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Oritain raises $57M for its forensic, big-data science approach to tracking the origin of goods

Oritain Raises $57M For Its Forensic, Big-data Science Approach To Tracking The Origin Of Goods

New Zealand startup Oritain has raised $57 million to further develop its forensic traceability business. Oritain's method combines data and forensic science to determine the origin and composition of products. The company has a growing "fingerprint" database to aid in the identification process. Oritain currently works with 100 companies, including Nescafe, Lacoste, and Primark, to ensure they are receiving the products they expect and to comply with regulatory requirements. The company's technology has been used as evidence in counterfeit cases, and its CEO claims the science is solid enough to determine the precise origin of a commodity sample.

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Oritain raises $57M for its forensic, big-data science approach to tracking the origin of goods
