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Tips for a summer party that everyone will remember


There is something about summer that makes us all want to be more social and surrounded by our friends and family, enjoying the good weather together. And when it comes to being social, nothing is better than planning a nice outdoor gathering so people can catch up and be outdoors in the great days of summer. People who live the bohemian lifestyle are especially driven to easy-going classic gatherings like dinner parties or brunches that will bring everyone together around a table and share a precious moment. However, there are many ideas out there that you can take and make your guest have the time of their lives!

The first thing that we need to tell you is that, even though you want the occasion to be special, you don’t have to spend all your bank account in it. The success of a summer event (or any event, for that matter) is in the details, not how much it cost. And if we are talking about a summer party, you even have the opportunity to create a lot of the details of your party. So take your notepad and open Pinterest on your browser, because you are going to plan an unforgettable gathering.


The theme is everything. Before you start your planning, you need to decide the type of event you are going to have, that is literally the start of it all. Again, it doesn’t have to be anything elaborated (unless you want to go for something with a really specific theme, like Ocean’s 8), but if you draw a line regarding the theme, everything else will be easier. Even if all you want to do is an afternoon party in your backyard or rooftop, picking a theme will make it simpler for you to decide whether or not you should send invitations or serve a specific type of food, and of course what kind of music or beers will be available to your guest.

Go for the manual. When it comes to party details, the more original the better. Think flower arrangements, invitations, goodie bags and more. During this task, Pinterest will be your best friend, with literally thousands of DIY ideas for all those details. Try to add your personal touch to everything you do for this mix-up, and your guest will remember you as a great host.

Comfort is everything. An event that takes place outdoors needs to revolve around the idea of comfort and easiness regardless of the theme. When we say this, we mean there is going to be people in the sun who don’t want to make their afternoon/evening too complicated, so you must think of easy options for food (finger food and appetizers, nothing too complicated), refreshing drinks, a sitting area with shade and, in general, any way possible to make your occasion something your guests can enjoy without thinking too much.

Enough, but not too many flowers. Flowers arrangements are the nicest way to bring color to an event. However, in order to keep on the ‘easy’ premise of our previous paragraph, you need to know that there is such a thing as too many flowers. The whole point of being al fresco during the summer is to keep thing as simple as possible. So if you are considering flowers, have them be simple and cute instead of something that can look too pretentious. As for the colors, summer calls for very vibrant tones that you can take advantage of, and even mix together!

Plan on the nature situations. If you are planning an event indoors you should think about the temperature of the room, lighting, and so on. We have news for you: there are a lot more details to consider when you are planning an outdoors event. The first thing to check in this regard is, of course, the weather. It is very important that you plan your party for a day where the forecast doesn’t show chances of raining or, on the other hand, will be too hot. These two extremes are not a good scenario for any gathering. After you make sure the weather will be ideal, you have to consider other details such as lighting (for after sunset) and protection against bugs. Yes, bugs, because summer is full of them. A good tip is to keep spray in hand for your guests and even have fans as a party favor if things get too hot.


This post first appeared on A Bohemian Fashion & Lifestyle Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Tips for a summer party that everyone will remember
