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How To Invest Globally Blog
Tags: is where investors can learn about many of the economic tailwinds, trends, and global developments that are creating investment opportunities.
Erosion Of The Fed’s Cred
In recent weeks, a piece of news and a piece of commentary, which we show you below, crossed our desk — items which were interesting enough taken in isolation, but which became even mo… Read More
Energy Costs Are Going Higher
Whatever else they can’t agree on — and it’s a lot — the fans of fossil fuels and the promoters of green energy solutions can agree on one thing: they all think an oi… Read More
Water, and the state of U.S. drinking and wastewater systems, entered into the mind of U.S. investors during the Flint water crisis back in 2014.  Since then, an acceleration has occurr… Read More
Market Summary — 26 August 2021
While listening to the recent round of quarterly conference calls, we noted that most managements were still discussing supply-chain issues — and saying that these were problems that h… Read More
The New Abnormal
Really, there is only one long-term question facing investors at this juncture.  Will the “new normal” that has emerged from the pandemic be enduring?  Or will it prove… Read More
Earnings season is underway, and market leadership has passed once again, for now, to the big-cap growth stalwarts.  We’ll be listening to earnings calls across many sectors and i… Read More
Market Summary — 22 July 2021
Although the market averages are not far from all-time highs, the market’s tone leaves something to be desired.  In part this is due to the narrowing of market performance to a ha… Read More
Market Summary — 15 July 2021
Any time markets recover from panic lows and recession, there is a powerful upward movement that is eventually followed by a period of digestion.  It may come as a surprise to watchers… Read More
Tightening By Any Other Name Two weeks ago, we observed that peak liquidity growth had already passed: “There is an important sense in which the taper already began in the first… Read More
Rising Employment And The Coming Taper
As many states have now ended the additional pandemic unemployment benefits provided by the Federal government, we are seeing in real time that those benefits were in fact serving to suppres… Read More
Electorates, Be Careful What You Wish For The chaotic wake of the pandemic and the ever-more-bitter partisan spirit that has taken hold in Washington has made the neutral examination of p… Read More
Market Summary — 1 July 2021
July 1 marks the start of the third quarter, which is traditionally the worst quarter for the U.S. and other global stock markets.  Of course we don’t know what this year will bri… Read More
Guild Basic Needs Index — Update
With May data complete, the Guild Basic Needs Index (GBNI), our proprietary real-world inflation gauge measuring the price of a basket of four essential consumer goods, has backed slightly o… Read More
Without getting technical, let’s just say that because of its impact on markets and pricing, liquidity measures (whether from the Fed, China, or other central banks) must be monitored… Read More
Market Summary — 17 June 2021
Post Fed Meeting Unwind of Many Crowded Inflation/Commodity Trades Yesterday, the Federal Reserve meeting concluded with a message that they are monitoring many of the rising costs and th… Read More
The week saw interesting developments on the cryptography and cryptocurrency fronts.  A massive international sting operation was revealed in which U.S. and Australian law enforcement h… Read More
As we noted in our main piece this week, we believe it’s very important for investors to revisit their commodity allocation now, while rising inflation is still in early innings. … Read More
Various Fed officials, including Vice Chair Richard Clarida, have taken to the airwaves to talk down inflation concerns and show confidence in the Fed’s ability to engineer a “so… Read More
Market Summary — 5 May 2021
The correction we have been expecting for some time is now underway. Inflation Breakout: Demand Pull Moving To Cost Push Inflation has broken out and gold has broken out to a two- or t… Read More

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How to Invest Globally
