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Are You Naturally Happy? Blog

I’ve been on a serious podcast kick ever since Ryder was born. Before his arrival, I listened to podcasts regularly but lately I’ve found myself listening to one or two every single day. They’re great to have on in the background when I’m nursing (a two-handed activity for this mama), making a meal or outside walking with Ryder and Sadie on mornings when Chase is at summer camp. I recently began listening to Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations Podcast and love the variety of topics and guests Oprah has on her podcast.
Things I’m Loving Friday #521
Hey, hey! Friday is here and we are psyched for the weekend ahead! After four weekends in a row with guests in our home (which we LOVED), we’re admittedly also rather excited for a mor… Read More
70th Birthday Celebration
My aunt said it best when she said my mom’s 70th birthday celebration weekend “felt like one giant hug.” It was filled with love, family, laugh-’til-your-stomach-hurt… Read More
Week Of Workouts: July 2024
Good morning! How are you? How was your weekend? My weekend was a 10/10 weekend and I say that with a very full and very grateful heart. We celebrated my mom’s 70th birthday with a gir… Read More
Things I’m Loving Friday #520
Good morning! Ah! I am so, so, so excited about today and this weekend and everythinggg. My mom’s 70th birthday is tomorrow and she deserves all the celebrating and love and adoration… Read More
Amazon Prime Day 2024: Favorite Finds
Good morning! How are you? How is your week going? Our boys did a drop-in camp yesterday but the rest of our week is camp-free which means it will be a blend of relaxing in the mornings unti… Read More
Things I’m Loving Friday #519
Friday is here! Hooray, hooray! Although to be honest this whole week felt like a bit of s blurry swirl of days. With visitors arriving and leaving and then arriving again there wasn’t… Read More
Recent Recipe Wins
Hey friends! How is your week going? Is life returning to normalcy now that the holiday weekend has come and gone or is normalcy basically nonexistent in your house during the summer months… Read More
House Of The Revolving Door
Hello from the house of the revolving door! We’ve had a steady stream of guests coming in and out of our home seemingly all summer and while it hasn’t left me with much time for… Read More
Week Of Weeknight Meals: June 2024
Good morning! Monday is here! How are you feeling? How was your weekend? I hope you’re checking in today feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. With the Fourth of July quickly approaching on… Read More
Things I’m Loving Friday #518
Good morning! And Happy Friday to YOU! How are you? How was your week? Our week was a good one! I arrived home from Milwaukee on Monday (more on my time in Wisconsin below!) and hit the grou… Read More
Ryder Is SIX!
Our middle man is SIX and my mama heart is having a hard time believing the mohawked little brown-eyed baby I held in my arms for the first time in 2018 will be off to kindergarten this fall… Read More
Simple Sides For Your Summertime BBQ
Summertime is upon us and so is barbeque season! It’s time to break out the grill and invite family and friends over for some fun in the sun! Though traditional hamburgers and hot dogs… Read More
Things I’m Loving Friday #517
Friday is here! Woop! We’re looking forward to this evening because we have plans to hang at the pool with friends and then tomorrow I am off to Milwaukee! I’m Wisconsin-bound to… Read More
Week Of Workouts: June 2024
Hi friends! How are ya? Things are going well over here. We loved celebrating Ryder yesterday and cannot believe our middle man is officially SIX. Ah! As for today, I’m popping in with… Read More
Things I’m Loving Friday #516
Hi, hi! We are back home in North Carolina after a whirlwind 10 days in Florida with family. It was such a great trip I was home all of 30 minutes before I texted my mom and said we may have… Read More
Things I’m Loving Friday #515
Hello from Florida!! Our family bumped up our annual summer trip to Florida to the beginning of summer this year and have been soaking up the sunshine, splashing in the salty waves and enjoy… Read More
Currently: May 2024
Hey friends! How are you? How was your weekend? We spent the vast majority of the weekend outside, either at the pool or in the lake, and were blessed with some beautiful weather for most of… Read More
Things I’m Loving Friday #514
Arriving home from our long weekend away in Chattanooga, Tennessee on a Monday threw me for a loop on the blog and personal life front. We had such a wonderful weekend but I’m used to… Read More
Simple Summer Chopped Salad
Salad season is upon us and what better way to kick of the warmer months of the year than with a fresh and vibrant simple summer chopped salad recipe!? This is the summer salad recipe that r… Read More
Week Of Weeknight Meals: May 2024
Feeling hungry today? If so, I have a blog post to share to hopefully get your tastebuds extra excited for dinner tonight! I managed to snap pictures of our weeknight meals last week to shar… Read More
Mother’s Day Weekend 2024
I saw a funny video floating around social media where a husband asks his wife what she wants for Mother’s Day and she goes on and on about how she doesn’t want much but ends up… Read More
Things I’m Loving Friday #513
Well, my friends, it appears May-nia/May-cember is in full swing over here. Does this time of year rival the holiday season in terms of obligations and activities for you guys, too? The end… Read More
Chicken And Chickpea Salad
If you’re in the mood for a produce-packed salad recipe with a Mediterranean flare, today’s chicken and chickpea salad is one I think you will love. It is protein-packed, filled… Read More
Recent Looks #6
Hiii! It’s been a hot second — 5 months! — since I’ve shared a Recent Looks blog post with you guys. Thank you for keeping me accountable because I had a few of you c… Read More
Things I’m Loving Friday #512
Friday is here! Any fun weekend plans? Anyone with no weekend plans and every intent to relax? Sometimes no plans are the best plans! We’re kicking off our weekend with a house full of… Read More
A Weekend At Wildacres Retreat
Over the weekend we drove a little less than two hours from Charlotte to Little Switzerland, North Carolina for a wilderness retreat at Wildacres. Little Switzerland is a small mountain vil… Read More
Week Of Workouts (April 2024)
Hi friends! How are you? How was your weekend? Our weekend was fantastic as we spent most of it on a wilderness retreat soaking up unplugged time together as a family. I hope to get my act t… Read More
Black Bean And Brown Rice Salad
With springtime BBQs in full swing and summertime cookouts on the horizon, I’m always on the lookout for a delicious side dish to make for friends and family. This black bean and brown… Read More
A Spring Weekend With Mae And Pop
Our weekend was such a good one but it went by way too fast! It felt like our weekend kicked off early because my parents arrived in town in the late afternoon on Thursday and all three boys… Read More
Things I’m Loving Friday #509
Hello, hello! Friday is here and we are ready for it! Our big plans for the day aren’t anything crazy but they’re certainly something we’re looking forward to later this af… Read More
Picture An Hour: April 2024
Hey friends! How are ya? Anyone in the mood for a day-in-the -life blog post today? I hope so because I am coming at you with a glimpse into our Tuesday through photos this morning. It was a… Read More
Sarasota With Kids: What We Did
Hello, hello! Spring break is officially over and all three boys are back in school today… for some of the day. Anyone else have little ones who have a half day or even a canceled sch… Read More
How To Make Salmon Bites
It’s no secret I am a seafood lover through and through. If I could eat seafood in some form every single day I would. My dad loves to tell stories about how I used to order steamed cl… Read More
Friday is here! Hooray! How are you guys? Did you have a good week? We had a fairly typical week over here and are looking forward to the weekend. We have friends in town visiting us through… Read More
Easter is less than two weeks away and our family is already getting excited! We’ll be celebrating in Sarasota with Ryan’s mom and Les this year and are counting down the days un… Read More
Hey friends! How are you? I hope you’re checking in after a fun-filled, relaxing weekend! Our weekend began on a wet and soggy note with non-stop rain on Friday but that didn’t s… Read More
Hi, hi! How are you! How was your week? I am personally a little extra happy it’s Friday because Ryan returns from India late this evening! He’s been gone for nine days on a work… Read More
Today’s blog post is all about Burn Boot Camp! If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know I’m a Burn Boot Camp super fan. I’ve been attending camps multi… Read More
Hi and Happy Friday to Y-O-U! How was your week? It seems like a lot of people were out on spring break last week but our boys don’t have spring break until the end of the month so it… Read More
Hey friends! I’m coming at you with a day-in-the-life blog post today. I managed to snap enough pictures to recap our Tuesday yesterday so let’s dive in! Tuesday  My alarm w… Read More
It was another whirlwind weekend marked by travel for me but it was such a wonderful one because it included lots of quality time with my mom’s side of the family. My mom, sister and n… Read More
Hey friends! How are ya? How was your week? My week flew by but I suppose that’s how things go when travel sandwiches the weekdays. After arriving back in town on Monday afternoon, the… Read More
Our whole family is back under one roof and it feels wonderful! Ryan and the big kids arrived home from Park City on Wednesday and they were all what I’ll call exhausted-excited after… Read More
Hi! Hi! How are ya? How is your week going so far? It’s another funky week for the Fagan fam from a scheduling perspective (days off from school, travel for me on Friday) which is kind… Read More
It’s been years since I made any tangible new year’s resolutions. To be honest, it’s been years since I gave any real overarching goals a lot of thought. I’m not sure… Read More
Now THAT was a fast week! With Chase out of school on Monday and the little guys out yesterday and today, it felt like a funky week in our house schedule-wise but we made it through. The wee… Read More
We’re baaack! Ryan and I arrived home on Friday after a whirlwind three days in Las Vegas! (Skirt: Revolve / Boots: Jessica Simpson / Top: Talulah / Purse: Marc Jacobs but old / Heart… Read More
Hello from Las Vegas! Ryan and I left for the Charlotte airport just after lunchtime yesterday and arrived in Las Vegas a little before 6 p.m. thanks to a three-hour time difference that wo… Read More
Kindly disregard the fact that the last couple of days of this January edition of my “Week of Workouts” series actually took place in February please! I still wanted to squeeze i… Read More
Good morning, friends! Happy Friday to Y-O-U! I hope your week was a good one and that you’re going into the weekend looking forward to the next couple of days. We have a quieter weeke… Read More
We’re halfway through the week already and it’s been a good one over here so far. After a wonderful weekend in the mountains with friends (more on that below), we began the week… Read More
I’ve never kept track of all the books I’ve read or done much other than fly through novels and share them with you guys on the blog (usually in a Things I’m Loving Friday… Read More
Hello and Happy Things I’m Loving Friday #500! What in the world!? It’s crazy how time flies and it’s crazy to me that I’ve sat down at my computer and typed up 500 b… Read More
Hey friends! How are you? How is your week going so far? It’s been a hot second since I’ve sat down and recapped a day in the life post to share with you guys but I made it a poi… Read More
Friday is here! Ryan and I are right on the cusp of a decent amount of travel and after spending time away from home last weekend in Orlando, we intentionally built a weekend with no plans i… Read More
Today is a day filled with anticipation in our house because we are on the cusp of something magical! We are flying to Orlando, Florida first thing tomorrow for a long weekend away at Disney… Read More
Something about the beginning of a new year had me feeling extra motivated in the kitchen. I kicked off 2024 with a little meal planning (one of my big goals for the new year is to do MORE o… Read More
Things took a sharp turn in our house from the last time I checked in. We went from being all excited to return to school and get back into a routine after winter break to 102-degree fevers… Read More
Hi friends! How are you? How is 2024 treating you so far? I thoroughly enjoyed some time completely away from the blog and social media over the past week or so and hope you were able to unp… Read More
It’s that time of year again! The end of every year / the beginning of a new year is always when I like to take a look back over the past year and examine my analytics behind the scene… Read More
The final few days before Christmas are here and we are feeling the madness in our house! We’re doing our best to couple downtime at home with the local holiday activities we love so m… Read More
Hello friends! How are you? How are you handling the craziness of the holiday season? As of this afternoon all of our boys are done with school until after the new year and we are ready for… Read More
Hello friends and Happy Monday to you! I hope you all had a good weekend and aren’t feeling too frazzled in the midst of the holiday season right now. I am popping in this morning to s… Read More
Hey friends! How are ya? How is your week going? Our week passed by in a blur of pediatrician visits (for Ryder — he’s thankfully better now), school performances (so cute), holi… Read More
Hi friends!! This month’s edition of “Week of Weeknight Meals” is a little different. I snapped pictures periodically this month but, admittedly, kept forgetting to take pi… Read More
On Saturday morning, as we all dug into breakfast, we asked the boys, “Would you like to do something Christmasy today or would you like to go to Repticon?” Their very fast, very… Read More
Good morning! It’s feeling a little jollier than usual over here because Mae is in town! My mom arrived on Wednesday because we had an extra ticket for The Polar Express on Thursday ni… Read More
The trickiest gift guide of the holiday season is here! The gift guide I share with gift ideas for men is always the most challenging gift guide for me to create every year. Thankfully I hav… Read More
Happy first day of December from our Elf on the Shelf! Fisbee is back and the boys are psyched! Honestly, I think I like this crazy elf tradition as much as the boys for the first week or t… Read More
The past few weeks flew by in a blur of Thanksgiving hosting and gift guide creation. (I still owe you one or two more — my Gift Guide for Guys is always my trickiest to assemble and I… Read More
Happy belated Thanksgiving! I hope those who celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday are checking in feeling very full and very loved this morning. We hosted our first Thanksgiving in our new home… Read More
Hot on the heels of my Gift Guide for Toddlers + Little Kids and my Gift Guide for Big Kids comes my Gift Guide for Her… aka the gift guide that makes me want to put a little too many… Read More
Hello friends! I’m back in action today with my second gift guide of the season. This one is a follow-up to the first Gift Guide for Kids I shared with gifts primarily for toddlers and… Read More
I loved this weekend so much for one reason: Its simplicity. I adore jam-packed weekends filled with fun and activity but after quite a few full weekends in a row, a weekend where we stayed… Read More
Friday is here and we are ready for what we’re dubbing “Home Weekend.” After a few back-to-back weekends of guests, Halloween craziness and travel, Ryan and I are determine… Read More
It’s been a hot second since I’ve shared an updated skincare routine. I’m loosely interested in skincare in that I believe it’s beneficial but I also know myself enou… Read More
It’s official! Ryan is an IRONMAN! After 140.6 miles — a 2.4 mi swim + 112 mi bike + 26.2 mi run — Ryan crossed the finish line of his first full Ironman race on Saturday… Read More
Hello from Panama City Beach! We arrived in the panhandle of Florida in the early evening on Wednesday after a 9+ hour drive. It was a long one but we made it and we’ve been enjoying s… Read More
November is here and that fact alone is blowing my mind. How are there only two months left of 2023? How has Halloween already come and gone? I have no idea but Halloween this year for our c… Read More
Hi, hi! How are ya? I’m coming at you today with an old school-style in-the-moment blog post. I love when I have the chance to chat with you guys in real-time. It takes me back to the… Read More
Hey friends! How are you? How was your weekend? We were thrilled to have Ryan back in town and spent most of our time together as a family, having fun at our local Renaissance Festival, play… Read More
Hey friends. How are you? How have you been? It’s been a hot second since I’ve checked in to chat but lately life has felt like a bit of a whirlwind. Ryan has been gone on back-t… Read More
This recipe for homemade cinnamon apple pie ice cream takes our family’s favorite creamy cinnamon ice cream and kicks the fall flavors up a notch with buttery bits of diced apples an… Read More
Since I’ve adopted a (mostly) Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule to my blog posts, this means I end up recapping a lot of Tuesdays in my day-in-the-life style posts. A lot of our weekd… Read More

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Are You Naturally Happy?
