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'Saint Germain' On God and The Devil, Fear, Spiritual Planes, Prophecies, Cataclysm, Love, Gossip, Expansion, and More

'Ascended Master Saint Germain' is shown in a phenomenally manifested 'precipitated' portrait.  During the Spiritualism epoch, precipitated paintings made by an unseen creative Intelligence were sometimes witnessed to manifest in the presence of Individual human mediums.  'Saint Germain' is the most often recurring 'channeled entity' in the channeling case chronology of Guy and Edna Ballard.  Some other phenomenally materialized portraits are shown below that are subjects of previous blog articles.  (1, 2)


Ascended Master Instruction (1985)—Volume IV of the 20-volume Saint Germain Series—is an anthology of many of the earliest channeled discourse transcripts featuring 'Ascended Master Saint Germain.'  The book chronologically follows the third volume of the series The "I AM" Discourses, which features transcripts dating between 1932 and 1935.  The 1935 book is the subject of the initial article in the current blog series about 'The I AM Presence.'  (preceding articles: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)  The phrase 'I AM Presence' is a quintessential teaching about the shared omnipresent Source interconnected with all living things throughout the cosmos.  Passages from transcripts of 1932 collected in Ascended Master Instruction are presented in this article.  Widespread international knowledge of the "I AM Presence" is the only solution that will end human greed, traditional military indoctrination and war to prevent cataclysms.

A Tribute in editions of the Saint Germain Series provides some background information about the Ballards.

When Mr. Ballard had received the experiences as recorded in Unveiled Mysteries and The Magic Presence, Volumes I and II of the Saint Germain Series, he returned to their home in Chicago where he and Mrs. Ballard began to instruct a small group of Students in the Laws of Life which they had received.

One morning, Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and their son, Donald, were standing near the door to their dining room when they felt a tremendous Vibratory Action charged into the room.  Looking up, they saw a Ray of Light descend onto the dining room table.  From within this Ray they heard the Voice of the Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain saying: "We would like to dictate a series of Discourses, should you care to cooperate.  Take time to think it over and let Me know."  "Mrs. Ballard answered immediately, "We are ready to begin now!"  "Very well," Saint Germain replied, "We will begin next week!"

Twice a week for over seven months these Mighty Discourses came forth, followed by The "I AM" Discourses as published in Volume III of the Saint Germain Series.  Mr. Ballard has said concerning this Great Instruction, "It is the most wonderful thing that ever came into a human being's Life!"

The Ballards wrote in the debut issue of their periodical The Voice of the I AM (1936):

If the young people will call the "Mighty I AM Presence" into action at all times, to teach them whatever they wish to know, still the feelings of the physical body and quiet the intellect, the "Presence" will reveal Its Limitless Light and Perfection.  This will enable them to feel a Security, Peace and Joy, that will give them the impulse to make the greatest effort to be Perfection — the Ideal made Real.   

In the second edition of the periodical that was released the following month of March, the Ballards' understanding about the Identity of 'Saint Germain' was shared, according to their interpretation of all that they'd learned: ". . . students everywhere should understand that in no way are we trying to replace Jesus with Saint Germain . . . no ASCENDED Master ever does anything contrary to any other Ascended Master, for in the Ascended State, all is one Perfect Divine Activity and the cooperation is one of deepest Love and Harmony . . ."
As has been initiated through transcendental communication, the current year of 2023 evinces the recently commenced 'The Devil' phase of Earth life (articles incl. 1, 2, 3).  Blog readers aware of this will notice that the channeled instruction about 'The Devil' in 1932 is prophetic of the present time because 'The Devil' is stated as being something that "never was and never will exist outside of man's own discordant creation."  The Initiation via transcendental communication in regard to the new phase commenced being consistently chronicled with journal blog entries of May 2022.  (1, 2, 3)  Looking back, this 1932 channeled elucidation effectively places in perspective the 'new initiation' that has been documented online.

'Saint Germain' Discourse Transcript Excerpts (Ascended Master Instruction 1937)

All seeming shadows or problems are but a part of God demanding an opportunity for the recognition of that Great and Mighty "Presence," the Invincible Solver of all problems.  All problems are but to compel a recognition of God as the Supreme Controller and Activity in all things.

This Mighty "Presence" is the certain assurance, anchored in the Heart of every individual on the Pathway of Light, that he may definitely and absolutely Ascend.  Therefore, you will see that the outer experience, which would otherwise seem disconcerting or disturbing, is but the Demand of the Great Self to the outer to turn about and face the Eternal Sunrise of Gods Glorious Radiance enfolding every one of His Children and all His Creation.

The Divine Record: Within the Divine Record of every individual there is registered all constructive experience.  Therefore when a necessity requires it and the Wisdom is there to be used, naturally that is the first place to draw from.  For instance, if you had a book giving certain formulas of activity, you would not go to another individual who had the same kind of book, but you would look into your own book and save the time and energy.  If mankind had not forgotten the Wisdom and Force stored within their consciousness, they would much more readily call upon that which is already at hand.

The meaning of Satan and evil: The gross misunderstanding of what Satan and evil really mean is appalling.  Many names have been given to this so-called majestic presence of evil, but I assure you that that majestic presence is but a myth.  The words "devil," or "sheol," both really came from the word "Satan"; and the root of this word, its true underlying meaning, is "to turn away from that which is inharmonious."  The human side of mankind, so to speak, which is never ready to face the Truth of its own being, had to produce some concoction on which to lay the blame of its own creation.  The word "Satan" came forth as a single explanation, telling humanity that they had better turn away from their own creations of inharmony, and this turning would enable them to find God ever active in their midst.

Then again there came a time when they wanted still something else to blame for their own wrong creations, and they brought the defenseless serpent into the garden.  The serpent but represents a wrong use of the Solar Energy from the Great Central Sun within mankind.  This Solar Energy is a most dynamic power and is always active

Again let us repeat that mankind, having Free Will, are commanded to choose how they shall direct this energy.  If they do not direct it consciously for some good, constructive purpose, it will act in some manner — often through the suggestion of the environment or individuals, because energy is always subject to suggestion.  The great mass of mankind who have joined themselves to the orthodox idea, as we term it, have thought to cast upon God, a Being in the skies, their problems or creations.  Yet they are foolish enough to think they can go on creating inharmony and not experience its discordant effects.

Thus we see how mankind has held over its own head this cloud of ignorance through the centuries.  Human beings might have recognized their freedom as Children of God and become conscious of the fact that they had Free Will.  They would then have realized that they were the only creators of good and evil, so-called.  They would have learned that they had the power to dissipate any wrong or inharmonious creation that they had ignorantly or willfully brought forth.

One of the reasons why the idea of a devil was conceived, was that in every period or cycle of human embodiment, there have been those individuals who were very dynamic in the use of this energy; they were misdirecting it and producing this so-called evil.  Besides this, they were creating such powerfully charged thought-forms that vicious, ignorant, disembodied intelligences seized upon them or, as it were, entered into these thought-forms.  These forms were being energized by their creators who were still embodied, giving these vicious, ignorant entities tremendous power and activity.  Before the time of Jesus, these entities were often able to appear visibly, often in very grotesque forms.  Thus, this was the idea of a devil, which I assure you never was and never will exist outside of man's own discordant creation.

There is no devil in the Universe except mankind's own inharmonious thoughts and feelings, individual and en masse.

After the Master Jesus' Ascension: After the time of Beloved Jesus' Appearance and Ascension, there were those diametrically opposed to the Wondrous Light He had taught and radiated.  These were known as forces of darkness.  They had gone deep enough into the understanding of the Inner Laws of their being to find that they had certain power of thought, and that they possessed tremendous energy which they could direct for right or wrong, as they chose.  These became known at that time, and have been down through the centuries, as black magicians.  At one time—I shall not say when—there was a school of these black magicians that set upon and snared, as it were, those Students of Light who had failed to go beyond a certain point of enlightenment.  Many times they drew the Student into the full activity of their understanding.  On the other hand, there were many in whom the Presence of the Light was strong enough to throw off the influence of these black magicians — after a struggle, the Students were left to go their way.

It was the observation of this activity taking place that drew the attention of the Great Ascended Masters of Light to this school, and it was broken up and scattered.  Since that time it has never been allowed to form a focus of more than two or three individuals in one place.  Previous to this time these black magicians created powerful thought-forms which they operated at any distance.  Thus was created great havoc and distress during the two closing periods of Atlantis and Egypt; and in fact, they were the underlying causes of all periods of great destruction.  Why?  Because, aside from their own power to generate destructive force, they utilized the destructive force generated by mankind
thus causing the destruction of an entire race or continent.

Fearing problems: The reason why problems become rampant, as it were, is because the problem or situation becomes charged with fear by the individual.  This gives it a certain powerful activity.  One should really strive for just the opposite activity by withdrawing all power from it.  Fear is feeling, and feeling is always a vitalizing energy.  There are two different kinds of feeling that vitalize tremendously, and these are fear and hate.  Instead of giving power to a problem and thus vitalizing it, one should withdraw all sustaining energy and leave it helpless.

The fact of the matter is that all of these problems, so-called, are creations of the outer mind or of laws set up by mankind through the outer self.  Through these human laws, people harass each other or try to compel one individual to do for another what he or she is apparently not able to do, because it is the outer, man-made laws acting instead of the Divine.  If every individual would turn with all sincerity and ask God's Love and Wisdom to direct him or her every moment and live it accordingly, in less than a year
possibly six monthsthere would not be a problem confronting mankind.

Creation by the Ascended Masters: On the Higher or Spiritual Planes of Activity, all Creation takes place by thought.  The thought draws to itself the Universal Substance, producing any desired form according to the quality of the desire or thought.  The Ascended Host, in projecting into form the Invisible Substance, do qualify it with whatever Quality They wish to use.  If it is to resemble the quality of a jewel, They may produce it in a table: this table can be like one jewel or have a combination of the elements of one or all jewels.  However, They do not project things for a bargain counter.  The quality of the tables would be in harmony with what the people were accustomed to.  When the attention is once given an impulse, it draws from the outer that which is nearest reality.

Kindness is always the conquering power, both with human beings and animals as well.  Out of the fullness of patience and the application of the Presence of Divine Love in all affairs, comes the sure and certain reward.  There is no activity where the consciousness or attention is held on the "Mighty I AM Presence," wherein the element of Divine Love is not active; but this natural Activity may be greatly intensified by adding your consciousness of the Quality of Divine Love to it.  This is a subtle point which very few, not Ascended, realize.

Some will say, "How is it we mortals may intensify the Activity of God?"  I answer: God, the "Mighty I AM Presence," acts through the Free Will of the individual according to his or her acceptance; and the individual, being a part of God, being the same in Quality, has the right and power to increase and intensify any one of the natural Activities of God, upon which the consciousness is focused.  If sincere Students will meditate on this particular activity, they are certain to receive much benefit.

When the consciousness of the Student is held unwaveringly on the highest center, which is humanly termed the pineal gland and pituitary body, he is recognizing and inviting the Currents, the Rays of Light and Love, from the Electronic Body of his own "Mighty I AM Presence," and also the Assistance of the mighty advanced Individualizations, or Ascended Masters, from that Sphere of Activity

he most vital thing in human activity is the necessity of positively refusing to sit in judgment on the activity of another human being.  To condemn, criticize, or feel curiosity about the affairs of another, except to wish them Godspeed and that all is well, is not permissible for the real Student or the one who sincerely wishes to reach the highest attainment.

Whenever you see a negative expression by the press, command all the press to be God's Messengers of Right and Truth
for ere long, it will not be a shield or puppet in the hands of politicians.

People are so prone to sit in judgment on others, seeing only appearances and letting the criticism run rampant, no matter what the Truth.

The animal element: The substance that came into form was at one time far denser than now.  The animal element that came through the lower activity, or the conscious lowering to creating for pleasure, caused the creation of the animal form in the atomic structure of the outer world.  In other words, the bodies of animals are the objectification of the thoughts and feelings held in the outer consciousness of human beings when they created simply for the gratification of appetite and pleasure sensation.

An Eternal Truth: The human Soul never evolves through the animal.  The outer atomic structure is but the raised or prepared condition for it, to be used in the forming of human bodies.  This is nearing the last step from the atomic into the Electronic Structure.

The human Soul came directly from God.  Therefore it could not have evolved out of the group soul of the animal.  The human Soul must go back to God.  Understanding the absolute certainty of the Law of Free Will, the "Law of the Expression of the Fullness of God," it must go through every phase of experience, attaining again that Perfection through the conscious understanding of all phases of Life's Activity

The people of today
have too much reticence in sharing their experience of the many wondrous things they have received; because of human opinions, in most instances they have held these locked within their own Hearts, lest they should be ridiculed.  When one is consciously with God, moving in His Mighty Presence, why should that one fear what any man might say?

In the Ascended State all decorative ornamentation is created within the substance itself.  For instance, in the building of walls: whatever you determine upon manifests as the finished product; for in the Higher Spheres of Activity, the Eternal Electronic Substance responds as readily to your thought as bread dough does to the activity of your hands on the physical plane.  This Eternal Electronic Substance may be molded by thought into the most beautiful forms.

Octaves of thought: I think it well to again refer to the octaves of thought, for these exist within the atmosphere the same as the strata exist within the Earth.  I think it may be wise to define to some degree these octaves.

The first We shall mention is the octave of crime, which is the thinnest in spite of all appearances at this time.  The second is the octave of hate — considerably thicker.  The third is the octave of anger — much thicker.  The fourth is the octave of criticism and condemnation
still much thicker.  It is the prevalent octave in which a great number of humanity move unknowingly.

From this on up, we begin to enter the Light; and we find the octave of Toleration, which is the will to give everyone freedom in thought and speech.  Then we enter the octave of Joy where we find ourselves rejoicing exceedingly in the recognition of the God Power in us.  The next is the octave of Pure Love, from which we feel unmistakably the Presence of God, the "Mighty I AM Presence," acting.  From this we come into the octave of Perfect Happiness.

Whenever we allow our consciousness—which means our thought, feeling, and spoken word—to dwell on the quality of any one of these octaves, we not only have whatever we have generated of that quality, but we open ourselves to the entire outpouring from that octave upon which we dwell.  This means the full accumulation of that quality generated by the mass of mankind — past and present.  This exists within the atmosphere above the surface of the Earth, in which all individuals live and move.

Prophecies: There are certain war conditions threatening.  Through the Red activity, war would spread all over the World; and Our desire is to avoid the outburst of it before a certain condition can occur.  If this can be done, it will do tremendous things to hasten the progress of humanity.  Prophecies for centuries have held forth the idea, and it has become racial in the mind of humanity, that the greatest of all wars called the "Armageddon" would take place

This, We think from the Higher Standpoint, was a great mistake.  Humanity has been accepting it, expecting it, and are determined to have it.  In the first prophecy of this, it was to convey the thought that it would take place on the invisible plane, without coming into physical action.  We hope yet this may be done.

My personal opinion is that a cataclysm, which is inevitable, is preferable to the coming forth into physical action of the so-called Armageddon; for a cataclysm does not release hate, and because of this, it would be much better for humanity.  A certain amount of cataclysmic action is inevitable, and it is not desirable that it should be avoided; for it releases certain things and seals certain things
greatly to the benefit and progress of humanity.

It is possible under secured Dispensations, for the channel of the cataclysm to be changed or governed.  If mankind could understand that God forever and forever acts through His Messengers who are attuned to step down His Mighty Current of Force and Activity, then they would know that all cataclysmic or Cosmic conditions may be to some degree, more or less regulated and directed.

This present, coming cataclysm will end the cataclysmic periods of the Earth, because cataclysms only come through the destructive influence of the human and when that is removed, there will be no longer a cause for them.

It is vitally important for Students to recognize the difference between intellectuality and intelligence.  They must understand that the great intellectual development which some acquire and are often so proud of, is but what they have gathered or accumulated from without, and it does not have a firm foundation.  However, the opposite of this is God's Mighty Intelligence, which they receive from within.  It is the Fountain of Eternal Truth and has at all times an unshakable Foundation.  The brain or intellect is but the vehicle that this Mighty Inner Intelligence uses.  It may be taught through conscious action to express only this Inner Intelligence.  As individuals of Free Will, We choose which shall act for us — the gatherings of the outer intellect or the Mighty Intelligence in Its full Capacity.

Desire: It seems necessary again to put forth the Mighty Consciousness that desire is the Mighty Activity of God — the motive power, as it were, by which the wings of thought carry it forth into productivity.  There cannot, I assure you, be a single thing from the lowest to the highest without desire back of it; for desire is the power of the Soul trying to find expression.  There are those who will tell you they have many wrong desires, but I assure you it is only because of a lack of control of the Free Will.  Any full-grown human being knows the difference between letting the Energy go out into constructive or destructive channels and, therefore, can easily choose where It shall go.

It is so vitally important for the Student to have the correct understanding about desire.  So much has been said—and falsely—about the Supreme Ideal being to kill out desire.  To do so would be but to come into a state of apathy where you would open yourselves to all the destructive forces there are!  When you have a constructive desire backed by its twin sister, determination, knowing that each is but an Attribute of God in Action, that moment you have loosed the mightiest Power for and of Achievement.

Every experience that comes to the individual serves a double purpose: first, to turn the attention to the only Creative Source, God; second, to make the individual aware that resting in that Supreme Consciousness is the solution, instantly at hand, of whatever needs to be known.

Love: If individuals could only recognize that God's Love is the natural motive power of their being, they would see at once how their attempt to use energy not qualified by this Mighty Power of Divine Love, must necessarily bring them just the opposite results from those which they wish.  Therefore, let all sincerely open the Doorway into all expression — into all activity; and we will find our world transformed and moving within an Armor of Protection where only Light, Peace, and Harmony reign.

Before fifteen years have passed, you will find the World smaller than ever.  Television and the right aerial transportation will make the World like a great audience chamber

The stock market is a disgrace to humanity when in it, one man who wants revenge against another, has a certain means of gratifying it.  The entire system of everything will be changed in such a manner that individuals will be protected; and the selfish element of the big fish wanting to swallow up the little ones, will have made them so sick that they will not wish to try it again.

As this Work goes forward, We wish each individual to feel his or her part in the Great Victorious Activity — that they are as important to the working out of things in the Universe as the petals of a rose are to its beauty.  There is constant opportunity for those who have a joyous attitude toward this Effort, to be channels of Outpouring of this Mighty Radiation

Metempsychosis: There was a time in the progress of humanity when the conscious division of the constructive and destructive use of the Inner Power and Energy began.  Through the power of black magic, or misuse of the One Energy, sometimes a Soul was driven from its body by another; and a body of an animal was built up, and the Soul was compelled to use it.  It was from this condition that the legend of the transmigration of Souls came.  There has only been one period through the centuries at which this occurred.  The Ascended Host consumed and dispelled this activity forever.  But the memory, which has never been erased in an etheric record, still lingers; and now and then an individual having contacted this record, keeps alive the idea that should long ago have been forgotten.

To meat eaters: The reason that flesh food does not belong in the human body is because there is a certain animal quality in the natural structure of the flesh and this automatically acts from its own trained environment of activity

Within the consciousness of each one is that Eternal Vigilance on guard which warns the outer to refrain from anything that would create destructive activity, if the individual will only listen to its prompting.  For any Student to yield and lower himself to vicious gossip is a violent retarding process to his or her growth.  It matters not what may seem to be the appearance, no one shall sit in judgment upon another.  They who yield to such childishness open their doors wide to forces more destructive than the boa constrictor of the jungle, or the tiger that would tear them to pieces.  That would but destroy the outer form, while gossip, criticism, and condemnation build within the mental bodies that destructive element which takes them many embodiments to rid themselves of.

The Students who have entered upon the Conscious Path and wish to proceed and be blest by that Wondrous and Mighty Light anchored in the Heart of each one, should tum from criticism and judgment as they would from a poisonous serpent that would strike the poison of death into their flesh.  The Students should understand that in allowing themselves to fall into this most undesirable habit, they but injure themselves.  They cannot harm another who is filled with love toward everyone and all things, because the Consciousness of the Activity of Divine Love in the individual's Life builds a Mighty Armor of Protection that naught of the outer can penetrate — for God is Love and always protects His own.

The one who spreads gossip, true or untrue, not only injures him or herself, but often shuts the door for those who unfortunately accept the gossip and dwell upon it.  So, anyone who yields to it should understand how far-reaching it is in the injury they do themselves and their acquaintances.  The conscious pouring forth of Divine Love into all situations will enable anyone who is addicted to such a habit, to find quick and complete release from all such conditions.

The God Self in you is the same God that is at the Heart, at the Helm of the Universe. The pity is that Students think or feel this too stupendous a Truth to be realized in their individual lives; but I assure you that according to the intensity with which they recognize this Truth, anyone with unwavering determination may see the Radiant Face of that Mighty "God Presence."  These statements are neither myth nor imagination, but tremendous Truths that the Students can grasp, comprehend, and utilize with Everlasting Blessings in their outer experience.

Newspapers: If every newspaper in the land would start printing in great letters across the first page of their newspaper, "Rejoice!  God's Loving Peace and Prosperity are here!" — in seven to ten days, the Transformation would be complete.  However, I believe that the Tribune of Chicago and the Denver Post may be yet inspired to some such fearless activity, and they would be amazed and encouraged how fast humanity would fall in line with the idea.

Mankind through the centuries has made the great mistake of focusing the attention upon the human accumulation instead of the Principle of Life within the individual-the "Mighty I AM Presence," which each one really is.  Even from outer observation, all who stop to think seriously must know that this Principle of Life, which we see everywhere manifest, is Eternal and is the Activity of God — the Creator of all things visible and invisible.  Therefore, that Principle of Life within us is One in Quality and Power with the Creator of the Universe.  Again, may I remind you that you have for your conscious use all the Qualities, Power, and Activity of the "Mighty I AM Presence" — the Godhead.

The idea of Expansion will enable the individual consciousness to feel its liberty and freedom more quickly — now.  It is our privilege to express and use the completed, perfected form of the object, article, or substance which we wish to use.  This consciousness of Expansion comes about through the recognition of the Expansion of the "Mighty I AM Presence"—the All-powerful Principle of Life—which animates, governs and directs the outer form

One of the great Privileges and Provinces of the Ascended Host is to aid those who discover Their Presence, and the great masses of humanity who do not.  But those who do not have the certain Knowledge of Their Presence, can only receive a fractional part of that which comes to those who do have certain Conscious Knowledge of Their Existence and Assistance to the Earth.

The Love Star: You cannot give the attention to the Love Star or the Ascended Host without getting a Response.  Devotion is a wonderful way to reach through, because devotion is a form of intensified love



This post first appeared on Interesting Articles, Links And Other Media, please read the originial post: here

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'Saint Germain' On God and The Devil, Fear, Spiritual Planes, Prophecies, Cataclysm, Love, Gossip, Expansion, and More


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