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Chakra Pendulums: Cleanse and Energy Healing for Your Chakras

Chakra healing is an ancient practice that dates back thousands of years in India. Until recently, the benefits of traditional oriental wisdom and spiritual healing were a mystery to the western world. Millions of people around the world, however, now benefit from holistic healing through yoga, meditation, breathwork, fasting, and crystal healing. Today, eastern practices such as Chakra Healing which include the use of chakra stones, chakra candles, and the chakra pendulum, have become popular for their holistic approach. A passageway, in a sense, which delivers the complete transformation of an individual’s life.

Chakra pendulums have helped many people to attain and rebalance energy deficiencies in their chakras.

According to a study published by the National Institutes Of Health, at least 8% of American adults, or 18 million people, practice meditation and other mind-body practices to improve their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Chakra Pendulums, in particular, have become a popular healing method for their ease of use, convenience, and life changing properties. Along with chakra stones, bracelets, and other tools, chakra pendulums have helped many people to attain and rebalance energy deficiencies in their chakras, as well as make important and life changing decisions. All this knowledge and wisdom is now available for anyone to use to improve all aspects of their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

Understanding Your Chakras

The term Chakra is a Sanskrit word which translates to “discs” or “wheels of energy.” While these wheels of energy are located all over the body, there are seven major chakras. The seven chakras are located on a vertical axis from the top of the head to the base of the spine. Energy currents flow through the chakras in both an upward and downward direction, creating transcendence and manifestation throughout your spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional being. This life force energy, or Prana, spin each wheel as it moves onto the next, influencing every facet of your life. Every chakra can be visualized as a swirling wheel of life-giving energy which enlivens all living things. Your chakras must, therefore, be kept aligned, open, and fluid for a healthy life. Otherwise, chakras can be blocked by negative energy, traumatic experiences, restrictive habits, and cultural inhibitions.

All your life’s difficulties trace back to a subdued life force energy.

Chakra blockages manifest themselves as physical and mental illness, emotional instability, lack of spiritual enlightenment, and failure to achieve your ambitions. Every physical illness such as hypertension, diabetes, joint problems etc, are manifestations of blocked chakras. Similarly, failed relationships and inability to love oneself, or others, are all symptoms of inactive chakras. As such, all your life’s difficulties trace back to a subdued life force energy, which must be revitalized and purified. The purpose of chakra healing is removing these blockages, activating your chakras, and revitalizing your life force energy. Only then, can you achieve success while being the most radiant, vibrant, and healthy version of yourself.

What Are Chakra Pendulums?

A pendulum is a powerful tool that can detect and affect vibrational energy around you. In fact, pendulums have been used to find water, oil, gold, and other important resources with great consistency. Pendulums have also accurately demonstrated the rotation of the earth, measured time, and gravity. Healers, scientists, astronomers, and spiritual gurus have treasured the power of pendulums for millennia. This has made all types of pendulums, including those used in chakra healing, an intrinsic part of human wisdom and knowledge for thousands of years. Chakra pendulums are useful in chakra energy healing to restore balance in the energy that moves through the chakras. According to a study published by the National Institutes Of Health, at least 8% of American adults, or 18 million people, practice meditation and other mind-body practices to improve their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Chakra pendulums are at the center of one of the most effective mind-body practice

According to a study published by the National Institutes Of Health, at least 8% of American adults, or 18 million people, practice meditation and other mind-body practices to improve their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Chakra pendulums are at the center of one of the most effective mind-body practice today for chakra healing. Along with chakra stones, bracelets, and candles, chakra pendulums have helped many people to find and rebalance energy deficiencies in their chakras, as well as make important and life-changing decisions. Chakra pendulums are a popular healing method due to their ease of use, convenience, and life-changing properties. All this knowledge and wisdom about pendulums is now available to anyone for use in improving their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

A pendulum is a symmetrical, weighted object that hangs from a cord or chain. If pulled or pushed, a pendulum will rotate or swing as gravity and other forces act on its motion. However, if held completely still at a fixed point, pendulums will begin to move subtlety on their own, as they detect vibrational energies around them.
When held above any of our seven chakra energy centers, the motion of the pendulum will reveal the direction and intensity of the life force energy in each chakra. This will, in turn, indicate if there is balance, imbalance, blockages, or inactivity in any of the seven chakras. This makes chakra pendulums an effective diagnostic tool for chakra balancing and activation.  It is this power of chakra pendulums, to react to and influence vibrational energy around us, which makes them powerful healing tools.

Chakra Pendulums, therefore, are a symmetrical and weighted object that hangs from a cord or chain. Pendulums have been used for millennia by scientists, healers, astronomers, and spiritual gurus. Scientists, for example, have used pendulums to demonstrate the rotation of the earth, measure time, and also measure gravity. They are a powerful tool that can detect and effect vibrational energy around you. In fact, pendulums have been used to find water, oil, gold, and other important resources with great accuracy.

Chakra healing pendulums commonly have chakra crystals as the weighted object. The crystal as can be hung from a precious metal chain such as gold or silver, or any other material. A chakra pendulum may contain one crystal targeted at a particular chakra, or a combination of chakra stones stacked together. Many people find it convenient to buy a chakra pendulum with seven crystals for reactivating, aligning, and balancing all the seven chakra energy centers. Chakra stones or crystals on a pendulum have a specific vibrational frequency that is aligned to each chakra. The color and frequency of a crystal are matched with that of the corresponding chakra energy center. By using a chakra pendulum with a particular crystal, the pendulum becomes a very powerful tool for influencing and revitalizing your chakras.

How do Chakra Pendulums Work?

If pulled or pushed, a pendulum will rotate or swing as gravity and other forces act on its motion. However, if held completely still at a fixed point, chakra pendulums will begin to move subtlety on their own, as they detect vibrational energies around them. When held above any of our seven chakra energy centers, the motion of the pendulum will reveal the direction and intensity of the life force energy in each chakra. This will, in turn, indicate if there is balance, imbalance, blockages, or inactivity in any of the seven chakras. This makes chakra pendulums an effective diagnostic tool for chakra balancing and activation.

Chakra pendulums are useful in chakra energy healing to restore balance in the energy that moves through the chakras. It is this power of chakra pendulums, to react to and influence vibrational energy around us, which makes them powerful healing tools.  According to a study published by the National Institutes Of Health, at least 8% of American adults, or 18 million people, practice meditation and other mind-body practices to improve their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Chakra pendulums are at the center of one of the most effective mind-body practice today.

What Are Chakra Pendulums Made Of?

Chakra healing pendulums commonly have chakra crystals as the weighted object. The crystal as can be hung from a precious metal chain such as gold or silver, or any other material. A chakra pendulum may contain one crystal targeted at a particular chakra, or a combination of chakra stones stacked together. Many people find it convenient to buy a chakra pendulum with seven crystals for reactivating, aligning, and balancing all the seven chakra energy centers. Chakra stones or crystals on a pendulum have a specific vibrational frequency that is aligned to each chakra. The color and frequency of a crystal are matched with that of the corresponding chakra energy center. By using a chakra pendulum with a particular crystal, the pendulum becomes a very powerful tool for influencing and revitalizing your chakras.

What Are Chakra Pendulums Used For?

Chakra pendulums are indispensable tools for diagnosing and healing your chakras. If you are practicing energy healing through the various methods such as meditation, yoga, attending healing courses, and fasting, chances are not all your chakras fully activated. Knowing which ones need focus is one way a chakra pendulum can be of use. Using a chakra pendulum can also help you tune into your powers of intuition. It acts as a receiver and transmitter of vibrational energy and moves in different directions in response to your questions. Chakra pendulums will, therefore, help you to figure out the state of your chakras, which allows you to focus your healing practices on those chakras that need revitalizing.

However, without the help of a chakra pendulum, it may be difficult for inexperienced practitioners to remain in tune with their life force energy and detect changes, variations or blockages within their chakra energy system. This will make it impossible to fully balance and revitalizing your chakras for healthy living and success.
As such, chakra pendulums act like your North Star, pointing you in the right direction as you traverse your cosmic journey. For beginners and experienced energy healing practitioners alike, chakra pendulums are a must-have amulet for achieving transcendental energy healing.

Aside from balancing and activating your chakras, chakra pendulums can also be used to:

  • Cleanse and dispel negative energy in a room.
  • Identify allergies and other ailments.
  • Healing health problems.
  • Clearing and balancing your aura.
  • Identify water and mineral deposits.
  • Find lost objects or pets.
  • Make the right choices in your relationships or career.

How To Buy a Chakra Pendulum

Chakra pendulums are widely available in energy healing stores near you. If you cannot find a suitable store, search online for one. Online buying guides may be useful to determine the type of pendulum that is best for you. However, even for the novice, buying a chakra pendulum is not as difficult as it may seem. The first step is to understand how the chakra mind-body energy system works. Once you have an understanding of how each chakra affects your emotions, thoughts, and spirituality, and which crystals are associated with each chakra, then you are ready to take the next step.

1. Get a Feel for it

Firstly, visit a chakra crystal store near you and get a feel of the pendulums they have. There is never the perfect pendulum for everyone: your choice is individual and depends on how the pendulum makes you feel. It’s wiser and more beneficial to get a pendulum that has a crystal. Although useful on its own, the power of a pendulum is greatly enhanced by a chakra crystal.

2. Make it Match

Secondly, you don’t need an expensive or fancy chakra pendulum to get great results. Simply match the area of your life that needs transformation with the right colored crystal. For example, you may opt for the calming properties of rose quartz or the spiritual enlightenment of amethyst. One popular choice is clear quartz, which provides clarity and connection to a higher purpose.

3. Does it Feel Right?

Thirdly, always go for the pendulum that you feel most connected to. This is because chakra pendulums influence your natural vibrational frequency to revitalize your energy and stabilize your emotions. If the pendulum has a calming, relaxing or energizing effect, then it’s the right one for you.

4. Is One Enough?

Finally, do not restrict yourself to just one pendulum. You can choose to buy two or more pendulums to use on different occasions. Each pendulum will ideally influence a different facet of your physical, spiritual, or emotional being.

A pendulum with seven stacked crystals targeted at all the chakras is also a great choice for everyone. This type of pendulum will direct your life force energy through all your chakras, and balance or open those that are blocked or inactive. A stacked pendulum further gives you cost savings since all you need will be one pendulum rather than several specialized ones.

See also: Chakra Stones: Heal Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

How to Cleanse Your Chakra Pendulum

Once you obtain your chakra pendulum, you will need to cleanse, purify, and charge it before you can use it. This should also be done every day to ensure it works perfectly and delivers the desired energy healing.  To cleanse the pendulum, place it under the sun’s rays during the day in a position where it cannot be disturbed, e.g on a window sill. You may also expose it to moonlight on a clear night. Just like chakra stones, you can also bury it in the ground or cleanse it in water with sea salt. Alternatively, you may hold the pendulum in your hand and blow gently through it to cleanse and purify it.

You can also cleanse your pendulum by holding it in your hand and focusing on your purpose or intent. Clear your mind of all thoughts and concentrate all your energy on your purpose. Pass the pendulum through incense smoke as you chant or say a prayer to cleanse it. Once the pendulum feels light, then the cleansing is complete. If it feels weighty, repeat the process until the pendulum is cleansed.

How to Charge Your Chakra Pendulum

To charge your pendulum, choose a time of day when you are relaxed and free of distractions. Take a deep breath and calm your mind as you concentrate on your intent and purpose. Hold the pendulum in your power hand and focus all your energies on it. Imagine your energies as a white light spiraling with positive intent into your pendulum. Once you feel the pendulum ‘vibrating’ with energy, place it aside and let it absorb the positive energy.  When not in use, keep the pendulum in a soft velvet bag or wrap it in a cloth before storing it away in a drawer or shelf.

How to do Energy Healing Using a Chakra Pendulum

Anyone can learn how to use a chakra pendulum. The most important thing to have an open mind and belief in chakra energy healing. Cast aside any doubts you have and be as relaxed as possible. The more at ease you are, the better the flow of energy through your body will be. Before you use a real chakra pendulum, you can choose to practice with a home-made pendulum of your own. This may be a glass bead or key suspended on a string or any suitable cord.

Step 1.

Hold the cord between your thumb and forefinger using whichever hand feels most comfortable. The chord should not be too long or too short, but of the just the right length to allow the pendulum to swing freely on its own. Many chakra pendulums have a ring or loop at the end of the cord for easier handling. Rest your elbow on a comfortable surface and use your other hand to set the pendulum in a still position. Remain still and relaxed to allow the pendulum to move on its own. It will usually start to rotate or swing in any direction on its own.

Step 2.

The next step is to establish a baseline with obvious questions. You can ask your pendulum to show you a yes or no response. You may also ask for answers you already know such as; Am I alive? Am I sitting in my home? Etc. This will help you determine ‘yes’ and ‘no’ responses from your pendulum depending on the direction of its swing or rotation. The responses might be very subtle at first so you need to watch the pendulum carefully and repeat the exercise several times. Please remember that the yes or no responses might change over time, especially if someone else uses touches or uses your pendulum.

Step 3.

Once you are confident of your pendulum’s responses, you may consult it on the important decisions you need to make in your life. With time, you can use your chakra pendulum to find lost objects and pets or to divine financial or relationship matters. Chakra pendulums are a must-have tool for energy healing. Their ease of use, convenience, and ability to influence and divine important decisions in your life makes them indispensable in chakra healing. Using a chakra pendulum will transform your decision-making process while keeping your chakras balanced, aligned and open for better well-being.

Stay in Control of Your Chakra Pendulum

With so many challenging deconstructions to make each day, it is easy to use your chakra pendulum-like an all-knowing seer. The purpose of your pendulum is to guide and assist you in your cosmic journey, and not to replace all your decision-making faculties!
Despite the healing power and usefulness of chakra pendulums, do not let it control your entire life or make every decision for you. Chakra pendulums, like any healing stone or object, should be used wisely. Consulting your pendulum for even the mundane of decisions diminishes its influence and healing power in your life.
If you need to consult the pendulum, ask yourself the following questions :

  1. Is this an important and life-changing decision for me?
  2. Do I need help to arrive at the right decision?
  3. Do I believe the pendulum will assist me in making the right decision?

If your answer to all the three questions is yes, then you should use your chakra pendulum. Above all else, remember that if you feel uneasy or uncomfortable using your pendulum, postpone the session until you can focus all your emotional and mental energies on it.

Chakra pendulums are a must-have tool for energy healing. Their ease of use, convenience, and ability to influence and divine important decisions in your life makes them indispensable in chakra healing. Using a chakra pendulum will transform your decision-making process while keeping your chakras balanced, aligned and open for better well-being.

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Chakra Pendulums: Cleanse and Energy Healing for Your Chakras


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