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Sex is important in maintaining a good relationship with your partner. It helps you to connect with your partner on a more intimate level. People who only heard about concept of sex in Buddh… Read More
Vayanattu Kulavan Theyyam
The origin of Vayanattu Kulavan Theyyam Vayanattu Kulavan Theyyam, also known as Adhitheeyan, is one of the major worship figures of the Thiyya community in northern Malabar, Kannur and K… Read More
Jnana Yoga is known as the path of wisdom or the path of knowledge. The root word of the term Jnana is originally derived from the Sanskrit word knowledge. It is the combination of both Brah… Read More
Buddha Purnima / Buddha Jayanti 2024
Buddha Purnima, also known as Buddha Jayanti, is the most important festival for Buddhists worldwide. Celebrated on the first full moon day (Purnima) of the Vaisakha month in the lunar calen… Read More
Being healthy is not a choice. Instead, it is a necessity. When we hear the word healthy, the first thing that comes to our mind is physical health—the state of not having any diseases… Read More
Karma is an ethical causation. The theory of Karma is one of the most essential doctrines in Buddhism. Buddhist beliefs about Karma is that past actions, good or bad, affect the present. Kar… Read More
“Peace comes from within, Do not seek it without.” – Buddha Have you ever noticed how in the endless search for happiness and wealth, we often overlook the importance of… Read More
“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without”. – Buddha In our lives, many things cannot be bought with money. Peace is something that we must create for ourselves… Read More
Relationships are part of human life and well-being. It gave a sense of support, security, and belonging. Maintaining a healthy relationship is as important as sending a rocket to space or t… Read More
Vipassana Meditation is an ancient form of meditation that originated from the Buddhist tradition. The word “Vipassana” is Pali, an ancient Indian language, and it means “c… Read More
Chakra meditation is a centuries-old practice rooted in Eastern spiritual traditions. In recent years, it has gained popularity in the West as a holistic approach to balance the mind, body… Read More
What is an example of social well-being? Most of the time we tend to focus on our physical and mental well-being and forget about our social well-being. However social well-being is as im… Read More
Definition of Nirvana Nirvana is the ultimate state of peace, happiness, and freedom from suffering in Buddhism. It represents a profound inner awakening and freedom from the cycle of bir… Read More
In India, people celebrate Dussehra or Vijayadashmi on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, marking the end of the nine-day Navratri festival. This day also initiates preparations for Diwali, which wi… Read More
In yoga philosophy, the Niyamas are a set of principles that guide personal growth and self-discovery. They’re like the second step on the path of yoga, highlighting their importance… Read More
Meaning of Yama in Yoga Yama, one of the foundational pillars of classical yoga, is a key component among the eight limbs. It serves as a set of ethical guidelines that help practitioners… Read More
Buddhist Morning – Finding Peace at Dawn Imagine waking up in the morning, when the world is quiet and peaceful. That’s how a Buddhist morning begins. Buddhists have a unique… Read More
Buddhism- the oldest and biggest religion has its origin in India, which goes back nearly 2,500 years.  A Buddhist strongly believes that nirvana or enlightenment might be achieved via… Read More
In the fast-paced modern world, the quest for inner peace has led many to explore the serene path of Buddhism. In this beginner’s guide, we delve into the art of practising Buddhism at… Read More
Yoga For Good Sleep
Introduction Yoga is a soothing and rejuvenating way to end the day. Over 55% of people who practice yoga reported that it improved their sleep. More… Read More
Yoga For Complete Beginners
Yoga for complete beginners, Yoga is a huge pool of spiritual methods and activities intended to incorporate body, spirit and mind to accomplish a condition of enlightenment. As a beginner… Read More
“Just as a flower cannot bloom without sunlight, the heart cannot find peace without understanding.” – Gautama Buddha Who Was Gautama Buddha? Gautama Buddha, also kno… Read More
Hatha Yoga is a branch of Yoga that focuses on physical postures (asanas) and breath control (pranayama) to promote overall health. The term “Hatha” represents the balance of opp… Read More
5 Best Yoga Poses For Flexibility
Flexibility is an important part of overall fitness and well-being. Yoga offers a multitude of benefits, including increased flexibility and improved range of motion. Including specific yoga… Read More
List Of Spiritual Disciplines
Spiritual Disciplines “Every soul’s journey is a unique tapestry of experiences, emotions, and aspirations. Amid life’s intricacies, there is a longing for deeper meanin… Read More
Spiritual Quotes
“The present moment is the only moment available to us, and it is the door to all moments.” Spiritual quotes have a unique ability to touch our hearts, inspire our minds, and… Read More
Buddhism, a profound philosophy and way of life, offers valuable insights into finding inner peace and contentment. At the heart of this ancient tradition are five fundamental principles tha… Read More