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Channeling — 'Alfred Hitchock' Discourse Transcript and This Blogger's Evaluation

Prologue to the article "'Channeling' Phenomena Evidence for Scientists, Journalists and Anyone Uninformed or Misinformed (with Photos and Videos)"

This blog article presents a transcript of a channeling session conducted by Riz Mirza, (1, 2, 3, 4) a contemporary channeler through whom has manifested manifold personalities of earthly renown and others representing the ascended realm of human existence.  Also shared in this article is this blogger's personal response to what may be considered about this particular Channeled discourse
Riz has Indian, Persian, and Mongolian ancestry.  An online bio identifies 100+ 'Spirit Guides' that Riz has channeled, including "many beings in history and non-earthly dimensions.  All were recorded in front of a live audience . . . Some names have repeated their visit and some, only once.  Many have been transcribed and yet, more have yet to be.  The names considered 'fantasy/mythological' are conscious energies that have been channeling to humankind since the beginning."  His online biography includes these passages.

Riz Mirza has been trance-channeling numerous spirit guides who have helped heal and uplift thousands of people in over 2,500 live full-trance channeled, weekly gatherings called the Circle of Light, with over 8,000 hrs of documented and recorded sessions to large groups.
Riz, an Indian-born NYC city-raised 80's former Heavy Metal musician at 6'3 from the Bronx, with a large personality and a warm brotherly heart has dedicated his life to helping people from every walk of life.  He enters into a deep trance and retreats within as master Spirit Guides speak through his body with love, wisdom, and powerful piercing insight.  His main message bearer, Red Eagle an unforgettable loving presence, answers your personal questions on any aspect of your life.

partial list of the entities who've been channeled through Riz Mirza (click on image for large magnification)
Here's a transcript of the discourse of 'Alfred Hitchock' through Riz Mirza, as heard in the YouTube video shown above.  The 'channeled entity' is evidently addressing a male participant during the 'private session.'
I was known as Alfred.  And indeed it was my pleasure to startle people.  I liked startling them with a suggestion perhaps it was an insatiable thirst to titillate myself.  And I spent a great deal of inner time preoccupied with titillating myself, whether it was women or sports of other kinds.  But I had an eye — an eye for detail — not necessarily minute details, but the details of creative narrative organized thought — to understand how to bring out the robustness of a performance of an actor —  ("OR A" [EVP]) a light placed within the scene.  And many thought I was pompous.  And some would not even wish to give me money to fund certain things that I wished to do.  And I would not budge.  And I regret some of it.  And I'm very proud of where I did not budge at times  ("BUT" [EVP]) not so proud of where I did not budge for I began to avoid that which frightened myself and began to channel this into frightening others.  And from that vantage point behind the camera—though I spent a good deal of my time answering many questions about filmmaking—I was detached.  You might say they were very, very long lenses through which I saw things.  And there were many things that I did not wish to see in my own relationships and my perspective on goodness.
You do not wish for your goodness, dear sir, to turn to badness — to begin to turn on itself.  If you wish for yourself to create a vehicle and to move forward in said vehicle, you cannot have your gear shift in park.  At least put it in neutral — which means when it is set in to the gear of neutral you are able to be pushed or pulled, guided and led.  Your next step in your life is to take the gear and to put it in neutral.  You are not ready for drive yet.  And you know this.  You will be much more comfortable in neutral and then to let yourself be guided so you are not locked into a gear.
I certainly knew aspects of this when I was creating or analyzing a story.  I am always looking for the twists or the great points to be made in a story.  I will tell you this.  There was a time my philosophy of films was to have three very powerful moments in a film and to just simply fill in the rest.  Let everything lead to that powerful moment.  That is how I simplified.  I thought of the three powerful moments.  And I let them be impactful.  And that is how — perhaps that is how I was regarded as a genius.
They gave me far too much credit for all of the layers in my work.  I did not actually try to have layers.  It is that I was simply clear about certain very basic scenes or emotions I wanted to put across in a scene.  And then I did it.  And the layers in between organically appeared.  And that is the nature of creation.  To trust this.  And to let it land.  There were not many making pictures the way I was making them though they were in the same genre as myself — ("WAS" [EVP]) was thriller or fantasy-suspense, as it was called in those days — edge of your seat.  So create and create and create — do more.  You have an innate musical sense.  We (or "WE" [EVP]) would not recommend for you to spend time away from creating original material.  You must now create it.  You must begin again — and bring your sensitivity for cinematic power — that means bold moments — bring them in to music and such.  It is not dead within you.  You cannot kill an innate sensibility that you have.  It was always in you — ("WHETHER IT WAS" [EVP]) rhythm or melody or that ability of you to feel music.  Do you understand?  Bless you.
As a prelude to sharing this blogger's response to this channeled discourse transcript, readers should consider that I've studied the history of the cinema as a USC student and also that I left behind my own entertainment industry career in 1995 upon setting out to bring to publication what had been planned to be a nonfiction book about 'talking poltergeists'; instead, the book became a personal case study book chronicling my unexpected 'paranormal initiation' that had gained momentum upon investigating a contemporary 'talking poltergeist' haunting in rural Oklahoma: TESTAMENT (1997).  As shocking to myself as the 1995 events were, in January 2021 I found myself again facing otherwise unimaginable occurrences when a new sequence of phenomena commenced manifesting in my presence.  A factor in the 2021 turn of events would seem to be that I'd begun maintaining a new online journal blog.  

Another aspect of my life experiences is researching the world's wisdom traditions, bringing me the awareness that extant historical records make clear the simple circumstances that culminated with the composite character 'Jesus Christ' of the Holy Bible.  Some previous blog articles have shared the data published by researchers of extant historical records who make clear the simple circumstances that culminated with the 'Jesus Christ' of the Holy Bible.  A Bible in those ancient times was not intended to be a factual record of the life of 'Jesus.'  (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Something previously mentioned in a blog article is that One of the influences leading to entertainment dominating people's activity is the rejection of the Divine Dispensations through a variety of paranormal manifestations that were widely manifested throughout the world during the epoch of Spiritualism.  This data making possible discernment of an omnipresent Force interacting with humanity was widely ignored, denied and at times misrepresented by people motivated by skepticism or denialism.  Fear of unknown powers superseded intelligent investigation.  As innate human creativity became exalted in the popular culture—also an aspect of the interaction with shared 'Universal Source'/'All 'That Is'/'spiritual Oneness' on a more subtle level than with 'trance mediumship'/'channeling'—people became enthralled with movies, television shows, plays, novels, computer games, sports and the music industry.  The shared Superconscious Mind therefore must give lessons in oblique ways through contemporary entertainment media.
One way for someone to begin contemplating Pop culture media selections is to begin by basically considering whether a 'good'/positive or 'bad'/'negative' polarity is being experienced.  The way some contemporary human beings accept technological innovations as deriving from a scientific process devoid of spiritual and metaphysical realities is something that can only be considered as unjustifiable.  Something I've encouraged readers to do in relation to how one watches or listens to visual or audio media iswhatever the medium used for the recording of video and/or audio—is to consider what has affixed the image and sound to each replay source.
My response to what may be considered about this 2019 channeled discourse of 'Alfred Hitchcock' is that subjects addressed during channeling sessions can range from those of simple significance to those of momentous significance, depending on the questions being posed and the mental conditions of the channeler and the questioner at the time of the session.  This is a quandary that has been a topic of previous blog articles about channeling cases.  An example of more profound information being offered in a Riz Mirza channeling session is "METATRON: Channeled by Riz 'Metaphysical Class 101.'"  (article)  The channeled oration discourse video begins with the following sentences.

The extraterrestrials are your brethren.  And there are physical routes throughout the star systems and indeed they are actual systems.  These routes are very much like your own roads and highways and are in a sense paved as well with physical matter that is detectable and perceptible and used by the vehicles they travel in.  So in plainer language there are streets and highways in use by beings in outer space that you are unaware of.
Portals are also roadways.  They can cover vast physical distance or are dimensional portals, which are between realities.  Other dimensions have other timelines, which are different from your time structure for those planets that are at a vast distance base their time on that natural environment around them as you base your time according to the orbit of the sun or the moon's orbit around you.  So that is different but through dimensional portals, which are also roadways, you will have a very different reality, which is not based upon nor connected to this one yet who you can effect across vast physical distances are still connected to you, just further away.  Whether it is ten miles or 100,000 light years away from you, it is still in a straight line in a sense.  Energy travels this way, carrying information.  We are known as Metatron and we are the architects of this interstellar engineering.
There's only what is.  As others have said, you may call this 'All That Is.'  The emphasis should be on the word Is.  Isness.  What Is.  The structures of physical reality cannot be organized in the linear timeline approach which you use to organize day-to-day life.  Even in this aspect of your spiritual understanding, you must surrender to What Is.  As you teach yourself and others to surrender to What Is and then to begin to understand What Is.  No separation exists between you and All That Is.

Readers should keep in mind that when considering authentic case chronologies of what has been called 'Deep Trance,' 'Overshadowing' or 'Total Takeover' channeling, the perspective of entities speaking through a person should be understood as being 'more-knowing' rather than 'all-knowing.'  Each perspective of a 'channeled entity' reflects a unique chronology of experiences and may even to some extent be limited by the mentalities of channelers/mediums and their audiences at the time the transcendental communication is given.  Considering channeled perspectives, the transcendental communicator personality manifesting must speak carefully.  If what is said greatly opposes a listener's beliefs and spiritual understanding, than the manifesting entity could be quickly and harshly judged and lose all relevancy according to individual perception.  

During the channeling session that is documented with this transcript featuring the 'channeled entity' 'Alfred Hitchcock,' the truths being addressed are of relatively small consequence.  During his Earth life, Alfred Hitchcock was familiar with Catholicism as his inherited religion and he doesn't seem to have directed his attention to significant investigation of metaphysical subjects although a character in his final movie to be released, "Family Plot" (1976) was a medium — a fake medium at that.  A movie poster tagline is "From the devious mind of Alfred Hitchcock, a diabolically entertaining motion picture."  (article)  During the later years of his career (1960-1976), "Family Plot" was the successor to some of Hitchcock's most horrorific movies: "Psycho," "The Birds" and "Frenzy."
While in life 'everything is relative,' there are channeled works that can make possible an audience member or reader progressing in relation to achieving expanded awareness about the opportunities and insights that are possible for one during earthly life.  The following channeling discourse transcript excerpts provide two examples from previous blog articles.  The first five passages were heard in 2006 following the statement "So the wave of knowledge that comes from the future has come in a form of entertainment" — today I regard the proclamation as a prophetic warning.  The final two quoted paragraphs are from the video of a channeling session recorded five months ago.  
The same gods that the world worships — things they see in reality — motions of pictures are realities akin to the visions in the brain and watching them played out and living vicariously through them indeed.

So I am here to tell everyone 'Behold God' and to start the great and slow and tedious work of teaching entities that they are divine.

And for thousands of years you may not have done anything but been incarnated cannon fodder for all those principalities, for all those warring regions, for all those religions.  And poor little entity gathering up their little children and what foodstuffs to move out of the way of war because they know their children are going to die for a dispute.

It starts with you.  You change.  And your reality changes.  And when you do and your mind becomes developed and it gets bigger and bigger.  And you do marvelous things.

So then the world becomes saved, as it were, christ by christ by christ by christ by christ . . .
—'Ramtha' through JZ Knight  (article)

We remind you that your creativity is intimately connected with your awakening and the awakening of all.  If you think you can do nothing, remember that you are creative beings and that it is your creativity that brings multidimensional energy into this world to contribute to that awakening.  There have been many books and movies — and even shows like "The Simpsons" that seem so silly yet are predictive tools for the events that then later played out in your reality.  These authors and screenplay writers and artists of many kinds whether they realize it or not were tapping into multi-dimensional energy that showed them the seeds of the future that were already present and starting to grow back in their time and space.  And the fact that this was possible reveals not to some supernatural power that only these individuals had but points to the power of your own creativity and the power that you have to tell stories that can help you overcome the struggles that individuals in your collective face.

You see these stories play out in films like "The Matrix" and books like 1984 and Animal Farm.  Do not forget them and even look back upon them because you will see exactly what is taking place now and has been taking place.  And it will inform you as to how to break the cycle and break the chain.  It is important not just for your collective but for you as an individual, for if you don't allow yourself to be free the emotional and energetic toll will continue to add up.  Whether you stay blind to what is happening or not, these energies can be impacted in your being and affect you in many ways.  Everything is interconnected and so when you channel the love of your own higher self and direct that towards your own personal freedom and the truth of your own heart and of the collective heart there will be massive waves of change. 
Pleiadian Council through Dante StarShine  (article)

Here's a pivotal statement in the "Channeling Phenomena Evidence . . ." article that this present one serves as a prologue:

The Great Spirit, with infinite wisdom and love, has created earthly children and given them some free will . . . If you have the choice to do good, you also have the choice to do evil . . . This is a polarity.  — 'Silver Birch'

As consistent readers of this blog may be aware, it is only during the most recent years that I've realized how regrettable and psychically damaging is the pastime of devoting one's attention to inconsequential, essentially useless and even "diabolically entertaining" movies, TV shows, computer games, etc.  

Ignoring the subjects reported at this blog that make possible people's metaphysical, spiritual and cosmological self-development and expansion of consciousness, mainstream news media outlets make obvious the ongoing collective psychosis being manifested during the present ongoing phase of Earth life.  Common sense international diplomacy has been eradicated as military indoctrination and socio-economic agendas control the government bureaucracies staging wars while seeking domination of their counterparts representing other paperwork principalities.  The lack of metaphysical and spiritual knowledge has resulted with the worldwide pandemic and an ever-degrading planetary habitat (what humans should be at war against) along with inflation, public disenfranchisement, homelessness and mass shootings.  Consider all that could have been done if leaders throughout the world didn't assign such extreme amounts of money to military use with an impact on international trade so that instead the funds could be utilized to help less fortunate citizens and alleviate ecological challenges.

current headlines

Intriguing aspects of this blogger's circumstances in life in regard to having selected the entertainment industry for my profession in addition to engaging in the culturally traditional pastime of watching commercial narrative programs is myself having discovered that I share ancestral lineages with movie directors Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980) and Ken Russell (1927-2011), whose movies interested me in relation to subject and artistic choices.  Previous blog articles mention my having noticed some synchronicities —

My own family tree pedigree charts show ancestors dating back to Jonathan Russell, born in 1759 in Milton, Massachusetts, and Richard Hiscockes, born in 1556 in All Cannings, England.  The Hiscockes surname would become Hitchcock with Luke Hitchcock born in 1614.

As those who have read the case study Testament (1997) know, my early career was in the entertainment industry so some of my reflections included synchronicity with the motion picture medium.  It was strange realizing that I might have a shared ancestry with film directors Alfred Hitchcock ("Rebecca," "Vertigo") and Ken Russell ("Tommy," "Altered States") — a filmmaker who also showed an affinity for surprising audiences.  Or perhaps the correlations with the Hitchcock and Russell surnames is significant enough, regardless of bloodline.  Luke Hitchcock's father John Hiscockes was also born in All Cannings in 1586.  The name of the town reminded me of the name of the author Victor Canning who wrote the novel The Rainbird Pattern that was the basis for Alfred Hitchcock's final movie, "Family Plot."  Alfred Hitchcock died at his home in Bel Air in 1980.  According to the biography, Canning married Adria Irving-Bell in November 1976.  I also remember that one of my professors at the University of Southern California was John Russell Taylor, one of Hitchcock's biographers.

The Historical Memoirs mentions: "The rise of the Russell surname synchronizes also with the first usage of heraldic arms . . ."  Some depictions of the Russell family crest from Scotland feature a different motto than the French "Honi soit (qui) mal y pense" ("Shame to him who thinks ill of it") associated with 'The Order of the Garter,' the oldest British Order of Chivalry dating back to the Middle Ages.  The Scottish crest shows "Che sara sara" ("What will be, will be").  This reminded me of the title of the famous song performed by Doris Day "Que Sera, Sera" in Alfred Hitchcock's remake of "The Man Who Knew Too Much" with the phrase having the same meaning in Spanish.  The scene in the movie concludes with one of the basic metaphysical teachings found in numerous transcripts of 'channeled' communication: each human being is a divine being whose life will continue in the ascended realm at the conclusion of the current incarnation.  (article)
As reported at, upcoming remakes of hit horror movies that have been announced this year or are in progress include "An American Werewolf In London," "Anaconda," "Arachnophobia," "The Blob," "Bride of Frankenstein," "Carrie," "Christine," "The Day of the Triffids," "The Entity," "Frankenstein," "Friday the 13th," "The Howling," "The Lost Boys," "Nightmare City," "Nosferatu," "The Orphanage," "The Outer Limits," "The People Under The Stairs," "Phantom of the Opera," "Salem's Lot," "The Substitute," "The Tommyknockers," "Untitled The Thing Remake," "Witchfinder" and "Wolf Man."
Scenes from two movies that I saw during my childhood in the 1960s are presented below: "Forbidden Planet" and "Five Million Years to Earth" (American title).  The movie storylines involve extraterrestrial beings and depict what one might describe as metaphysical 'polarities.'  My childhood and career in the Hollywood entertainment industry are subjects of previous blog articles, including those comprising my autobiography. 

It would seem that humanity collectively isn't interested in Divine Dispensations because of the familiarity with entertainment and propaganda.  It is as if that all the fictitious storylines allowed into people's consciousness makes all the evidence of 'The God Force' something fantastic and magical as well.  Any time devoted to movies, TV shows, computer games, Pop songs, novels, etc., will be realized to be a complete waste of time by anyone once expansion of metaphysical/spiritual consciousness commences.  I, myself, am very disturbed by all of my own Pop culture memories developed during the first four decades of my life.
A blog articles dealing with 'The God Force' and human creativity is "George Lucas Popularized 'The Force' in 'Star Wars' Movies".  A Metaphysical Articles Index of Subjects and Titles with Links is  available at the Paranormal People website.


This post first appeared on Interesting Articles, Links And Other Media, please read the originial post: here

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Channeling — 'Alfred Hitchock' Discourse Transcript and This Blogger's Evaluation


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