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Beauty & Power - The Lengyel's Maui Family Beach Portraits

Beauty & Power - The Lengyel's Maui Family Beach Portraits

On the surface, Susan and her stunning daughter, Maui, look like any other fun loving duo. In reality, they are so much more. Two of the strongest ladies you'll ever meet, we were so honored to capture their Maui Family Beach Portrait. In town with the help of the Make A Wish Foundation, the perfect pair are visiting from New York and celebrating Maui's completion of chemo. At six years old, she is the bright, beaming light of her mom's world and her easy smile is a ray of sunshine to anyone she meets. As Susan marches on as mothers somehow do, she provides and finds comfort in the warm embrace of her darling daughter. Faced with every family's worst nightmare, these two are the picture of strength and beauty, and a true testament to the power that lies within women. Thank you, Lengyel Family, for allowing us into your world on a beautiful morning on a beautiful beach. You remind us to take each day as the gift that it is and to keep powering through when life deals the devastating blows. To you both, keep your heads held high as you inspire those around you and please continue to take care of yourselves, and one another. The entire Karma Hill Photography teams stands with, and behind, you. Maui - you keep kicking cancer's butt!!! 
May the Aloha Spirit help to heal what hurts and give strength for the future. 
Warm Aloha!!!

Maui Family Photographer: Michelle of Karma Hill Photography
Location: Baby Beach
Time of Day: Morning

Check out the Hernandez Family's Maui Portraits!

This post first appeared on Maui's Top Photographers - Family Portraits, Wedding Photography, please read the originial post: here

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Beauty & Power - The Lengyel's Maui Family Beach Portraits
