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Evidence for the Omnipresent Force — 'Direct Voice' Oration Transcript and Audio Recording

This is an infra-red photograph of ectoplasm emanating to form what has been called the 'voicebox' through which manifested the conversations of unseen communicators representing the ascended realm of life.  Shown below are six of the nonfiction books chronicling this paranormal 'Direct Voice' (disembodied speech) transcendental communication case chronology.

For this blogger a cause of utter dismay and disappointment is the lack of perception shown by many people regarding the many books and hundreds of uncommercialized audio tapes available that establish undeniable evidence of the paranormal case chronology of Leslie Flint (1911-1994).  This evidence has been ignored throughout the mainstream news media for many decades.  After all, the omnipresent Force responsible for manifesting all forms of transcendental communication phenomena is also an aspect of the personality of each individual person and this aspect of human nature has been expressed as  each person's 'I AM Presence' and as "the divine spark, the portion of the Great Spirit resident within all human life."  (websites making available audio tape recordings: 1, 2, 3)

The 'Direct Voice' (disembodied speech) oration transcript presented in this article includes a perspective about the Nature of God and of Love.  When cultivated, this knowledge is the most cherished possession that one can have . . .

The 20+ Leslie Flint articles published at this blog since 2009 include "Tapping the Force: Leslie Flint Recordings and Links"  and "The Voice of Valentino".  I was surprised when my article "Metaphysical Lessons of the Leslie Flint 'Direct Voice' Recordings" was a featured news article link for the "Coast to Coast AM" radio show in 2016 and in recent years selected headlines presented at the online website for the program often seem geared to a mystification-oriented sensibility.  It is mentioned in the case profile article "Leslie Flint's Life as a Direct Voice Medium"

About 'Mickey'—whom Flint described in Voices in the Dark as "the spirit helper who acts as a sort of master of ceremonies at my seances"—Alexander Walker appraised, "This perky and impertinent boy would engage his master in Cockney chitchat and occasionally turn his sharp tongue on the guests sitting expectantly a dozen strong around the big Paddington dining-room in the 1960s or when Flint's health had permitted him to tour in earlier decades, packing the churches, halls and theaters in their hundreds and thousands all over Britain, the continent of Europe and America."  There were also occasions when Mickey's voice manifested with a boisterous adult emanation while at other times was heard a somber modulation while profound knowledge of humanity and spirituality was expressed.

Mickey is a frequent nickname for the name 'Michael' with
'The Michael Pattern' noticeable among many famous cases of transcendental communication, including Joan of Arc, Nostradamus, John Dee, the Fox Sisters associated with the Spiritualism Movement, Madame Blavatsky, Edgar Cayce, Eileen Garrett, Leslie Flint, JZ Knight, Mark Probert, the 'Messages from Michael' case, contactee Arthur Shuttlewood, Nina Hagen, Martin Luther King, etc.  The Archangel Michael is the archetype for an angelic Force interacting with mankind throughout the ages.  (article)   
One intriguing aspect of the oration transcript selected as the timely example shared with this blog post is one of the statements made in it: "It is Spiritual Knowledge and truth that will open the doors of Heaven and make you free.  But we want that knowledge brought into being in your world when all peoples and nations will be men who is, as it were, like unto the sheep may be set free . . ."

At present in 2024 the dismal conditions of the Earth ecosystem and unthinkable lack of conscience concerning the mass bombings and murders happening to ourselves in Gaza and Ukraine make plain that spiritual cataclysm has befallen the world.


some recent MSN News headlines

Awareness of the Divine Dispensations in transcendental communication case chronologies provides essential information that can change the consciousness of governing officials and citizens of the world's many paperwork principalities.  The regulated and commercialized mainstream news media has ignored and/or suppressed this evidence and this conduct has been personally experienced with this blogger's own news releases made available throughout the years through newswire services.  (article with a list of these news releases)

More disturbing still is that since last year this blogger has been unable to find any press release service whatsoever to distribute my press releases that therefore have been published at this blog.  (1, 2) 
In November, Yahoo News featured a Ukrayinska Pravda article with the headline "Head of Ukraine's leading party claims Russia proposed 'peace' in exchange for neutrality".  This happened in 2022 when "Western partners . . . advised us not to go into ephemeral security guarantees . . ."   Although on January 23 NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that he saw no direct or imminent threat from Russia to any NATO member state, the $200+ billion provided by Western officials to the failed proxy war against Russia in Ukraine seems to provide motivation for the constant and fear-mongering propaganda characterizing President Putin as an enemy menacing the entire world.  This war baiting may not end until nuclear weapons are implemented, fulfilling metaphysically ignorant projections of military indoctrinated people about the necessity and inevitability of a 'world war.'

American News headlines also characterize President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China in an adversarial manner despite the clarity of his and other Chinese officials' good will pronouncements.  It has been obvious to this blogger for decades that it isn't the Presidents who guide the federal bureaucracy; it is the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  The military indoctrination regime has eradicated common sense diplomacy and is noticeably pervasive throughout Congress; in the regulated news media and also even in relation to the Justice Department and national judicial system.  The humanitarian diplomacy and ideals achieved by the public's representatives in Washington, D.C. during past epochs has been forgotten.

Meanwhile, worldwide military expenditures have caused a rise in inflation, taxation and debt resulting with tremendous social havoc.  In the United States, a record number of Americans are homeless following a nationwide surge in rent and the cost of other necessities.  The ongoing challenges caused by immigrants arriving in European countries and in the United States have been found reported at X /  Another news subject that hasn't been covered by mainstream news media is the veritable farmers and truckers rebellion currently ongoing in Germany and France.

Without knowing how to enlighten themselves about profound and life-affirming metaphysical and spiritual aspects of existence, it seems most Americans escape from reality through giving their attention to at times crassly commercial and seldom memorable entertainment offerings.

The Direct Voice session conducted by Leslie Flint on April 22, 1958 is quoted in the fourth chapter of The Voice of Valentino by Lynn Russell.  This article presents a verbatim transcript of an audio recording of the Direct Voice communicator 'Rudolph Valentino' (1895-1926).  Reincarnation had been discussed by Mickey and other communicators in preceding sittings with Flint.  Lynn Russell commented about this session:

. . . on this "memorable evening," as he expressed it, it was not just Rudolph Valentino who spoke, but the true individual whose spiritual identity remains obscure.  There is nothing exceptional in this situation.  We are all evolving, and the path of progress is open to every soul. To distinguish this higher aspect, as Leslie calls it, I have often referred to it as Rudy-Plus!  The voice is the same yet the quality can be quite different; the accent is barely discernible but the characteristics remain distinctly his own.  This can be likened to a piece of music played on two pianos, one an upright model of average tone, the other a concert grand.  The notes and theme would be the same, but you would know without doubt which piano was which.

We met together in great happiness on this occasion.  Leslie was in a particularly hilarious frame of mind, and during the long waiting period which seems to vary with every sitting, he kept us in fits of laughter with his reminiscences of childhood, when he used to accompany his Granny to the pictures!  It was from a seat in the "sevenpennies" on one of these outings that he sat spellbound for the first time under the influence of Valentino, in the romantic and magnificent costumes of the 18th century, as portrayed in the film "Monsieur Beaucaire."  How remote it all seemed!  Suddenly, all was quiet.  Then Leslie spoke, "I'm getting those wonderful words from the Book of Ruth.  Do they mean anything to you?  'Whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge. . . .'  Do you know them, Lynn?"

"Yes," I replied, "I do know them but I don't always quote them correctly.  I have repeated them within the last few days, during my sessions."  Mickey's cheerful little voice told us that the conditions necessary for communication had been reached.  Charles (Dr. Marshall), Sister Teresa and White Feather led us by easy stages to the moment which preceded the long-awaited communicator.


Listen to audio recording (this portion begins at 5:56: Lynn Russell Collection, Part 2 - recorded 4-22-1958 .mp3
Also available: Lynn Russell Collection, Part 1 - recorded 4-22-1958 .mp3

(5:56 'Rudolph Valentino' voice begins to be heard) 

This is a very memorable evening. There's much that I and others here have long desired to be able to come and speak with you on these lines.  If I am perhaps not speaking as well as I would wish it is perhaps because in some ways I am unused to speaking often.  My appearances are rare yet I am often with you, often around and about you but I have never made it a habit of coming to speak at length for various reasons and if I do not tonight say all that I would wish, it is because time does not permit the power and also because there are many things which it is impossible to put into words for we as you know who come to you from this side of life, thinking as we do purely and solely on spiritual lines, find great difficulty in transmitting into words, language, things which are in themselves essentially spirit and of truth.
But nevertheless I want you to know that I and all of us here are constantly with you.  Particularly when you gather together to do the work of the Spirit.  To develop the powers of the Spirit that you might be of service and do at least some work to enlighten those in your world who are unenlightened.  To give light where it is so needed.  To bring comfort to those who are sad and lonely.  To bring conviction to those who have lost hope, and to give unto those who listen to these truths that realization that God is.  God is Love.  And that Love is the only solution to the world's miseries and unhappiness.  The world today lives in fear.  Tremendous power is brought to bear on mankind but it is a power of darkness.  It is a power that is of evil, which man himself has developed through centuries of wrong thinking, wrongdoing.  Oftimes we hear man curse and say 'There can be no God!' and yet Man himself is responsible for all that has transpired and all that has happened.  Man has created in your world all the tragedies that have befallen it.  Man has created through malice, intolerance and hatred and fear, all the unhappiness that you know of and from which you have suffered.

Today, more than at any time, the voice of Spirit is needed to guide particularly those who hold the destinies of the nations of the world. We come with a great force, with a great purpose, to unlock the closed minds of men that we might give forth Truth and enlightenment and a Way of Life and a Wisdom so sorely and sadly needed.

And as always we cannot reach the so-called wise, the so-called brainy or clever peoples of your world.  Or very seldom.  But we must go as indeed always for generations of time in the past Spirit has gone to the lowly, to the humble, to the so-called 'less enlightened,' to the ignorant, to the foolish.  So it is that we who come use those who are termed fools, simple, unwise, that in them and through them the ways of the world may be changed.  And Man might find through the so-called 'foolish,' wisdom of Spirit.  Man in his ignorance has placed so-called 'wise men' in high places and the fools follow them, not willingly but like sheep.  We have listened to the bleating of the sheep and the lambs that have been brought ready from the slaughter through time immemorial.  We have seen countless souls sent here before their time, unready and unprepared.  Lambs sent to the slaughter.

You, who are so-called simple as the world sees it are the wise ones.  For you know truth, you know the Spirit and its power.  You know wisdom because your heads have not been necessarily crammed with knowledge, earthly knowledge which one day must pass away and be of no account.  It is Spiritual Knowledge and truth that will open the doors of Heaven and make you free.  But we want that knowledge brought into being in your world when all peoples and nations will be men who is, as it were, like unto the sheep may be set free — that he may not be called upon as sacrifice at the altars of the wrong gods and the wrong priests who worship the lower forces — who are materialists in their makeup and nature and who can only see wisdom in power — material power and force.

There is one path of progress.  A path of Spirit.  God's path.  Our path.  Your path.  Those in high places who hold the destinies of nations — these rulers, these men of power —  these men of wisdom as the world sees it —  these men without spiritual grace, without spiritual wisdom, without spiritual knowledge, can in their ignorance and foolishness, through fear, throw the whole world into chaos.

We who come to you, knowing you — small, insignificant you.  Yet, nevertheless, it is you and others like you who can save the world.  Why have we knocked at the door of your consciousness for so long, and others like onto you?  Why?  Because through you can come revelation and salvation.  Why do I and others like onto me come to you in this fashion?  Because we are working for God and His people, irrespective of their class or their color or their creed.  We know no barriers of any description for love overrides, overrules all barriers created by man in his foolishness, in his ignorance.  I see myself through generations of time, through many incarnations, in many guises and in many places, and I know that this has been my task to endeavor in some form to spread love, to show love, to express and experience love, and through love, breaking all barriers ,bringing peoples together in harmony and in peace.  These things have been my task as indeed have they been the task of many other souls and many who come with our group to you.  You are our instruments.  We have been brought together for this purpose.  You have known of me and I of you in past times.  Now you are still of me and I of you.  We are one spirit though we are separate in ourselves, but it is that One Spirit that flows through us all and we can forget ourselves.  And as our friends have already said in humbleness we find our true selves and in love our true service.  You are bodies, you are peoples but you are with me One in spirit and in truth.  We are all of the same Soul Group and one day when I have more time at my disposal I will describe and explain this to you more fully.  But this I ask that you be content to realize in spite of all the complications and the things which may cause you to be puzzled, above all things remember this — that in my incarnations and particularly in my last one, I was given life in a material sense to fulfill part of a Plan, of which you are part.  And when my work as it seemed odd, strange — memorable though it was, it was used to bring these peoples together.  Yet through those who love me my work continues.  And when I use the expression 'who love me' remember in humbleness and without pride in any form I say in humbleness of spirit when I say 'love me' — love not me as myself but God that showeth through me as an expression.  As indeed are we all His children so we express in part Him and therefore where love is — true love exists — on the highest plane we are expressing the Love of God and, in consequence, consciously and sometimes unconsciously, we are doing His work together.  So in love we were brought into being — in love we have found each other and in love shall we serve together.  And in love shall we find our true rewards in harmony and peace and in God . . . (pause) . . . bless you all.

Names are in themselves of no consequence.  We are baptized and we live and have our being and we are known yet not by our names but by what we are, what we have become, what we have achieved, or perhaps what we have not achieved.  And when we die we are as the dust of the fields.  Though the flowers spring upon our graves and the trees may bend low, yet we in ourselves are not as we were but as we are.  That which was is no more but a memory.  Memories are sweet but that which is important and that which lastest forever is the spirit — that which cannot die, which is us.  A name is of nothing.  It is but a memory.  It is what is of the soul that is left that is remembered.  When the ground is covered—all that has remained—yet with all is forgotten.  That which goes forward, onward and upwards — that which is of God remaineth in the heavens and returneth in other forms, perhaps upon Earth, to do the will of the most high.  There is no darkness — only light — for when that which seems to be darkness when it is pierced with wisdom it is illuminated and it is become bright.  And we see, as it were, clearly.  We know, we feel, we touch, we are sure, we understand, because we have seen with the eyes of the spirit.  We have felt the touch of spirit.  We have heard with the ears of Spirit and all is clear and all is wise.  There is no darkness, no doubt, no fear.  There is realization, for that which was dead is alive again for the darkness has disappeared.  And the morning sun has risen.  And the earth is warm and illuminated.  And the birds fly in the heavens.  And there's a stillness and a peace upon the earth.  And there is beauty all around for God giveth forth new life where there was but death and darkness.  All has vanished and gone.  In all life there is a breath of God.  And that which was dead is no longer dead but liveth.  And we who come to you liveth, not only in your hearts but in your memory.  Not only in that which we may have left behind but more important still we are with you in your hearts, in your minds, and above all in your spirit for we are one of spirit.  And we are together in consequence for spirit is like as, if it were, fluiding.  There is no segregation or separation.  It is all one spirit flowing through all humanity and those who are conscious as you are conscious of this great truth you have become so illumined to these things that, as I have said, there is no darkness, only light.  And that light will never fail you while your faith and your trust and your love remains for that which is of the spirit is of God and cannot fade or die but liveth always.  Rejoice in these things.  Find peace and happiness and tranquility and joy in these things for they are the only real things.  The rest is illusion.  Live in the realities.  The illusions shall fade.  A mirage in the desert no longer is there.  That which was is no more and that which is remaineth forever.  I must go.  Bless you all.

Following this oration, the session came to an end with Leslie Flint's 'guide'/'control' 'Mickey' saying a few words that remind me of the preceding comment ". . . we want that knowledge brought into being in your world when all peoples and nations will be men who is, as it were, like unto the sheep may be set free . . ."
'Mickey' concluded the Direct Voice sitting by saying
Good night. You deserve it so you got it. Bye bye. (end of recording at 31:21) 

And the Devil too.
A comment made in previous blog articles about contemporary society today is
Today, the news and images relating to the current terrible wars in our world are leaving a lasting demoralization in the hearts and minds of everyone, regardless even if they have chosen to mask themselves behind some particular social consciousness orientation.  The various motivations that resulted with Divine Dispensations of mediumship phenomena and channeling having been misreported, denied or ignored throughout commercial news media for many decades has resulted with the alternative exaltation of the creative imagination in Pop culture entertainment.  In these ways, the Source finds ways to communicate Truth as will correspond to the mentalities of contemporary people socially programmed by regulated news media along by their selected escapist entertainment media pastimes that have resulted with them considering the human predicament in starkly commercialized, materialistic ways.  (article)
One example is the Pop song "Dear God" performed by XTC as can be seen in the "Official Video" on YouTube.
This Pop song is an example of sophisticated exhibitionism because there is the implication of the innate knowledge that God exists or the letter wouldn't have been addressed in such a way.   Just as the attempt to convey the Devil as a single figure has a droll aspect, the orientation toward God as having a singular exalted human embodiment is the baseless belief that the song is repudiating.  A central leitmotif seen in the video is that of a tree.  In When God Had a Wife (2019) by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, Bible passages are identified with the saying: "For now the axe is set at the root of the tree.  Every tree that fails to bear good fruit is chopped down and flung in the fire."  The tree is a symbol equated with holiness and wisdom, 'the Tree of Life' in Eden, 'Sophia,' 'Asherah' as "a goddess and had some connection with trees," and the goddess 'Hathor.'  (article)
A list of links for articles profiling the Leslie Flint Direct Voice case chronology along with those of other mediums is available at Paranormal People - Direct Voice Phenomena.

This post first appeared on Interesting Articles, Links And Other Media, please read the originial post: here

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Evidence for the Omnipresent Force — 'Direct Voice' Oration Transcript and Audio Recording


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