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Top 5 2020 Books I Read

Top 5 2020 Books I Read

I haven't done a book roundup post in a good while, so I thought I would share my top 5 books I read last year. I read 178 books last year, according to my GoodReads reading challenge where you can see everything else I read. I was already an avid reader, but I guess lockdown really got me into a stride. Even this year I'm already at 18 books, so we'll see if I can top last year's count or not! If you have any recommendations, toss them my way.

These five books are in very different categories, which pretty much sums up my reading style. I read anything that sounds interesting or will captivate my attention. I probably do read more romance than anything else, because they are quick reads and easy escapes. They also serve as great palate cleansers after reading something heavy. I read a lot of books that were awful, wonderful, and everything in between. These fall in the wonderful category and I don't think you can go wrong with them. Completely and utterly 4 or 5 ⭐ reads, by my standards!

Someone We Know by Shari Lapena
A classic whodunit. I love these. I have a few on my list that I'm wanting to get through this year! I enjoy Shari's writing and I don't always guess correctly, which I like. This one kept me guessing and...whoa! Be prepared for psychological twists throughout. If you're a fan of a good ol' murder mystery, add this to your list.

Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad

During this past year, I've tried to educate myself further like I'm sure many of you have. You will be uncomfortable. You will have to dig deep. And you should go into reading this and other books like it being okay with that. This one is done in a 28 day journaling type of writing, allowing you to reflect on what you read.

White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo

You will learn from this book. Like above, be prepared to dig deep. Be open to change. Be open to learning. I have other books on my list to get to and I think it's important to keep educating ourselves on the subjects of race, sexuality, humanity, and just everything to have better empathy, love, respect, and understanding. Give me an open mind over a closed mind any day.

The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper by Hallie Rubenhold
We hear so much about Jack the Ripper and what he did and who he could be. What about the victims of the crimes? This book delves into who these women were, their backstories, and what lead them to their untimely ends. Their names were Polly, Annie, Catherine, Mary-Jane, and Elizabeth. There isn't much known about them, but Hallie still finds a way to humanize them and talk about what that time was like.

Look the Part by Jewel E. Ann

Easily my favorite romance novel that I read last year! This is written incredibly well and has a beautiful story line without being over-the-top and cliche. It starts with a love-hate relationship and blossoms, heavy with emotional and lighter moments. I can't say enough good things. This has more to it than just being a romance novel.

I often add a book or two to my Five Friday Faves posts, as well. If I read a good book, I love talking about it. Let me know if you're on GoodReads (my profile is linked above). Do you have a reading goal set for this year? Good luck on reaching it! It's not how many you read, it's that you are reading. 😊

This post first appeared on Fashionable Heart, please read the originial post: here

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Top 5 2020 Books I Read
