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Joystory Blog

On Reading, Writing, Thinking and Being in the 21st century, making the personal political and the political personal
My Brain On Books XXXVI
   I am reading for The Office of Letters and Lights the folks who bring us NaNoWriMo today as I love what they are doing for literacy with their Young Writer's… Read More
Fears, Frailty, Falls And Fractures
Mom Summer 2023age 91Dropping in for a quick note to explain why I disappeared for a week just as it began to seem I'd established a nice rhythm.  One that had held in spite of my falli… Read More
Breaking The Ice -- Sunday Serenity
Hat Crocheted with Ice PicassoWhen I finally had my crochet corner back in order Friday night, I needed to crochet to test drive it but the several projects that were active when I was so ru… Read More
Stick A Pin In It
Pincushion MugThis pincushion in a mug was one of the items I bought at a artisan booth at the Highland Festival I attended last August and wrote about in my post, Jazzed.  I'm posting… Read More
Storyworld Go Bag
UprightSeveral times since the late 1980s when I first conceived the concept of the storyworld I call Fruits of the Spirit, I've lost much and once most of all of the related materials in a… Read More
Sweet Simplicity -- Sunday Serenity
Fingerfood for Read-a-ThonsToday, for the moment anyway, I'm holding this weekend's read-a-thon as a triumph rather than a fail.  I only made it fifteen of the twenty-four hours as I co… Read More
My Brain On Books XXXV
   I am reading for The Office of Letters and Lights the folks who bring us NaNoWriMo today as I love what they are doing for literacy with their Young Writer's… Read More
To Be--or Not To Be--a Wrimo Rebel.
35 Years, a Million Words and No End In Sight NaNo kickoff is closing in and I'm not ready to commit to a new story in my storyworld.  Oh, there are possibilities that tempt me--se… Read More
Feeling Eclipsed -- Sunday Serenity
Swallowed by Shadows or Floundering in FireMy mood has been off all weekend and possibly since as early as Thursday evening.  But I noticed it sinking on Friday afternoon and it kept on… Read More
Cloud Sitting -- Sunday Serenity
Back in My HavenBack in early August I had to switch the beanbag/mini-tramp with the table beside it in order to pass an inspection to avoid eviction.  I had to move the cooler over to… Read More
The Game Of Shame - ROW80 Check-In
A Round of Words in 80 DaysRound 3 2023The writing challenge that knows you have a lifeShame was the main game we played in my home, in my church, in my classrooms, on my playgrounds.&n… Read More
Puzzle On This - ROW80 Check-In
    A Round of Words in 80 DaysRound 3 2023The writing challenge that knows you have a lifeThings in terms of the goals are still about where they were the last two… Read More
Wake Up Call - ROW80 Check-in
  A Round of Words in 80 DaysRound 3 2023The writing challenge that knows you have a lifeWith a timeline like this it is hard not to see self-sabotage or a very unserious inte… Read More
Holding Fast - ROW80 Check-In
A Round of Words in 80 DaysRound 3 2023The writing challenge that knows you have a lifeAbbie Emmons MotivationalI thought I would 'cheat' a bit with this post and save time by not tryin… Read More
Holding Steady - ROW80 Check In
A Round of Words in 80 DaysRound 3 2023The writing challenge that knows you have a lifeI think I broke my insight machine.  The last two weeks and thus for most of the check ins th… Read More
Giving Myself Kudos - ROW80 Check-In
A Round of Words in 80 DaysRound 3 2023The writing challenge that knows you have a lifeI am at the moment managing to fight my natural inclination to see failure at one part as failure… Read More
My Reading Mojo Is Back
Library LustAlong with my writing mojo, I've got my reading mojo back this year.  On the last day of June I tallied up all the books I'd finished on all my devices since the first of th… Read More
Giving Myself Grace -- ROW80 Check-In
A Round of Words in 80 DaysRound 3 2023The writing challenge that knows you have a lifeI didn't readjust my goals after the fallout from last week's fall.  But I did readjust my ex… Read More
Falling Short -- ROW80 Check-In
A Round of Words in 80 DaysRound 3 2023The writing challenge that knows you have a lifeI may have to reevaluate my goals.  I am currently trying to decide whether I over-estimated… Read More
My Brain On Books XXXIII
  I am reading for The Office of Letters and Lights the folks who bring us NaNoWriMo today as I love what they are doing for literacy with their Young Writer's… Read More
My Brain On Books XXXII
  I am reading for The Office of Letters and Lights the folks who bring us NaNoWriMo today as I love what they are doing for literacy with their Young Writer's… Read More
ROW80 Round 2 2022 Check-In
A Round of Words in 80 DaysRound 2 2022The writing challenge that knows you have a lifeSince the last time I made a goal post many things have changed in my life circumstances.  I… Read More
Sunday Serenity - More Story Joy
My DVD ShelvesThe read-a-thon was supposed to end at 5am for me but I read on until 7:30 trying to finish that novel I spent more than twelve hours with during the thon.  I woke up afte… Read More
My Brain On Books XXXI
  I am reading for The Office of Letters and Lights the folks who bring us NaNoWriMo today as I love what they are doing for literacy with their Young Writer's… Read More
Of Flux And Fuss And Frustrations
Over 50K in a memoirBack again after long hiatus.  Recent events give me hope I might be back on a regular basis.I just spent the month of April participating in Camp NaNoWriMo and… Read More
My Salmon Platter Birthday Dinner
This is just a stub post.  I'm going to sit down and eat this before I tell the story of how I made for myself for the first time the 'special occassion' dinner that Ed used to make for… Read More
My Brain On Books XXX
I am reading for The Office of Letters and Lights the folks who bring us NaNoWriMo today as I love what they are doing for literacy with their Young Writer's Programs and… Read More
Writing StationBy placing my blue tray table with laptop between the white tray table and the white drawer on the couch I created a 'desk' that is a little wider than my spread out arms.&nbs… Read More
Sweaterless Sleeves
Sweaterless Sleeves We've all heard of the sleeveless sweater but did you ever consider the sweaterless sleeve as being a thing?  A useful thing at that?Well it had never occurred… Read More
My Happy Place Became My Wallowing PlaceAfter encountering some grief grenades last week followed up by heat whammies and exacerbated by incipient blisters across the bottoms of both feet fo… Read More
My Brain On Books XXIX
I am reading for The Office of Letters and Lights the folks who bring us NaNoWriMo today as I love what they are doing for literacy with their Young Writer's Programs and… Read More
Playing Musical Places
The Bed Alcoveshowing the back wall cleared for the shelves and the table moved in for the buildThe last ten days has been a hectic blur of shifting stuff from one place to another.  At… Read More
In Place/Out Of Place
The Microwave and Toaster Oven are Now In PlaceThanks to my caregiver yesterday afternoon we unboxed and set up the toaster oven and microwave.  This afternoon I got Ed's knives placed… Read More
Multiplying Happy Places
Mini Tramp In Front of the Front WindowThe latest happy place created is making room for my tramp in front of the front window.  It matters what I'm looking at when using the tramp and… Read More
My Happy Place Saturday NoonFeaturing the Portable Desk I Unboxed Late Friday EveningI took this view of the bed alcove early afternoon on Saturday as part of a series of photos showing the… Read More
Stuffing My Place
Closing in on my first 24 hours alone in my new place.  Above are a few of the new things I acquired in the weeks since I learned I was next in line for placement.  I broke them ou… Read More
Findiing My Place
Walking towards the front door of the efficiency unit duplex I was being shown for my approval nearly a month ago.  I approved.  This week I'm moving in.The window on the left is t… Read More
My Brain On Books XXVIII
I am reading for The Office of Letters and Lights the folks who bring us NaNoWriMo today as I love what they are doing for literacy with their Young Writer's Programs and… Read More
Dis wut missgn u feelz lykAfter over a week maintaining a fairly stable mood with the grieving on a slow simmer and the tears playing peek-a-boo for a few minutes a few times per day, I had… Read More
Bedwriting #ROW80 #NaNoWriMo
Bedwriting-- will soaks yu in streamz of consuchasHave had a fairly calm week.  I'm sure that has much to do with having put a very high priority on sleep.  I'm almost starting to… Read More
Coping Schemes #ROW80 #NaNoWriMo
When what you want is hopelessly beyond your reach Learn to want something elseThe last three days have been much calmer than the three culminating in the wee hours of Monday morning as I wa… Read More
Happy Friday The 13th Birthday
Happy Birthday Song - Puddles Pity Party So it's the first birthday without Ed. Well, I knew this would be one of the difficult milestones but so far it's not as bad as I'd expecte… Read More
Hurt Fixes - #ROW80 #NaNoWriMo
Hurt covered by Puddles Pity PartyI discovered Puddles Pity Party over the weekend and have become addicted to him. It isn't enough to just listen.  Otherwise I could listen to the song… Read More
 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Victory Speeches This has been the roughest week yet to muddle through.  Yes even rougher than the 12 days I spent cleaning and packing up Ed's ap… Read More
Wiped - #ROW80 #NaNoWriMo
Dish Drainer and SinkHaving spent the last twelve days wiping surfaces along with moving, sorting and packing stuff--all while grieving the loss of the husband who made the mess and owned th… Read More
My Brain On Books XXVII
I am reading for The Office of Letters and Lights the folks who bring us NaNoWriMo today as I love what they are doing for literacy with their Young Writer's Programs and… Read More
Folding Up
Ed's Clothes Pile.4ft from front edge to back of closet3.5 between closet doors16 to 18 inches deep.Today I tackled Ed's clothes.  I spent hours at it and I've barely put a dent in it… Read More
Just Look At This Mess!
Standing in the doorway facing the long wall between the hall and the kitchenI chickened out spending the night. The mess was worse than I imagined and I have a good imagination with past ex… Read More
Shadows Of Our Former Us
Shadows of Our Former UsTaken at the lake March 2016 the week Ed moved to Longview After 3 years separated by 300 miles.Blinded by a big happy.Today I'm finally getting access to Ed's a… Read More
Say Me Else I Shall Not Be
Say Me Else I Shall Not BebyJoy RneeWords gone astrayGone awayGoneWords gone missingStolen awayGoneWords gone southGone out of my mouthGoneGone out of my mindWordless I wail,Words! Oh my wor… Read More
A Sad So Big- ROW80 - Preptober
iz gonna haz a boo kwissmus wifowt UI woke up Monday morning before dawn after less than seven hours of sleep and in spite of having taken a double dose of the Trazadone as I lay down hoping… Read More
BedwritingI haven't yet started the writing portion of my goals or the scavenger hunts in my files but I've done fairly well on the other aspects.  My primary focus has been on prepping… Read More
Sunday Serenity - Write Noise - ROW80
Surf Breaking on Sand and RockWhite Noise to Write Byor Read...or Sleep...or Muse... Last Sunday's check-in was the first one this round that I got a 'satisfactory' or better on all the… Read More
This is my first attempt at making a six foot scarf.  My specialty over the last several years has been skinny scarves that hang no further than the collar bone and won't wrap around.&n… Read More