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Deb Ludford Blog

A peek into our lives at home and away in our caravan travelling the Uk and Europe
The Netherlands Part 3
Just over a two hour drive back to the site we started on last week. This is our fourth stay here, it’s a nice site, perfect for the beach, cycling and sightseeing. We set up very quic… Read More
The Netherlands Part 2
Bit of a lazy start this morning. We’ve got till 12pm to depart so we do a slow pack up even going to the trouble of unpacking the kettle to brew up part way through. The motor mover c… Read More
Still in The Netherlands, we woke to a hazy world with a BBC promise of less than a 40% chance of light showers over lunchtime. Forever the optimist, and the fact that I was about to put on… Read More
On a cold, wet, windy, autumn morning in June, we loaded the car, hoisted the tandem onto the roof and hitched the caravan onto the back. It’s been 11 months since we last took the car… Read More
Burrs Country Park
We’ve been home for a week, just long enough to do the washing and lull the cat into a false sense of security, thinking we are back and it’s time to hit the road again. Going ho… Read More
The journey into Belgium was, thankfully, uneventful. The area we are staying in is a little more built up than the site in The Netherlands. Driving down someone’s front street in a fo… Read More
If it’s The Boss writing it is bound to feature cycling… groan. To be fair, the back story is odd enough that I might persuade you to read a little further. Long story short… Read More
Sunday afternoon was forecast the heavy storms that the UK had seen the day before. Another lazy start as that’s what happens on holiday, The Boss was lazy too and rode 40 miles, so we… Read More
An Afternoon In Sluis
A really lazy start to the day for me. The Boss was up and pedalling early doors, he had a fixed car to collect 20 miles away so set off on his road bike in his civvies and normal shoes &lsq… Read More
After the car fiasco yesterday, we slept better than we’ve slept in a long time. Good old Red Pennant, have been better than we could have hoped for. The car was towed away to a local… Read More
Day One … What Could Go Wrong?
Alarm clock set for ridiculous o’clock, haven’t had to set an alarm since our last shift in work in November last year. Never mind, this time it’s because we are off on the… Read More
The weather has been cracking the flags for the last few weeks and true to form just as we decide to take the caravan out the forecast turns wet. Luckily, day by day as our arrival date gets… Read More
2022, Better Late Than Never…
A bit late in writing this but with a complete lack of caravanning this year it seemed a bit pointless writing as 2022 drew to a close. I say a complete lack of caravanning, that bit is a… Read More
Heading into our tenth week here at Burrs Country Park. The season is racing by at a speed of knots that I’m finding hard to keep up with. A lady on site said hello today, she said the… Read More
Manchester! Back To The Future.
Been on site nearly a week now, we’re all set up and back to work. Our day off happened to fall on a day when North West Electricity planned to turn our power off for a few hours to do… Read More
It’s Been A While…
Just a little update on our everyday antics since we finished work. My blogs are becoming less frequent as time goes on I’ve noticed. Mainly due to lockdown and our job. We don’… Read More
A Taste Of The North
17 days working at Burrs Country Park flew by in the blink of an eye. Having only worked March till November before, I toughed it out and carried on wearing my shorts. Not sure if that was a… Read More
Cheerio Broadway
Good morning Broadway! One last shift and then our time here is done. Two amazing, challenging, tough seasons have come to an end. Awake bright and early, well dark and early as the c… Read More
I’m as giddy as a kipper. It’s been an awfully long time since I last felt like this. The anticipation of waiting… can only liken it to teenage angst and anticipation of… Read More
Out And About In The Malvern Hills
Felt strange waking naturally on our first morning to peace and quiet. No noise, just birdsong. Falling out of bed into our own shower rather than bumbling along to the toilet block, I think… Read More
I’ve hoovered, I’ve dusted. I’ve emptied the cupboards and changed the bedding. I cleaned and stocked the fridge and given the bathroom a wipe over. I found the remote for… Read More
Back to work in anticipation of opening on the 12th and we’ve been busy little bees. With sites having been closed since Christmas there’s been a lot to do. The pitch markers… Read More
We thought that our Easter experience last year was a one off, little did we know as we chomped on Easter eggs on an empty site back in 2020 that history would be repeating itself one year o… Read More
Winterising Your Caravan 
The dark nights are drawing in, the clocks have gone back and the temperature has dropped. Site wardens all over the UK are leaf blowing and hanging up their keys for the season. This can on… Read More
Back To Work – Furloughed
It’s good being back on site, if nothing else it’s a change of scenery. Once again, furlough dictates no work, for now. Time to enjoy our lockdown garden whilst the peace reigns… Read More
Up early, early today. Well, 8am, early for me when I’m not working. The big piles of clobber that we’ve been building around the house were cleverly stashed in the car. Taking a… Read More
Snow flakes still falling but not amounting to anything. Big coat on, boots on and out into the cold. We keep our caravan a mile away on a local farm. With our start back at work date loomin… Read More
Whilst some may say this year has been the hardest year of their lives, looking back now, I think with hindsight, we personally, were blessed. This time last year we were heading into th… Read More
* Mega fail again. We’ve been home for almost two weeks and I’ve just spotted that this blog hadn’t been published. I really do need to get my mojo back. The skies are… Read More
Quirky Front Doors
I’ve had a ‘thing’ for pretty front doors for a long time. It all started when I realised that we had actually been living in the house of my dreams for a few years and too… Read More
It’s been a week since we re opened. It’s been a full on week and I forgot to publish this blog as time just ran away with itself. A glass of Coke and an early night ahead of ope… Read More
Here We Go! Wagons Roll!
June was a bonkers month. We sold our house way back in January whilst lazing in the sun in Lanzarote. We returned bronzed and refreshed, ready for work hoping that our house move was immine… Read More
Time To Tandem
We can now go out, but not ‘out out.’ Lockdown has been eased a little and I’m missing seeing the world outside those gates so much. The Boss has finished his Lands End to… Read More
John O’Groats, Worcestershire
As I ride over the finish line I am conscious that I can actually see where I started 909 miles ago, Lands End, Worcestershire. What was the point? The point was that I had an opportunity, a… Read More
Days are now only defined by the sleep in between them and that’s not good at the minute. Struggling to settle at bed time and struggling to crawl out of my pit in a morning. Whils… Read More
Started the day with a brew and watching as the nation prepares to celebrate VE Day on TV. We’d planned on linking our celebrations with the steam railway that runs along the side… Read More
Blurry Days
The gospel choir of birds outside our window woke me early. Then the rooks joined in and drowned out the beautiful dawn chorus, pulling the quilt up I managed to doze off again for a couple… Read More
Couch To John O’Groats
Looking at your average social media page during this period of lockdown it would seem there are two options; crack open the wine while tucking into the crisps or become a health kick bore a… Read More
Easter In Lockdown
Easter came and went in a flurry of rabbits, pheasants, pigeons and bucket loads of sunshine. What should have been our busiest weekend of the season turned out just to be like any other day… Read More
Lockdown Day 7 – Furloughed
At any other point in time it would be hard to imagine this being a positive. Yet here we are today very relieved and very appreciative of the support of our state and our employer. In our… Read More
Lockdown Day 3 – The Food Shop
A lazy start to the morning, woken by a bird with hob nail boots on clattering across the roof, squawking its head off. Cup of Builders with BBC news, starts the day off but does nothing to… Read More
In these strange and uncertain times I’ve decided to try to do a diary blog of our time in lockdown whilst self isolating at work. Can’t promise enough will happen day by day but… Read More
Our New Home For 2020 Is…
I haven’t slept a wink, I think I’ve seen every hour of the night. My brain buzzing is with a list of things to do. It’s been like sitting at a computer with a thousand tab… Read More
Puriclean, For Aquarolls And Pipes
We felt some cleaning of the caravan water pipes was in order. Recently, we have started to wonder if the occasional ‘dicky tummy’ while in the caravan, plus the water not tastin… Read More
Our Radio Book Review
Sat here in Lanzarote, it’s just gone 6pm and I’m tuned into my local radio station from home, Wey Valley radio. Andy and Sarah introduce the Doobie Brothers as the Sunday Magazi… Read More
The sun is beating down, our walk along the front has led us to a complex advertising a poolside bar, open to all. In need of liquid refreshment and a napkin to wipe my sweaty brow, we ventu… Read More
Selling Out Of A Crisis
With our house on the market for sale and a few jobs to do, The Boss decided to use our free time before Christmas to do a bit of touching up here and there. I took this as my leave to do a… Read More
We’ve been home for too long, 5 days is a long time. Trying to get my head round what to pack and my brain is going into meltdown. I’m bound to forget something. We’ve chuc… Read More
Looking Back On 2019
2019 started with a bang, 6 weeks this time in Lanzarote. 6 whole weeks of nothing but sunshine and recharging our batteries in readiness for our season at Longleat. The Jellybeans flew out… Read More
It’s been three days since our month long winter caravan trip ended and we’re packing up the car again. This time it’s packed to the rafters. The cavernous space inside the… Read More
At the end of a 2 mile narrow lane with plenty of passing places, Longleat CAMC Site is situated right next door to the Safari Park. A 50 metre walk or a half mile drive to the Safari Park… Read More
We said goodbye to the Motorhome Chit Chats in the rain, wound the legs up and ventured towards our last stop of our winter break, Henley Four Oaks Caravan and Motorhome Club Site. Dodging t… Read More
Leaving Ferry Meadows Caravan and Motorhome Club Site early did come with one downside, we had planned to refuel the car. ’80 miles remaining’ the dashboard informed us, down to… Read More
Just a two night stop on the Caravan and Motorhome Site, mainly to visit friends. Pulling onto a pitch, not too far from the service point and not too far from the loos. Whilst being out on… Read More
“Is that Spire twisted” I ask as we drive through Chesterfield towards the Chatsworth Caravan and Motorhome Club Site. “It is”, he says smuggly, “It’s why… Read More
The village of Eyam, Derbyshire, is only five miles from the Chatsworth Caravan and Motorhome Club Site, yet for some reason, does not feature in the leaflet supplied at the site showing twe… Read More
We arrived at Beechwood Grange CAMC Site yesterday in the bright, blindingly low winter sunshine. The sun visor had been up and down like a tart’s knickers on the trip here. Due to lac… Read More
The journey from Hawes to Knaresborough is fairly uneventful, but the sub-zero temperatures, icy narrow lanes and small villages remind us that towing a caravan is a great responsibility. Up… Read More
Staying at Knaresborough CAMC Site and we venture out for the day. A mooch with the new camera around Fountains Abbey and the jury is still out as to whether he prefers the camera or his Goo… Read More
Hawes – Worth The Extra 10%
After spending all season being frustrated by how many people rely on their Sat-Navs rather than actually research the best route, he has just informed me …. well, I’ll let him… Read More
Bit of a one off blog here after a fab day out in and around Hawes whilst staying at the Caravan and Motorhome Club Site.The title, a play on words. Those that know me know that I have many… Read More
It makes sense that when setting up or packing up the caravan that we have, as a couple, our own jobs. These jobs generally are chosen between couples depending on choice and ability. Whilst… Read More
Bit of a mixed ride since we left Longleat and came back to good old bricks and mortar. I love being home with the Jellybeans but I do miss ‘my space.’ I miss the fresh air, I fi… Read More
With just over a week left in our season of working at Longleat CAMC Site I’ve started to realise that this is also the start of a week of ‘the last time’ that we’ll… Read More
Another ‘last,’ today is my ‘last’ Wednesday of our season as assistant wardens. Waking up in our caravan at Longleat, I’m busting for a wee, the microwave tell… Read More
A Town, A Castle, A Hill
The rain is hammering on the caravan roof and my head is thumping. Snuggling back under the duvet I try to block out the sound of the rain and my wine infused headache. God what a good night… Read More
Longleat’s Sky Safari 2019
It’s silly O’clock, 6.30am to be precise. There are never two 6.30’s in any of my days, unless a flight somewhere nice dictates I get up early. Well, in a strange sort of w… Read More
Composting Toilets!
Composting toilets. Where do I start? I have a toilet phobia, I struggle to… go. Depending on circumstance. I don’t hold onto it, I don’t try to make myself ill, if the su… Read More
Turn To Hurn
We’re off on the road again. After our last trip to the New Forest, I’m a little more organised. I started to throw stuff, willy nilly into the van the night before, so, when our… Read More
I’ve done nowt but moan for the past few hours, nothing new there, according to The Boss. Since taking the awning down a few weeks ago, lifting the legs, hitching up and hitting the ro… Read More
The Longleat Gift
Just over a year ago I volunteered The Boss to make this… The New Forest Gift Knowing that we had left our mark on the New Forest Centenary site… and also knowing that ‘… Read More
It’s been bonkers busy at work. I’ve been in the office all afternoon and the telephone hasn’t stopped ringing. ‘I’d like to make a booking’ has been said… Read More
Caen Hill Locks, Devizes
Days off are precious, The Boss declares on this one that he’s taking me out for lunch, he’s got a plan, he knows where we’re going, but he’s not telling. Just a quic… Read More
After a very miserable and damp start to June, I rub the sleep out of my eyes to clear blue skies and the sun streaming through the skylight above our bed. Lions roaring in the distance, onl… Read More
Twitter Camp #TC4T
It’s taken me a while to get my act together and put this blog together, my blogging mojo has dipped a bit, I need to try to get it back. It’s a blog I needed to write about an e… Read More
Frome Independent Traders Market
We’d seen the signs at the sides of the road earlier in the week and chosen to either not read them or ignore them, they won’t apply to us. ‘Frome Independent Traders Marke… Read More
Our Caravan Store Cupboard
As the season races on and folk start to think about winding up the legs and hitching up, possibly for the first time this season, this is when people start to make lists in order to re pack… Read More
The last four months has flown by, in the blink of an eye. Our first season as assistant wardens at the New Forest Centenary Site finished early last November. We were more than ready for a… Read More