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My Cranky Baby Helped Me Figure Out Meal Planning

My Cranky Baby Helped Me Figure Out Meal Planning

We’ve been having some pretty bad days over here in my house. Between the fact that my son has begun teething, he’s also having a lot of problems involving taking his naps. This has ended up with lots of snuggle time where he sits in my lap getting sucked up to make him feel better. Even giving him his stuffed animal, Hobbes, hasn’t really been making him feel much better.

This hasn’t really made me too sad because baby cuddles are the best, but I do feel a little bad that he’s feeling as cranky as he is. We’ve come to rely quite heavily on the use of his swing to soothe him down for naps and to sleep at night, moving him out of it only when he’s in a deep enough sleep.

His need for extra mommy cuddles has given me lots of extra time on Pinterest. If you looked at my Pinterest account right now, you’d probably notice that I’ve added a new board called Buddha Bowls. My aunt recently turned me on to this type of cooking and though I haven’t had a chance to try making them yet, they are something that I’ve become increasingly obsessed over trying. In fact, when I drew up the grocery list for my husbands most recent excursion to the store ingredients to make Buddha Bowls were very prominent.

Something I’ve come to realize as well when it comes to making meals when it comes to taking care of a baby who’s feeling a little high needs is that prep is extremely important. I’ve taken to getting my ingredients prepped the night before hand so that it’s quicker for me to throw my meals together. For instance, tonight we’re going to have Shepherds Pie so last night I got all of my ingredients cooked up and placed in the dish and it’s ready for me to throw into the oven when my husband makes his daily call to visit with me on his way home from work. I’m always up until about 1am having some time to myself anyway so spending a bit of that time in the kitchen really doesn’t bother me.

This also worked well for last night’s supper when I made Split Pea Soup. Since everything was more or less ready to go I was able to toss the Crock-Pot on in no time and didn’t have to worry about my son getting upset with me not being readily available to him on a split seconds notice.

Since I’ve started day before prep I’ve been able to move to healthier meal options which take longer to get ready but are more filling with less calories. These meals also tend to make really great leftovers so it’ll be much easier for me to grab healthy lunches without waiting until 2 or 3 in the afternoon.

Positive changes are being made and to be honest, much yummier meals are being had.

A tired little man getting special extra night time cuddles after having trouble falling asleep.

This post first appeared on The PCOS Mommy, please read the originial post: here

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My Cranky Baby Helped Me Figure Out Meal Planning
