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Blog of the Month for March 2020: Beautiful Beakers

Blog Of The Month For March 2020: Beautiful Beakers

In February, Jodi from A Brash Attitude was my featured blogger. You can read that post and see other past featured blogs under the "blog of the month" label! Being my blog of the month gets you a designated blog post, a sidebar button, and a mention on my Twitter account. The sidebar button stays up all month long. I don't believe in necessarily making bloggers pay for advertising and I'd much rather show you blogs that I really enjoy reading. And I hope you end up enjoying them too!

This month, I'm featuring Stef from Beautiful Beakers. Y'all, I'm not sure what Stef can't do. She's a biologist, bllogger, wife, and mom. I don't know how she finds time for it, honestly! Well, actually she did take a bit of a break from blogging (understandably!), but she's back! She's got a great post up on a few luxury beauty items that she thinks are worth it as her first topic after her hiatus. If you stop by her blog or social media, feel free to let her know I sent you. :)

This post first appeared on Fashionable Heart, please read the originial post: here

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Blog of the Month for March 2020: Beautiful Beakers
