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'The Pleiadian Council' On Wars Now, Source / Oneness, 'the Media,' Empowerment and More

Perspectives of War from the Other Side Article 5

Numerous video recordings and transcripts document the channeling case chronology of Dante Starshine (born Dante Filipini), whose birthdate is 11/19/1991.

Dante Starshine's first book of channeling session transcripts is Guidebook to Living Love on Earth (2022) by the Pleiadian Council channeled by Dante Starshine.  The theme of evolution through manifesting love in one's actions is often found in channeled texts.  Dante recalled for the book Preface what happened when he first began developing his channeling gift.  During meditations he was able to "meet many different guides and beings . . . At first, I channeled angels and several different extraterrestrial beings.  I had a Pleiadian guide as well as an Arcturian and a Sirian guide."
A year later, he found that the Pleiadian guide was the particular Consciousness that most aligned with his path.  The following is an excerpt from the Part I Chapter 5 transcript in response to a question about group consciousness.
Well, all individuals experiencing self-consciousness have a vast and powerful Energy field.  Remember that you are not necessarily alone and independent in the generation of your energy field.  You are constantly being influenced by energy from the world around you and essentially have emerged from all of the ways that others have influenced you.  The movement into group consciousness arises through expanding your awareness to feel that you are part of an interconnected world.  As you do this, you come to experience the thoughts, emotions and frequencies from other people, and those energies then come to express through you.  You can witness this very clearly in the phenomena taking place in your world in which there are levels of fear, uncertainty and even panic that are expressed among some people and can be experienced by all.  Emotional frequencies are contagious, especially for those who are not fully self-aware.

In our world, this consciousness is much different as we are tel-empathic as a species.  We have awareness of our connection to the collective consciousness of our world.  Thus we call ourselves the Pleiadian Council, though really, we represent a couple of individuals that have a connection to a collective consciousness from our world from which information can be brought about through all beings in our plane of existence.  We are so interwoven and interlinked with other beings of our kind that we can have what you would consider conversations simply with thought and frequency alone.  We feel and sense other beings' thought and emotional processes, and that information is automatically shared between us.  The same thing really happens in your world as well.  Your subtle energy bodies are informing other people of who you are and what your intentions are and all of the emotions and scripts that are running beneath the surface. . . .

A current example of one's emotional interconnection with other people on Earth are the intense feelings aroused by the current wars taking place in Gaza and Ukraine with documentary videos available online; otherwise, if an individual has no empathy for others, this is evidence of to-some-extent 'culturally-programmed' egotistical and materialistic orientations devoid of the understanding possible through self-development involving learning about metaphysical aspects of life.  Expansion of readers' consciousness is the purpose of the 700+ articles at this blog.  (Articles Index of Subjects and Titles with Links)
Consistent readers of this blog should be noticing many correlations between the transcript excerpts featured in the articles of this current series offering channeled perspectives of war.  Essential and momentous universal truths are articulated by guides in Oneness representing Source Consciousness through the vocabulary and sensibilities of each individual channeler.  The Pleiadian Council' uses the word 'peoples' at one point in this transcript this plural form of the word 'people' is found in numerous transcendental communication case chronologies for a subtle confirmation of the vast documentary record that has been established.  The use of the term 'black magic' as a complex metaphor is also found in the Guy and Edna Ballard channeling case chronology (example article).  In comparison to communication between people living on Earth, 'channeled entities' exist in a more unified state of the omnipresent spiritual Oneness.
A video recording of a Dante Starshine channeling session uploaded to YouTube last month is entitled "Pleiadian Council Livestream Transmission — Transmuting Conflict & War".  Some excerpts of the transcript for this session are shared below.  The session took place in Mexico and there were occasional interruptions with the Internet transmission so these lapses are identified with ellipses.  A biographical article about Dante Starshine may be read at his website  Considering voice tonality changes and due to the less-than-optimal quality of the videos in regard to examining lip movements, it is difficult to determine when there are phenomenal EVP utterances as occasionally may be heard linking words or sentences.  Previous blog articles are about EVP phenomenaalong with otherwise unattributed sounds manifesting with the purpose of emphasizing a certain thought or wordhaving long been detectable with all unedited audio and video recordings although this remains not yet commonly known.

. . . (9:23) We are the Pleiadian Council.  We are very excited to be able to interact with you in this way.  And we begin by thanking you for allowing the bridge between our realities to be open for us to exchange energy and information and support one another in growing and ascending to be in a more Source-oriented consciousness.  It is a great gift once again.  So we speak on behalf of the Galactic Alliance supporting your world in this process.  And there are many other beings that come through to reach out to you.  These beings may be your own guides and you might feel some of their presence come through in the session as well as some of our own energetic presence. 
You are beings of vibration and you exist in the eternal here and now when all of the other paths and future realities and beings that are part of your own multi-dimensional self are present and accessible whenever you choose to allow them to manifest for you.  And this involves attuning to the frequency.   The channel here is attuning to our frequency and we as a guide of the channel are allowed to then come through and share this message that will come through in a sort of automatic way for the channel in which he's not entirely thinking about what is being said because we are working through him. And we assure you that anyone can do this.  Anyway, we want to speak more about the message today that is relating to the idea of conflict . . . as this is a huge theme on your planet and all of you experience conflict in your lives in some way.
Now, we first of all bring this to the five laws of all of creation that we refer back to sometimes and these laws are you exist and that will always be the case . . . Number two: that . . . [all is in One and the One is an all] . . . three that everything is here and now.  Number four, what you put out comes back.  And number five, everything changes but these initial five laws.
So . . . first thing to understand is that . . . exists is a conflict with you because you as a soul contain the entire 'all that is' or the entire multiverse within you.  This is a hologra[hologram or holographic] . . . fiber and cell contains the entire thing and the well being of every part affects the well being of the whole as well as the well being of the whole affects every part.  So whenever there is any sort of conflict or tension or aggression everyone involved is being harmed and experiencing hurt.  Now, when you understand this, it does not make sense to wage war on another.  And so the very basis of understanding is that the others are you and you must see them as yourself.  And there is a progressive stage to this level of awakening to be able to hold another as yourself you need the energy of compassion, and that is to feel empathy for their pain, to be able to relate to the suffering they're experiencing by understanding that we all suffer and you have suffered . . . suffer in similar ways.
Now sympathy is very different from empathy, but it's a good start.  It's better than not feeling sympathy.  And that is the first stage if somebody is in a level of aggression, violence or hatred to another.  They need to make that shift from this energy towards a more neutral energy by having sympathy.  And this sympathy is an energy that often drains you [of] energy . . . you're experiencing in the level of sympathy there is a sash and charge you love.  And compassion as the next step is bringing you into a more open and encompassing stage in which you can hold others with love.  And you could recognize that the well being of one is the well being of the other and vice versa.
. . . by opening yourself to see that whenever conflict exists, both parties are hurting and the whole is hurting.  Then you can take the first step.  So the other law that is so important to understand is that whatever you put out comes back, meaning if you put out an energy of aggression, or violence, that energy will come back on to you.  This doesn't necessarily always mean that it will come back to you right away.  Sometimes there is a long delay in time that causes events to take, sometimes years before something quote unquote catches up to you.  However, when you are . . . causing violence in such an immediate way as is now taking place in your world, that energy will come back onto you much quicker and with more intensity and severity than in other circumstances.  So what you put out comes back can also come from even a lower level consciousness that is selfish and still be applied.  If you recognize that by hurting another that hurt is going to come back on to you, it does not make sense to affect others in that way.  And therefore, wherever you're at, understand this.  It is in this perspective ultimately stupid to cause harm to anyone or anything because that harm will come back on to you.  And you as humans are working to understand this better.  And we understand that many of you here see the common sense in this.  
And now you may be wondering, well how do I share that with others?  We'll get there.  We will get there.  So now in your world, you're experiencing an ongoing journey of the idea of property and the commandeering or stealing of such property.  And when you are experiencing these conflicts between countries and nation states it all comes back to this idea of ownership of something.  What you must understand in your world context is even those that are helping others and portraying that as some level of altruism or are seeking to expand their economy through the exploits of their quote unquote support for others.  Even if it looks as if they are spending so much money in order to get here and there it's still enabling certain individuals to profit from the exploits of the war.  And therefore there is no nation state or country that is in any sense innocent at this point and at this time.  What your world will be coming to understand and what we speak about a bit in our latest book is that borders themselves are an act of violence because it separates and segregates consciousness.  Negative energy divides and separates and says this belongs here and that belongs there.  Whereas a more unified state of oneness with Source dissolves these boundaries and everybody experiences that fundamental essence that all is one and the One is in all.  And that what you put out comes back and therefore you're only ever affecting your own self with your actions.  And you attempt to prevent these laws of nature from being reality through your limited negative consciousness that creates borders and says, I am a nation and I am a people and I am part of that.  When any of you say this you are creating a deep segregation and separation that disconnects you from Source.  Now this isn't to say that you don't recognize I am unique and I am individual.
We speak so much about following your passion and this passion is your pathway to discovering yourself.  The purpose of your existence is to know who you are, and who you are fundamentally is Source but you need that passion, that love to fuel the engine so you come to that realization . . . And you can have a sense of self as a group of people, though when that sense of self is based in an hierarchical thought formation that says, I am better than others or we are better than others, or even to the extent that it says in so many of your religions now that we are the quote unquote, chosen people you create a massive amount of violence against others and you separate yourself from others in a way that causes a massive rift in consciousness and violates these fundamental laws of oneness.  That all is one and the one is in all and there is nothing spiritual about this yet this is espoused as something so spiritual by certain of your religions.  So many of these religions claim that they are the one chosen people above all of the others.  And this is egoic.  This is narcissistic.  This is selfish.  This is so many words that you use in your world that you are coming to know and understand as describing your lower dimensional state and the harm that it causes.

And so, here in this conflict, the trouble lies deeply within the belief systems and thought patterns that many are struggling to face and give up in their own right.  And while this is true on both sides, we also want to remind you of the nature of the oppressed and the oppressor in your world.  As there is a cycle of the victim hero villain complex.  Whenever one person is stepping into one person or any group of people, yes, step into one of these roles, it creates a force of attraction that manifests and places other individuals or groups of people into one of the other roles and the cycle plays out forever.  And it is almost guaranteed that the vindictiveness and revenge that is embedded in the consciousness of a deep victim will lead such a victim to at some point in time then become the villain in another way.
And so, here in these times in your world you're seeing that there are different groups of people fighting and both of these groups of people have been in some sense victimized at one point in time.  They have been other-ified and cast aside.  And yet when a certain group of individuals has been occupying a land for thousands of years and suddenly another group of individuals comes in and lays stake to a claim on the land, being backed and justified by the biggest armies in your world you have to understand that this itself is colonization, which is one of the biggest causes of the division and separation of consciousness and the instilling of deep violence in the hearts of so many of your peoples in your world.  And when a nation has been colonized in this way, they are having their fundamental and innate value shrouded from their view.  They are being told they are less than and they don't deserve what they have had access to for so long and so lost.  We don't have all of the solutions here.  But we do have the ultimate remedy that is Source consciousness.
The practical steps that your world will have to take will be many but they will all be based in the Source consciousness.  And you can be part of the remedy by stepping into Source consciousness, recognizing that there are no enemies and that there is no harm that you can cause to another without harming yourself; recognizing that every time you judge another you're amplifying the energy of judgment in this reality; recognizing that whenever you see another as different, and you see their sufferings as justified or justifiable, you are causing that suffering onto yourself.  You can come to go beyond this level of duality while living within the realm of duality and start to anchor in that fifth dimensional non-dual state of consciousness.  That is the way the world will heal.  So open yourselves to that awareness of the non-dual, where there is peace and there is love; that there is an understanding that all is one; when there is an understanding that all actions if allowed across space and time.  And also allow yourself to recognize the nature of violence that has been enacted and is enacted.
Allow yourself to recognize that those who claim to help at this time are helping themselves and the biggest influence you can have is on your own governments who influence from afar for their own self-interested purposes as that is what has brought them to make things the way they are in this area of the Middle East in the first place.  And when you start to see it from that perspective, you will . . . who really . . . causing certain levels of disruption in the first place.  You have to embody that consciousness of oneness and non-duality, and know that everyone involved is responsible.  And when you tap into that . . . that ability to tap into peace within yourself that peace will ripple out from you and beyond you to bring about new realities for others as well.

And at a fundamental level what everyone must recognize is that you were all the chosen person and no one is the chosen person.  You are all that One, that God and yet because you are all that, none of you are higher or lower than anyone else.  We speak about this much in our other materials of how you can step out of the consciousness of hierarchy because this is divisive, and this prevents you from fully allowing your Source consciousness to merge with . . . you.  When you fully tap into your . . . consciousness you will know which quality will manifest on . . . ways of generating that energy in your world will accelerate the process of integrating into fourth energy.  So we thank you for allowing us to share this message and share this transmission with your world.  And we know that as this energy in this information integrates in your own consciousness, that massive change will ripple out in your world.  (28:56) . . .
An even more recent video of a channeling session is "Pleiadian Council Weekly Livestream — Accountability without Condemnation".  An excerpt from the initial channeled communication of this session is provided next.  This includes commentary offering insights in relation to how the human governmental war mentality dominates societies worldwide at the present time, preventing peace and expansion of consciousness among masses of people.

. . . (7:01) As now in your world you're seeing in your media and in your common conversations there are many requests for condemnation.  There are many big loaded questions: 'Do you condemn so-and-so?'  And the other people will say: 'I don't condemn so-and-so but I do condemn so-and-so-and-so.'  And this as sort of a back-and-forth is not ultimately a way for you truly to step into a balanced conversation with one another to bring about the diplomacy that will lead to peace.  Accountability is based not in condemnation but in compassion and you can request for others to step into a more just, balanced and loving way of being and way of interacting without calling them 'bad,' 'wrong,' 'evil,' or any of these terms and ideas.  It may very well be true that these beings are acting in ways that are very negative and very harmful, though the idea of condemnation is one of degrading another being's character and it has implicit within it a total lack of understanding of where that person or group of people are coming from and why they are acting in the way that they are acting.
In order to come to peace there first must be understanding.  In order for there to be understanding there first must be compassion.  That is why the awakening of your times is all about the transformation that happens at the level of the heart chakra.  This is a level of consciousness that as a collective humanity has yet to evolve into.  Many of you who tap into this information and this energy are beings who are predominantly oriented to operate from the upper chakras.  You come from various incarnations that included a great importance in spirituality and creativity.  And yet the masses in your world operate from lower levels.  They operate from the lower chakras predominantly and they don't yet have this heart chakra energy fully developed in a way that allows them to proceed with love and connection and emotional coherence.  And so when they see others they don't understand that others are a part of the greater Self.
The Greater Self or Source is inextricably linked with all that is.  The All That Is or the multiverse or the universe is one with the Source and you are all one with the Source as part of the All That Is in the multiverse.  Every aspect of that All That Is is a hologram containing within it the other components, the other parts of the All That Is.  And so there is no one outside of you who is not deeply connected to the Source and to you.  Everything that takes place in this universe also has an effect on you whether you recognize it or not.  And as you come to understand this you come to understand, as we've said again and again, that any harm that you do to another being is harm that you do onto yourself.  And with this compassionate understanding also comes the awareness that those who act with great violence or destruction usually do so because that violence or destruction has been enacted onto them.
If you look deeply at the current situation or various situations, we could say, they're all interconnected and part of a bigger situation taking place in your Middle East you will come to see that most individuals who joined the organizations of you describe it in a word that we won't use for the purposes of avoiding the rampant censorship of today but we'll call them horrorists.  You know what we're talking about.  These groups you'll find that most individuals who are part of them have had family members killed from a young age have lost their homes, have lost so much due to something that began long before they were even born.  And the loss and the devastation and the violence enacted towards them — and the poverty that they live within brought them to a point that they want to seek vengeance.  And, of course, vengeance is not healthy and not helpful and will only lead to perpetuating the cycle.  Yet the understanding of how they became the people they are will help people to open their minds and see that it is not just 'evil' that is taking place. 

Those who are lying to you about what is happening are far more 'evil' than these individuals that so many are asking you to condemn.  And just as much, you can't be a part of the counter-movement that instead wants to condemn all of these powerful individuals.  To have compassion for them brings you to understand that this deep greed comes from an internal spiritual suffering
— a deep disconnection from Source that brings them to be practicing literal 'black magic' behind the scenes in order to have the power to continue to enact such horrific things and perpetuate such damaging lies in your world. 
Many of you are experiencing the emotional ramifications of this in your personal life.  Though you pay much attention or you pay little attention, the shocking and devastating things that are taking place now are impacting you whether you realize it or not.  This energy can foment within you and lead you to be feeling particularly irritable, particularly afraid, particularly at odds with others in your lives as the macrocosm affects the microcosm.  And just as much it can be said that when you work to clear these energies within yourself, that will empower you to change the macrocosm
— to change what is taking place in the big picture. 

So allow yourself to witness that the same lies, the same deception, the same tactics of trickery play out on a small scale in the ways that your world has made it normal for there to be such rampant manipulative behaviors in your personal relationships.  You may know this to be 'gaslighting' and this is essentially what your media is doing all the time.  So your own struggle to overcome the unhealthy dynamics within your relationships and coming to a balanced and heart-centered place is directly related to the collective effort to bring about a greater balance in how your nations and politicians and corporations treat and abuse and lie about this abuse. 

When some are disenfranchised and disempowered, it affects everyone.  Your world is moving into a more balanced and egalitarian dimension.  And this is part of that shift into an Aquarian Age that has been signaled and spoken about and ushered in.  Though you as individuals must be a part of that change in the ways that you can be.  And at an emotional level this change starts with stepping into a state of personal empowerment within yourself, where you stop seeking outside of yourself for the source of power.  And you claim the source of power within you, where you stop believing the lies and falling for the tricks that deceive you and make you misplace your power and instead you learn to stand together with others against those who fall into those manipulative traps and try to rob power from many. 

While there are wars taking place on a political level, there is the ongoing war on consciousness that has been going since your world and society has began by bringing you to forget your power and fall into the 'matrix,' as so many of you say.  You can see that there have been many onslaughts and attacks on human consciousness and human spirituality, robbing spirituality from the religions that became deeply interwoven with your political leaders and agendas.  And by claiming the new universal spirituality of the heart that is based in your own empowerment, you are rewriting those stories and working towards that collective peace and that spiritual peace.

We remind you that your creativity is intimately connected with your awakening and the awakening of all.  If you think you can do nothing, remember that you are creative beings and that it is your creativity that brings multidimensional energy into this world to contribute to that awakening.  There have been many books and movies — and even shows like "The Simpsons" that seem so silly yet are predictive tools for the events that then later played out in your reality.  These authors and screenplay writers and artists of many kinds whether they realize it or not were tapping into multi-dimensional energy that showed them the seeds of the future that were already present and starting to grow back in their time and space.  And the fact that this was possible reveals not to some supernatural power that only these individuals had but points to the power of your own creativity and the power that you have to tell stories that can help you overcome the struggles that individuals in your collective face. 

You see these stories play out in films like "The Matrix" and books like 1984 and Animal Farm.  Do not forget them and even look back upon them because you will see exactly what is taking place now and has been taking place.  And it will inform you as to how to break the cycle and break the chain.  It is important not just for your collective but for you as an individual, for if you don't allow yourself to be free the emotional and energetic toll will continue to add up.  Whether you stay blind to what is happening or not, these energies can be impacted in your being and affect you in many ways.  Everything is interconnected and so when you channel the love of your own higher self and direct that towards your own personal freedom and the truth of your own heart and of the collective heart there will be massive waves of change.  
You also have to remember that it does not serve you or anyone to fall into the belief in disempowerment as this is something that is subconsciously implied in so much of the false information that is spread.  When you believe that you are not having any power to change this world, that is when these events will lead you into states of depression, anxiety, confusion and fear.  
Do not fear your own core reactions.  There has been many sets of conditioning in your world that make you resist the energies that are designed to help you overcome such tyranny and oppression.  These angers might be anger, might be judgment and disgust.  Especially in your spiritual communities that have been conditioned by your religions that have been intertwined with political powers seeking to disempower you.  You start to think that these energies are bad.  You start to think that your anger means something is wrong with you when actually this energy is part of your power.  This judgment is part of your power.  It is part of your ability to distinguish truth from lies.  It is part of your ability to reclaim your sovereignty.  So do not suppress what you are feeling because that will bring you into states of greater powerlessness.  Open your heart without condemning anyone.  And recognize that anyone acting in ways that might be harmful are people who have either been lied to or people who are lying to themselves so that they may be able to claim power over others.  
Remember that you are immensely powerful and you wouldn't be lied to unless your voice and your opinion mattered.  (24:48) . . .


Dante Starshine has used the AI transcription program '' to provide transcripts documenting channeling sessions in Guidebook to Living Love on Earth yet readers should recognize that this technology doesn't preserve a flawless verbatim transcript.  The book includes responses of the Pleiadian Council to questions about the Creator, as follows.
Q: When seeking the Creator I tend to see many religions as different rivers in the same ocean.  Was their intent to divide us via dogmatic creeds overtaking the core of these many religions?
P: Unique to certain religions that emerged in a certain era of your time that you would correlate with the Age of Aries, and therefore, the age of individuality, there was a sense of being the chosen people.  Many clung to this idea of being the chosen people.  As this notion was propagated, the different sects emerged, attempting to prove their validity over others.  This created a trend that followed into your Age of Pisces.
This sense of being more enlightened, more Divine, and more worthy, comes from the core fear of lack of worth or worthiness.  It is the same as that narcissistic condition of creating a grandiose sense of self expressed externally to cover up a deeply deprived sense of self Love.

So were individuals attempting to divide themselves from others?  Not consciously.  It happened due to the internalized division or separation between Self and Source, which was compensated for with religions and systems of complex rules to keep control of their sect, their group as the chosen people.  It was their belief that if people were controlled and pressured into conforming and serving the religion itself, it would bring out the best in that religion and in the group of people.

Q: How do you Pleiadians communicate, commune, and interact with the Creator?

P: We know the Creator is present and [or in] all.  We experience sublime states of consciousness when we follow our passion.  The Creator is present in all things.  So we are simply exploring the many realms of creation, knowing that the Creator is implicitly there within all of them

Q: How do you see yourself in comparison to the Creator?

P: We understand Source is undifferentiated consciousness that is present in all things.  We understand that Source has created All That Is for the purpose of coming to know Itself.  So we understand that Source is simultaneously within Creation and also beyond Creation.  This paradox is the never-ending riddle that perpetuates our exploration into greater self-knowledge.

Q: Then how early in your lifespan do you consciously have this connection?

P: We are born with it.

Q: You are telepathically gifted this via a various collective of understanding during your birth.  Right?

P: Yes, instantaneously.

Some previous blog articles about subjects comparable to topics addressed in these excerpts include "Channeled Communication about The New Age - Ten Documented Case", "Trance Channeling in the 19th Century", "Paulina Peavy Interview on Long John Nebel Radio Show 1958", "'The Nine' and the New Age", "A 1975 UFO Report Mentions 'Omniverse' and 'Teleportation'", "Multiple Universes and Cosmology Unveiled By Channeled Space Beings" and "'We' and the Mediums of Oneness".  A previous article with Dante Starshine channeling session excerpts is "Channeled Perspectives Relating to Woke LGBTQ+ Issues".


This post first appeared on Interesting Articles, Links And Other Media, please read the originial post: here

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'The Pleiadian Council' On Wars Now, Source / Oneness, 'the Media,' Empowerment and More


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