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Teething Rash (Drool Rash): Effective Ways to Deal with It

What do we mean by teething rash?

Although this skin matter is socially known by many parents and caregivers as a “teething Rash,” most medical professionals use the broader term “drool rash” to describe this condition. According to experts: “Some babies experience a little more drool while they are teething, while in fact, many babies excessively drool even when they’re not teething, too. “In any case, drool can sometimes contribute to a rash on the chest and neck, from macerated, wet skin, sometimes called a teething rash.”

Because drool can spread to reach  and chest, a rash can develop in both these areas. This rash often take the shape of red splotches and bumps and can be foul-smelling as well. According to Dr. Benaroch who notes that this rash can look a little bit different according to where it is located. The doctor also said: “The neck rash can look like intertrigo or a yeast infection, and the chest rash can look somewhat like eczema.”

Teething Rash

When your baby’s first tooth appears, you might get surprised or you might just eventually  understand what all those surefire teething signs ( such as: drooling, night waking, crabbiness) were signalizing. It’s worthy to know that babies experience teething differently, in a sense,  some have face no symptoms, while other babies feel teething pain for months. Fortunately, there are some signs to notice as this developmental milestone approaches that can help make teething stage come and go smoothly for your baby and for you.

Normally, teething symptoms can precede the actual appearance of a tooth by as much as two or three months. Most babies typically grow their first tooth around 7 months old, although there’s a wide difference regarding the timing of teething. For instance, some babies show their first tooth as early as two or three months, while others don’t have any teeth till their first birthday.

Normally, the most common first teeth are the two in the bottom center, followed by the two in the top center. After that, the pattern continues outward with lateral incisors, which are in the next spot over, followed by the first molars, or the molars closest to the opening of baby’s mouth. Then come the canines on any side of the lateral incisors and last are the second molars in the very back.

Nine symptoms of teething:

Is there any way via which you know that your baby is teething? What are the most common symptoms that signalize teething and you should be aware of? Your little baby is not likely to understand why he feels so much pain, why he keeps waking up in the night with pains in his mouth or why his chin is so itchy. Here are top teething symptoms you are supposed to be fully aware of:

  1. Drooling: It’s sometimes unbelievable that so much fluid come from the mouths of tiny babies, but teething triggers drooling, and it keeps flowing on for many babies starting from about 10 weeks to three or four months of age. If you notice that your baby’s shirts are constantly soggy, fasten on a bib to keep her more comfortable, and gently wipe her chin throughout the day to stop chapping.
  2. Teething rash: In case your teething baby is producing tremendous amounts of drool, the continuous drip may cause chafing, chapping, redness and rashes around her mouth and chin areas, and sometimes on the neck area. Removing away the drool will help prevent the rash or minimize it to the least limit. You can also create a moisture barrier using Vaseline or Aquaphor, and moisturize the area with a gentle unscented skin cream as needed.
  3. Coughing and/or gag reflex: All that drool can make babies gag and cough. There is no need to worry in case your baby has no other signs of cold, flu or allergies.
  4. Biting: Pressure from teeth poking through under the gums causes baby a lot of discomfort. That discomfort can be relieved by counter pressure (such as: aka, biting). While teething, babies will tend to gum whatever they find, from teething rings and rattles to your nipples and fingers.
  5. Crying: Some babies breeze through teething with nary a whimper, while others suffer from unbearable pain due to the inflammation of your baby’s soft gum tissue which they feel unconsciously obliged to share with you in the form of whining or crying. First teeth usually takes lion’s share of hurt (as do the molars, because they’re just plain bigger) although most babies eventually get used to what teething feels like and aren’t quite so bothered later on. Consult your doctor regarding when to offer pain relievers like infant acetaminophen.
  6. Irritability: Your baby’s mouth will normally ache because that little tooth presses on the gums and appears  to the surface, and, it’s not astonishing to say, it’ll probably make her feel out of sorts. Some babies may feel discomfort for just a few hours, but others can stay crabby for days or even weeks.
  7. Refusal to feed: Uncomfortable, cranky babies yearn to be soothed by something in their mouths whether a bottle or the breast. However,  the suction of nursing may make a teething baby’s sore gums feel even worse. That’s why, teething babies are fussy about feedings, and feel more frustrated as neither their discomfort nor their hungry tummies find comfort. As for babies who eat solid foods may also refuse to eat during teething. Stick to it, and call your pediatrician if the strike lasts more than a few days.
  8. Night waking: The teething fairy doesn’t only disturb your baby during days. While your baby’s teeth begin to appear, discomfort may disturb her nighttime slumber, even if she previously slept through the night. Before offering comfort, see if she can get herself back to sleep; if she doesn’t feel comfortable, soothe her with patting or lullabies but avoid a return to nighttime feedings which will come back to haunt you when teething is done.
  9. Ear pulling and cheek rubbing: Teething babies may tug furiously at their ear or rub their cheek or chin. But, why do they do so? Well, gums, ears and cheeks have mutual nerve pathways, and so an ache in the gums, especially from emerging molars, can travel elsewhere. Notice, babies with ear infections will also yank on their ears, so it’s necessarily vital to check with your pediatrician if you doubt that your baby may be bothered by more than just teething.

It’s worthy to mention that the kind and severity of these symptoms differ wildly from baby to baby. For one baby, teething is linked with lots of discomfort and excessive  crying, while another child might have all of his teeth without a complaint. Yet, you can expect to see at least some, and maybe many, of these symptoms, some of them normally precede the actual appearance of a tooth by as much as two or three months. So, stay tuned dear moms.

Causes Drool Rash:

According to pediatrician William Sears, it is not uncommon for babies to get a facial rash while they are teething. Generally speaking, you will notice appearance of a red, raised rash that appears around his mouth and on his chin, lips, neck or chest. The rash normally results from excess saliva triggered by the teething process. The saliva dries and affects the skin causing irritation.

Teething rash isn’t worthy to worry about:

Teething trigger bleeding under the gums which may look like a bluish lump in baby’s mouth. It’s not worthy to be over worried about it and can be relieved with cold counter pressure using a cool wet washcloth.

While some parents swear that fever of low level and diarrhea signalize teething, doctors are divided on whether that’s true or not. But like inflammation anywhere else in the body, inflicted gums can sometimes produce a low-grade fever. So if your little baby does actually develop a temperature of less than 101 degrees while his teeth are emerging, it could be resulted from inflammation of the gums and is not a reason for concern. In case the fever lasts for more than three days, or incase it’s higher than 101 degrees or in case it is accompanied by any other symptoms of illness, you should call your pediatrician. The same goes for diarrhea, which some parents speculate can be caused by all the extra drool that babies swallow while a baby is teething. It’s not worthy to worry about, but if it lasts for more than two bowel movements, give your child’s doctor a call.

Don’t ignore these information about teething rash:

Parents and caretakers know that teething can cause many different ailments for little babies, from mouth pain to discomfort while sleeping. But, are you aware that teething can also cause a rash, which is commonly known as “teething rash?” This rash can appear at any time during teething, and can last well into toddlerhood.

While only a medical professional can officially diagnose this type of rash, there are several things parents and caregivers can do to both recognize and treat this very common type of skin ailment at home.

Remedies of teething rash?

Once you’ve got yourself familiar to the source of your baby’s rash, there are several ways you can deal with it. According to  Dr. Tanya Altmann, a pediatrician and parenting author, says that parents should put “a thin coat of petroleum jelly or Aquaphor [to] protect the skin as well as to treat irritation.” To prevent further skin damage, Dr. Altmann suggests parents and caregivers “always use a mild unscented baby wash [during bath time], followed by unscented moisturizer on dry areas.” To prevent the rash from forming, wipe up excess drool as often as you can and keep the skin dry.

consult your doctor in the following situations:

Though most instances of drool and teething rash are relatively not severe and fade away with regular home treatment, there are some instances when a pediatrician should be seen. According to Dr. Altmann, she  recommends calling your doctor “if the rash isn’t improving with over-the-counter baby cream or Aquaphor, or is red, weepy, cracked or painful.” If you notice any of these developments, make an appointment as soon as you can since doctors can order prescription-strength creams that can help the rash heal faster and help relieve any pain your little one might be feeling as a result.

Though this type rash can be a pain for you and your baby to deal with, this is an ailment that is typically easy to treat and often goes away after a few weeks of home treatment. Though there are some cases where this rash can develop into something more serious, in most cases drool and teething rash is one issue that may look like a big deal but is actually fairly manageable for both baby and parent.

Generally, drool rash is a minor irritant that will go away with regular home treatment. There are a few signs when consultation of your pediatrician becomes necessary:

  • if the rash is cracked, weepy, or causing your baby pain
  • if the rash doesn’t show any improvement after a week or so of home treatment

Your doctor will be able to prescribe creams that can help your baby’s drool rash heal faster and reduce your baby’s discomfort.

Treatment of Drool Rash:

When your baby’s first tooth appears, you may notice the accompanied symptoms varied from a cough and diarrhea to excessive drool and a rash around her mouth. The majority of  symptoms of teething, including a facial rash, are not permanent and will fade away when the teeth break through the gums, but in case you are concerned about your child, you ought to consult  your pediatrician.

Warm Water

In order to prevent a rash from occurring, you are recommended to wipe saliva off your child’s face throughout the day while playing. If the rash has already occurred, however, start by using lukewarm water to gently wash and wipe away the saliva. Pat the area dry with a soft cloth. Be cautious not to scrub or push hard while cleansing the area in order to prevent irritation of your baby’s skin even more.

Lanolin Creams

Dr. Sears advises applying a lanolin ointment on the inflicted part, so that you prevent the rash from getting even worse. Lanolin is a cream ointment made from the wax available in  sheep’s wool and is often used to moisturize and treat dried skin. The cream works as a lubricant for dry and irritated skin and can form a barrier between your baby’s drool and her chin. Apply the ointment after washing and drying her face and before she goes to bed for the night.

Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly is an extra choice that can moisturize and treat dry skin. Apply the jelly at bedtime and naptime, after washing and drying your baby’s face, to prevent the rash from getting even worse. Generally speaking, petroleum jelly is safe; yet, inhaling petroleum jelly for a prolonged period may result in lung problems, such as inflammation. Seek  your pediatrician’s consultation before applying  petroleum jelly for your child’s facial rash.

Other Ways to Treat Drool Rash?

Drooling can be a common symptom of teething, but many babies experience drooling even without getting new teeth.

The ongoing presence of saliva on your baby’s chin, neck, and even chest can cause red irritation medically known as a drool rash. Here’s what you need to know in order to treat existing drool rashes and prevent new ones from appearance.

Are there any ways to prevent drool rash from being developed?

It might be quite difficult to prevent your baby from excessively drooling.

A baby’s salivary glands begin working between 2 and 3 months of age. This can lead to drooling, even though your baby isn’t teething.

To prevent a drool rash, have a soft burp cloth on hand at all times so you can gently wipe away any drool. Keeping your baby’s skin clean and dry is the most effective treatment against teething rash. Frequently wipe your baby’s face and between the folds of his or her neck, and especially after being fed. Use gentle pressure in a dabbing motion to avoid irritating your baby’s skin.

If your excessively baby drools to dampen his or her shirt, try using a bib. This will prevent the wet material from rubbing against your baby’s skin which in turn can lead to uncomfortable chafing and a drool rash.

Change bibs as soon as they become wet with drool to keep your baby’s skin clean and dry.

Tips to Prevent Baby Drool Rash:

There is no doubt that following some simple and practical steps can actually help you prevent drool rash.

  • Make sure the area around your baby’s mouth and neck is always dry and clean.
  • Use a barrier cream as a preventive measure.
  • Carry a soft cloth with you at all times to gently wipe away his drool.
  • Change your baby’s clothes as soon as they become wet with drool.

Dear moms, following these simple tips will make sure your baby has a happy teething experience. You are advised also to seek your doctor’s help if you feel your baby getting cranky, or the rash getting worse and unmanageable.

Best Practices to be followed:

  • Keep your baby’s skin clean and dry. Dab, don’t rub.
  • Change wet clothes immediately, and use a bib as needed.
  • Use a thin layer of barrier cream to treat existing drool rash.
  • Consult your pediatrician if the rash isn’t getting better.

At bath time, Make sure to use a mild, unscented baby wash. Additionally, use a gentle, unscented lotion on your baby’s dry skin if necessary, but avoid using lotion on drool rashes. They should be kept dry and treated with a healing ointment or hydrocortisone cream only.

While your baby has a drool rash, it’s a good idea to reduce potential irritants in the immediate environment. In order to avoid making your baby’s rash much worse, use a fragrance-free laundry detergent for your baby’s clothing , sheets, bibs, and burp cloths. Consider washing your clothing in the same detergent. You’d better avoid perfumes and scented lotions as well. They can also be aggravating to your baby’s rash.

If you suspect that teething is stimulating your baby’s excessive drooling, offer something cold for your baby to gum. A cold washcloth is really advisable. The coldness will cause numbing effect on your baby’s sore gums and any rash around their mouth. Be sure to gently pat dry your baby’s mouth afterward.

Seven Effective Ways to Deal with Teething Rash:

1. Use Protective Lotions:

Applying a protective lotion such as a hypoallergenic cream or ointment. Notice, creams which have lanolin to alleviate the skin are preferable as they can be an effective baby drool rash treatment. Make sure you use a product that is matching  with babies, and aren’t too harsh for his tender skin. Apply the cream gently over the inflicted area, and make sure you apply a thin layer, so that he doesn’t get it on his hands or mouth.

2. Keep It Clean:

Make sure that you keep your baby’s soft skin clean because this will not only prevent drool rashes, but will also prevent appearance of other topical infections. Apply a clean and soft piece of cloth matching with your baby’s sensitive skin, and gently soak all the drool with it. Avoid rubbing the area as it will make the rash even worse and possibly lead to redness and itching.

3. Use A Moisturizer:

Applying a gentle moisturizer, e.g. Vaseline petroleum jelly,  could be effective in two ways: it could soothe the irritated skin and also create a protective barrier which is able to prevent further drool from directly contacting the skin. Just make sure you apply a thin layer, so that you baby doesn’t ingest it.

4. Avoid Skin Irritants:

You may want to use skin creams and lotions for your baby; however, applying them to the irritated area could only make the condition even worse. Avoid using any such products which contain chemical, at least not near the affected area. Also try to use natural bathing ingredients for your baby, and avoid using soaps and shampoos that contain fragrances and other chemicals.

5. Wipe It Off:

Letting the drool for a long time is absolutely the worst thing you could do. It is very important to keep the skin dry at all times, and this can be best attained by wiping away the drool. Make sure you gently wipe off the drool  without being being too harsh.

6. Use Bibs:

A bib could be the most powerful way to get rid of drool rash, especially around the neck region. A bib made of soft material will protect  your baby’s neck and chest area from the frequent dribbles, and will keep it clean and dry.

Question and an Answer:

Anyone else’s LO getting drool rash; and if so, how are you treating it?

I have been washing the rashes with Johnson’s and Johnson’s head to toe and warm water and then patting dry and applying a thin layer of baby lotion with cocoa butter.

I read that to prevent the rash from becoming impetigo, you can apply an antibacterial barrier after washing. Does anyone know of a brand name that is safe for babies under 6 months?


Have you tried a thin layer of petroleum jelly or aquafor?

I’ve been putting Aquaphor on my sons neck and high chest. It’s taken about a week, but it’s improving.

Mix diaper rash cream and Aquaphore. My LOL had a terrible rash on her neck, peeling skin and everything. Called doc, said to mix both and keep a good layer on. Saw a difference after first application.

My ped recommended aquaphore. I use tea tree oil for wipe solution and the ped said that was good to use, too, after I asked. The tea tree oil cleared it right up within two days.

This. Coconut oil acts as a barrier and also heals. As a bonus it is completely non-toxic.


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The post Teething Rash (Drool Rash): Effective Ways to Deal with It appeared first on All Rash.

This post first appeared on All Rash, please read the originial post: here

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Teething Rash (Drool Rash): Effective Ways to Deal with It


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