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Hire Our Offshore Software Development Team to Build Quality Softwares

Hire Our Offshore Software Development Team To Build Quality Softwares

Offshore development is done to implement effective strategies to speed up the development process to get immediate financial benefits while strictly focusing on on-time quality delivery. Matrix Marketers is an offshore development company which fully focuses on producing a quality product to fulfill the need of business processes. The company opts for module wise development by preparing a prototype model first. The offshore development is done in a systematic manner. If an out-of-the-box solution is selected, the GAP analysis is performed to identify the gaps and make sure that it is assisting rather than creating issues. If a need arises, we can use our in-house development teams. This way we assist our clients in keeping their business run smoothly and make staff more productive.

This model is most suitable for IT companies and helps to streamline their process, decrease expenses and time of software development by achieving exponential growth.

Building an Offshore Development Team

In the offshore location, a pool of highly skilled developers based on tool/technology required is selected. Matrix Marketers offshore team is enriched with different skill sets and skill levels, building a hierarchal or a flat team. All resources are billed as per use.

This model is suitable for product development and companies who require constant changes in their software systems. Thus, a loyal team of developers can be maintained who fully understand software requirements and prove out to be an asset in long-term scenarios.

We have implemented a time tracking software which can help creating transparency in achieving “pay for what you use”. Beside this, weekly task sheets containing the tasks are asked to fill by every developer which can be checked at the end of the week. This weekly report will give an idea of where a project has actually reached.

If required, the progress of the projects can be monitored, normally we require to monitor long projects. But monitoring is required to assist clients in preparing requirement documents, WBS, effort estimation, cost estimations and project planning.

Developing a risk management plan, performing tracking and work report preparation is part of our development life cycles.

Running Offshore Project Management

Our Project Managers can assist in managing remote projects. We have experienced project managers available in our pool who have experience of working with good companies like Matrix Marketers. The offshore team’s work can be measured by tracking, oversight, risk management. Also, the activity reports are prepared to see the individual performance.

Offshore Quality Assurance for Clients

Our developers ensure quality by creating test cases to check the documents and can perform end-to-end application testing. Using our development team, we do parameter testing. Some of the parameters for testing and quality checking are set as:

• Verification of requirements
• UI testing
• Security testing/audit
• Stress testing
• Benchmarking using different hardware/software configurations

Our QA staff comprises of experienced resources and possess vast experience in application development.


For developing a quality software in offshore mode, both the in-house and offshore team has to come closer and make efforts to work together as a single team. Any practice can be successful only when the teams are working together otherwise the gap analysis and other measures will have no value. Matrix Marketers has a vast experience in maintaining an offshore team. We do offshore staffing too. If you are looking to hire an offshore team or looking for software development from an offshore team, you may contact us!

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Hire Our Offshore Software Development Team to Build Quality Softwares
