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A Channeled Discourse Transcript of the 'Tall Master from Venus' 1937


Multidimensional aspects of planets are a topic of transcendental communication and flying saucer contactee case chronologies — something that you'll never find mentioned in mainstream news media reporting in relation to UFOlogy.  This evidently is due to social consciousness and news regulation factors.  As one example of the data being ignored and suppressed, 'Professor Alfred Luntz' of 'The Inner Circle' through Mark Probert (1907-1969) once stated:

. . . the majority of the Disc phenomena are of etheric nature, or not of your time dimension.

These beings may prove to be quite solid and capable of walking about on the earth, and they may claim to exist on Venus or any other planet, in or out of your solar system — but this does not imply that they are in their structural units humans as the same order as you earth people, or that they lack the ability to convert their seeming solids to invisible stuff at will.  Nor does it disprove that they are Guardians not only of the earth but of the whole solar system in which your planet exists.  (article)
A contemporary 'channeled entity' who has described himself as having ascended at the conclusion of an ancient Earth life and has spoken about "The I Am of the I AM" is 'Ramtha' through the physicality of JZ Knight while she, herself, is unconscious during these interims.  In a discourse transcript of A Beginner's Guide to Creating Reality (1997), Ramtha is quoted: "There are civilizations and entities on other planets, in other galaxies, in other dimensions, in other time-flows that are much more advanced than you are . . . where you are sitting is being occupied simultaneously in dimensions by other lifeforms.  And the reason that you can't see them is because they are vibrating or their energy frequency is much more rapid than the one that you are occupying now."  (article)
'Contactee' Dana Howard wrote in Over The Threshold (1957): "Just to know we are something more than flesh and bone and sinew . . . that we are equipped with extra senses we have seldom used will help to make us aware that we are citizens of more than one world . . . I made this discovery seventeen years ago.  At that time the atoms of my body were seemingly dissolved at a point on the Planet Earth to be reassembled in a twin body, projected to the Planet Venus.  I went on a mission, searching out the trans-dimensional values."
Upon studying the books by Dana Howard published in the 1950s, I recalled the Universal Beings from a world of a higher frequency who channeled the declaration through Paulina Peavy that "Venusians" is among "your names we need to introduce ourselves."  I haven't been able to learn much about Dana's background other than what she expressed about herself in her published works.  Her first book My Flight to Venus (1954) is described as being "based on a true, mystical experience heralding the coming of interplanetary spacecraft long before the advent of the 'flying saucer.'"
Dana's perhaps best-known book today is My Flight to Venus (1954) recounting how she attended a seance of 'physical medium' Reverend Bertie Lillie Candler at a church in Los Angeles and there appeared a "radiant being" who called out for Dana by name and then said, "I am Diane.  I come from Venus."  As mentioned in a previous article  Something to consider about transcendental communication accounts that encompass commentary about Venus is that if any planet would symbolize love, it would be Venus with a name inspired by the Roman goddess associated with fields and gardens, beauty and love.  Blog readers might also recall the blog article "The Ectoplasmic Flying Saucer" about another clue being provided to humanity at a 'physical' or 'materialization' seance in South Africa.
Dana explained in an Addendum to My Flight to Venus:
We function in a three-dimensional world, over-shadowed by a fourth dimension.  As I understand it, our "fourth-dimension" would be their "first dimension" . . . or grounding premise.  Our "fourth dimension" would be comparable to their "seventh."   It would no doubt require a complete education in cosmic mathematics to understand it properly, but it is from the seventh plane that we establish a central relationship with the cosmos itself.  The seventh plane is the core . . . the center.
The narrative of the book begins with Dana describing the experience of flying in a small airplane that crash lands on Arizona's Superstition Mountain.  Her next book stated that the experience occurred in June 1939.  After seeing that her fiancé had survived, she "managed to somehow crawl out of the plane" —
Then IT came, starting at my ankles like a gorgeous display of lighted fireworks . . . a transcendent violet flame that fanned out until it enveloped my body like an aura of sacred fire.

The narrator related a transcendental impression of "the true meaning of the UNITY and ONENESS of ALL." 
This is how the "violet flame" is depicted in the chart expressing 'the magic presence' in periodicals and volumes of the Ballards' Saint Germain Series of books  —



The Upper Figure in the chart represents the Electronic Body of the "Mighty I AM Presence," which is the individualized Focus of God, Who creates the physical body.

The circles of color around the Electronic Body represent the Causal Body.  This is the accumulated good of all previous embodiments, and is composed of all substance constructively used in previous lives.  It is a reservoir of energy constructively qualified, being the sum total of all previous Self-conscious effort toward Perfection.

The Rays of Light going forth from the "Presence" are the Divine Mind or Love in action, continually pouring out Its Gifts of Perfection into the use of the human personality.

The lower figure represents the physical body, surrounded by the Violet Consuming Flame, held within the Pillar of steely White Light pouring down from the "Presence."  The White Light of the Pillar forms a wall of protection around the physical, emotional, and mental bodies and acts as an insulation to all discord and destructive creation of the outer world.

Between the Electronic Body and the physical is the Higher Mental Body which is the discriminating selective Intelligence, that knows the Perfection of the "Presence" and the imperfection which the human has drawn about the physical body, but refuses to accept the imperfection.  It knows the requirements of the physical Life, reaches into the "Presence" and draws forth whatever is needed to change outer conditions into Perfection.
'The Tall Man from Venus" is among the 'Ascended Masters' mentioned in the first book by Godfré Ray King (pen name for Guy Ballard) Unveiled Mysteries (1934).  In the ninth and final chapter, the narrator in his 'astral' or 'finer body' attends a New Year Assembly, where the Tall Master serves as the Presiding Master.  One of the activities that occurs is viewing scenes of life in Venus on a screen.  These are followed by scenes of future changes on planet Earth.  "The closing scenes followed next and these concerned principally the United States in the next century.  The progress and advancement she will make is almost unbelievable."  The Presiding Master's commentary includes statements that the generation of inharmony among people can be due "to the wandering away from the fundamental 'Principle of Life' . . . It is to cleanse this, and bring humanity back to the Original Purity of Life that cataclysmic action takes place."  A time will come when "Many, who have seemed to become hardened by their former activities, will awaken, as it were almost overnight, and feel the Nearness of the Great God 'Presence' within each heart . . . humanity will truly begin to realize that it is the height of folly for one part of God's Creation to war against another part."  He continued:
The Desire to bless others instead of themselves will almost invariably enter into the hearts of mankind, and send forth a 'Light' that will illumine the rest of the 'Way to Perfection.'

Selfishness alone holds the children of this sphere in the bondage and misery which have been allowed to express upon earth, but when the 'Light of the Christ' expands the 'Love in the Heart,' selfishness flees and returns to the sea of forgetfulness.

Beloved children of earth, you stand upon the Threshold of the Ages.  Its door is being held open by the 'Great Ones of Love' who ever invite you to walk consciously by their side in the 'Light.'  No matter what the activities in the world without, walk with the 'Light' and in the 'Light,' regardless of appearances.  Then, you will find a Master of the 'Light,' who has trod this self-same path before you, ever watches and stands by your side revealing the 'True Way.'
The 'channeled entity' 'Ramtha' has also used the expression 'Great Ones.'  (article)  In comparison, another extensively documented channeling case chronology is that of 'Paul' speaking through Ray Brown.  At a 2011 event in Leicester, England, "Paul' offered a stern warning.
You are all part of God.  Everyone in this room is a part of God.  You are all part of that Life Force, the Universal Power.  And the reason that you're here is to get the identity to take back to the Source to feed the Source with love and beauty.  And strength, knowledge — everything that makes power.  That is why you're here.

Just imagine that if the world continues on the pathway that it is, life force could end . . .

. . . what happens if all these maniac people around the world decide that they're going to have a fight.  Well they don't fight clean any more, do they?  They send rockets.  And the rocket explodes and Earth plane implodes.  What happens then?

It doesn't only take out the Earth plane, it takes out all the levels in Spirit.  Right through.  So all the spirit people who are over there working to get to the Godhead would be gone . . .

And it's only in your galaxy so it doesn't mean that you're going to destroy other worlds.  It's only this one.  So the other life forces can continue.  It makes sense that everybody has to start trying to change the governments, changing the people to make the Earth plane a better place.
In the case chronology of the Ballards, the Ascended Master communicator first referred to as 'the Tall Man from Venus' later was identified by the name 'Victory.'  The channeled discourse transcript being presented in this article is from Ascended Master Discourses (1937) and offers an oration that was heard on the evening of March 21, 1937.


BELOVED Ones of earth, how rejoiced We are on Our far distant Planet at the Expansion of your Light on Earth.  Do you think it so strange that One might be in your presence from that far distant Planet, Venus?  Yet if you consider it for just a moment, to Us who are free of limitations, distance, as you know it, is not considered.  I know it is not easy for you to comprehend that just yet, but you will.  One day you will understand as clearly as We do how, as you enter into your Freedom which is your "Mighty I AM
Presence," you transcend time and space.  Then, the so-called far distant Planets are so near.

You must realize, precious ones, that the Ascended Master, as you have been told many times, does not recognize time — or space.  Even this Good Messenger, as he went from place to place with Saint Germain, did not; for they went from one part of the Earth to another in from two to three minutes, in that body which Saint Germain created for his use.  Will you try earnestly not to analyze?  Just feel for you there is no longer time nor space.  If you can do that, you will enter into your complete Freedom so much more quickly.

Shall I tell you just how I feel tonight?  It is as if We were in a great schoolroom and you were having your graduation exercises.  That really is true. You are,
beloved ones of earth, entering into your Freedom!  As I speak these Words tonight, will you be kind enough to accept My Radiance, which I pour forth into your feeling world to enable you to feel fully the assurance of that?  You are entering now into your full Freedom.  I say to you, that no longer can human creations bind you in any way.

Oh, the joy which floods the room as I speak those Words!  It shall act with definite Power, until you fully realize, feel satisfied, and find manifest in your outer world of activity all the Perfection which is there.  We must know that!  You beloved ones have been willing and have joyfully entered into the requirements for this Great Perfection, making a condition for Our Reception, which you do not yet comprehend.  You will one day know what that means.

We find the Earth ready, willing, and humbly accepting the Great Assistance, which the Wondrous Kumaras have so long poured forth in Their Mighty Radiance to the earth.  We, Myself included, are but children in comparison to the Great Kumaras who came forth so many hundreds of thousands of years ago; to assist the Earth and to hold it in balance, until enough of its Children could be raised into Perfection and hold the balance themselves within the Earth.  This is being rapidly accomplished now, and ere long Their Work will be finished.  When it is, there will be thousands in America who will see Sanat Kumara stand before them in the tangible, visible Body — a youth as of sixteen summers.

As you were told today, regardless of your silver hair, regardless of your appearance of age that sometimes seems to weigh heavily upon you; if you but realized it, you could shatter all appearances and human accumulation.  In a few hours you could stand in Eternal Youth, Beauty, and Perfection.  Mankind has forgotten its Dominion because individuals have forgotten the Light, the Life, the Intelligence, the Energy which gives them Life, Eternal Youth, and Beauty.  Is it not a pity that mankind has forgotten this?  Life knows no age!  Energy knows no age!  Substance knows no age!  Then what is it which feels age?  Just the limited human concepts, because mankind has forgotten that everyone is really a Divine Being.

Tonight as I speak to you, please feel the Radiance from each Word entering into your being to become All-powerfully Active there; that you may hold the Substance of that which I convey to you All-powerfully active within you.  Oh dear ones, you must realize that it is not just the Words which We flash before the Messenger which are important.  They are but to hold your attention while the great Inner Work is being done.  All words are cups carrying certain qualities; but the far greater activity is in the Inner Radiation which goes forth into your world.  Is it necessary for Me to remind you tonight that in your Acknowledgment of your "Mighty I AM Presence," all Its Great Activity takes place from within out?  Therefore the great accomplishment, and greater percent of it, is accomplished within, before you become aware of it without.  Your activity has previously just reversed that.  You have tried to act from without in, and of course entered into greater and greater limitations; but when you realize that your Heart is the Presence of the "Mighty I AM" acting within you, then you must know that It would produce Perfection for you; if there were not something acting within your feeling world which was clothing It with less than Its full Perfection.  Hold close to this now, so you can have forever dismissed from your feeling world everything — so not one thing longer limits you.

We are making a tremendous effort to free a certain number of mankind for that which is to follow!  You beloved ones here, of your own volition have entered into a joyous willingness to make yourselves ready for this. Then you invite Us to come and give every Assistance possible.

To this Beloved brother We give great, great credit for having been the means of establishing an activity with such great volume, through which We can do certain things that will not only give yourselves Freedom, but will spread the Light forth powerfully to give others Freedom.  When I say "Freedom," I do not mean just one thing, but Complete Freedom from every limiting thing that has ever been in your feeling world or its activity.

You, beloved ones, who have entered these wondrous Closed Groups, have entered into a new world.  It is also quite wonderful to see those, who are really wonderful, sincerely honest with themselves, yet who feel that they are not quite ready to enter this Great Activity.  So, We bless all and keep on pouring forth Our Encouragement to strengthen them, until they too will feel themselves quite strong enough and ready, to enter into the fuller and greater Activity which is their Freedom.

I try to find Words to convey My Feeling to you of the Joy I have in coming into your midst and seeing such a great Light within you, for only a few short years ago the atmosphere about you was comparatively dense.  In 1900 when We came (unknown to the people of Earth) and looked over humanity, We saw so few whose Light had expanded until It could be amplified to give them strength, courage, and Dominion.  We found it could not be done then (I am taking you especially into My Confidence tonight), and We had to withdraw.  Then, Sanat Kumara said to Us: "The time will come, possibly nearer than you think at present, when You can give the Assistance which is needed."  Surely enough, in His Great Wisdom that day has arrived.

Oh, beloved children of Earth, you can scarcely comprehend, before your Ascension, what you owe to Our Beloved Saint Germain.  He has, because of His great Courage, brought this Light and Freedom to you and mankind.  Will you remember the description of Him which the Messengers have read to you from the "Fire of Creation"?  Read it often, dear hearts, and see what a Mighty Being He is from your Earth.  Remember, Saint Germain is a product of your earth; and in spite of all of Us, He had the Conviction, the Courage, the Strength to stand before a great Group of Us and say: "I shall try out that which I feel!" and His Victory came.

I say this to you tonight, beloved ones, because of the many people from the orthodox world who cannot quite understand why Saint Germain should take a place with Jesus.  Dear Ones, Jesus is doing His Mighty Work and so is Saint Germain.  As the beloved Charles Sindelar has placed Them hand in hand in the magazine, so do They act for the Children of earth.  Remember that dear hearts!  In spite of anyone, Saint Germain must have credit for the Courage which led Him to try out that which has become a success for mankind in setting individuals free.

Unless you do this, you will but delay your Freedom.  Not that He is even interested whether you give Him credit or not; but the Law of your Life and your Earth is: that credit must be given where it is due, and an acknowledgment must come forth from mankind for what has been accomplished.  That Law of Life for your Earth is irrevocable!  It is imperative! because mankind has drawn away from Perfection.  Of their own Free Will, all individuals must come back through gratitude and acknowledgment, giving credit to those who lift them out of the limitations, into which they have drawn themselves.

Once you understand clearly these Mighty Fundamentals, then you will enter much more quickly and easily into your Freedom.  Think of it, beloved children of earth!  In the Assistance which is given you today, the effort of attainment is a thousand percent less than it was at the time Saint Germain, and those of Us who are assisting, attained Our Freedom and Ascension.  Now mark you, that is comparatively recent.  Does a few hundred years seem a long time to you?  Well, a few thousand years does not seem long to Us.  Why does it seem long?

Now, let us come down to your human experiences.  Before you entered into this Understanding of the "Mighty I AM Presence." For a moment remind yourself of how many times, time — notice — "time" hung heavy upon your hands.  You did not know just what to do with yourself.  Remember that!  Then what happened?  You began to conceive ideas to kill time.  As the Great One, Arcturus, mentioned this today, may I repeat it to you again tonight?  Do not ever use that word or expression again: "I want to kill time."  You want to transcend time!  Will you be kind enough to use that expression: "I want to transcend time"?  Do you know that tonight you are really transcending time and space?  Why?  Because your attention is upon Me.  I do not consider time nor space.  It no longer exists for Me and that is why I am here tonight, to help you to more quickly transcend time and space.

Now, what takes place in this Activity?  First, you will find yourself doing the outer activities with a greater ease and a speed you had not before thought possible.  Then you will find this, that, and the other thing is accomplished quickly.  You will find much more time to give to your "Mighty I AM Presence"; and when you do have extra time, please do not spend it in playing bridge and such things.  Oh, it is not that We do not want you to be happy! but see what your attention is upon!  Do you know what is in your Earth's atmosphere concerning cards, and what your playing cards represent?  The element of gambling.  That is the general consciousness which pervades mankind, dear ones.  Do you want to be a part of that consciousness?  There are many other things through which you can have great Happiness.  Now do not think that I am trying to take anything away from you of which you are fond.  I am just citing to you the Law.  We do not urge anyone to follow what We say, but We must cite the Law which is acting within you and your world.

In Our Activity upon Venus, We have the most wonderful rhythm in the dance and music most exquisite; but never in any of those activities is there a thought of anything but Perfection — for as one enters into that great swing or rhythm of ecstasy and enjoyment, so does one learn to feel the Glories of the Rhythm of the Universe.  Ere long, all broken rhythm will disappear from your earth, for it has brought such distress upon mankind in recent years.  It has shattered many hundreds of thousands!  It has shattered the emotional bodies, until they were unable to gather and hold sufficient cohesive activity to maintain their health.  Thus, has it shattered the forms and they are lost so far as use to the individual is concerned.

Do you know why the majority of the savages in the jungle live so short a time?  Because of the tom-tom rhythm that is in their jungle activities.  Few live past middle age.  Now and then one, who through the feeling has conceived a certain part of the Law, lives to be sometimes eighty years old or a little more.

Try to comprehend the difference between that and the former activity.  Before the Understanding of the Ascension was brought into the outer world, many, many of mankind maintained Life in the body for two, three, four, five or six hundred years.  The Beloved Cha Ara, Who spoke at one of your Groups recently, maintained Life in His Body for five hundred years before He made the Ascension; because He had been One who came into that understanding through the old activity of the occult law, before it was My Privilege to set it aside for the Earth.

You know of the Messenger's unyielding stand on this point and have heard him speak so firmly of that night in the Royal Teton, when I issued this Decree for the earth which has gone forth.  That Decree is doing a most wonderful Work for the Earth, and I shall forever bless this Good Messenger for the strength and courage with which he asserted the Cosmic Authority, with which I give this forth to so many of mankind.  Oh, how greatly We love and give praise and thanks for his courage and strength to go forth and carry this Message which means everything to mankind.

That old occult law had to fade from the Earth; because of the wreckage it has wrought in mankind.  I tell you, dear hearts, it has brought forth greater wreckage into humanity than you will ever know; because human concepts had crept in from every angle; and ofttimes, it was used to hold fear over mankind instead of to give freedom.  Of course some of the occult teachers and students who had done that very thing, were fierce in their attitude against this good brother, but they could not touch him.

So, dear ones, have all the courage in the world in calling your "Mighty I AM Presence" into action.  Stand with firm determination by that which you call into action, for there is no means possible by which you can fail—in anything—when you call your "Mighty I AM Presence" into action.

I want to charge into your feeling world My very powerful Conviction that you cannot fail in a single instance, dear hearts, in your application of your "Mighty I AM Presence."  You cannot do it!  I will not accept failure for any one of mankind!  Every one of humanity shall apply this Law of the "Mighty I AM Presence" to their Eternal Freedom.  I shall stand by It, for It was decreed that I be that Authority for the earth; and having sent It forth I stand back of It, and of all of you until you have your Freedom.

There is naught in human creation that shall ever stop your freedom or that shall ever stop the Freedom of America.  AMERICA SHALL BE FREE, FOREVER!  There is naught in humanity that shall interfere with it.  Remember!  All that seems to have such a desire is but an appearance; and you have been taught to say to all such appearances, "You have no power," and they have not!

Oh beloved children of Earth, if once you understand the Authority that you have in all appearances of imperfection or destructive activity, and you say the moment they appear: "You have no power!" then they have not, for you or your America.  Do you not see, Beloved Children of Earth, when you issue that Mighty Decree, the Power of the Universe rushes forward into action to fulfill your requirement; because you are calling for the Freedom of America through the Power of the "Mighty I AM Presence," which is a thousand times more powerful than anything that would bring destruction!

See! how you have the full Power and Authority in issuing these Decrees, by saying to every appearance, whether it is individual, city, or nation — to every appearance that is less than Divine Justice: "You have no power!"  Mean it!  Feel it! and let that Mighty Decree go forth doing Its Perfect Work.  You are yet, beloved ones, only partially aware of the Powerful Good which is in your hands in the acceptance of your Presence, and in the issuing of these Decrees.

"Decree a thing and it shall be so unto you."  Again feel these words: "Your outer determination is the Activity of your Inner Will, the "Mighty I AM Presence."  All of you have determination.  If you become angry, have you not plenty of determination?  You are dauntless for that moment.  Then, that same determination released on the constructive side of your activities becomes many times more powerful, because it is in agreement with the Law of Life.  You can generate it and call it forth at will.  Do not let your human intellect ever say to you, you cannot do it.  You can, and you do realize it more each day.  Use your determination to hold in obedience everything from your own human intellect, your human creations, or anyone else's, which would attempt to interfere with your decree.  Then you have become the Master of whatever you call forth into manifestation and action.

As you advance, Oh Beloved Ones, in a clearer, more definite understanding of the Power which is within your hands to use, through the Acknowledgment of your Presence, you cannot make any mistake.  There are a few who have tried to interfere with this Law and make false accusations against this good brother.  They have been foolish enough to think they could, through their "Mighty I AM Presence," bring destruction to him.  What nonsense!  God help those unfortunate creatures who utter falsehood against his character!  We stand back of him and every human being on the face of this Earth that utters aught against him or his co-worker, shall swallow those words.  Mark what I tell you!

Do you think when We have found those who have been courageous enough to carry forth this Message and then someone comes along and tries to besmirch their characters, that We shall stand idly by and see it attempted further?  I want you to spread this word to anybody who attempts to fill your mind with such falsehood.

He has been clean and pure enough to be able to receive Dictations from Beings Who for thousands of years have been wholly Pure and Perfect.  That any creature is so foolish as to attempt to spread falsehood concerning such an one's character is inconceivable.  The foolishness of individuals who have once thought that they could bluff mankind into obedience to their nefarious work, proves they have lost their way.  No longer does the bluff of human creation affect the Student of the Light!  The pitiful thing is that those individuals shall reap the agony of that which they send forth, and nothing can prevent it; because they have set it into action themselves.

I want you to know, Oh beloved ones, that the Light protects Its own!  You are Children of the Light — "The Light of God that never fails"!  Through your Call, and the use of the Violet Consuming Flame to keep all creation which has been drawn about you consumed before it finds expression, you will never find anything in the world that can harm you.

Remember, precious ones, that anything, accident or otherwise, which happens to an individual who has come into the Understanding of the "I AM Presence," can only come because there has not been sufficient use of the Violet Consuming Flame to keep the discordant creation—the past creation—dissolved as fast as it comes to the surface.  That is the only reason.  Now as mankind is coming more and more to understand the imperative need of calling the Presence into Action, to use the Violet Consuming Flame for them, Students and individuals will always find themselves on guard and protected.

I thank you, beloved ones, and in the Great Love of My Being, I pour forth to you your Freedom, your Invincible Protection, your quick Journey into Freedom from all limitations —and your Ascension.  Will you not accept that from Me?  To all, I say, do all your understanding permits to cooperate and have It as quickly as possible.  I thank you.



This post first appeared on Interesting Articles, Links And Other Media, please read the originial post: here

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A Channeled Discourse Transcript of the 'Tall Master from Venus' 1937


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