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Yesterday, my (political) heart was broken. I am going to need time, and I am going to take a week off. I have scheduled essentially blank open threads for the week sothat y’all will h… Read More
Yesterday, the radio opera was “Elektra” by Richard Strauss. Itis based on te Greek myth, but I have only ever seen it in modern dress. (The first time may not have been intentio… Read More
Yesterday, since it was Friday, Robert Reich posted the latest episode in his “DEBUNK” series. Heather Cox Richardson posted a blistering bio of Paul Manafort. Russian soldiers a… Read More
Yesterday, I got to thinking about how I would change mu initials if I felt I had to. I am blessed (or saddled) with quite an assornment of potential middle names. Starting with the one on m… Read More
Yesterday, the biggest news appeared to be that Joe Biden is adding Spureme Court reform to his platform. I expect you can watch, or read about, this development just about anywhere. How ver… Read More
Yesterday, There was a thunderstorm warning , not exactly for my area, but for an area I’m on the fringes of. I heard one crash of thunder, but I didn’t see the Lightning, so I h… Read More
Yesterday, Trump** announced the selection of J.D. Vance for his Vice President. I’m not sure why people are losing their minds about it. Anyone Trump** selected would have been equall… Read More
Yesterday, I was able to see Virgil. The drive was uneventful both ways. Bless his heart, he brags about how wonderful I am all the tine to anyone who will listen, and today he introduced me… Read More
Yesterday, the radio opera was Wagner’s “Das Rheingold,” the prologue to his Ring Cycle, but the last of the four libretti written, as he wrote them so to speak, backwards… Read More
Yesterday, Robert Reich posted Episode #7 in his DEBUNK series.  Also, the New York Times finally nailed Trump** – in an opinion piece (SMH). At least it was the full board, and I… Read More
A few days ago, the Lincoln Project released a new video – a Doomsday video. It’s a bit over four minutes, which is long for them, but the details demanded it. As bad as it is, a… Read More
Yesterday, I sent a letter to my Senator, Michael Bennet, who is normally intelligent, but who has apparently been hypnotized by Republican propoganda regarding Joe Biden. I’ll put the… Read More
Yesterday, I got an email from Common Cause sharing its accomplishments at the state level. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything a their website with the same information. They cite… Read More
Yesterday, I learned that Mary Trump now has some merch. Only one T-shirt at this point, but a good one.  If you’re not interested in that (or even if you are), you might want to… Read More
Yesterday, I didn’t do a whole lot. I’ve been trying to do stuff around the house – mostly too piddling to mentiom – and today I had even less time than usual since I… Read More
Yesterday, the radio opera was Mozart’s “Don Giovanni.” I think everyone knows the “Don Juan” story, and I have seen and heard it many times since I was introdu… Read More
Yesterday,Robert Reich posted episode 6 in his DEBUNK series, and I tripped over a link to the Biden response to Project 2025. If you can’t possibly read all 920 pages (and I can&rsquo… Read More
Yesterday, because I forgot about the time difference, I livestreamed the final third of a Capitol Fourth. It was fine. I was glad to see a lot of performers of color, including the host. An… Read More
Yesterday, Rocky Mountain PBS advised me (and the rest of their mailing list) that the NOAA is nowchanging the altitude of everything in the US to accomodate rising sea levels. None of our 1… Read More
Yesterday, The Borowitz Report addressed the Supreme Court. Andy apparently can’t count, and only two of his proposed replacements are lawyers, but it’s still delicious to think… Read More
Yesterday, SCROTUS released more decisions, and JOyce Vance is going to have a lot to say. So are others – most everyone I subcribe to on Substack and also many others. And I’m s… Read More
Yesterday was quite a day.When I got into the car to go see Virgil, of course it started right up, but when I backed up and started to turn, the power steering was clearly dead. I decided no… Read More
Yesterday, the radio opera was “The Fairy Queen” by Purcell, which is an adaptation of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” recorded by an early music group in Utrecht… Read More
Yesterday, Robert Reich posted episode 5 in his DEBUNK series. Joyce Vance summarized what happened in SCOTUS Thursday, and what didn’t happen (more important actually). And it’s… Read More
Yesterday, Ballotpedia announced a new feature: users will now be able to specifically track, from proposal through passage (or failure) legislation regarding AI deepfakes. They sent me an e… Read More
On Tuesday, Ukraine began official accession negotiations with the European Union. It’s nice to have some good news to offset what came out of the Supreme Court yesterday, and the ridi… Read More
Yesterday, having been up the previous night well into the morning, I slept late. I did manage to get up soon enough to call my doctor’s ofice about an appoinrment, but I still had to… Read More
Yesterday was the second anniversary of the Dobbs decision. Two effing years. Here’s a link to what Mary Trump and two of her friends, both of whom have worked on the Lincoln Project b… Read More
Yesterday, Trinette came by. I didn’t have a lot for her to do, but we had a good talk. She says hi to everyone. This sems like a pretty big deal to me. I hope we are successful in the… Read More
Yesterday, the radio opera was “Die Frau Ohne Schatten” by Richard Strauss. That translates to “The Woman without a Shadow,” but the shadow is purely symbolic. The wo… Read More
Yesterday, Robert Reich posted the fourth installment in his DEBUNK series. He posted another article too – he has referred in the past to the one person who protected him from school… Read More
Yesterday, SCOTUS issued verdicts and opinions in 4 cases (none involving TFG) – Moore, Chaverini, Diaz and Gonzales. I, on the other hand, took in a grocery order and baked cookies. (… Read More
Yesterday, I learned that Willie Mays had died the day before. He was 93. His death now is overshadowed by the conflict between democracy and fascism, so I learned this from The Conversation… Read More
Yesterday, Joyce Vance shared a link to the “Projct 2025” ducument which is the Republican Party’s plan for governing us (and it will be governing us – no representat… Read More
Yesterday, when I had the time and energy to finish reading my emails from Sunday, I came across Joe Biden’s Father’s Day Proclamation (courtesy of Steve Smith), read it, and am… Read More
Yesterday, I managed to remember it was Father’s Day in time to wish Virgil a happy one. The prison dog’s handler brought him out to say happy Father’s Day to all the visit… Read More
Yesterday, the radio opera was “Guillaume Tell” by Rossini. Everybody knows the story, and everybody knows the overture (though there’s a lot more to it than the Lone Range… Read More
Some of y’all will know that I watched a Theater of War production thois week using Hendrik Ibsen’s 1882 play “An Enemy of the People” as the vehicle to address a who… Read More
Yesterday, the Daily Beast had an article titled “Who Will Live Longer—Trump or Biden?” My immedaite response was “your answer to that depends on whether you believe… Read More
Yesterday, Wonkette provided a gift link to an article on the Alitos. There has been plenty of coverage of what was said, but not so much of why it was so terrible. This article dives deep i… Read More
Yesterday, I got the email that my ballot has been received. Also, the exterminator tech came and checked aroud (inside and out) and said it’s lookng even better than 2 months ago. So… Read More
Yesterday, Trinette’s son Zach was by to “mow the grass” (a very charitable euphemism for “mow thw weeds. And I did reach the exterminator, who confirmed they are com… Read More
Yesterday, I received an email fromTrinette that her son Zach is coming today to trim the yard, and another from my “frosted  sister” in FLorida that all state employees the… Read More
Yesterday, Trinette was by. She brought in my mail, including my ballot. which I filled out, and she took it with her to mail. Such a gem. She also said her son will be by this week to tackl… Read More
Yesterday, the radio opera was Gluck’s “Orfeo ed Euridice.” Composed in 1762, it was part of his “reform” project to simplify both operatic plots and operatic m… Read More
I’d say the ability to distinguish between appearances (and emotions) on the one hand and actual, truthful facts on the other belongs to the faculty of wisdom. So I’m once again… Read More
Yesterday, Robert Reich’s second “DEBUNK” article posted here. As last week, there’s both a video and a transcript. Good thing, since nothing much happened here. I to… Read More
Yesterday, When I received an email from Thrater of War announcing that they are doing a performance in Times Square, i must admit my jaw dropped. It’s to be on the Red Steps, which di… Read More
Yesterday, Wonkette’s newsletter provided a gift link to a New York Times opinion piece, written by Michelle Goldberg (not by some right-wing lackey), whichdoesn’t contain anythi… Read More
Yesterday, there was a lot of speculation regarding what will happen now that Trump** has been convicted. One topic which is everywhere: “Is Trump** going to incite violence if he is s… Read More
Yesterday, the Election Department advised me that my primary ballot is in the mail, and CPR advised me who the Deocratic candidates are for the 5th District. i’m not familiar with eit… Read More
Yesterday, I saw Virgil. We both enjoyed the visit. He returns all greetings, and I didn’t get lost coming home this time. Also, the featured image today is different for a reason. See… Read More
Yesterday, the radio opera was Cinderella (not the Italian “Cenerentola” by Rossini, but the French “Cendrillon” by Massenet, which is much more like the story as we… Read More
Yesterday, as promised, Robert Reich posted Episode 1 in his new DEBUNK series. This kink is to his Substack addres; it includes a transcript of his video (just under 3 minutes) and a link t… Read More
Yesterday, the plumber did come and quickly determined that the problem was the water heater, Sadly, water heaters have become quite pricey. Coincidentally, though, my credit union, which is… Read More
Yesterday, Wonkette referred me to this clip from The Daily Show. I;ve set it to start where he starts on Alito. It is a hoot. Also, I reached my plumber, who will becoming today (and will l… Read More
Yesterday, I wasn’t able to get in touch with my plumber, so I’ll be trying again today. On Sunday, Heather Cox Richardson wrote about Africa – its past, its present, and h… Read More
Yesterday was pretty quiet.  Today I will be getting in touch with my plumber, because over the weekend, my mud room developed a pond.  It’s right between my water heater and… Read More
Yesterday, Trinette came by. I didn’t have a lot for her to do, but I had muffins to give her – gluten free with duck eggs and coconut milk (and raspberries.) Later, while lookin… Read More
Yesterday’s radio opera was Puccini’s “La Fanciulla del Ouest” (Girl of the Golden West.” It was taped before the pandemic, and it’s one of the operas I s… Read More
Yesterday, Robert Reich announced he is starting a series he is calling “Debunk” in which he will debunk the ten biggest political-economic myths. It’ll run for ten weeks… Read More
Yesterday, I picked up a new Randy Rainbow parody, the first one he has made since “Don’t Arraign on My Parade, which was 9 months ago. (He made an “Interview with Mike Joh… Read More
Yesterday, I observed that Donald Trump** is now claiming that Biden ordered him assassinated, specifically on the day of the raid on Mar-a-Lago. Magats are, frankly, to evil to eben be able… Read More
Yesterday, and I can still hardly believe it, I spoke with Lynn Squance  (Squatch). My phone rang, and after 2 rings stopped, and I hadn’t had time to read the full caller ID, but… Read More
Yesterday, after seeing Virgil, I slept in, as pretty much always. It isn’t the visit that is tiring, nor the driving, but the missed sleep before it. Yeah, I know, you’d think I… Read More
Yesterday, I saw Virgil. They have stocked up on playing cards while I was unable to visit, and now have at least two bridge (regular) decks, now totally new but in good condition. We both g… Read More
Yesterday, the radio opera was “The Hours” by Kevin Puts. Its world premier was just last season. I’m not going to try to describe the plot because it isn’t really a… Read More
Yesterday, Wonkette informed me about the male-genitals-shaped balloons Trump** supporters had released Thursday outside the courthouse where he is being tried. Most of us outgrow our toddle… Read More
Yesterday, although there’s more been published about it now, I decided to use this, the first I heard of it, to share. And the cherry on the sundae is that yes, Maggie was in court th… Read More
Yesterday, I got an email with a new Substack column from Margaret Atwood – not surprising because Alice Munro just died, and I suspected they had to know each other – which they… Read More
Yesterday, though I am certainly not following the Manhattan criminal trial closely, this headline intrigued me, and after reading it, I thought y’all might enjoy it (Including the com… Read More
Yesterday, I took in a grocery order – posted it in and received it the same day. I have been doing some baking for the first time in years, using spelt flour. Spelt is technically a w… Read More
Yesterday, I saw another Parody Project production. I’m not sure it’s new, but it is delightful. (The original song is IMO deplorable, but this may redeem it.) Also, Trinette was… Read More
Yesterday, the radio opera was Madama Butterfly. I assume everyonehas at least heard of it and maybe something from it, even if not the whole thing. Certainly from the song “Poor Butte… Read More
Yesterday was a bad back (and shoulder) day. I wasnt happy about it, but I had to admit I had earned it – assembling furniture, packing stuff up for charity, moving heavy stuff around… Read More
Yesterday, I got two petitions which I did not sign (along with a bunch of others that I did sign.) Both were from Left Action (I don’t know whether it is a wing of Care2/The Petition… Read More
Yesterday, Douglas County High bowed to community pressure. I had not mentioned this earlier, but the back story is that they thought it would be nice to have their graduation ceremony this… Read More
Yesterday, the Smithsonian informed me that there are 2 baby pygmy lorises (endangered) at the Zoo. This is part of a breeding program designed to help the species recover. You need to scrol… Read More
Yesterday, I received an Axios alert emai telling me that Bernie Sanders is running for reelection. Good. I’m not a big fan of Axios editorially, but their alerts are usually the first… Read More
Yesterday, I was able to see Virgil for the first time in just about six months. I hadn’t told him I was coming, for two reasons. First, when I emailed on Monday for a reservation, the… Read More
Yesterday, the radio opera, “El Niño,” by John Adams, was originally an oratorio. But the Met decided it deserved a fully staged production it is of course the Christmas s… Read More
Yesterday, I learned from Progress Now Colorado that a fundraiser in Jefferson County for Kristi Noem has been cancelled. A short quote from the email: “We’re proud to have calle… Read More
Yesterday, there was a great deal of floom running through the news. I was only going to use two articles, but I added Reich because he at least gives us some ideas about what we should do i… Read More
Yesterday, going through my email, I came across this headline at Wonkette: “Does It Count As A ‘Post-Birth Abortion’ When DeSantis Takes Away A Sick Child’s Healthca… Read More
On Monday, Steve Schmidt’s two related articles got me thinking about the church during my lifetime, in which time there have been 7 popes: Pius XII, John XXIII (the one under whom I b… Read More
Yesterday, I ran across a video on ice cream from which I learned that Joe is far from the first President to have a thing for ice cream. Washington did, and so did Jefferson, and Dplley Mad… Read More
Yesterday, Trinete was by. She brought in my mail and took out my trash (and recyclables). We (I only helped a little) dismantled a chair which was broken beyond repair (my trash company doe… Read More
Yesterday, the radio opera was “Fire Shut Up in My Bones”, the first opera by a black composer ever to be performed at the Met, now in its second season with a couple of cast cha… Read More
Yesterday was pretty quiet.  Which is just fine with me.  I’ll just mention that the yard sign below  is the brainchils of John Pavlovitz.  You can find it, along w… Read More
Yesterday, catching up on my email, I came across the comment (about Trump**) that “None of his family has showed up to support him.” Not that this is the first time I have seen… Read More

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