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Best Spin Bikes 2017 – Reviews and Comparisons of Top Spin Bikes

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Whoever said workouts cannot be fun is pretty shocked at how exciting yet efficient spinning can be. With energising music blasting in the room, you will be guaranteed a successful Workout. But, for this to happen, you have got to have the right Bike. No worries, this is where we come in. with a detailed rundown of the best spin bikes this year, plus valid details on owning one, we will set you on the right path. Put on your spinning gear, and brace yourself for the ride of your life. Ready? Here we go!

Best Spin Bikes 2017

Here is the list of best spinning bikes recommended by Healtho’clock’s experts teams. Take a look at an individual spin bike model below and choose the best spinning bike for you with ease.

Product Name
Our Rating
Keiser M3i
49" L x 26" W x 45" H
Sunny Health and Fitness Pro SF-B901
49" L x 20" W x 47" H
Sole Fitness SB700
40" L x 21" W x 42" H
Schwinn A.C. Performance Plus
43" L x 20" W x 48" H
Sunny Health and Fitness Indoor Cycle Trainer
55" L x 20" W x 48" H

Best Spin Bikes 2017 – Our Recommendations!

Here are some best spin bike quick recommendations reviewed by Health o’Clock Fitness Team which can help you to get one.

1. Keiser M3i Plus Indoor Cycle

This is the best bike for indoor cycling. It’s sturdiness in conjunction with the high-quality material used to manufacture it enables you to have a delightful indoor cycling experience. The bike is designed to have a trendy minimalist look while providing the best workout experience that cannot be compared to any other spin bike. It may never need maintenance because the parts that encounter friction are designed to never touch thus reducing the wear and tear that might result.

Its flywheel, which encounters most of the motion effects is positioned at the rear position of the bike. This ensures that sweat may not fall on the bike as it may cause damage to the other parts of the bike. Unlike other bikes, you can do a full-blown workout which offers maximized resistance from the bike and thus offering you an ideal fat burning experience. There are adjustable seats, fronts as well as handlebars that guarantee comfort during your indoor cycling. Additionally, the LCD display is designed to show you the data that you would expect which includes distance, time and speed.

This spin bike makes workouts pretty simple and if you are a newbie, you can do them without any assistance. The spin bike is also light for easy transportation and moving from your storage to the gym. It can also sustain a maximum weight of 300 pounds which caters for most people.

2. The Sunny Health and Fitness Pro SF-B901

This is a solid bike that is made of durable material to last longer while sustaining you during your workouts. Its stability levels are awesome and will ensure you enjoy comfort during your indoor cycling sessions. The handlebars and seat are easily adjustable to suit the needs of your body during a workout. The provision of a soft and smooth ride is one characteristic that you cannot overlook in this bike. Your workouts cannot disturb other occupants and those in your surroundings.

The 40lbs flywheel adds stability to your pro bike and you can be sure that your workout will most probably simulate that of a bike on the road. It is exceptionally light weighing 108lbs and can support a maximum weight of 275 lbs. This ensures that most users are supported by the bike. You will be in a position to make your workout interesting with the presence of adjustable resistance that the bike provides. The wheels that are located on the back legs also ensure the bike can be easily moved for storage after the workouts. The Pro SF-B901 is designed to let you customize your workouts to suit your needs.

3. The Sole Fitness SB-700 Light Commercial

If you are in need of a spinning bike that offers great comfort and stability, then this is the bike for you. This bike offers you a great combination of comfort, performance, and durability at the same time. The flywheel is heavy duty and designed to provide you with a noiseless and charming workout experience. The spin bike comes while somewhat assembled and you will not need any assistance in completing the process as it is all simple and effortless. The fitness activity tracker is another feature that enables you to track the speed, distance and time taken during your workout. You can, therefore, measure your performance during the workout.

Additionally, you will be able to monitor your pulse throughout your workout using the feature that can be connected to your wireless chest strap to give you maximum results during your workout. Moreover, its solid frame can accommodate users weighing up to 300lbs which therefore takes up most users. Incredible is the fact that the spin bike comes along with a warranty of a lifetime. In case of maintenance and repairs, the company can cater for that.

4. The Schwinn A.C Performance Plus Indoor Cycle

This best spin bike is perfect for all your fitness workouts. The spin bike is made of an aluminum frame that is resistant to rust. This, therefore, ensures that the spin bike is durable enough to serve you through several workout sessions. The comfort that is offered by this spin bike in conjunction with the adjusting options that are available makes it your impeccable option. Its maximum capacity of 350lbs is more than enough. The heavy flywheel of this bike will ensure that you get a real feeling of riding on the road as you can adjust the resistance to provide you with different levels of intensity during workouts.

The ability to get disassembled after workouts ensure that you can store the bike at minimized space. The assembly of the bike for workouts and after purchase is a stress-free task. This bike is designed to help you get a full cardio workout even in cases where you only want to keep fit without losing weight. This is your perfect workout bike in the case where you don’t care about the budget as it might be a bit too expensive.

5. The Sunny Health and Fitness Indoor Cycle Trainer- 49 lb. Flywheel

This spin bike has a lot to offer you that include the basic cardio workout. It is a great bike that is designed to serve you whether you are a beginner or an advanced rider owing to its units. The 49-lb flywheel spin bike will give you a comfortable ride due to its padded seat. Its seat is adjustable both in the horizontal and vertical directions and this will help you find a position that suits you best during your riding. Its pedals are well equipped with toe cages that will give you a higher level of stability during the riding session. Increasing the intensity of your workout will not be a hard task to accomplish using the stable bike if you are an advanced user.

Its handlebars are non-slip and adjustable and therefore work to reduce fatigue during your workout session. The grips that are added to the handlebars are a great feature that ensures that you remain comfortable throughout the workout session. Its additional chain drive system will enable you to ride the bike quietly in tranquil without disturbing other parties in the house or within the neighborhood. This bike ensures that you get to achieve your fitness goals without much hustle.

Home vs class workout.

The debate over whether to join a spin class or work out at home is as timeless as indoor cycling itself. This is especially since companies are manufacturing bikes not only for gyms but also for home workouts. So, should you skip the hassle of signing up for a spin class at the expense of getting a home bike or not?

The best thing about spin classes is the energy they have. Working with a group of enthusiast with the same fitness goal gives you that extra push to workout. Keep in mind that you are working with a trainer who is certified meaning that the chances of correct and accurate workout are higher. This is of course as opposed to working out alone where you might not be maintaining the correct form among other things.

But then again, most people think spin class and automatically get worried of being left behind during workouts. Also, most spin classes come with long tiresome booking process of which you may not be guaranteed a spot. Some even go to the extent of denying refunds for missed classes a great attempt at making you stick to your scheduled session but still extravagant.

On the other hand, working out at home is great since it is as convenient as hopping on your bike without having to schedule appointments or travel to the gym. You also get to work out at your own pace. Fine, the initial cost of starting a home gym can be a little expensive but in the long run, it is cheaper than joining a spin class.

However, a home indoor cycling session can be full of guess work especially if it is your first time. It is also quite susceptible to inconsistent workouts since you are less likely to be motivated to workout.

Clearly, both spinning sessions have their ups and downs, my advice on which one to go with would be it depends but, within reason. What I mean is, there is no need to start a home spinning session if you do not know how to work your muscle effectively. Go for a few spin classes then if you are a beginner, in order to learn the ropes then, you can invest in a home bike.

Also, if you are the kind of person who needs that extra nudge in order to work out, a gym session is the best for you. Sign up for a class and you will be motivated by both the music and spin class atmosphere.

What Features Make A Good Spin Bike?

I really wish buying a spin bike would be as easy as buying shoes. Simply grab the coolest or cutest one and call it a day. But it’s not. In order to get the best bike for your needs, you have to put in a little effort in checking out its features. Some features are pretty obvious while others are easy to miss. Let’s dive into the world of best spin bikes by explaining important features and what they do.

The computer console.

Many people will argue that a computer console is not important on a spin bike. I beg to differ. This is especially if you have any serious health conditions. A console will enable you to monitor your vitals throughout the workout. What’s the big deal about tracking your vitals? You ask. Well for one, it helps keep your workout safe especially if you do not want them beyond a certain limit. It also helps in tracking your progress such that every workout session will be about beating your previous record.

Of course, different bikes come with different console features but most of them are usually display your heart rate, revolutions per minute (RPM), distance covered, resistance level and of course cycling time.

Unless you are really (I mean badly) pressed for cash, I’d suggest you go for a bike with a console.


This is perhaps the most important feature in any gym equipment. Generally, resistance is great for allowing progressive gains. The same applies to an indoor bike. The last thing you want is to peddle at the same difficulty level throughout your training. The beauty of having varying resistance is that it accommodates people of all levels from beginners to pros. It also allows you to change the intensity of your workout.

The common types of resistance found in an indoor bike are magnetic resistance system and a flywheel system. Both are capable of giving you a great workout and of course, each has their pros and cons. But, for a quiet workout (which I know most people want), I would definitely choose a magnetic bike.

Flexibility and adjustability.

For convenience and ability to accommodate a lot of users, a bike that can easily be adjusted is highly advised. For one, you most definitely need a bike whose seat can easily adjust. Most usually adjust vertically as it changes the distance between your feet and the pedals. This way, it can accommodate even tall people. Some come with the ability to adjust horizontally too.

Your handlebars and pedals should also easily adjust to give you a smoother ride and varying riding positions.

A generous weight capacity.

This is how much of your weight the bike can support. A good bike should be able to support at least, 250 pounds. If you are buying a bike for a class, you will need to go a little higher on the weight supported since you will be working with different people.

Ergonomic features and accessories.

Comfort is quite essential when working out, no matter the equipment you use. It not only allows you to focus on your program but also prevent injuries and minimize body soreness. I, therefore, cannot emphasize harder on the need for great ergonomic futures in your bike. This includes a well-padded seat, padded handlebars, ergonomically shaped handles and the adjustable settings we just talked about above.

Also, look out for the little details such as accessories. They are not a must but they will definitely make your ride a lot more fun. This includes a water bottle for cooling you down during the ride and its holder.

What Do I Stand To Gain From Indoor Cycling?

Apart from the obvious, (a banging body), there is a whole lot of benefits that come with indoor cycling, be it at home or in a class. Some of them are expected but others are quite subtle. Let’s dive in, shall we?

1. Burn calories the fun way.

If you are serious about burning calories despite your age and experience level, then you ought to consider indoor cycling. Depending on the workout you go with and the duration of your workout, you can burn between 400 and 650 calories per session.
You are probably frowning at the thought of cycling for an hour or more. Worry not, with some good beats, an interesting instructor, and an energy filled class, it can be done. In fact, most spin classes don’t last anything less than 60 minutes. So, you can expect to mix fun and pleasure with this workout.

2. Build muscles and increase endurance.

The thing about a consistent workout on a spin bike is that eventually, you get used to a particular setting and workout duration. Guess what happens after this. If you are thinking great cardio endurance, then you got it right. This is not only good for your heart and blood vessels but also quite good at improving your overall mood and health.

In case you didn’t know, yes, cycling although a cardio activity in most cases, can really tone your muscles. This is especially your calves, butt, and thighs since they are directly involved in the cycling activity.

When performed in correct form (very important to avoid injury) they are also quite great at toning your abdomen.

3. It is a low impact cardio.

As effective as spin cycling is at burning fat and engaging your cardiac muscles, believe it or not, it is quite a low impact exercise. This is especially when compared to jogging and running on the treadmill or even on the road. This means that cycling does not pose any threats of injuring your joints. A brief disclaimer though; expects to experience some soreness in your legs after the first session if you are a beginner. It’s usually nothing to worry about, it wears off in a few days.

4. Can be done by anyone all year round.

This should be your all-time favorite workout because it can be done by anyone, old and young alike. Are you a beginner? No problem, adjust the resistance to your liking and get to work. Same for pros and the rest of you who are in the middle.
You can also perform them any time of the year despite the weather mainly because it is an indoor activity.

5. Improve immunity and mental health.

Just like any other cardio workout, spin cycling gives your body and cardiovascular system a challenge. This allows proper blood circulation which starts a whole chain reaction towards a healthier you. In the process, your immunity is improved as well as your brain health.

6. Great for building your core.

Unlike cycling on the road, indoor cycling requires you to maintain a slightly bent posture and involves side to side body motion. This not only builds your core but also results in abs building. The tricky park is, you have got to do it in the correct form. However, you should not go spinning so as to gain abs, if you want abs, an indoor bike session paired with ab target exercises will work. Otherwise, spinning alone may take more time than expected.

Spinning Gear You Ought To Have.

While you can use your regular gym gear as a substitute for spin classes, it is important to get the specific spinning wear for a more comfortable session. Let’s get to the items you will need.

1. Padded shorts and leggings.

If you want to experience the true meaning of blisters and chafe, then go to a spin class in short shorts or even non-padded ones. Even a short session is enough to cause pain and some serious chaffing. The padding will help cushion your butt from the pressure of seating for a long time. While sweat pants don’t cause as much chaffing and blisters, they can get in the way of you peddling by being caught on the machine. You will also be drenched in sweat in a matter of minutes!

2. Cycling shoes.

The right shoes will keep the pressure off your ankles as you cycle. These are a pair that is well padded and comfortable without being too tight to press your toes or too loose to fall off. Proper fitting before buying is hence quite important.

3. Towel. And water.

It goes without saying that after sixty minutes of cycling, you will be sweating your butt off (no pun). A good wipe down using a towel and some water to cool you down would really come in handy. So, get some!

Last Lap!

Clearly, there is so much more to spinning than just the usually cardio workout. Using the right settings and workout program, you can easily sculpt your body by targeting your muscles. The reviewed bikes above will do a great job in giving you a thorough workout, and so will our advice in the review section. I hope you had as much fun reading as I did writing. Until next time, remember to stay fit!

The post Best Spin Bikes 2017 – Reviews and Comparisons of Top Spin Bikes appeared first on Health o'Clock.

This post first appeared on One Stop For Fitness Gadgets, please read the originial post: here

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Best Spin Bikes 2017 – Reviews and Comparisons of Top Spin Bikes


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