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Channeled Perspectives Relating to Woke LGBTQ+ Issues

Channelers (clockwise from upper left): Neville Rowe, JZ Knight, Jach Pursel, Thomas Jacobson, Paul Selig, Dante Starshine, Ryuho Okawa
This blog article focuses upon issues relating to what is known today as LGBTQ+ through a selection of perspectives articulated by 'channeled entities' during a variety of epochs.  As an introduction, shown below are some of this year's mainstream news headlines regarding topics associated with LGBTQ+ issues.

Channeled entity 'Soli' speaking through Neville Rowe (1, 2) foretold the social circumstances that evolved in following decades in relation to LGBTQ+ issues after speaking about how these relate to future existence in the afterlife.  Soli is described in the channeling text anthology Life: Before, During & After (edited by Molli Nickell 1988) as "a composite of entities responsible for guiding the evolution of the Earth and the solar system during the transition to the New Age."  Here's an excerpt from the book. 
The Male / femaleness is very much an identity of the earth plane.  It is here (as in other dimensions) less well defined.  The maleness and femaleness on the earth plane have grown farther and farther apart over the millennia, and this is a question of thought form of those within the earth dimension.  The more you concentrate on the differences between the sexes, the more that you have genetically different bodies, therefore creating different experiences and lives.  It is because you have such a strong belief system in the difference between the sexes that the thought has created the genetic pattern.  As always, first comes the thought, then comes the reality.

Now when you first make your transition, you carry through your identity from the earth plane, including the maleness and femaleness, the beliefs within your subconscious mind.  And so when you first move into the spirit plane, you still are male, female or whatever it was you were.
However, once you have had those lives upon the physical dimension that you wish to have, then those male / female principles re-emerge together to become one yet again.  It is not only male and female.  Very often, spirits will have experiences in more than two aspects upon the earth plane: three, four, five, sometimes even more.  In other dimensions, you will split yourself into several—many, many more than five or six different aspects—and carry on similar experiences.  It might be said that in some dimensions you have 33 sexes.

It is as if you had an apple.  You split it down the middle and pull the halves apart and you said, "Oh my goodness, on the left I have the positive and on the right I have the negative."  You push them back together and lo, you have the whole apple again.

And so yes, the maleness, femaleness, this differentiation, the positive and negative, is far less marked within the spiritual dimension, especially for those who have evolved and have had many lives and gone beyond the necessity for the maleness and the femaleness.

The society upon the earth plane is going to be dealing far less with male and female, and much more with understanding of the male within the female and the female within the male, a much greater understanding of the similarities rather than the differences.  A far more androgynous society is coming about.  You do not see it yet, but it is beginning and is very much a part of the New Age — the Age of Aquarius where there is far less concern about differences between individuals and far more understanding of the similarities.
Readers should keep in mind that when considering authentic case chronologies of what has been called 'Deep Trance,' 'Overshadowing' or 'Total Takeover' channeling, the perspective of entities speaking through a person should be understood as being 'more-knowing' rather than 'all-knowing.'  Each perspective of a 'channeled entity' reflects a unique chronology of experiences and may even to some extent be limited by the beliefs, spiritual perspectives and vocabulary of channelers/mediums and their audiences at the time the transcendental communication is given.  'Chang' through Douglas Johnson is quoted in The Great Soul Trial (1969) by John G. Fuller: 

It is like pouring water into a mind.  And if you pour water into a vessel that is shaped round, the water will be round-shaped in that vessel.  Therefore the words that we pour through human instruments are certain to take the shape of the mind of that instrument, although the essence of that message may well remain.  This is our difficulty.  Some instruments are better than others.  Psychic gifts are not necessarily spiritual. It is a gift that is like music.  Remember this.  Not all those who are endowed with the gift of music may lead lives that are exactly spiritual in nature.  We make use of what material is available.  Therefore, place not people upon pedestals in your exploration.  Assess them and know them.  (article)

Considering channeled perspectives, the transcendental communicator personality manifesting must speak carefully.  If what is said greatly opposes a listener's beliefs and spiritual understanding, than the manifesting entity could be quickly and harshly judged and lose all relevancy according to individual perception.  Readers who are unfamiliar with channeling case chronologies may make use of introductory blog articles such as "What Do People Ignorant about 'Channeling' Find Unbelievable Concerning the Subject?", "Basic Metaphysical Teachings in 'Channeling' Cases" and "Five Videos for People Who Don't Yet Know about Authentic 'Channeling'".
When the channeling activities of the Ballards—the subject of the preceding series of blog articlesresulted with the 'I AM Movement' during the 1930s, the 'sexual revolution' and changes in social consciousnesses regarding sexuality that would occur in later decades may have been unthinkable.  'Ascended Master' Communicator 'Cosmic Master Ray-O-Light' expressed one orientation to sex in a 1939 Discourse transcript published in the October issue of the Ballards' periodical The Voice of The I AM:

I must speak plain to you again.  Your Great Ascended Master Jesus said to you, the last enemy to be overcome was so-called death.  Well what do you think is the last activity which that enemy uses to holds its domination and what is the motive back of that?  Misuse of the sex activity.  That is how death has held its dominion upon the face of this earth — because of the waste of that Energy which must remain within the human form, if it is to continue to live.  Yet the vast number of mankind even today, rebel like fury and think that it is still perfectly justifiable.
If you believe and accept that suggestion, you will remain bound a long time.  The sex activity was given to mankind for procreation of their kind alone, and for no other reason!  When it is misused, mankind pays terrific penalty for that disobedience to the Law of Life.  That disobedience is the cause of all failure in health, failure in business, failure in achievement of every kind.

The inherent context of statements such as these in relation to the essential lesson of one's "I AM Presence" is that too great a focus or obsession with any of the rudimentary facets of life may distract one from personal development of metaphysical and spiritual understanding.  When one eventually makes the transition to the ascended realm of existence, nothing related to past material dynamics of earthly living will be important as one personally evaluates past experiences in relation to morality and how one contributed to the circumstances of all other units / iotas / personalities of 'All That Is' or 'The Only One.'  The variety of metaphysical subjects profiled at this blog are intended to help people expand their consciousness in this most momentous way. 
(Blog Articles Index of Subjects and Titles with Links)
The 'ascended Master Teacher' known as 'Ramtha'who lived a lifetime more than 35,000 years agohas spoken about LGBTQ+ issues through the body of JZ Knight during intervals when she has no longer been in conscious control of her body.  (incl. 1, 2, 3)  The following excerpts are from sessions on January 10-12, 1986 as published in the book Ramtha Intensive: Soulmates (Revised Edition 1987).
I am the outrageous Ramtha . . . eventually, through experience, you are going to understand the meaning of "Divine Presence," the meaning of "God I Am," and the definition of the life of a christ. . . . Many of you are lost in social consciousness — in beauty, prosperity, wealth, fame, power . . . But you are living in a box! . . . if you are looking for knowledge, you must transcend the limited specter of social consciousness. . . . Only the goodie goodies go to heaven.  But, masters, never desire heaven; desire knowledge.  Knowledge creates that consciousness. . . . when there is no longer the polarity of good and evil, right and wrong, you won't have negative / positive collision.  You won't have war, you won't have peace; you will have only life.
You don't know that there is more to life than simply bedding down with another entity.  That is part of the maze you live in. . . . You are trying to snatch someone to fill up what you don't have in here.  That's why your relationships don't work out.  You will never find what you are looking for because it doesn't exist. . . . When you can look into a grand mirror and love what you see — because you know your beauty is unseen — then you have filled the holes.
Everything is true, because whatever one thinks, he feels; and whatever is felt has become a reality.  A person can change his truth any moment, for whenever ones changes his mind he changes his feelings.  And if his feelings are changed, he has taken on a new truth, and he will react differently. . . . Everyone is right. 
When the soul of a woman is in a woman's body the seals are in harmonious movement; they are aligned.  When a male energy is in a male body the seals are aligned; the hormonal flow is in balance, harmonious balance. . . . when many women chose to return [reincarnate on Earth], they would "cross over" and choose a male embodiment through which to do so.
What happens when a female, negative energy, enters into a male energy organism where the seals are designed to respond to positive energy?  What happens when a positive energy entity enters into a body where the seals are supposed to respond to negative energy?  You have what are called "hybrids."  You have confusion

Crossovers are hybrids, often lovers of their own kind, a union that produces nothing.  And when you have a union of male and female in which one is a crossover, you have negative with negative or positive with positive.  When you have that, they repel each other; in other words, they move away from each other. . . . Why do you men feel so sexual?  Because that's all you think about! . . . Why are women prone to not having orgasms?  Because in their souls, sexual expression has been equated with violence and survival rather than pleasure.  

Now, you women!  You love / hate your men.  You, master it!  Men, you love / hate your women.  Master it!  If the only place you can find solace and peace and joy is under some grand old being called a tree, then go there — for the sake of life.
Celibacy can never be forced.  When you force it you create frustration.  Celibacy is a natural reaction to waking up from the dream of social consciousness and becoming a master.

Ramtha mentioned "I'll test you!" and "I will also manifest all of your fears" prior to articulating an array of life potentialities related to such conditions as decadence and judgment to illuminate the essential insight how it is only through an individual being honest with oneself about how one desires to live that fulfillment can be gained instead of through reacting in an imitative way to some noticed aspect of social consciousness exhibited among other people.  Ramtha showed how sexual orientations are subject to mentality during a 2014 radio interview:
So now I am a male.  I'm a spirit taking over a little woman that everyone can judge — that was married way too many times and not understanding the fact that she's coming from religious upbringing.  And we can find fault with her, we can find fault with me so 'It's all a bunch of rubbish.'  But I am also a man in a woman's body.  I'm gay.  I'm also a woman who speaks as a man.  I'm transgender.  I'm lesbian.  I'm gay.  I am Ramtha the enlightened one.  And my channeled name is mišrus Knight.  So however you want to see me I have an appeal for everyone.
Another extensively documented contemporary 'channeled entity' who has spoken about LGBTQ+ issues is 'Lazaris' through Jach Pursel.  (1, 2, 3)  Lazaris has described themselves as being "aware of our existence on multiple levels of awareness" without ever having lived a personal physical lifetime on the earthly plane of existence.  Lazaris has used the expression about being "energy that creates thought" and offers the perspective of 'God' as "a whole that's much greater than the sum of its parts" with the combined terms "God / Goddess / All That Is."  Here are passages from channeled oration transcripts in Lazaris Interviews, Book I (1988). 
. . . each lifetime you do choose a particular energy problem that you are to focus on.  The obvious goal, in that sense, is to become whole . . . "man energy" and "woman energy" are not really the appropriate divisions, because not all men are just masculine and not all women are just feminine.  Therefore, the division should be drawn between masculine energy and feminine energy.  Most women emphasize the feminine energy.  Most men emphasize the masculine energy.  All people are trying to become both.
You choose [at birth] to be a man or a woman.  You choose what race you're going to be, for whatever advantage.
You also choose a sexual preference.  The point is you're in life to love.  It doesn't matter who.  And no highly valued consciousness would say, "Homosexuality is wrong in itself."
Perverse sexual behavior, homosexual or heterosexual, can be hurtful to your growth.  It might be advisable to change your patterns, but not your preferences.  
First of all, once you move beyond the physical plane, you lose your gender.  You move into the "concept" of gender on the Astral Plane.  Yes, people do have male and female bodies on the Astral Plane, but they lose the gender.  They hang onto the concept of gender.
On the Causal Plane, there's also the concept of gender, but once you reach the mental plane, even the concept of gender is so vague and so limited that it's hardly there at all.  Once you move beyond that, there's no gender whatsoever so how can one say that homosexuality — Lesbian or Gay — is wrong or bad?  Only the limited Lower World could even begin to make such judgements.
What is the definition of homosexuality?  It is a sexual preference.  Heterosexuality is also a sexual preference — not an obligation.  Therefore, a person, heterosexual or homosexual, is expressing a preference.
'Dr. Peebles' through Thomas Jacobson (1, 2, 3) has commented that "Love and God contain all things . . . God is ever present in self as well as in life elsewhere . . . a divine force."  Also: "The object of all knowledge is intimacy and intimacy is love."  Also: "The greatest illusion is that you are alone; never are you alone.  The second greatest is that you are unloved; you cannot escape love, for it is the invisible essence of all things."
About passion: "It is in that passion that one is experiencing the natural magnetic drive to be with life, to be touched by life in any sense, and that touch is an electromagnetic activity of the soul that creates higher frequency, a vibration that becomes union, oneness in any sense, and this is where the great works of art and the great works of music, the great works of construction and composition in building and invention have taken place throughout history.  It has been at that moment of being touched in the mind, in the body, in the heart, all of the above—intimacy, sexuality of the soul—when all invention and inspiration occur."
Dr. Peebles is quoted responding to author questions in To Dance with Angels: An Amazing Journey to the Heart with the Phenomenal Thomas Jacobson and the Grand Spirit, "Dr. Peebles" (1990) by Don and Linda Pendleton. 
DR. PEEBLES: . . . most human beings or animals that walk around have both male and female inside — in the nuclear activity of their being, the vibration, the energy vibration.
DON: Is it possible for the . . . say, for example, for a totally female spirit to find itself somehow in a totally male body or vice versa?
DR. PEEBLES: Well . . . let's see.  Not in my opinion. . . . in the typical rhythm of things, uh . . . one's self-image can be that of female, and for the most part, exactly for that reason, will understand the need to  accept the male embodiment.  So often one is in the male to learn about the male, and one is in the female to learn about the female.  It's the simple truth.
DON: So would this partly explain, to an extent, homosexuality?
DR. PEEBLES: Yes.  Homosexuality and heterosexuality both have a little to learn.  And when we are speaking of sexuality, we are speaking of the non physical form, of internal attitudes — and of the internal attitudes, it is unavoidable and ultimately preferred and enjoyed to know self as bisexual.  That is, attitude that in no way needs be expressed physically.

But as an attitude — to be able to hug a female and to be able to hug a male, and to not think of it as a sexual experience — but instead, a soul into the soul.  You see?  And the heterosexual who is proud of their heterosexuality — if it is a man, just loves women and can barely shake hands with a man, much less hold them — has something to learn, just like the homosexual.

If it's a male who prefers to hold males, and is angry or uncomfortable or not attracted to the female, he has something to learn about the female, about self.  Do you understand me?

DON: Yes.  Is it possible that someone who is experiencing a sort of reversed role like in the flesh has consciously chosen that as a means of working out some particular thing?

DR. PEEBLES: Absolutely.  In fact, more often than not someone in that condition, in a condition of social bias, for whatever the reason be, in this case homosexuality, where the greater social attitude is one of rejection or confrontation, bias — it is always with intent and purpose for accelerated growth.  That — in not only homosexuality, in anything — for example, uh . . . to be a black man in a white community, a white man in a black community, to be a woman in a predominantly male community, to be a woman in the Wild West of one hundred fifty years ago, for example, to be physically handicapped — all of these are intense choices for more direct growth patterns.

Contemporary channeler Paul Selig's 'channeled entities' have said about themselves: "Now we walk through Paul today as a collective, as a collective energy that has come to this plane to manifest the Christ in man . . . We are the Ascended Masters and we come through different names, and we have been present on this plane for thousands of years in different forms."  (1, 2, 3)  Paul is one of the more uncommon channelers who remains conscious during channeling sessions.  The following transcript excerpts are from The Book of Love and Creation (2012):
Your sexuality also is an expression of your consciousness.  And how you address your sexuality can come from a high place or a low place depending on where you sit in frequency.  We will give you an example of this.
If you are operating from low sexuality, you are not connecting the physical act that you engage in with the partner you are with.  You are not aware of their consciousness or their innate beauty.  And we don't speak about physical beauty.  We speak about true beauty.  If you are going to conjoin with another in physical response, in order to do this well, you need to be at a high frequency.
"I am Word through the one I see before me" is a reminder that your partner is also an aspect of the divine and your choice to merge frequency through the sexual act is then blessed in that awareness.  But you cannot say this as a litany.  It must be true awareness.  If you are not aware of the divinity in your partner, you are operating at lower frequency and you are engaging in a physical act that is not a truly conscious one.
To be in sexual relations, finally, is a blessed act, but it can only be done in the awareness of this in order to be what it is meant to be.  No, we are not talking about procreation, which is the real reason that people do this in physical form, to create progeny.  We are talking about expression of sexuality in love that is expressed through bodies in frequency.

To use another person as their body without recognition of the beauty that is within them is, frankly, a defilement of God.  Now we do not say this in a negative way, we say this as a fact.  And all we mean by defilement is to tell you this: when you are pretending that there is not God in the person you are with in order to get a need met, you are acting out of alignment with Source.  It's that easy.  We are not speaking of sin, we are simply telling you this: If your action is about something that precludes the divine in your partner from coming forth in agreement, you are working with lower frequency.

The responsibility to each of you now is to remember always that you are free in your actions, but your actions must become in alignment with Source in order to resonate at a high level.

LGTBQ+ issues are subjects for commentary in a chapter of the channeled texts anthology Guidebook to Living Love on Earth (2022).  The orations are from the 'Pleiadian Council' channeled through Dante Starshine.  (1, 2)  Here are how a few questions were answered.
Q: What is the difference between lust and passion?  Can one transition from one to another in a balanced way?
P: Yes, lust we would describe as a very low frequency of objectification.  To have lust is to desire the physicality of another and the physicality alone.  This feeling is aroused when one feels as if they want to control or take power over the body of another.  Lust manifests as the objectification of others, the stripping of Spirit from matter, and the disregard of the Soul in physicality.
Many mistake desire for lust.  If we would suggest refinements in your language, we would encourage you to find a new word that would describe this very materialistic aspect of lust.  In the same sense, this frequency of lust can be directed towards physicality itself, you can lust for objects or for wealth.  Lust is present when you are not aware of the greater interconnectedness of things and the spiritual components within a desire or within a manifestation or object.
Lust can transform into passion, yes.  Passion can also transform into lust.  Sometimes these frequencies do go back and forth.  If you experience lust, and you can come to recognize the Soul essence of the other and intend to evoke a heart connection rather than merely a body connection, then lust can be transformed.  Passion implies heart connection, you may be very attracted to somebody's body, but if you are just as excited to experience their Soul energy, their heart, their frequency, their personality, your desire for their physical nature can come to include the spiritual, and become a higher passion rather than lust.
Q: Can we have sexual ties?  Or ripples that move into one's experience from a past life?  How would one balance this?
P: Well, many of the people that you connect with in this lifetime sexually are people with whom your Soul counterparts in parallel realities are having sexual interactions.  This happens with almost every one of your partners.  You seem to know them from somewhere else.  It feels this way because again, those parallel Soul aspects are always playing out some experience similar to the one in this lifetime.  So to answer that question, yes, all of those ripples are real.
You can come to see ripples from parallel realities manifest with every person you meet.  It becomes a vastly Multi-dimensional experience when you can tap into that level of awareness if you know somebody in this lifetimes, a parallel version of you knows a parallel version of them.
Q: Does your species still have physical intercourse and does this form of interaction take a different form?
P: Because we are quasi-physical beings that can express within physical reality and can express in nonphysical realities, we have quasi-physical and non-physical experiences of pleasure.  For us, it is more about connection.  When we manifest our quasi-physical forms we do derive immense pleasure from touch.  It does not involve sexuality or copulation, you could say, but it is just as great if not more potent and powerful than your human sexuality.  In nonphysical reality, most consensual exchanges of energy bring immense pleasure for us because at that level there is a blending, there's a merging and that is essentially what this sexual energy is for you.  It's about the blending and merging of energies between individuals.
Q: Transgender is a confusing and complex topic.  It has existed in various traditions across the world in very different forms.  Today, surgery can alter the genitals and also the body.  And hormone tablets or injections have been invented that can suppress or enhance this or that.  Yet, so many transgender people are still unhappy, and elderly transgender people can have such a tough time that they commit suicide.  Do you have comments or advice?
P: Those individuals who are transgender have to understand themselves on their own terms, and not from the perspective and perception of them on the outside.  The fact is that many are pushed or pressured into transitioning by the social constraints in place, when they can express their gender without changing their body in surgical ways or chemical ways.  When there is more of a collective understanding that gender and biology are two different things, then individuals can feel much more free to express themselves in whatever ways they want.

Some individuals will still medically transition as that supports them in dealing with the stigma.  Many individuals who suffer later, suffer from conscious or unconscious regret of transition, or suffer because the transition didn't ultimately bring them to express as "passing" as they desired.

To clear up definitions of what other people's perspectives mean to the individual will help very much.    As long as you are met by those who Love you, and as

This post first appeared on Interesting Articles, Links And Other Media, please read the originial post: here

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Channeled Perspectives Relating to Woke LGBTQ+ Issues


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