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Elotes (corn On The Cob)
Every night at about 10 pm, a guy walks through our neighborhood pushing a cart and screaming, “Elotes!” He is in the corn-on-the=cob business and fr… Read More
32 Years Together
Lorena and I got married in Monterrey 32 years ago today, not too far from where we are living now in San Pedro. It was one of the very best decision I ever made and am more thankful tha… Read More
Great Azotea For A Party
Still marveling at what a great place we have to throw a party. We are rapidly getting to the point where the place will be finished other than for regular maintenance and then we will m… Read More
Brunch After Meeting
Lorena and I pick up habits easily. Sometimes they are good ones. For the last three Sunday’s we have visited Aló Café in the center of San P… Read More
Spectacular Birthday Carne Asada
Lynn grilled steak, lamb, and hot dogs for the whole family at a party thrown for me on our terrace. It was an amazing evening. Everyone sang “La mañani… Read More
Reading Through Reina Valera
Lorena and I started in Genesis and have been reading through the Reina Valera 1960 version of the Spanish Bible together, two chapters at a time during the time we set aside for devotio… Read More
Happy Birthday, Close To Retirement
The plans for the house we hope to construct, God willing, came three weeks late, but very nicely the arrived the morning of my birthday. We love the plans. We are not going to do much c… Read More
Pad Thai Class
Lorena bought tickets to a class on how to cook Chicken Pad Thai, Coconut coated shrimp with spicy mango sauce and papaya salad with cucumber. I am sure it is authentic because the instr… Read More
Lorena spent the night with Grandma Conchita last night so they could get up early to get ready for a bridal shower for the bride-to-be of one of Lorena’s youngest cou… Read More
I am profoundly less political this presidential election than I was during the last election in 2020 and I was profoundly less political in that election than the one previous to that. Lore… Read More
Christian’s Birthday Thoughts
Christian’s birthday is past, but I have thought about it a lot of the last few days. It is a gift to have him as my son. It is not so much that he is so accomplished although few… Read More
Christian’s Birthday
One of the best days of my life was when Christian was born. He continues to be a gift that keeps on giving. It is hard to describe what has done, what he is doing, and who he has become… Read More
Garmin Vivosmart 5
We got Christian a Garmin GPS smart watch for his birthday. It is about the exact opposite of the watch I probably would have guessed that he would pick, but after looking at it, I am am… Read More
Adjusting To Life In Mexico
We are starting to figure out how to live here in Mexico. It is a lot different now than when Lorena lived her almost 32 years ago. Some of the infrastructure is a lot better than what w… Read More
Brad Improves The Design
Coker & Co. of Granbury, Texas is close to breaking ground, God willing, on the house we hope to construct. We are working through the final design with Brad, the owner of the compan… Read More
Lorena Starts Pottery Class
Lorena has been wanting to take more pottery classes since the time she took them almost twenty years ago at Linn-Benton Community College’s Corvallis campus. She found a place in… Read More
Looking My Age
I was asked to send a headshot for the updated website by the marketing team at Thrive Bioscience where I work. I have thought a lot about the fact that I am approaching 70 years old… Read More
Lauro Is Not Yet Sixty
Tío Lauro came over to the apartment last night so Conchita, Lorena, Lynn, and I could celebrate his birthday with him. We (again) cooked up a boatload of chuletón, ate way… Read More
Life Long Learning
My University of Nebraska professor, Troy, just sent out his “first day of school” picture for his 26th year of school. Because of the advent of Artificial Intelligence, he d… Read More
Shake Shack In Mexico!
Lorena and I ran down to the Galería Mall in Monterrey to eat lunch at the SHAKE SHACK!!! It is just as good (the SAME) as in the U.S.A. There are actually three of them in the Mo… Read More
San Pedro Street Fair
Conchita, Lauro, Lorena, and I went into El Centrito de San Pedro Garza García today, had arrachera for lunch followed by coffee and a grocery shopping trip to Soriana. I decided… Read More
Access To Medicine (and Other Stuff)
We knew we needed to figure out how to get our prescription medications when we moved to Mexico and were pretty sure that was true for a lot of other things, too. The first thing we lear… Read More
Troy is out in the Sandhills of Nebraska again. I hope he views this as a major perk of his job. He sent this picture and several videos today. Imagine having to drive out their once eve… Read More
There is nothing really earthshaking to report today. I had a good day at work, a good day with our (Lorena and my) exercise programs, a good day with advancements in the completion of the a… Read More
Tío Lauro Comes By
Tío Lauro got back home from his family vacation to Veracruz on Saturday. He picked up Grandma Conchita after meeting and we all went to El Gran Pastor for cabrito. Lauro order… Read More
Lorena went to Carnicería Ramos with Grandma Conchita and bought 6.919 lbs. of a cut called Chuleton that Lynn says is a super-set of what gringos call ribeye. She paid a little u… Read More
First Tacos Since Our Arrival
Unbelievably, last night we went to a working man’s outdoor taco place for the first time since we moved down to Mexico. As usual, it was just incredible and we cannot figure out w… Read More
GaugeCam GRIME2 V0.4.0.0
The current incarnation of the GRIME2 (v0.4.0.0) ground-based camera water level measurement program was a port of much earlier code that was updated and pushed to GitHub on September 12, 20… Read More
Living In México–grateful
Lorena and I are genuinely excited to be living in Mexico. Of course the food is spectacular, but there is so much more. We just happened to pick a time to come down here during one of t… Read More
Inaugurating The Grill
Lorena and I took an Uber from the apartment down to the big HEB grocery store near San Pedro Plaza last night. There is a Carnicería Ramos (butcher shop) right by there so Loren… Read More
A True Neighborhood
We are amazed at what it is like to live in our new neighborhood. Beside the beautiful vignettes of daily life we see out the front window (we loved seeing this cat relaxing on a shelf a… Read More
Life In The Barrio
This is the view out the front window (over the kitchen sink) on the side of the house opposite the beautiful valley behind the house. It is amazingly quiet compared to many similar neig… Read More
Moved Into The San Pedro Apartment
The running like crazy has now slowed down to the running like mildly neurotic. We are very happy to be ensconced in our apartment where we can see this (and a much broader view) ourselves r… Read More
No Longer Our Home
Lorena and I spent the night in sleeping bags in this spectacular, now empty house in Godley, Texas that is no longer our home. We have lots of great memories and loved just about everyt… Read More
Move Complete!
All our worldly goods are not safely in short term storage while we wait for our hose to be built in Granbury, Texas. The house is empty, so Lorena and I are spending the night in sleepi… Read More
Moving Day
All our stuff is moving into the trucks and, God willing, it will all be safely in storage by the end of the day. We plan to sleep in sleeping bags tonight and then be out of the house and o… Read More
Washington State Jam
This is a little bit of a religious discussion. I always assumed that all of every kind of fruit and berry grown in the Willamette Valley in Oregon was better than its equivalent from Wa… Read More
Packing Day
The packers came to get everything in the house ready to move. There are three guys and the hope to be out of the house in 3-4 hours. Lorena has been a real champion in preparing and org… Read More
Research And Grad Students
Troy (my professor at University of Nebraska), John (my old buddy from the Bronx, colleague, and fellow student), and I have big plans going forward. My main contribution will be to perf… Read More
Nice Minor Events
Lots of good and interesting minor events happening right now. My name got added to the Adjunct Professor list on the University of Nebraska–Linclon website, I got some cool new Th… Read More
A New Stage Of (older) Life
Big changes are about to occur in the lives of Lorena and I. God willing, we will be living in Mexico this time next week. Things will be be hectic until we finish the move and have some… Read More
Thrive Corporate Meeting
I am flying home froym Boston to DFW after three days of corporate meeting with new Thrive Bioscience Branded Vests for Christian and I, a new title (Vice President of Algorithms), and n… Read More
Pastis Restaurant, NYC
Kelly and Christian took Lorena to eat at Pastis in New York City. I am so grateful for them. They have been confronted with some difficult obstacles with which I have been almost no hel… Read More
MOMA And Vincent Van Gogh
I am sorry that I am not with Lorena and the kids in New York City right now. This is Lorena’s first time there and she is ecstatic, mostly because of the kids, but also because Ne… Read More

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