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Recommended Headless CMS

Recommended Headless CMS

22 Headless CMS To Check Out

A simple explanation: Headless CMS is the backend (database and core files) decoupled (disconnected) from the Frontend.
In other words, there is no UI.

So how do you use it?
Since there is no template or theme used, the content storage and delivery are managed by a separate platform or technology using an API.

I did not list popular Headless CMS such as Gatsby JS + WordPress.
This is a setup that you must manually create.

In addition, the list below does not include CMS’s that are costly enterprise focused solutions.

Headless CMS

Listed in alphabetical order.
Agility CMSPick your technology, framework and programming language and build solutions faster.Free Verson
4 Paid Versions
Butter CMSUse Butter as a headless CMS to build websites in any tech stack. Launch faster with less code.4 Paid Versions
Cockpit Simple Content Platform
to manage any structured content
A self-hosted headless and api-driven CMS
Free Open Source
Cloud CMSCloud CMS is a headless, API-first approach to content management, built around JSON and a high performance cloud architecture....4 Paid Versions
Contenta CMSContenta is an API-First Drupal 8 distribution.Free Open Source
ContentfulYou need a better way to manage content — unified, structured, and ready to deploy to any digital channel. Finally, something editors and developers can agree on.3 Paid Versions
Contentstack CMSA headless content management system brings business & technology teams together to deliver personalized, omnichannel digital ...Free Version
2 Paid Versions
Cosmic JSa powerful content platform that makes it easy to transform your content into a beautifully simple API which can be used in any website or internet-connected application.4 Paid Versions
Craft CMSCraft 3.3 introduces a built-in GraphQL API, Headless Mode, and templating improvements.Free Version
2 Paid Versions
DirectusThe All-New Directus 7. Future-Proof Headless CMS for Managing Custom Database Content.Free Open Source
Cloud: Free and paid versions
Dot CMSan open source content management system written in Java for managing content and content driven sites and applications.Free Open Source
Paid Enterprise
Gentics MeshGentics Mesh is an open source headless CMS, complete with multi-language support, versioning and roles & permissionsFree Open Source
Graph CMSGraphCMS allows you to use a Headless GraphQL based CMS on any project. Built with GraphQLFree Version
4 Paid Versions
Kontent CloudThe cloud-first headless CMS brings the best of headless plus the benefits of the Cloud. You can focus on your website or mobile app and have the CMS vendor take care of everything else:Free Version
2 Paid Versions
Netlify CMSAn open source content management system for your Git workflow that enables you to provide editors with a friendly UI and intuitive workflows. You can use it with any static site generator to create faster, more flexible web projects. ... Platform agnostic: Works with most static site generators.Free Open Source
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PrismicA Content Management System, a tool for editing online content. Also known as a headless CMS, an API CMS, a content platform, a disruptive content-as-a-service digital experience..Free Version
2 Paid Versions
Sanitya hosted backend for structured content with a real-time API, globally distributed CDN, and a powerful, but simple query language. It comes with a open source React-based editor, that can be configured with basic JavaScript.Free Version
2 Paid Versions
ScrivitoScrivito is the only 100% native cloud CMS, you don’t need to worry about security, scalability and availability. It just works.Free Version
Business Version
SquidexThe core of Squidex is a web service. It provides APIs to manage the structure of your content, languages, settings and of course the content itself. You can consume the content from your backend, mobile apps, website and other other client applications.Free Version
3 Paid Versions
StrapiAn open sourced Headless CMS Front-End Developers Love. It's more than a Node.js Framework and more than a Headless CMS, it saves API development time through a beautiful admin panel anyone can use.Starts at $0/month
Contact CS for pricing
StoryblokThe Only Headless CMS with a Visual Editor.Free Version
3 Paid Versions
SuperdeskA state-of-the-art digital newsroom system. It combines headless CMS functionality with powerful workflow features for an end-to-end news creation, production, curation and distribution platform.Free Open Source Version
Contact CS for pricing

Gerald Watanabe

This post first appeared on Frontntweaks, please read the originial post: here

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Recommended Headless CMS
