case, I’ve seen several projects use JasperReports® Library t… Read More
2018-01-23 17:00
There are many scenarios where you might want to have more that one version of a bean and use it for different purposes. The typical justification for an alternative bean is for testing purp… Read More
2018-01-23 14:00
To configure your Java EE application to communicate over HTTPS requires a few lines of XML in the web.xml file. The web.xml file is located in the WEB-INF directory of your project and is u… Read More
2018-01-23 11:00
Last year I joined a project that was taken over from another software house that failed to satisfy client demands. As you can probably tell there were many things that could and should be i… Read More
2018-01-23 05:00
Nearly two months ago, Stuart Marks wrote, “Immutability is like wine.” He then reminded readers of Schopenhauer’s Law of Entropy: “If you put a spoonful of wine in a… Read More
2018-01-22 17:00
In the last blog post we discovered EnumMaps for mappings with enum keys. You might have observed that there is also a specialized Set that is optimized for enums: EnumSet. We again define a… Read More
2018-01-22 14:00
Here’s a type that has been around in the JDK for a while and that comes in handy when we want to define maps with enum types as keys: An EnumMap is a such as specialized Map. We&rsquo&hell…Read More
2018-01-19 11:00
InfluxDB is a popular time series database and I am here to show you how to query it. It uses a SQL-like (or to be totally honest, an “almost-SQL”) language. SELECT * FROM "foods… Read More
2018-01-18 17:00
Very often new programmers who join our projects ask us whether we have auto-formatting instruments to make Java code look exactly the way Qulice expects. (Qulice is the static analyzer we u… Read More
2018-01-17 17:00
There was an excellent stackoverflow blog post last week about the “Brutal Lifecycle of Javascript Frameworks”. The article was about the speed at which Javascript UI frameworks(… Read More
2018-01-17 14:00
Jetbrains MPS is a wonderful tool to create DSLs. We love it and use it regularly in our consultancy work. So we have written about Jetbrains MPS before. Being a projectional editor allows y… Read More
2018-01-16 17:00
We all know that exercise is good for us, members of the species Homo Sapiens Sitonourasses. And yet most of us don’t do enough of it. The same is true for Test-Driven Development (TDD… Read More
2018-01-16 14:00
Java 8‘s introduction of streams and useful static/default methods on the Comparator interface make it easy to compare two objects based on individual fields’ values without need… Read More
2018-01-15 05:00
Discover faster, more efficient performance monitoring with an enterprise APM product learning from your apps. Take the AppDynamics APM Guided Tour! Read more about the challenges posed by t… Read More
2018-01-12 17:00
1. Introduction If we think about the areas of software engineering where the impact of the Docker and container-based virtualization is most noticeable, testing and test automation is certa… Read More
2018-01-12 14:00
I have run into the situation several times where it is desirable to store multiple objects in a Map instead of a Set or List because there are some advantages from using a Map of unique ide… Read More
2018-01-11 23:00
What is the fastest way to read a getter from a Java class without knowing the class at compilation time? Java frameworks often do this. A lot. And it can directly influence their performanc… Read More
2018-01-11 20:00
Several years ago, I published the blog post “The Highly Useful Java TimeUnit Enum” that looked at the TimeUnit enum introduced with JDK 5. JDK 8 introduced a newer enum, ChronoU… Read More
2018-01-11 17:00
Abstract This is a quick reference for bootstrapping CDI 2.0 in a Java SE application. CDI 2.0 (JSR 365) Maven Dependency weld-se-core 3.0.2.Final beans.xml File location i… Read More
2018-01-11 14:06
Wiring and Finding Java has a ServiceLoader class for long time. It was introduced in 1.6 but a similar technology was in use since around Java 1.2. Some software components used it, but the… Read More
2018-01-10 14:00
In software engineering a design pattern is a guideline for solving commonly-seen problems in software design. While design patterns for software engineering and development are widely used… Read More
2018-01-10 11:00
Product discovery refers to the activities required to determine if and why a product should be developed. Carrying out this work makes it more likely to create a product users actually want… Read More
2018-01-09 14:00
When you are using JSON Web Token (JWT), or any other token technology that requires to sign or encrypt payload information, it is important to set an expiration date to the token, so i… Read More
2018-01-09 11:00
A colleague asked my opinion on the various teambuilding activities she was considering for a new-to-agile team, to help them get to know each other and work together. All the activities she… Read More
2018-01-08 17:00
A while back I wrote why sometimes Agile will fail.  In this post, I will focus on the specific misunderstandings of Agile values. When people ask if you’re Agile, they basically… Read More
2018-01-08 14:00
This is one of the most common debates out there. Most people have their opinion about this topic and nobody can actually tell which one is correct. Neither can I, of course, but nevertheles… Read More
2018-01-05 14:00
Abstract This is a quick reference for JDBC connections for common databases. I seem to have to lookup this information a lot, so I figured it be good to have a reference all in one place. … Read More
2018-01-04 14:00
A native cloud application is an application that is developed for a cloud computing environment. There is no specific answer to the question ” what is a cloud-native applica… Read More
2018-01-04 11:00
Picocli 2.0 adds improved support for other JVM languages, especially Groovy. Why use picocli when the Groovy language has built-in CLI support with the CliBuilder class? You may like picocl… Read More
2018-01-04 08:00
Introduction Picocli is a one-file command line parsing framework that allows you to create command line applications with almost no code. Annotate fields in your application with @Option or… Read More
2018-01-04 05:00
In a world of numerous programming trends, companies are starting to boast about how they’re becoming “cloud native.” This declaration might seem full of hot air and preten… Read More
2018-01-03 14:00
Introduction Data models can be tricky. Modelling can be even harder. Sometimes information that should go into a database table isn’t necessarily what we want to go out to every piece… Read More
2018-01-03 11:00
Twenty years ago in a Zurich apartment two momentous things happened. My daughter took her first steps and a young post doctoral researcher (her dad) took his first steps with Java.  It… Read More
2018-01-03 08:00
To many Java 9 may seem to be a maintenance release that pushes forward project Jigsaw that couldn’t make it in Java 8. But along with the new module system in the JDK and a number of… Read More
2018-01-03 05:00
Depending on various projects, sometimes there is the need to execute some actions on initialization just before our application starts to serve requests. It was a common practice to call th… Read More
2018-01-02 23:01
Implementing unit tests with maven is something ordinary and most of us are familiar with the project structure and where the unit tests reside. However Integration tests are a different cas… Read More
2018-01-02 20:00
In Java EE, exceptions that are raised during the execution of a transactional business method cause the transaction to rollback. However, this is only the case for system exceptions, that i… Read More
2018-01-02 17:00
AssertJ is an alternative matching library to the widely used Hamcrest matchers. For my own projects I in fact have changed to solely use AssertJ — I just find the fluid… Read More
2018-01-02 14:00
It is very simple to write a Tuple type with the expressiveness of Kotlin. My objective expressed in tests is the following: 1. Be able to define a Tuple of up to 5 elements and be… Read More
2017-12-31 13:00
Hello fellow geeks! 2017 is coming to its end and the new year is just around the corner! This has been again an amazing year for Java and Java Code Geeks. Our community continues to grow an… Read More
2017-12-29 17:00
How do you define the quality of a software product? There is definitely an intrinsic emotional component to it, which means satisfaction for the user, willingness to pay, appreciation, posi… Read More
2017-12-29 14:00
A JEP draft has been created with the title, “Switch Expressions for the Java Language.” The current “Summary” states, “Extend the switch statement so that it c… Read More
2017-12-28 17:00
Previously, I wrote about the Optional class that was introduced in Java 8 to model potentially absent values and reduce the number of places where a NullPointerException could be thrown. Ja… Read More
2017-12-28 14:00
Java 9 adds 4 new methods to the Stream interface: 1. dropWhile The dropWhile method is similar to the skip method but uses a Predicate instead of a fixed integer value. It drops elements fr… Read More
2017-12-28 11:00
JShell is a new tool introduced in Java 9 that evaluates Java statements entered on the command line. It is the first offical REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print Loop) implementation for the Java plat… Read More
2017-12-28 08:00
In JCache there is a handy functionality that transparently caches the result of methods. You can annotate methods of managed beans with @CacheResult and the result of the first call will be… Read More

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