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HawkHost vs Bluehost 2023: Which Hosting Is Better?


With so many hosting options out there, it can get a little bit complicated when committing to one. That’s when you need to compare their features and make sure you get the best hosting for your website. A good hosting service will not only impact your website’s performance and uptime but also impact your indexing time and more. In this blog post, we will be comparing HawkHost and BlueHost on the basis of their features, pricing, and more. So, let’s get started.

1. Pricing Compared – HawkHost vs Bluehost

If you are someone at an entry level and just starting your website, then HawkHost can be the best for you. Why? HawkHost’s shared hosting plan starts at just $2.24/month. While even BlueHost is considered affordable hosting, they start at just a little bit higher than HawkHost, i.e., at $2.95/month.

When it comes to VPS hosting, HawkHost is more reasonable, keeping their prices at lower tiers, whereas BlueHost offers more features at a little higher prices. Both the hosting providers offer dedicated servers at almost similar prices. With that being said, one has to look through all the features to decide which one gets the golden medal at the end.

New HawkHost customers can use the coupon code october2023 to get a massive 25% recurring discount on all HawkHost hosting plans. This is a great way to save money on your web hosting, and HawkHost is a reliable and affordable provider.

2. Ease of Use

Not everyone who is into blogging or has a website is a genius in coding. Therefore, people hire developers to handle configuration and other settings for their websites. Keeping this in mind, Hosting companies have tried their best to keep it simple for people. Both HawkHost and BlueHost have a built-in cPanel that makes it easy for everyone to use with just some knowledge.

Wondering what is cPanel? Let’s see.

cPanel or Control Panel is designed to provide users with an experience similar to using desktop applications. You can do configuration and settings using user friendly dashboards, emails, and databases in place of running complicated commands.

In fact, in BlueHost, you also get WordPress setup, Weebly site builder, and 1 click installs of various helping applications. Both the hosting companies offer 24/7 technical phone support to their clients, which again makes it easy for you to just call up and clear your doubts.

3. Speed and performance

Speed is one of the most crucial criteria over which one selects their website hosting provider. One of the Google studies suggests that over 53% of users leave the site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. A quicker page load is directly significant to viewers’ satisfaction and conversion rates.

Both HawkHost and BlueHost use technologies like SSD disk space, CDN, Caching tools like Memcaches, and more to enhance the performance of the hosted websites. But even after that, when we tested, the HawkHost page load was slightly faster than BlueHost. Apart from this, HawkHost even offers credits if uptime falls below a set threshold for any website in a given month. With this, we believe that both deliver above average when it comes to speed and performance, but HawkHost gets extra points.

4. Support and Reliability

Both the hosting services have a 24/7 support team working to solve your issues.


  • 24/7 phone, chat and email
  • WordPress experts
  • Resolution centric 1-on-1 guide


  • 24/7 ticketing support
  • Knowledgebase
  • Social Community Forums
  • Live Chat (only if you take advanced plans)

Overall, HawkHost, as well as Bluehost, do a good job with server reliability and help, even though they offer different ways to contact support.

5. Key Hosting Features

Some of the features over which a comparison of HawkHost and BlueHost can be done are –

Feature HawkHost BlueHost
Money Back Guarantee 30 Days 30 Days
Free Domain name 1 year 1 year
Email Facility Unlimited Unlimited
Website Migration/ Transfer Available with all plans Available only in higher plans
Backups Daily automated backups on higher plans Daily backups on all plans
CDN management Free CDN Free CDN
SSL certification Free shared SSL certificate Free shared SSL certificate
Site Builder Option FREE Weebly Site Builder FREE Weebly Site Builder

6. WordPress Hosting

We cannot ignore the fact that Bluehost is actually officially recommended web hosting by WordPress organizations. This is because of their feature 1 click WordPress installation.

But HawkHost is not left behind when it comes to optimized WordPress hosting. In their professional plans, you will get WordPress speed with PHP 7.4, Opcache, and other optimization.

Apart from this, every user gets SSH Access support in both HawkHost as well as Bluehost. The only difference is with Bluehost, you get unlimited disk space, whereas in HawkHost, only advanced and pro plans have unlimited disk space. However, Hawkhost’s 3000 MB space is sufficient for new beginner sites.

7. Website Security

Information such as client data, login credentials, and financial information can be protected from fraudsters by employing website security measures. Both the hosting companies take strict measures when it comes to security.

  • HawkHost – Daily scans from Imunify360 malware scanner, isolated accounts via CageFS, KernelCare, DDoS Protection
  • Bluehost – Symantec antivirus, dedicated IP addresses, Site backups, and SiteLock, Server level firewalls

Apart from the above-mentioned checks, both the hosting companies dedicate their resources to active regular monitoring, which helps in enhancing security measures from time to time. The teams are also involved in bringing new updates to the system and product every now and then to be updated.

8. Ecomm Hosting

Both HawkHost and Bluehost offer sufficient ecommerce hosting packages, making them good choices for smaller web enterprises. Their VPS, as well as dedicated server options, on the other hand, can be scaled up to support larger stores.

Bluehost does have an advantage thanks to their dedicated WooCommerce hosting options that are optimized. When you combine this with the numerous ecommerce capabilities that Bluehost includes in their cPanel, such as product galleries, coupon management, and inventory tracking, you can see why Bluehost is a better choice for WooCommerce stores.

Our Verdict – Which Hosting is Better?

When taking up a hosting service, you also need to understand in which category you fall. Your needs should fit the features of a web hosting company.

For example, if you are looking for WordPress sites, then your definite choice should be Bluehost. If you are a beginner, then go for Bluehost as they have a website builder, guided setup, and phone support even with their basic plans.

If you are in a tight budget crunch, get HawkHots, as their plan starts at just $2.24 per month. For flexibility with respect to data centers and server location, HawkHost would be a clear choice.

From what we can tell, both HawkHost and BlueHost are trustworthy options that give their consumers a variety of useful features and services. Choose the web hosting based on factors like priorities, budget, and growth plan. Either way, you will be getting a good, reliable, and smooth hosting experience.


That being said, we hope that this thorough comparison has helped you make a choice. Hosting options are always changing, so it’s important to keep up with the latest news in order to make an informed decision.

Keep in mind that the hosting service you choose is an investment in your online identity that will last for a long time. Because of this, it’s important to make a choice that meets the needs of your website now and plans for its growth in the future.

Happy Blogging!

The post HawkHost vs Bluehost 2023: Which Hosting Is Better? appeared first on PremiumCoding.

This post first appeared on PremiumCoding - WordPress Themes, Tutorials, Artic, please read the originial post: here

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HawkHost vs Bluehost 2023: Which Hosting Is Better?
