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The Inversion Agenda

We are now living in the last stage of a plan to invert the individual and society from natural order. The plan will be deemed a success when most human beings on the planet live inverted to their biology and nature, and come to believe that an inverted reality has always been a normal state of affairs.

The elites are performing the Inversion to weaken man to such an extent that their rule will never be threatened. In effect, they are creating a permanent slave class that will be as incapable of overthrowing their masters as a herd of cows is incapable of killing the farmer who owns them, even though those cows descended from powerful bulls that could only be handled with specialized training or weapons. There is no better way to weaken humans than to take away their natural strengths, pit them against each other through a multitude of invented identities, and convince them that strength can only come in hedonistic pleasure that focuses around food, entertainment, and sodomy.

Here are the eight most disturbing inversions that are currently taking place…

1. Heterosexual sex is rape

You may remember the “all sex is rape” canard from insane Jewish feminist Andrea Dworkin, who claimed that heterosexual intercourse is “violent.” That was merely a test launch for the real deal. Many years later, another Jewish elite figure, Ezra Klein, stated that men should feel a “cold spike of fear” before initiating any sexual relationship. This goal is close to being achieved.

The intermediary step before classifying all heterosexual sex as rape is to poison male-female relations with the idea of sexual “consent,” which can never be truly verified without video and audio recordings. Even if you do record sex, it will soon be dictated that men did not have consent if a woman said no with her inner voice. It doesn’t matter that the man never heard the word “no” as long as the female thought it, and the fact that he didn’t stop makes him a rapist who must, at the minimum, be forced from his job and have his reputation ruined. Many men will have their lives destroyed because of this very scenario until every single instance of heterosexual sex can be interpreted as rape if the man being accused possesses a job that a female desires or if he is in any way a threat to the inversion agenda.

At the same time, it will be nearly impossible for homosexual sex to be classified as rape. It doesn’t matter that most homosexual sex takes place under a buffet of drugs, because if the sex was gay, all is okay. This will cause many men to consider pursuing sodomy as a means to not getting attacked, which is exactly what the elites want.

Not only does homosexuality offer a reliable method of population control, but the act of being a sodomite puts you on a treadmill of drug use, sex, and material consumerism, all habits of a perfectly controlled slave. Consider that the promotion of anal sex in heterosexual pornography is an intermediary step to warming men up to the idea that a hole is a hole, and if a woman can provide pleasure through her rectum then so can a man.

2. Nuclear families are fascism

Next up is to portray the family unit as if Hitler invented it. The first stage of this inversion is to glorify single motherhood and convince women that they are brave and strong for taking a load of semen from a man who doesn’t love them or want to commit to them. This new “single mom” identity is the force that can align itself against married and traditional moms, for the elite will only allow the creation of an identity if it can be used as an offensive weapon (note how they do not allow the organic formation of a genuinely masculine identity group).

The next stage, which has just begun, is to claim that Children from nuclear families have “unfair advantages” over single-parent and homosexual families, and that more money or benefits must be poured into helping the latter groups. Governments will readjust the tax code to punish heterosexual male bachelors and nuclear families while spending billions of dollars into inverted “families.” Like with the heterosexual inversion, the elites know how to craft incentives that nudge people against their natural instincts.

The final stage will be to use the law to limit how many children normal families can have, similar to China’s one-child policy, and then remove those children under false accusations of abuse to be placed within inverted households where abuse is certain to occur. There may even be a point where heterosexual couples require government approval before being able to keep any children they create, and that’s assuming that vaccines and other chemicals don’t sterilize most of the population.

3. Merit is privilege

If you have an IQ over 100, possess work ethic, and can use mental discipline to further your lot in life, you had an advantaged upbringing at the expense of other disadvantaged groups, or you belong to a race that has historically colonized others. Your achievements, careful planning, and hard work are actually indicators that you are keeping others down and robbing them of success.

We first started seeing the beginning of this inversion with affirmative action programs that allowed qualified white applicants to be passed over in favor of minorities who were less suited for the same positions. I saw this firsthand in university when many of my black classmates were accepted to medical school at a medical exam (MCAT) score that would have resulted in an automatic rejection from a white or Asian classmate.

Today, males are being rejected for jobs in favor of less qualified women and minorities, not in the name of affirmative action, but because of “spontaneous” initiatives from all major corporations that coordinate their social policies thanks to being owned by the same tiny group of institutional investors, sovereign wealth funds, and hedge funds. It’s helpful to view corporations as just another vehicle to usher in the great inversion. CEOs are mere employees, gophers of shadowy figures who are higher on the elite ladder.

Many accomplished men are now dropping out of white collar work. Younger men are deciding not to go to university or make their mark in corporate fields. This is by design: the plan is for men to be as far removed from societal power as possible. Soon, the only people eligible for the most important, high-paying jobs will be those who belong to a historical or invented victim class, a flamboyant homosexual, or a minority whose sex is unclear. They will keep their jobs if they’re incompetent as long as they abide by the agenda.

4. Pedophilia is natural

The hardest inversion to accept will be the normalization of pedophilia into a standard sexual orientation that is seen as a “healthy” way to express intimate love with children. Pedophilia is already done behind closed doors in entertainment and government spheres, but it will soon be displayed more openly like we’re seeing with the media’s glorification of little children who “decided” to change their sex.

Great efforts will be made to teach children and their virtue-signaling parents to trust those who are most dangerous to children: homosexuals and transsexuals. In effect, grooming will be institutionalized on a national scale. A good example is the Drag Queen Story Hour program that has disgusting drag queens read to children in public libraries. The effect of this program, which is funded by taxpayers and globalist groups, is to teach children that sexual deviants are safe and should be trusted. Many parents are actually paying money to increase the chances that their children will be molested.

An indicator that this inversion is complete is when people claim that being molested as a child (enabled by their parents) was an empowering experience that allowed them to understand who they really were (a homosexual who loves drugs and sodomy). We actually saw a warm-up to this with Milo Yiannopoulos, who claimed that being molested by a Catholic priest as a child was a rewarding “coming-of-age” experience that allowed him to “discover” who he was. Those who weren’t molested will be seen as both homophobic and transphobic, part of a privileged class that should receive fewer societal benefits from being closed-minded as a child for not wanting to be raped.

5. Beauty is ugly

Beauty is a form of genetic privilege. Beautiful people were given immense physical advantages because their ancestors leveraged their own ill-gotten advantages to breed in a superior manner. The same goes for beautiful art, architecture, and clothing. They’re all signs of a past where minorities and sodomites were oppressed.

Body positivity is the most common means for pushing this inversion, which has recently culminated in a mammoth woman gracing the cover of the UK edition of Cosmopolitan magazine.

In another case of using basic incentives to further an inversion, a woman quickly learns that being slightly beautiful conveys fewer benefits in life than being rather ugly. She sees firsthand how the culture is quick to worship a woman who defaces her body with tattoos, gains massive amounts of weight, and dyes her hair blue. A female monstrosity is actually seen as virtuous because she rejects historical notions of beauty that are “outdated” and “racist.”

This inversion will be the most difficult to execute because humans have a strong instinctual craving for beauty, but I believe the elites will still succeed as long as the promotion of ugliness coincides with financial benefits and status. Understand that humans can be convinced of anything through persistence and the use of incentives.

Music is also an important area where beauty is being destroyed. Let’s compare one of my favorite classical songs, Claire De Lune by Claude Debussy (1905), with a recent number one hit, In My Feelings by Drake (2018).

Now let me see you
Bring that ass, bring that ass, bring that ass back!
B-bring that ass, bring that ass, bring that ass back!
Shawty say the nigga that she with can’t hit
But shawty, I’ma hit it, hit it like I can’t miss
Now let me see you
Clap that ass, you’re the only one I love
Clap that ass, clap-clap that ass!
Bring that ass back!

Drake’s song contains phrases that you may hear outside of a liquor store in the ghetto, but the beat and melody were engineered to dig a wormhole into your brain. This engineering opens the door for degenerate lyrics to be absorbed by your subconscious, thereby affecting your behavior. While Claire De Lune may motivate you to take a walk in a beautiful garden, In My Feelings may cause you to seek out a tattooed, promiscuous woman and maintain a relationship with her.

Once you’ve internalized the ugly art, music, imagery, buildings, and people in your environment, you’ll soon be unable to appreciate beauty or create it yourself. When the inversion is complete, you’ll see older works of beauty as “out of style” or ugly.

6. Feminine is masculine

This inversion began with woman’s suffrage, a subtle way to demote men as leaders of their communities and nations. After giving women the vote, their feelings had to placated when it came to organizing society, a disastrous outcome that has driven politics far to the left in a stunningly short amount of time.

To push women into the workforce, they have to learn masculine traits in order to advance a company’s bottom line and earn an income that makes them “independent.” When you hear the phrase “female empowerment,” what you’re really hearing is “female masculinity.” Any unit of masculinity implanted in a woman must then replace a unit of femininity, resulting in the gruff, frigid, and often vulgar women we have today.

The final stage of this inversion is to erase all masculinity in men through soy, vaccines, and educational propaganda with the intention to have men step aside from leadership roles to make up for the sins of historical patriarchy. Any masculinity displayed in men will be rooted out so that only women can display a harmless version of masculinity that has no actual strength behind it. Women must be made the leaders and the big bosses, but since their nature is ill-suited for strength, various bureaucracies and organizations will lose function and slide to the level of incompetence that we see in the third world.

The most useful effect of eradicating masculinity is to weaken the resistance of men, making it nearly impossible for them to fight back against oppression. This must happen for the elites to achieve their goal of a permanent slave class. The “healthy masculinity” they’ve been teaching men is actually “healthy femininity,” and the empowerment they teach women is actually masculinity. Once you understand that this inversion is taking place, it’s easy to decode the talking points and re-education programs that come from the system, whether in education, media, government, or any other institution they control.

7. White is not right

The next inversion is to demonize the white race, lower their population, and impoverish them both economically and spiritually. Because whites were instrumental in colonizing other nations, though let’s not mention their Jewish financiers and slavers, they must check their privilege by giving way to other races and dying off. Anti-white hatred will get increasingly more blatant as they get ready to apply the final death blow.

The white race is the most capable of resisting the elites. This is why so much energy is being dedicated to destroying them. Other races are simply not strong enough to defeat a globalized elite force that has tentacles in every nation except Iran, Syria, and North Korea. Muslims get played like a fiddle through divide-and-conquer strategies and Africans are not skilled in global ways of thinking. Asians are too compliant towards authority to resist, and seem to want to be a part of the system that promises them with great wealth. There is always Russia, which I see as a wild card, but with a Rothschild central bank, it’s doubtful they are as independent as many think.

The rest of the world is composed of basket cases that can barely manage their own economies. Once whites are destroyed, and I believe they will ultimately be demoted to the level of poor Irish potato farmers of old, we are in for a dark age, because no one else will be able to fight back against tyranny. As a consolation prize, we will be dead by the time this happens.

The sad irony of this inversion is the role that middle-class white women have played in aiding the inversion agenda. Perhaps because their lives have become too comfortable, or their men have become too weak, they will be shocked to see that they and their children (assuming they have any) will be neutralized. This will have the short-term effect of bringing more women to the right, but by then it will be too late.

8. Science is God

The final inversion is to replace God, a spiritual concept that encapsulates all that is known and unknown, with “science,” which can easily be influenced by the powers-that-be to arrive at conclusions which match the current agenda (e.g. global warming). Studies will only be done when there is an incentive to arrive at a certain “truth,” and when real truths need to be concealed, such as the fact that homosexuals are the main drivers of the AIDS epidemic and are prone to molesting children they adopt, there simply will be no studies done on the matter, or they will not be publicized.

Even without influence from the elites, most scientific studies, even in medical sciences, have been shown to be non-reproducible. In other words, they’re junk, just like the drugs that people are taking as a result of these fake studies. The faith that most people have in science is just as great as what believers have in God, and if someone comes to them with a “study” or “fact check,” they take it as gospel because it matches the inverted worldview they’ve been programmed to believe.

The easiest people to push inversions on, it turns out, are those who don’t believe in God, because they immediately disregard anything connected to the past, including old wisdom or just plain common sense that managed to survive for millennia, all in exchange for a trendy new study that uses a low sample size, and which proves nothing.

Understand that science can only observe what can be seen, but a big part of the universe exists on electromagnetic wave spectrums and dark matter that we cannot see or precisely measure. A belief in science alone conflicts with the very nature of existence, which is that humans can understand or perceive only a small part of the whole. It narrows reality into such a peephole that it then becomes easy for the elites to fill in that tiny view with only information and perceptions that they want their slaves to believe.

I’ve arrived at the point where I automatically reject all science of the day as just an advanced form of propaganda. This includes evolution, an important invention in killing God. If new science is being published and promoted, and there is “consensus” on it, I take it as a heuristic that it is actually false, and the opposite is more likely to be true. Without even being a scientist, you can easily understand the real truth through believing in the opposite of what you’re told to believe.


As you can see, the elites are quite far along with completing the above eight inversions. I would estimate that they are 75% complete with the entire plan, and want to hurry the rest along because they see victory on the horizon. The problem with rushing is that they will make mistakes that awaken many slaves, but they are confident that their power is strong enough to handle this “leakage.” A man who goes against the inversion agenda can be destroyed with trumped-up sexual crimes, intimidated by hired street thugs (Antifa), or censored online.

When the elite’s artificial intelligence programs kick in, and the slaves take to it like they have voluntarily taken to every other elite mechanism of control, resistance will be far harder than it is now, but as Alexandr Solzhenitsyn explained in The Gulag Archipelago, to collapse a cave, you only need to start with a little crack. They have been able to control most of humanity, but the fact that you exist, and are reading these words right now, show that many people still crave the truth and can think for themselves.

How far you or I go to maintain the limited freedoms we have remaining will soon be tested. When they do come for you and demand you accept their inversions at the threat of being destroyed, what will you do? I’ve thought about this question deeply, and have arrived at an answer that I believe has sealed my fate.

Read Next: Conservatives Are Losers

This post first appeared on Roosh V, please read the originial post: here

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The Inversion Agenda


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