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Established as Authentic — Paranormal Spirit Photography Gallery of Evidence

The front cover of the book that is the source for this blog article is juxtaposed with examples of the work of 'spirit photographers' John Myers, Ada Emma Deane and William Hope (from the previous blog article "The Truth about 'Psychic Photography'").

Major Tom Patterson (1898-1970)—who was serving as General Secretary of the International Spiritualist Federation—wrote 100 Years of Spirit Photography in 1965.  He wrote in the Foreword:

It is not generally known that 1962 was the Centenary of spirit photography.  It is one hundred years since Mr. Mumler, an engraver of Boston, America, found that when he had taken photographs of his friends, the negatives were not only impressed with the likeness of the sitters, but showed also a clear impression of other people.  These were recognised as photographs of the sitter's relatives and friends.  More important, they were photographs of people who were dead.  They immediately became known as "spirit photographs."

In this work I explain how the light radiations . . . leave their impressions upon the silver salt on the undeveloped film in the same manner that the light of day, or any other form of illumination leaves its pictorial effect upon the negative.

Patterson reported: "I have now over 1,000 psychic photographs in my collection and each one carries its own story of a force at work, which without a belief in survival [after the end of an Earth life] is beyond the comprehension of man."

Transcendental communication through paranormal transmutations of photography became publicly known 23 years after the origination of the photographic process. 
Left: William Mumler's first photograph was a self-portrait in 1861: ". . . this picture was taken by myself when there was no visible person present but myself."  ("Spiritualism — Encyclopaedia of Psychic Science Article")  Right: This famous photograph of Mary Todd Lincoln is from the archive of the College of Psychic Studies, London.  Having used a different name, the widow lowered her veil just before the photo was taken without herself being recognized by Mumler.  On the printed picture were images of the late President and the couple's son Thaddeus whose Earth life ended when he was 18.  (article: "The Phenomenal Photograph of Mary Todd Lincoln")

Beyond the staggering amount of evidentiary photographs and recipient testimonials of people recognizing the images of their family members, Mumler in 1862 was able to prove 'spirit extras' to the satisfaction of responsible investigators.  

No evidence of Mumler's psychic power gave greater weight to his absolute genuineness than the testimony of Judge Edmond, who was Justice of N.Y., Supreme Court from 1847 to 1851 and the U.S. Court of Appeals, also, a Senator for N.Y. State for many years.  He stated: "I know a great many persons who have visited Mumler, some of whom have met with astonishing success in procuring spirit pictures of departed friends."  The Judge himself had two sittings with Mumler and in each case obtained spirit extras which were clearly recognised by him.

Patterson offered a summation in Chapter I: ". . . as no human agency was associated with the production of these spirit photographs . . . some other agency of a super-normal character and of an intelligent and human-like nature had intervened to give evidence of survival and spirit personality." 
The first photo featured in the book was sent to the author from a Brazilian hospital Principal.  The photo involved a man named Jose Rodrigues.  Jose had told everyone that his wife had run away with her lover and taken his son with her.  Jose and his own lover decided to have their photo taken.
"The photographer was amazed when the negative was developed, because on it he found four people instead of two.  He was a man who previously had experienced this form of spirit phenomena."  This form of mediumship became known as establishing someone who was a "psychic photographer."  
When Jose and his supposed wife called for the photographs, he asked them if they could explain or recognize the two extras on the prints.  (See Fig. 1).

Rodrigues did recognise the two spirit faces as his murdered wife and son and in consequence of the shock he collapsed in a faint.  The photographer phoned the police . . .

Jose was reported to have "lost his reason through shock," resulting with him being institutionalized.  
Fig 1.  "The murdered wife and child return from spirit.  A Brazilian photograph."
The author identified the first known medium in Great Britain to produce a spirit photograph as Mr. Frederick Hudson who had a small studio in London.  In 1872 "the first meeting for spirit photography was arranged to take place at Hudson's studio."
During this séance which was in daylight, Mr. Guppy [the medium's husband] thought he could feel something being placed on his head.  When the photograph was developed a wreath of flowers could be seen on his head together with a large veiled figure which stood beside him.  So far as I am able to ascertain, this was the first spirit photograph ever made known in England.  A few days later another spirit photograph was obtained in the Hudson studio, and I have presented this in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3  "With flowing draperies the spirit form appears.  A very early Hudson photograph."
Spirit photographer Gerry Clarke of England is quoted by the author about the formations seen in authentic paranormal photos.
"I know of fourteen different types of extras.  By types I mean the variations of the ectoplasmic surrounds, cocoons, etc., from which the extras emerge."

Tom Patterson commented about the public response to the earliest spirit photography.

During the early days of spirit photography, it was a natural impulse to regard such achievements as a result of a double exposure by the medium.  Such conclusions can no longer satisfy the genuine researcher.  Test conditions, such as I will outline later have shown that the medium need not touch the camera or even be present in the same room.  Researchers have literally taken possession of the developing outfit, the camera and all the other paraphernalia which make photography possible.  They have provided their own negatives (plates or film), conducted their own preparations, and kept the medium throughout the test, at a distance of twelve to fourteen feet from the camera.  Spirit extras however, have still continued to appear and in some cases they have been recognised as spirit entities who died even before the camera was invented.

Some time ago I submitted some of my photographs to an ex-member of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Police of Great Britain.  For over fifteen years he had been associated with criminal photography.  He declared to me that there was absolutely no evidence of a double exposure or any form of tampering with the negatives which would indicate them to be fraud or trickery.  "So far as I am able to understand them," he said, "they are quite genuine photography and would stand up to critical and professional examination in any Court of Law."

Another man who became a prominent spirit photographer was Edward Wylie (sometimes spelt Wyllie) of North Devon.  From a military family, he formerly had been a captain in the New Zealand A.C.  "Wylie lived in California for a number of years and it is because of this that he has come to be known as the American spirit photographer . . . The extras are almost like portraits compared with the work of other camera mediums . . . The sitter in the photograph, Fig. 6, is Mrs. Annie Bentley, an old and most respected Manchester medium."

Fig. 6  "A remarkable spirit photograph taken by Wylie, in which Mrs. Annie Bentley of Manchester is the sitter."
Patterson wrote:

During the early part of 1909, a group of reliable investigators in England decided to test the psychic abilities of Edward Wylie.  Three or four dozen people sent locks of hair across the Atlantic to be photographed by the medium.  Each received convincing evidence, mainly in the form of spirit photos of departed relatives or friends.  In September, 1909, Wylie came to Scotland at the request of the interested investigators and gave demonstrations of spirit photography at Rothesay, Glasgow, London, Rochdale and other places.  Over 60% of the photos taken by Wylie showed spirit extras, 25% of which were recognised as those who had passed to spirit.  Wylie was a complete stranger to all the sitters and could have no knowledge which would aid the production of such evidential material.

Other spirit photographers who became prominent were Mr. Vearncombe and William Hope.  "The latter was associated with the famous Crewe Circle which produced amazing phenomena."  Hope together with his séance room partner, Mrs. Buxton, produced over 2,500 spirit photographs from 1910 to March 8, 1933.  (article)

A letter received from Estella Stead (daughter of journalist W. T. Stead) is quoted by the author:

"I had the pleasure," she wrote, and she confirmed this at a later date, "of sitting with the Crewe Circle very many times over a period of years and I always found Mr. William Hope and Mrs. Buxton most anxious that I should examine everything before the photographs were taken.  I often examined the camera, the dark room, the plates and even the room in which the photographs were taken.  Very often I had no results myself, but others present obtained results of a remarkable character.

"There is not the slightest doubt that the partnership of William Hope and Mrs. Buxton produced spirit phenomena of an outstanding character.  During their day they contributed much to the proof of survival and spirit return.

"The messages you mention were all given on one plate.  This plate was never exposed in the camera.  After the box of plates had been magnetised by putting our hands; Mr. Hope's, Mrs. Buxton's and mine, over and under it.  I was instructed by Mr. Hope's Guide to go into the dark room and take out the two bottom plates, noticing the order and marking them.  When developed the bottom plate was blank, the next had these messages on it and a faint outline of my father's face.

"Using two plates taken from a box I bought in Crewe and never let out of my sight, Mr. Hope took two photographs of me.  On one a large face recognised by me and others as my father's practically covers me.  On the other my father's face is clearly visible close to me.  (See Fig. 10).

"At a later sitting after taking the necessary precautions my brother's face is shown very clearly, an excellent likeness."

Fig. 10  "This remarkable photograph by William Hope was taken under strict test conditions.  It shows the famous W. T. Stead, surrounded by ectoplasm, with his daughter Estella, who is the sitter." 

Tom Patterson commented about the William Hope photo shown below:

Fig. 13 is a good example of the beautiful ectoplasmic draperies out of which the extra peeps.  The sitters are Mr. and Mrs. Pugh of Middlesbrough.  They obtained many recognised extras through the Crewe Circle in their own home . . . At another sitting with William Hope he received a photograph of spirit writing.  We need not hesitate to use this term because it denotes an intelligence behind the phenomena.  The message states:

"Dear Friends,

We shall do our best to prove to your satisfaction that we are still able and eager to interest ourselves in your welfare, and all we ask is fair and honest judgement, which we feel we shall receive from you.  God bless you."

Fig. 13  "An example of beautiful ectoplasmic draperies."

One photo with a 'spirit extra' (Fig. 14) shows a woman's face surrounded by cloudy forms seen above the male sitter to his left.  This photo was considered newsworthy because no photograph had ever been taken of the woman during her lifetime.

The author's collection of spirit photography included many produced by Tom Lynn.  Patterson commented:
. . . it is interesting to note that the ectoplasmic envelope enclosing the extra on some of the photographs, appears to be of a skin-like structure, others being a solid mass.

The sitter in 18 is Tom Lynn himself and in 19 it is Jim Patterson, the colleague of Lynn who was a well-known spiritual healer of Gateshead as well as being a spirit photographer himself.  The only difference between the two messages to be found on 18 and 19 is that the name Patterson has been added.  Lady Doyle confirmed the writing as that of her husband [the late Arthur Conan Doyle]. 

An additional proof that this writing is in fact that of Sir Arthur's, Jerry Clarke obtained from Arthur's secretary, a letter which he had received while Sir Arthur was on his African tour.  Jerry Clarke photographed the letter and from it we find that Sir Arthur had two ways of writing his capital D.  He used both D's and the signature on the letter is a printed "D" and on the photographs the "D" in the signature is written in the same way as he wrote Dear on the letter.

Fig. 18  "A most convincing example of spirit writing.  The sitter is Tom Lynn."

Fig 19  "Spirit writes again.  The sitter is Jim Patterson.  The spit writer was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle."

Fig. 27  "Tom Lynn captured this spirit photograph of the child while the parents sat for a photograph."

David Duguid of Glasgow was a spirit photographer and trance painting medium.
Dugoid was noted for his production of photographs which were obtained in complete darkness and without the use of a camera, or any other form of instrument.  These have come to be known as "psychigraphs" or "scotographs" . . .
It is worthwhile to recall that David Dugoid was not an educated or knowledgeable man.  His mediumship produced much which was beyond the capacity of his very average intelligence.  It proved beyond all doubt that a greater and invisible intelligence was at work.

an example found online of a spirit photograph belonging to David Dugoid's oeuvre
The author appraised about North London medium Ada Emma Deane (sometimes spelt Dean in this book) —

Mrs. Deane's photographic efforts were so primitive that she developed her negatives by using the underneath part of her table as a dark room.  Old clothing was pinned around to keep out the light.  Her first spirit photograph came into the hands of Sir Arthur [Conan Doyle]; the sitter was a young man and with him was a spirit face.  During Doyle's first sitting with her six plates were exposed, all showing spirit extras.  One was a woman's face smiling through a large patch of ectoplasm.  My best specimen of her work is with Mrs. Deane's daughter Vi as the sitter; at a later date Vi Deane herself developed the gift of mediumship.  The extra behind her is her guide.  This entity has shown herself on other photographs. 
The features of this lovely guide are almost perfect and look like an artist's impression of his ideal; more like a painting than a real entity.  An unusual feature of this photo is that the lighting around the sitter is from a different angle to that of the guide.  Another photograph of the same guide shows different draperies and the star on her forehead is slightly different.  This photo also shows a Red Indian extra (See Fig. 15) . . .
Fig. 15  "A photograph which made psychic history.  With her daughter Vi, as the sitter, Mrs. Deane, captures a remarkable picture of a beautiful spirit together with Vi's Indian Guide."
Spirtualist journalist Maurice Barbanell has observed about the fact of a preponderance of 'spirit guides'/'guides'/'controls' being Indians: "In the days of their prime, the North American Indians were masters of psychic laws, with a profound knowledge of supernormal forces and how they operated."  (article)
During his lifetime, Arthur Conan Doyle chronicled his diverse experiences studying Spiritualism.  The documentation he compiled in a variety of nonfiction books (1, 2) includes 'spirit extras' as shown below.

These are four photographs of Arthur Conan Doyle with examples of 'spirit extras' that an unseen Force contributed to the images.

In Chapter III Tom Patterson wrote about the case chronology of spirit photographer John Myers:
In the early '30s a spirit photographer who admitted that he could not account for the results, was subjected to many tests by Maurice Barbanell, Editor of Two Worlds.  His name was John Myers and he later became a successful industrialist in New York, USA.  He is also a gifted spiritual healer [healing facilitator] and during 1959 achieved distinction by the remarkable cure of Samuel Cohn of New York who was suffering from  psoriasis, a skin disease that is medically regarded as incurable.

Myers had many identified spirit faces appear on unexposed photographic paper which he never handled.  This took place at a remarkable public séance which Myers gave in New York City during 1928.  The meeting, which was organised by the New York Institute of Parapsychology, was held in a large studio of the Metropolitan Opera House.

Great surprise was caused by members of the audience, who recognised faces of the "dead" and symbolic images which appeared on 25 sensitised papers, which had been subject to the strict test conditions.  This experiment was  supervised by Jacob Gerstein, an American Attorney, and Andrija Puharich, President of the National Psychical Society.

Gerstein testified that he bought the packet of 25 sensitised film papers from Photographic Fair Ltd., of 167 West 57th Street, New York City.  The Attorney said the packet had never left his possession and had not been tampered with in any way.  He invited members of the audience to examine the packet before he broke the seal.

Myers returned to the outer Hall and the studio lights were extinguished.  The Chairman, Clifford Bias, President of the New York Institute of Parapsychology, held a lamp with a yellow light over three trays of hypo and developer, while Gerstein immersed the sensitised paper in the solution.  John Myers did not return to the studio until all the prints had been obtained.  The photographic papers had previously been numbered from 1 to 25 and they were finally handed to those in the audience holding these numbers.  According to the report of this experiment the results were as follows:
One woman announced that she recognised her "dead" daughter's face on the scotograph.  Another said she identified a "dead" nurse who had tended her during an illness.  Chandra Kali, a famous dancer, stated that her scotograph depicted a crescent moon, with a beam of light.  Kali's first name, Chandra, means "moon" . . . Symbols on other papers included a fish, a knife, a big black circle, and five moons with shafts of light.
Amongst the John Myers plates which I recently unearthed was Fig. 30.  The information provided with this plate indicates that it was taken under test conditions . . .

Fig. 30  "A recently unearthed spirit photograph by John Myers."

Numerous articles at this blog identify that the gamut of phenomenal occurrences categorically associated with what is called the 'paranormal' or 'supernatural' are attributable to the omnipresent Source that one may refer to as 'The God Force' or 'The Christ Force.'  'Channeling' / 'trance mediumship' cases that encompass entities using the expression 'God Force' include those of Edgar Cayce, Leslie Flint, Eileen Garrett, Helen Greaves, Thomas Jacobson*, JZ Knight*, Gladys Osborne Leonard, Jach Pursel*, Estelle Roberts, Jane Roberts, Pat Rodegast*, Neville Rowe and Kevin Ryerson*.  (*contemporary cases)  (channeling articles index)

A paranormal spirit photograph is included in the article "Miracle Healings, The Holy Spirit and Kathryn Kuhlman"  The caption for this photo shown below is: "Cowboy image that appeared in Ms. Kuhlman's healing crusade in the Midwest.  Miss Kuhlman had just announced something about the Western atmosphere and that the Holy Spirit whom she loved had a real sense of humor, and said, 'If we could see Him right here I am sure He'd be dressed in cowboy boots with spurs and a cowboy hat.'  Just at that moment someone in the audience snapped this picture of Ms. Kuhlman on the stage!"

A Spiritualist sensibility articulated by Tom Patterson in Spirit Photography is: "I am quite convinced that our friends in spirit are for ever waiting to use our scientific discoveries for the purpose of improved communication with the physical or material world."  A Metaphysical Articles blog posts Articles Index of Subjects and Titles with Links includes a page listing articles about what is now known as 'Electronic Voice Phenomena' and 'Instrumental Transcommunication'.  The montages of ITC images shown below are from the blog article "Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) Overview".

Other blog articles related to the subject of 'Spirit Photography'/'Psychic Photography' include "Five Centrahoma Photographs", "Phenomena of Materialization", "A Lesson in Materialization Phenomena (with 21 documentary photos)", "Teleplastics Materialization: Investigations, Photos, Riddles", "Ted Serios and the Lehrburger Sequence" and "'We' and the Mediums of Oneness".


This post first appeared on Interesting Articles, Links And Other Media, please read the originial post: here

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Established as Authentic — Paranormal Spirit Photography Gallery of Evidence


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