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'Channeling' Phenomena Evidence for Scientists, Journalists and Anyone Uninformed or Misinformed (with Photos and Videos)

This Article makes available what is virtually a succinct home study course in a blog article making it possible for anyone to place in perspective the form of transcendental communication today categorically known as 'channeling,' a type of 'paranormal phenomena.'
A recent Scientific American article has the headline "Is Consciousness Part of the Fabric of the Universe?" while an article at The Conversation is entitled "The mystery of consciousness shows there may be a limit to what science alone can achieve" and a headline is "Could quantum physics be the key that unlocks the secrets of human behavior."  A BBC News video has the heading "Einstein was wrong new study of Universe poses fundamental questions" and concludes with the observation by science journalist Pallab Ghosh: "There are currently more questions than answers in astronomy — so many that scientists believe that the stage is set for the biggest shakeup in our understanding of how the universe works since the ideas of Albert Einstein about gravity more than a hundred years ago."
Theoretical physicists and scientists will be at an impasse unless they consider the evidence for the transcendental communication process today commonly called channeling.  Instead of a stubborn culturally programmed belief that this activity is impossible, the subject of channeling offers proof of an omnipresent conscious universe when one considers the evidence with an open mind and is willing to determine the facts readily available to be learned in this article.  This blogger has identified and reported about 'channelers' whose cases have been extensively documented

 These are some of the detailed nonfiction case study books providing data about specific channeling case chronologies.
For many decades due to materialist concerns and political agendas, a vast assortment of documentation has been ignored, misunderstood or incorrectly reported by journalists and other constituents employed within corporate bureaucracies.  One adverse social consciousness influence may be expressed as 'information conflicting with perceived consensus beliefs engenders expectation of disapproval.'  Opinions adverse to the reality of 'channeling' derive from erroneous assumptions based upon faulty knowledge.
One contemporary channeler whose channeling capability manifests in a highly unusual way making plain the authenticity of the telepathy is Paul Selig. (article)  Paul Selig has described himself as "a conscious channel" who "whispers the words as they come to him" and "then repeats them aloud."
This brief YouTube video is entitled "Personal Evolution in the Face of Potential Planetary Destruction (Live Q&A with The Guides)"
Evidence of 'channeling' phenomena has been accumulating throughout the centuries, from 'The Oracle at Delphi' and John Dee (1527-1609) to Andrew Jackson Davis (1826-1910) and Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) to Eileen Garrett (1893-1970) and Jane Roberts (1929-1984) and beyond.  Although evidently regarded as an esoteric field of study for contemporary people if they know about it all, the evidence of transcendental communication and especially channeling evidence is rarely a subject reported about by journalists and scientific researchers.  Something to keep in mind about channeling case chronologies is that—as with everyone else—channelers themselves must interpret and place in perspective what conclusions should be drawn upon considering the information being articulated through themselves.
'Channeling' phenomena was associated with 'trance mediumship' during the Spiritualism epoch.  Here are some excerpts from the commentary by controlling spirit 'Theodore Parker' through Trance medium Mrs. J. H. Conant on April 29, 1869:

In the first place, it should be understood that these séances are not controlled at all times by the same spirit, but for each occasion an intelligence is selected best adapted to that occasion.  Persons sending their inquiries from a distance do not seem to understand this, and they often inquire in regard to the difference of opinion that seems to find expression through the said controlling spirit of the circle.  It should be understood that each distinct intelligence, or human spirit, retains its own special intellectual integrity after death as before.  All are entitled to their own opinions and the expression of the same, if they express themselves at all.  All questions relating to well-developed scientific facts will, without doubt, be answered, by all intelligences coming here, in a similar manner.  The idea will be one and the same, though the expression or clothing of the idea may be different in all. 
Included in the 2014 blog article about this 19th Century trance channeling case are links to two online books totaling more than 700 pages providing copious documentation: an 1872 anthology of trance session transcripts and an 1873 biography of the medium.

The esteemed medium for the Banner of Light, Mrs. J. H. Conant (Frances Ann Crowell 1831-1875) participated in sittings with William Mumler, authentically 'the first spirit photographer'.  (1, 2, 3)

Another 19th Century psychic and channeler is Andrew Jackson Davis.  (1, 2, 3)  Transcripts of trance mediumship interludes involving D. D. Home may be read in Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr. D. D. Home (1869).  (1, 2)  The following passages are excerpts from the descriptions featuring communication channeled through Home when he was in a trance. 
Excerpt from "No. 6 Séance"

We, children of God, linger near you, the spirits, guardian angels, hover around you, and guard and aid you in your hour of trial and suffering.  To us the spirit-land of higher spheres is like a beautiful planet, luminous, shining forth as our goal—and spheres higher and higher still, brighten as we advance in the vista of everlasting progress.  We cannot tell you all we know, for it is the desire of more and more knowledge that impels you onward and upward.  As men see a star and desire to know about it, and know that others are beyond it, and invent instruments, and spend their lives in scientific research and in seeking after truth, so it is with you; it would not be good for you to know all, for there would be no object for improvement and research.  We know all your sufferings and shortcomings, and what you have to contend with, for have we not too been mortals, have we not wearied on the roadside, and had our times of agony and doubt; but God, at the evening of our day, brought us home, and called in the weary travellers.  God called us into his fold and brought us home, that we may be nearer to thee, O God.  Our Father in creating beautiful things on earth, created them for ever and ever, for all eternity, though they may fade to our sight; so beauty, poetry, sunlight, and all that is harmonious are garnered up for ever.  Even sound having left the influence of this earth, goes on for ever down the everlasting corridors of space.  Thus summer is again and again refined into autumn, toned and softened down, softening down the wintry sky of the future, so too, purer impulses, nobler aspirations, leave their impress for ever upon the waves of eternity—like a wave of sound, the impulse moves on for ever.

From the eternal source goes forth the eternal light to which we aspire. From this great source emanates the small particle of light called our soul, dwelling in this body we live in—The great God who is light itself, for ever light us through all eternity.

Excerpt from "No. 25—Séance at Ashley House, October 20th [1868]."

uestion.—As it is so difficult to influence men are you not constantly endeavouring to do certain things and failing?"

Answer.—To a certain extent,—yes.  But spiritual influence has much more to do with the affairs of the world than what you dream of.  All inspiration, poetry, improvising as in the case of the old Troubadours,—all that is owing to iteverything in fact, is set in motion by spiritual interference.  To those who pray earnestly for and seek for light and truth, light will certainly be given; our greatest difficulty is the folly of men's hearts, and their blindness.  There are thousands of men who pray that rather than that Spiritualism should be understood, men should believe it to be the work of the devil; to advance themselves one day only, they would retard the progress of the world for ages.  Every prayer has its effect, and every aspiration and wish is a prayer; it is not necessary to go down on your bended knees to pray.  Would that you could see as we do the great black cloud (to speak figuratively) of prayers and aspirations that is for ever rising up from a populous haunt of mankind like this great city of London.  Aspiration for truth and knowledge will surely bring its answer, and as surely does every prayer to the contrary distort and retard true progress.
A 1932 Movietone News trance channeling video of "Medium Meurig Morris, with Denis and Lady Jean Conan Doyle during a séance" begins with the statement: "For the first time in the history of sound motion pictures, British Movietone News has been able to record a seance."  The video clip offers visual evidence of trance authenticity: "You will notice that during this unique film the microphones crashed to the ground, the medium remaining oblivious to the danger of the occurrence."

Other evidence in the annals of 'paranormal phenomena' also is routinely ignored today.  These two photographs offer an example.  (article) 
John Fuller's accounts of witnessing 'Chang' speaking through the entranced medium Douglas Johnson circa 1968 are presented at the conclusion of Fuller's nonfiction book The Great Soul Trial (1969)
. . . we who have to use earthly instruments such as this one have to contend with the mind and prejudices of that instrument.
It is like pouring water into a mind . . . And if you pour water into a vessel that is shaped round, the water will be round-shaped in that vessel.  Therefore the words that we pour through human instruments are certain to take the shape of the mind of that instrument, although the essence of that message may well remain.  This is our difficulty.  Some instruments are better than others.  Psychic gifts are not necessarily spiritual.  It is a gift that is like music.  Remember this.  Not all those who are endowed with the gift of music may lead lives that are exactly spiritual in nature.  We make use of what material is available.  Therefore, place not people upon pedestals in your exploration.  Assess them and know them.
John Fuller had observed about an earlier trance session he'd observed:
"If I had not interviewed Dr. Progoff about his intensive analysis of Eileen Garrett's trance personalities or 'controls,' and if I had not read his book Image of an Oracle, I think my skepticism would have been too great to continue with this session . . . I recalled the serious attention given to this phenomenon by everyone from William James to Gardner Murphy, and this prompted me to continue."
After three meetings with Douglas Johnson, Fuller wrote in one of the concluding paragraphs of his book: "By now my respect for a medium of the stature of Mr. Douglas Johnson was genuine and unqualified."
Ira Progoff is the author of The Image of an Oracle: A Report on Research Into the Mediumship of Eileen J. Garrett (1964).  The book presents transcripts of tape recordings of what was said during 12 sessions beginning in 1957 when Eileen Garrett went into a trance and four "control figures" ('Ouvani,' 'Abdul Latif,' 'Tahoteh' and 'Ramah') conversed with Progoff. The following transcript passage of channeled oratory is an example of what was documented.

EG: (Moans, sighs, goes into trance state.)  It is I, Ouvani.  I give you greetings, friend.  Peace be with you and with your life and on your work and within your household.  I ask a moment of you for I have not come to stay but only to make certain of the tranquility of my instrument and to open the way for questions that you desire to put to one of our revered friends.  Abdul Latif must ask, therefore, that we leave the way open for you and in a moment another one will speak with you, though I will be near to close the door.  Therefore, Tahoteh will explain his presence to you of himself and I will offer you my salutations and leave you with the door ajar.  (Moaning preliminaries.)

(Additional groans, sighs and deep breathing as Ouvani departs and another figure with a different voice and accent enters.)

EG: Now, my friend, you would have words with me?

IP: Yes.  You are Tahoteh?

EG: I am known as he who is called Tahoteh.

IP: Yes.  Can you tell me something about your nature?

EG: Yes, I think it will be very easy for me to explain to you.  My nature is universal.  It is the breath of life.  It is the breath of the elements.  It is the breath of the tempest and the breath of the stars.  It is the breath of the times, the breath of the sea, the breath of the running streams.  It is, indeed, the breath of life that is as much therefore as you will claim for you, or I will claim for me.  For it is this element that makes it possible for us to meet for amiable discussion.  But I have been regarded as a symbol of good by some men and as a symbol of freedom by other men, as a symbol of what is within the makeup of man by others, as a symbol of that creative side of man.  May I not then call myself truly in relation to you, the creative principle of life; and if I am then the creative principal of life and have been known as such in life, it is obvious that if I have been, I am.  If I am, I must continue and therefore must have for myself a dual meaning for myself and for all men.  Now, bear with me a moment.  In the orthodoxy of your age, I have no place?
There have been three blog articles making available profiled data from The Image of an Oracle.  (1, 2, 3)
A rationale that has been observed to result when someone decides to ignore, suppress or repudiate data such as the evidence concerning phenomenally 'channeled' orations, writing and art—thus preventing themselves as well as other people from developing a perspective or gaining knowledge from what is to be learnedis that the evidence can only signify deus ex machina / 'the God Force' and this often propagates 'fear of the unknown' among those as yet ignorant about the spiritual Oneness of the universe.  The erroneous and foolish perception made apparent when one ignores or conceals facts about channeling is the notion that if this evidence doesn't become any more prominent in society it is not and never will be relevant.
Chronicled throughout the centuries, a serious study of the documentation and evidence of 'channeling' leads to the singular conclusion that the omnipresent Source Consciousness has consistently engaged in initiatory 'paranormal' manifestations to expand the knowledge of human units / iotas / personalities of 'All That Is' / Universal Source / omnipresent spiritual Oneness. 
It is only a novice researcher of channeling for whom there may be a reaction of fear due to the attendant realization that the individual human being confronted with the evidence of eternal life isn't 'in control' of one's ultimate destiny beyond the familiar scope of current human affairs within the known physical dimensions of earthly experiences; however, there is a preponderance of channeled messages that 'God is Love' and everyone has a spark of the Divine within oneself — tis is the 'I AM Presence' that is a basis for the world's wisdom traditions, as evidenced by the gamut of extant scriptures and artifacts preserved from ancient times.
The importance of not inhibiting the intellectual and moral progress of oneself and all other units/iotas/personalities of an 'Infinite Power' may become known during one's study of what has been evidenced throughout a multiplicity of extensively documented channeling case chronologies.  (channeling articles index)  What will become realized is how to achieve intellectual fulfillment through developing one's perspective of 'The God Force' and also how to peacefully comprehend, experience and express love for emotional fulfillment during earthly life.
Researchers of channeling should be free of preconceived orientations reflecting perceived consensus beliefs an illusion derived from such factors as one's geographical location and the information sources that have been accessible, including scholastic materials that have been selected by a succession of administrators. 

It should be an informed choice that one makes about whether or not to make use of the opportunities that exist today regarding—as articulated by one 'channeled entity'—"allowing the bridge between our realities to be open for us to exchange energy and information and support one another in growing and ascending to be in a more Source-oriented consciousness."

These photos of 'deep trance' / 'overshadowing' / 'total takeover' 'channelers' are from a mainstream publication exploring the subject of channeling, the 1989 Time-Life book Spirit Summonings: top left: Jach Pursel channeled 'Lazaris'; top right: 'Cajuba' gave an "interspecies communication between man and dolphin" through Neville Rowe; below right: 'Merlin' spoke through Diana Hoerig to explain: "I am simply a symbolic Archetype of a Force, a power to manipulate nature"; below center: 'Ramtha' with eyes open spoke through the body of JZ Knight; below left: Taryn Krivé channeled an entity of the 'Violet Flame Network'; center: 'John' (the apostle) was in control of Kevin Ryerson.  (article)
In 2024 when
violence is judged to be the solution to international conflicts without any attempt to find peaceful alternatives, how evident it is that government decision makers lack the metaphysical and spiritual knowledge that may be gained through learning about authentic extensively documented transcendental communication case chronologies.  This current blog article is intended to make available a collection of essential data for the uninformed / misinfomed / disinformed so that readers may begin making sense of 'channeling' phenomena and in turn be able to share this knowledge to assist all people in society to learn about this also.

As previously mentiond, when I recently conducted a Google search specifying the word 'channeling' the first link offered was a trending article by Benjamin Radford entitled "Channeling & Spirit Guides: Voices From Within, Not Beyond."  I thank him for making available a collection of all-too-typical cliché denialist perspectives as examples that are enabling this blogger to provide answers serving to show how the exclusion of meaningful metaphysical content throughout contemporary mainstream media has contributed to the cultural programming of someone who identifies with being a 'skeptic.'  Along with what can only be a multitude of self-considered 'skeptics' regarding transcendental communication data, Radford may not have been able to learn about and make use of the information made available at the 700+ articles at this noncommercial blog. 
When someone repudiates 'trance mediumship'/'channeling' without having made any effort to conduct significant research, there is the unfortunate probable result of influencing other people's perceptions about the nature and scope of life experiences, contributing to the accelerating moral, ethical and spiritual blindness influencing the perpetration of grim atrocities that are daily making headlines throughout the world.  On a vast scale, there has been a disintegration of the confident moral perception of a 'Source of All Life' / 'God Force.'  Extant relics show that this knowledge was prevalent during ancient civilizations.
Among the results of the contemporary predicament of human societies, in 2024 social traditions and conditioning predominate whereby countless people allocate time to give their attention to insipid and even rankling entertainment pastimes without otherwise knowing about how to go about finding the information that would enable them to advance their metaphysical and spiritual perceptions of what is possible to learn about and experience during earthly life. 

Forthcoming in this present article are descriptions of matters intrinsic for an informed viewpoint of 'channeling' modalities among readers who are yet to find an appropriate introduction or a way to develop one's perspective of the subject.  The 2013 Live Science article begins with the factual statements shown below.
After these opening paragraphs offering an overview of the subject of 'channeling,' a perspective is offered in the Live Science article that shows lack of knowledge about 'channeling' because the criticism may not have been made if adequate research had been conducted about channeling case chronologies.  One author who has written about shamanic lore and traditions throughout the world is Piers Vitebsky, whose books include The Shaman (1995).  In this book Vitebsky observed that "there are astonishing similarities, which are not easy to explain, between shamanic ideas and practices as far apart as the Arctic, Amazonia and Borneo, even though these societies have probably never had any contact with each other."
There are scientists who've studied authentic channelers and the phenomena of channeling may have contributed to new theoretical perceptions about the universe without being directly mentioned (perhaps because of social consciousness anxieties or procedural restraints within their institutions).  Anyone who is determined to make sense of what is termed physics should consider the examples in this article that provide descriptions about Laws of life articulated by an array of 'channeled entities' representing the ascended realm or dimension of existence.  (channeling cases articles and video links index)
Providing examples from seven transcendental communication/channeling case chronologies profiled in blog articles, the following passages involve the nature of an individual human identity and one's soul in relation to unseen dimensions. 
1. 'Professor Alfred Luntz' (one of 16 identified 'controls' known as 'The Inner Circle') through Mark Probert
The word "soul" is not a very good word because it has no comprehensive meaning back of it.  Its connotation is too abstract to deal with in any conclusive manner.  The whole vast universe is a living one!  All things, from a single electron to the most gigantic star, containing but different degrees of "pulsations" of what is called the "Life" force.  This difference is not in quantity but in quality.  However this may be, there are some things that come under the classification of mechanical automatons.  Then there are things that have what is called consciousness but have no self awareness and there are yet other things that are both conscious and consciously aware of their own independent existence apart from other things.  Man as a whole comes under the latter classification — this kind of personal awareness now enables him to stand off from life as it were and study it with circumspection.  As analytic as one may become however about the external world, and a

This post first appeared on Interesting Articles, Links And Other Media, please read the originial post: here

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'Channeling' Phenomena Evidence for Scientists, Journalists and Anyone Uninformed or Misinformed (with Photos and Videos)


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