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Liberal Values Blog

Discussion of politics and society from a perspective of liberal values including individual liberty and separation of church and state.
Establishment Democrats love to blame third party voters for Clinton losing, but The New York Times recently had data… Posted by Ron Chusid on Monday, May 20, 2019 Establish… Read More
What Mueller did not say today:1) When he said Russia interfered in the election, he left out the important… Posted by Ron Chusid on Wednesday, May 29, 2019 What Mueller did… Read More
I will be glad when we stop hearing Russiagate conspiracy theorists say “wait for Mueller to finish.” What will they say if he finishes and still has provided zero evidence to s… Read More
While the Democratic establishment has filed suit against Wikileaks (which would have been like Richard Nixon suing The Washington Post during Watergate), Gabbard has defended Wikileaks. Sh… Read More
Just part of a response to Clinton supporters who think that voting for Clinton was what progressives should have done in 2016, and do not understand that Democratic McCarthyism is at least… Read More
The blog has been far less active the last several months. This has largely been due to the effects of social media on the blogosphere. Social media has made blogs near obsolete, and has cut… Read More
Since the last full post, we have had two additional episodes of Doctor Who. If Steven Moffat tried to throw out too many big ideas, Chris Chibnall throws out a whole lot of small ideas in… Read More
Trump Threatens Press
If the White House Press Corps had any balls, they’d all stop showing up for the orchestrated press briefings in response to a threat like this and resort to real reporting to cover T… Read More

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Liberal Values
