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Baby Rash: baby your baby skin, All Causes and Treatments

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Your Baby rash develops when his skin is irritated by allergic reactions to bacteria, viruses, and other factors. Read about different  baby rashes to prevent and treat them.

Baby Rash is one of the most common reasons that parents see the doctor. In most cases,  rashes are not serious, but in some cases they are. If your Baby has no other symptoms, you can simply observe the Rash for a few days. Most rashes resolve in its own without treatment. But If your baby has a rash with a fever, breathing difficulties, vomiting, or reduced general health, you have to see the doctor.

The rash can have different causes, so let the doctor observe what the rash looks like, how many and how big the marks are, how long the rash has been formed.

baby rash

Baby Rash causes


It is a common allergic rash. It is  an extremely itchy rash that consists of large welts on the surface of the body. Hives be caused due to an allergic reaction to medicines, foods, viral infections, or insect stings and bites. The rash can move around the body lasting for 3-4 days. Localized hives may indicate direct skin contact with a substance that the person isn’t able to tolerate, such as foods.

Hives usually are mild and can be managed at home. However, you need to treat only one symptom which is the rash or, more specifically, the itch. Oral antihistamines are the easiest and safest way to treat hives You can use topical cortisone cream to help take some of the sting out.

If the rash lasts for more than a few days or it does not respond to oral antihistamines, be sure to see your doctor.  The doctor may prescribe a stronger antihistamine. In the rare case, an allergic reaction can become life-threatening condition. So, your baby might need a shot of epinephrine quickly.

Moreover, if the rash doesn’t act like hives but it looks like hives, let your doctor check it out.


Impetigo can develop on any part of your cutes’ body that break in the skin. The rash is usually caused  due to a scratch, bite, or minor irritation that may be infected with streptococcus or staphylococcus bacteria. If your baby scratches the wound, the bacteria may spread on the skin and cause more sores that may last 4-6 days before drying up and forming scabs. It is usually treated with topical or oral antibiotics.

If your baby has impetigo, call your doctor. However, most cases can be treated at home. You should wash the affected skin with water and antibacterial soap several times a day. Then, you should apply some antibacterial ointment. If you notice that  there is no sign of improvement within a few days, contact a doctor to decide if your baby needs a prescription-strength antibiotic ointment or an oral antibiotic.

Baby acne

Commonly, your baby will get acne at birth. However, it usually shows up after a couple of weeks. Baby acne looks like small pimples or whiteheads that surrounded by reddish skin. Those pimples, commonly,  appear on your baby’s cheeks, on his forehead, chin, and back.

when your baby is hot or fussy, his acne can become more pronounced.
Baby acne goes away on its own without any treatment. Don’t despair if the rash takes several months.

Infected Wounds

The infected wound can occur when a minor wound due to a skin irritation, scratch, cut, or bite becomes infected by bacteria on the surface of the skin or from external sources. Therefore, the wound becomes red and moist, the surrounding skin becomes swollen and tender because of inflammation. Your baby may develop a fever and the lymphatic nodes may become swollen in the surrounding area.


It is a localized skin infection that is caused by streptococcus bacteria. Your baby’s skin becomes hot, swollen, and red in one area. Commonly, there is no obvious point in the skin for the bacteria. Cellulitis can have other symptoms like fever and a reduced general condition. Cellulitis  should be evaluated and treated promptly, because the infection may spread rapidly.


If you notice that there is a bump under your baby’s eyelid, he may have a chalazion. Don’t worry, commonly, it is a painless bump that appears under the upper or lower eyelid. It may be caused by an inflamed tear duct or eyelash gland.

However, the chalazion might be more annoying than painful for your baby. It should go away on its own after a month or so. To comfort your baby, keep his eye clean by bathing it with a warm compress twice a day for 5-10 minutes. If your baby doesn’t heal after a month, see your doctor.

Fungal Rash

It is skin infections that can be caused by two specific types of fungi: tinea and candida. Tinea infections, or ringworm, are ring-shaped lesions with normal-looking skin in the middle.  There is also an itchy and slightly raised edge around it. You can notice that the rash is found on the scalp, face, body, or nails of your baby. The second type is the Candida infections which may occur in babies as oral thrush, as a white coating on the tongue or mouth mucosa or as a shiny, red rash in the diaper region.


Blepharitis is a bacterial infection that cause the eyelash follicles at the base of the eyelid to become inflamed.

It can make your baby’s eyelashes seem crusty or greasy. He might lose some of his eyelashes. Your baby’s eyelid can be burn or itch. Your baby may be upset and cry a lot.

To allay your baby’s discomfort, bathe your baby’s eyelid twice a day with a warm compress. If his doesn’t heal after a week, take him to your doctor to prescribe an antibiotic ointment.

Bee sting

The bee sting can be harmful. The area around a sting will quickly become red, swollen, and itchy.
To ease the amount of venom entering your baby’s skin, you should remove the stinger as quickly as possible. Flick it out. Do not squeeze the sting because this could push more venom in.

You can treat the red swelling by placing over the affected area an ice bag  or a cool flannel wrapped in a tea towel. You could you’re your baby some infant paracetamol or ibuprofen if he is older than three months. If you feel that your baby is in a lot of pain, see your GP.


It is a skin infection caused by the itch mite. It is quite contagious. The female mite burrows into the skin  between the fingers, in the armpit, and in the wrist area.

Your baby can get scabies on the palms of their hands and soles of their feet. Scabies can cause  itching, which can lead to the formation of in the armpit, sores, blisters, scabs, and the possibility of secondary bacterial infection. Scabies require treatment by your physician.

Head Lice

Lice are insects that lay eggs that attached to the hairs of the head. The eggs hatch after one week and cause itching on the scalp. Commonly, Lice can be found on the hairline, on the neck, and behind the ears. lice are quite contagious; however, it is important to know that they do not cause disease.


Warts are a common viral rash disease. There are many types that can be found either individually or in clusters. Warts are slightly raised on the skin surface and have a hard, rough surface. However, those on the sole of the foot  are pressed flat by body weight. Warts will disappear on their own without treatment; however, they may return.  The plantar warts require treatment.

Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is another common rash that is caused by a virus. The rash appears as a tiny, raised bumps on the skin surface. The color  of rash ranges from pale, red flesh color to grayish white or yellow. Each bump has a dent in the center.

They usually do not bother your baby, but they may be itchy. Therefore, your baby may infect the skin by scratching. Usually, treatment is not usually recommended. They disappear without treatment within a few weeks and they may persist for several months or years.


Your baby may get one of the following three common types of eczema:

  • Atopic dermatitis:It is a chronic skin rash that affects children in families with a history of allergies. The rash appears dry and itchy. Your baby’s skin becomes red, irritated, and scaly.
  • Seborrhea: it is also called seborrheic dermatitis. Commonly, it affects infantsup to 3 months. Actually, the cause is unknown. However,  the cause is thought to be a disturbance in the skin’s production of sebaceous matter and sweat.

The rash is not itchy and is dry, red, and slightly flaky. Seborrhea usually includes rash on the face, neck, chest, folds of skin, and rash on diaper area. Infants may have yellowish scabs on the scalp, called cradle cap. Calm down, this rash disappears within a few months.

  • Contact dermatitis: this type of eczema occurs when certain substances, such as creams, and detergents, irritate your baby skin and cause a hypersensitivity reaction. Therefore, the skin becomes red and angry-looking giving rise to raised papules or vesicles in the affected areas of your baby skin. Often, the rash is itchy but it may also be moist.

Baby Diaper Rash

Diaper rash occurs in the diaper area.  It makes the skin becomes moist, red, and irritated because of stool and urine. Your baby skin’s irritation may cause tiny openings, which allow the bacteria or fungi to cause a secondary infection which will make the rash worse.

Rubella and Measles

In the U.S, rubella and measles have become rare diseases because most babies are vaccinated against the viruses. In addition to the rash of small, flat red spots, there are other symptoms that the rubella and measles viruses cause including fever, malaise, and cough.

Chicken Pox (varicella)

The rash starts as red marks on the face and body. Within a few hours, the marks develop into fluid-filled blisters which later burst and leave scabs. Chicken pox can be easily recognized because the skin around the vesicles is normal. There are other symptoms of chickenppx include a fever, congestion, and blisters in the mouth.

Chickenpox’s rash is very itchy, so you need to prevent your baby from excessive scratching,  because, by this, the bacterial infection in the skin can spread to other organs. These Bacterial infections may also lead to wounds and scars. Chicken pox is contagious. After 5-7 days, all the pox will be dry scabs, which means the child is no longer contagious.

Scarlet Fever

Basically, a streptococcal infection of the throat cause the  Scarlet fever. Its Symptoms include a high fever, a sore throat, and a rash on the face and neck. Then, the rash spreads down through the body. The area around the mouth becomes pale. After 5-6 days, the rash disappears and the baby’s skin often begins to peel, especially on the fingertips. If your baby has scarlet fever, contact a doctor treat your baby with antibiotics.


Roseola is a viral illness that cause a very high fever lasting 3-4 days with few other symptoms. Your baby will get a fever suddenly. Then, within a few hours, a rash appears. The rash is not itchy. It fades away within 1-2 days when pressure is applied.

Keep on your mind that the roseola diagnosis cannot be done until the fever has gone and the rash has appeared. After the doctor  make sure that it is a roseola, he will not prescribe antibiotics because the infection is viral. However, you have to deal with the symptoms and treat them. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen can treat the fever. If the rash is not itchy, you don’t need any cream. If you’re concerned about lack of energy or appetite, it’s time to see your pediatrician. If the symptoms last longer than 5 days, you should check out again.

Fifth Disease

It viral disease which starts with mild cold symptoms and fever. After one week, the rash appears. Your baby also gets a significant redness on the cheeks and a paleness around the mouth. The rash may spread down the body, but the soles of the feet  and the palms of the hands are often not affected. The rash might be itchy. It can have a lacy appearance and lasting 1-3 weeks.

Hand-Food-Mouth Disease

Hand-foot-mouth disease is caused by the coxsackie virus. This illness produces little vesicles in the mouth, on the fingers, or on the feet. HFMD’s symptoms include fever and blisters in the mouth that make it difficult to eat. Normally, the disease runs its course over a few days.

Lyme Disease

Actually, an infection transmitted through a tick bite Lyme cause this disease. A rash appears 2-6 weeks after the tick bite, along with other symptoms including fever, headache, and body pains. The rash appears as a red, circular area around the tick bite spreading outward like a target.

Cold sores

If your baby gets a cold sore for the first time, he’ll develop with swollen gums and a sore mouth. A few days later, you may see a cluster of small blisters on his lips that become a painful sore. It can appear along with a fever and swollen lymph glands in his neck.

After few days, the sore crusts over and slowly disappear. However, the flare-up lasts between 5-10 days. To treat your baby’s pain, you should give him a dose of infant paracetamol suspension or apply ice to the sore or. If the symptoms are bad, your doctor may prescribe an anti-viral medicine.

Oral thrush

The signs of thrush are white spots or patches in your baby’s mouth. Your baby’s mouth will be quite sore and he may be reluctant to feed.
If you suspect that your baby have thrush, take him to your doctor. The doctor may prescribe an oral antifungal to treat the thrush.

Ear infection (otitis media)

The main sign of an ear infection is pus coming out of your baby’s ear. Your baby will feel unwell and he may have a fever.

Probably, Your baby’s ear infection is caused by a cold. It caused your baby’s middle ear to swell. By this, an ideal environment is created for bacteria to grow.
Generally, most ear infections resolve on their own; however, take your baby to the doctor if:

  • your baby is under 3 months.
  • Your baby is in a lot of pain.
  • The symptoms do not resolve after 24 hours.
  • Your baby’s ear gets discharge.
  • Your baby’s ears are infected.

Erythema toxicum

Erythema toxicum appears on her skin as red spots with small yellow or white pustules in the middle. Newborns get this rash 2-5 days after birth.  This rash can appear anywhere on your baby’s body, apart from the palms of her hands or the soles of her feet.  Don’t worry, the rash should disappear on its own within 2 weeks.

Keratosis pilaris

Keratosis pilaris is a common, non-contagious, harmless condition in which areas of the skin appear to be  covered in goose pimples. This illness occurs when too much keratin, which is a protein  found in the outer layer of skin, builds up in the hair follicles.  Your baby’s Skin that affected by the condition can be rough, bumpy and  sandpaper in texture. Usually,  it can be seen on the back of the upper arms, the thighs and buttocks. The affected skin can be itchy. Moisturizers can reduce dryness, and gentle exfoliation can also help.


In the first few days after birth, about half of all babies get a yellowish tinge on their skin. If your baby has a dark skin, you are may also notice a yellow tinge to the white of his eyes, or on the palms of his hands or soles of his feet.


Milia are tiny, white spots that appears on your baby’s face.  To be more specific, the rash usually occurs across her nose, cheeks, chin, forehead, or around her eyes.
Because the oil glands on your baby’s face are still developing, Milia normally appear a couple of weeks after birth. Your baby’s milia spots clear up on their own within a six weeks.

Baby Neck Rash

Getting a rash under the neck is very common at 4 months. The rash is developed because the skin of the neck’s folds rubs against itself. The heat, friction, and moisture can combine to irritate the skin and interrupt the protective layer, normal outside. This rash often stays there until your baby start sitting up most of the day, no matter how it is treated.

Your baby may develop yeast into this irritated skin. When that happens, you should use a yeast cream to get rid of the infection within 2 weeks, but the rash usually stays.

Avoid using soap because it can be irritating. You should use warm water and a soft washcloth. Then, dry it very carefully. Air to the area is very healing.

Nappy rash

Baby nappy rash causes a red puffy rash around your baby’s genitals, bottom, and the folds of her thighs. The rash sometimes look pimply, and it can be either dry or moist. Commonly, your baby get nappy rash during his first year due to the wetness.

To treat the baby nappy rash, you should keep your baby clean and dry by changing his nappy frequently.

Infective conjunctivitis

The main sign of conjunctivitis is a pink watery eye. The conjunctiva is caused by an allergy or an infection. It is the membrane which lines your baby’s eyelids. It also covers the white part of his eye.
Generally, infective conjunctivitis are caused due to a bacterial or viral infection.

Other signs of conjunctivitis may include:

  • A sticky eye
  • A yellow crust around the eyelid or a yellow discharge.
  • soreness and redness.

If you suspect that your baby has infective conjunctivitis, you should bathe his eye with water and cotton wool regularly.

If your baby is under a month old, take him to see the doctor straight away. Young babies usually develop conjunctivitis due to a more serious infection such as chlamydia.

Scarlet fever

To make sure that your baby has scarlet fever, you need to check if your baby has the following first symptoms:

  • sore throat
  • headache
  • nausea or vomiting
  • fever

A red rash will start in one place and then spread over your baby’s body. It has a sandpapery texture develops 12-48 hours after this. The rash may fade to white if you apply pressure on her skin.


A stye is a boil that may develop at the eyelash. It usually happens because of an infection which the eyelash has rooted in.
The first sign that indicates that your baby has a stye is a red bump that appears at the edge of his eyelid. Then, the bump gets larger and eventually burst after a few days. Your baby’s may feel uncomfortable but it doesn’t cause him any trouble.
You can encourage the stye to burst by  putting a warm compress over your baby’s eye. Do this four times a day until the stye starts to seeps a little pus. Be careful and never try to pierce or squeeze the stye because this may cause infection.

If your baby keeps getting styes or the stye doesn’t get better after two weeks, you should take him to the doctor.


Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the almond-shaped lymph nodes, the tonsils that bulge out on both sides of the back of the throat. If tonsils become infected, it can cause the tonsils to swell. Tonsillitis is  caused by a virus that they should clear up on its own.

  • A persistent sore throat
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Ear pain
  • White spots on the tonsils
  • Breathing through the mouth while sleeping
  • Fever or chills
  • Refusing to eat
  • Swollen glands in the neck and jaw
  • Loss of voice
  • Drooling
  • Headache

Make sure that you provide a plenty of rest and fluids for your baby. If your baby is older than 3 months, give him infant paracetamol or ibuprofen to ease the pain.


Mouth ulcers appear in the inside of the lips or on the inside of the checks. They can be very sore and uncomfortable.

Commonly, an ulcer is white, grey, red, or yellow. There also may be a swollen red ring around it. Your baby develop an ulcer due to accidently biting his cheek or lip, or maybe a sharp piece of food cut your baby’s mouth a little.  You can trigger ulcers with illness or tiredness.
Regarding the mouth ulcers, they usually clear up on their own within 10-14 days. Mouth ulcer can make eating uncomfortable for your baby, so you should feed him softer foods that have no sharp edges. You should also brush his teeth.

Umbilical hernia

It is a lump which varies in groin, size under the skin, or in the tummy. A hernia happens because your baby’s muscles have not developed fully. It occurs around the tummy button.

The majority of the umbilical hernias go away on their own because your baby grows and his muscles become stronger. In general, umbilical hernias do not  cause a problem. Your doctor may recommend surgery to repair the hernia if it is very large, or if it doesn’t go away.

How to Prevent Baby Rash?

  • Be careful and avoid strong substances such as soaps, detergents, perfumes that might irritate your baby skin. You should also avoid letting your baby wear tight-fitting clothing that may irritate the skin.
  • If your baby has an eczema , the dry skin will cause the itchy. In this case, you should frequently use moisturizing creams and oil baths to soften the skin. Also, you should cut your baby’s nails short to prevent  him from scratching injuries and skin damage. Be careful and avoid certain foods  that can aggravate atopic eczema in babies.
  • Change your baby diapers frequently and apply good general hygiene to prevent baby diaper rashes.

How to treat Baby Rash?

Treating your baby rash properly depends on many factors: How is your baby general condition? Does your baby have other symptoms of illness? How quickly did the rash appear? How much does the rash bother your baby? Has baby been exposed to any new foods, soaps, or skin products? Is your baby on any medications?

We’ll give you some general ways to treat your baby rash includes:

  • To treat bacterial skin infections, you should use a topical antiseptic or antibacterial treatment. Topical treatment is sufficient, but, sometimes, oral antibiotics are necessary.
  • Cool baths with oatmeal can ease your baby’s itchy rash. After bath, you should apply calamine lotion or a baking soda solution to the rash. Apply 1% hydrocortisone cream for localized itchy rashes if the rash is not a result of chicken pox, fungus, or bacterial infection.
  • To decrease the itchy rash, give your baby oral antihistamines before bedtime because the medicine makes babies sleepy. You have to avoid antihistamine creams because they can irritate the skin.
  • If your baby take a new medicine and develops a rash, consult your doctor immediately.

See the doctor immediately if your baby:

  • Has a high fever, sore throat, headache, or vomiting in addition to the rash.
  • Has a rash which becomes infected with bacteria or fungi.
  • Has a rash close to the eyes.
  • Has taken a new medicine or eaten food before a rash developed.
  • Has a fever and purplish patches or tiny red dots that do not blanch.
  • Has an intensely red rash which is very tender to the touch.
  • Has impetigo.
  • Has the bullseye rash that associated with Lyme disease.
  • Has hives with simultaneous face swelling and swallowing or breathing difficulties.
  • Has a rash persisting for more than 3 days, regardless of the cause.

The post Baby Rash: baby your baby skin, All Causes and Treatments appeared first on All Rash.

This post first appeared on All Rash, please read the originial post: here

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Baby Rash: baby your baby skin, All Causes and Treatments


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