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Forum Profile Creation: Tips And Tricks Blog
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Forum profile creation, like most things in life, isn’t as difficult as it may sound. But, like many people are quick to point out, It’s easy to say, but not easy to do! While it may be easy to say it’s just a matter of filling out some fields on the screen and hitting save at the bottom, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be easy to do! So what are some tips and tricks that you can take away from this article that will make creating your forum profile as easy as possible? Choose a topic The topic can be anything relevant to your industry, but it’s best if you can include a few of your keywords. Once you have an idea of what you want to write about, plug it into Google to make sure someone hasn’t already written something on that exact topic. If they have, find a different angle or different keywords. You don’t want to copy content from other sites in order to rank well with Google! Make sure you create new, quality content! This is called duplicate content and it will get you penalized by search engines. For more information on duplicate content penalties, read my post here . Also check out our complete SEO guide here . Thanks for reading! Please subscribe below to get automatic updates :) Even if you don’t write your own content, you should at least read it over to make sure it makes sense. You might think you know what you want to say, but once you see it on paper, you may realize there are holes in your logic or misspelled words or simple mistakes. It’s a good idea to have someone else proofread your content as well—whether it’s a friend, coworker or family member who speaks English fluently. Come up with a unique username Many forums require a unique username, which makes it hard to have more than one forum account. Because of that, you’ll want to make sure your username is not only easy to remember but also relevant and not taken on any forum. So how do you come up with such a username? It’s as simple as brainstorming different names for yourself—if all else fails, just use your name! Use common sense when creating a username: When creating an online forum profile, it’s important to always be aware of common sense. You don’t want to create an offensive or inappropriate forum profile because doing so can get you banned from participating in forums entirely. If you’re unsure about what to post, simply ask yourself if it would be appropriate to say out loud in public. If it wouldn’t, then don’t say it online either. Be honest about who you are: Even though forums allow anonymity, they also encourage honesty. Try to avoid lying about your identity; forums thrive on open communication between members, and lying will only hurt you in the long run. Remember that forum moderators monitor every single post and comment made by members, so there’s no way around being caught if you lie. Keep things short and sweet: Forums usually limit posts to 1-2 paragraphs at most, so try to keep things brief and focused on one topic at a time. Write a bio that pops Whether you’re new to a forum or just need to freshen up your profile, it’s important to remember that you only have a few seconds to capture a potential reader’s attention. Make sure you give them what they want—namely, your name, company info and link back to your website—then get on with telling people about yourself. Keep things brief but specific, providing enough detail for readers to understand who you are and why they should care. For example, if you’re a freelance writer specializing in SEO content, say so. If you work at an ad agency and specialize in social media marketing campaigns, make that clear as well. Be proud of your accomplishments, and don’t be afraid to show off a little bit. You never know when someone might be looking for someone like you! Also keep in mind that most forums allow you to add images and videos, which can help convey personality (if done correctly). Again, keep it brief and relevant; save your long-winded monologues for elsewhere. Top 10 Tips To Grow Your forum posting . Use high-quality pictures Pictures are worth a thousand words, which is why it’s important to use high-quality pictures in your forum profile. It’s easy to find good pictures of yourself or others online; don’t be afraid to ask for permission if you plan on using pictures of other people as well. If you can, get your hands on some business cards or promotional material; with these, you can create a nice professional looking profile that helps convince visitors that you know what you’re talking about! You can also add photos from events where you spoke at, giving potential clients more confidence in your expertise. Just make sure they aren’t blurry—you want every part of your forum profile to look its best! And try to stay away from stock images unless absolutely necessary. While they might save time, they just don’t have any personal value attached to them and give off an air of being insincere. That’s not something you want when trying to build trust and reputation! What types of services do I offer? How does my service work? How much does my service cost? What payment methods do I accept? Do I accept international customers? Will I work with competitors/rivals/other companies in my field? Who is my target audience? Participate in conversations One of the best ways to make connections is to participate in conversations on forums that are related to your niche. Often, forum members will be happy to reach out directly or help direct you to other people who might be able to connect you with an editor at a publication or blogger that’s interested in writing about your company. To find relevant forums, look at competitor’s sites, see what terms they’re using for their link building service and start searching those keywords on Google. You can also use tools like Followerwonk or BuzzSumo to search forums based off specific topics. Once you find forums that seem like they’d be valuable, spend some time lurking before participating—it’s important to understand how these communities work before jumping into conversations. It’s all about relevancy. Don’t try to create links where they don’t belong; forum profiles aren’t going to be worth much if you get them on a site where no one else is talking about your niche. That said, do take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves; if there are existing conversations happening around certain forums (or even social media platforms) then join in!

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Forum Profile Creation: Tips and Tricks
