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Dahn Yoga, founded in 1985 by South Korean guru Ilchi Lee, has its origins in an ancient practice called Dahnhak. It combines elements of traditional Korean mind-body practice (known as the… Read More
Scalp issues can be a common concern, and one of the often misunderstood conditions is scalp acne. Many people confuse it with scalp folliculitis due to their similar appearance. However, sc… Read More
Loose teeth, especially as an adult, can be a distressing experience, and it’s essential to address the issue promptly. Whether your tooth is loose due to injury or another reason, it… Read More
A sitz bath is a type of warm therapy, people use to cleanse the perineum and soothe pain, itching, and other symptoms in the anal and genital areas. What’s a sitz bath? A sitz b… Read More
Maintaining good gut health is crucial for overall well-being, and diet plays a significant role in achieving this. The best gut health foods such as fermented foods, fiber-rich foods, whole… Read More
There is a strong connection between the respiratory system and mental well-being. Breathing disorders, such as bronchitis, can impact not only the physical body but also the mind and emotio… Read More
Well-maintained food after angioplasty plays a crucial role in managing heart disease, as well as in managing coronary artery disease (CAD) and atherosclerosis. What is Angioplasty Whe… Read More

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