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The Nature of 'Ascended Masters'—and 'Space People'—Revealed

Identifying Some Complexities of Transcendental Communication / 'Channeling' Case Chronologies

These illustrations represent 'the Great Central Sun' and "the All-Seeing-Eye of God, your 'Mighty I AM Presence,' from which no single motive or act is hidden."
(Ascended Master Discourses 1937)

The predicament of the experiencer of 'transcendental communication' historically has been found to be a challenging one due to the intolerance experienced when interacting with people reluctant to question their disbelief, mistaken conceptions and/or accepted religious dogmas about the nature of life on Earth.  'Chosen ones' for sharing 'Divine Dispensations' who've been subjects of articles at this blog include Andrew Jackson Davis, John Dee, Harry Edwards, Leslie Flint, Daniel Dunglas Home, Joan of Arc, Kathryn Kuhlman, Mark Probert and Chico Xavier.  Fifth in the current series (1, 2, 3, 4), this Article identifies some of the things that may be learned from the channeling oration transcripts brought forth by Guy and Edna Ballard in comparison with other transcendental communication case chronologies.   

An earlier transcendental communication case chronology involving 'masters of wisdom' interacting in phenomenal ways is that of Madame H. P. Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society.  (articles)  A facet of the communication that this blogger personally found especially curious was how one of the mysterious 'Mahatmas'—who were in telepathic contact with her and at times were witnessed to have suddenly materialized physical handwritten letters, including on board trains without HPB being present (as mentioned in the blog article "The Mahatma Letters")—articulated a perspective of the renowned Spiritualist medium D. D. Home that seemed to validate in an exaggerated manner HPB's own dissatisfaction with him after she'd learned about some of his conduct in his life following her own beneficial acquaintance with him.  It was Master 'Koot Hoomi Lal Singh' (or 'K. H.') who advised in a P.S. to Letter No. 8
addressed to A. P. Sinnett and received in February 1881: 

P.S. — The "friend" of whom the Lord Lindsay speaks in his letter to you, is, I am sorry to say, a true skunk mephitis, who managed to perfume himself with ess-bouquet in his presence during their palmy days of friendship, and so avoided being recognized by his natural stench.  It is Home — the medium, a convert to Roman Catholicism, then to Protestantism, and finally to the Greek Church.  He is the bitterest and most cruel enemy O. and Mad. B. have, though he has never met either of them.  For a certain time he succeeded in poisoning the Lord's mind, and prejudiced him against them.  I do not like saying anything behind a man's back, for it looks like back-biting.  Yet in view of some future events I feel it my duty to warn you, for this one is an exceptionally bad man — hated by the Spiritualists and mediums as much as he is despised by those — who have learned to know him.  Yours is a work which clashes directly with his.  Though a poor sickly cripple, a paralysed wretch, his mental faculties are as fresh and as alive as ever to mischief.  He is no man to stop before a slanderous accusation — however vile and lying.  So — beware

K. H. 


HPB described the reasons D. D. Home had fallen out of favor with her in an 1876 letter to the Spiritual Scientist (Boston, Vol. IV, March 23, 1876, pp. 32-34) regarding an impending crisis for the modern movement known as Spiritualism.  This predicament suggests the moral relativity of a person making judgments about someone else or something else, based merely upon a particular selection of reported details becoming known.  HPB considered her personal 'Master' among Masters to be Morya, who signed his letters with the initial 'M.'  She wrote about him: "I always recognize and know the Master, and often talk to him without seeing him.  How is it that he hears me from everywhere, and that I also hear his voice across seas and oceans twenty times a day?  I do not know, but it is so.  Whether it is he personally that enters me I really cannot say with confidence: if it is not he, it is his power, his influence.  Through him alone I am strong; without him I am a mere nothing."  Other blog articles report about other paranormal case chronologies involving letters.

In Letter No. IX by 'K.H.,' there is mentioned the "apparently contradictory phases" of "the manifestations of occult philosophy."  In the same letter is written


Alone the adepts, i.e., the embodied spirits—are forbidden by our wise and intransgressible laws to completely subject to themselves another and a weaker will,—that of free born man.  The latter mode of proceeding is the favourite one resorted to by the "Brothers of the Shadow," the Sorcerers, the Elementary Spooks, and, as an isolated exception—by the highest Planetary Spirits, those, who can no longer err.

Compare the above excerpt with Saint Germain's Discourse that had been channeled on September 3, 1938.  Readers who can recognize superstition, misinformation and disinformation about metaphysical, spiritual and cosmological aspects of life will know that distortions such as these are aspects of the "diabolical action" that has created among countless people an erroneous perspective of transcendental communication and other life experience interactions commonly known categorically as 'paranormal.'  Authentic phenomena related to Spiritualism are profiled in many articles at this blog.  (Spiritualism articles) 
Secretly there has been spread in your vicinity an activity which pretends to be the Real Activity of myself.  That is not true.  I have never had anything to do with this activity.  The black magician who has his claws upon it is representing himself to be Me.  Now, if the people want to believe him instead of My Words, they are quite free to do so; but I assure you, when that black magician, if he is not caught before, sees his failure which is before him now tonight, he will turn upon his victims; and God help those who are caught within his claws.

There have been various individuals, some of whom I dismissed from this activity for good reasons; some who have been their sympathizers; and some from other groups of people who have gone into that activity thinking to destroy My Work.  Well, remember! destruction always returns upon its creator sometime, somewhere.
Beloved ones, when Kuthumi and Morya brought the knowledge of the Masters to mankind and the western world, Their first attempt was through Theosophy.  They brought it forth and the present activity of spiritualism took it up and distorted it.  Then, the black magicians seized upon spiritualism and concocted all kinds of materializing seances, trumpet seances, and every conceivable scheme to get the people into darkness.  Well they did not get very far.
Now watch out, friends of America, the claws of the black magicians are out and whatever tries to pull you into darkness, you know it is destructive; and you had better be careful.  When you listen to a voice outside of your own  "Mighty I AM Presence," make the individual appear before you.  You remember in the oracles of Egypt, when they began to speak from hidden sources the destruction of Egypt came.  Once there were Real Oracles!  Then the destructive forces seized upon the idea and placed human beings to speak within those oracles and the downfall came.

Do you know that I have tried to bring this Ascended Master Instruction of the "Mighty I AM Presence" forth for six hundred years?  When I thought I had Napoleon to the point where he would give obedience he failed Me; yet had he obeyed Me it would have saved all the wreckage of Europe since.  He was, in the beginning, as obedient as you or the Messengers; but in an unguarded moment, through a condition which I do not care to mention, he opened himself to those destructive forces; and I could not get him to listen afterwards.  I went to his apartments in Paris as a last effort, and placed a screen across the room.  I walked in behind it one form and came out another to prove to him the Power of Life; and still he would not believe, after he had evidence untold!

Considering contemporary society, people are being left without awareness of each person's 'I AM Presence' due to a myriad distractions encompassing career, the traditional commercially cultivated pastimes of entertainment, and whatever activities there may be that prevent an individual from the self-development of gaining metaphysical enlightenment/expansion of consciousness 'black magic' and 'black magicians' remain an apt metaphor for all detrimental distortions and diversions preventing one from gaining essential enlightenment about the interrelationship with 'The God Force.'
Below are shown some recent MSN News headlines that provide examples of distractions posed by the commercial popular culture.

I've witnessed throughout the years of presenting articles at this blog how online search engine results have evolved to favor commercial and disinformation/misinformation perspectives of the subjects presented throughout the nearly 700 metaphysical articles published at this noncommercial website.  To see for yourself, select any of the article headline topics at this blog and conduct an online search.  (Articles Index of Subjects and Titles with Links) 

Another 'channeled entity' who has referred to himself as an 'ascended master' is 'Ramtha' speaking through the body of JZ Knight, whom afterward has no memory of these interims.  A previous article quotes a 'Ramtha' discourse transcript in comparison with one of 'Yada' speaking through 'trance medium' Mark Probert
Ramtha has said he lived 35,000 years ago on the continent of Lemuria and became a conqueror during the pilgrimage into Atlantis.  Pivotal in the philosophy of 'The Ram' is that both he and every human being are "of the I Am, and that be the I Am of God the Father, as you term it, indeed!"  Yada is quoted in Yada Speaks: ". . . when I do not come out from myself, I am in a state of complete at-oneness with myself . . . I am simply aware that I am . . . The state of one-ness in which I dwell is an aspect of the Creator's nature."  (Here are links to two previous articles that one can use to compare the philosophies of Yada and Ramtha.)

'Yada' has said about himself:
"I am Yada di Shi'ite.  I lived 500,000 years ago in the Himalayan mountains in a civilization called Yuga, meaning vast body.  My city was Kaoti, meaning city of temples.  I was a Kata or priest of the temples until I became a Yada or spirit light of the order of Shi'ite.  The Shi'ite order exists today.  There were 180 million in my civilization, not monkeys.  Yuga was destroyed by a terrible earthquake which killed 80 million people.  My body was crushed by a wall of the temple — squashing me like a fly.  But I took my body with me . . ."  (article)

As I've previously commented, It seems certain to me that the most complex 'total takeover' channeling case may well be that of JZ Knight and Ramtha, whose instruction has consistently included the utilization of "verbiage contradiction" and "I will manifest all your fears" philosophizing.  Concerning the 'verbiage contradictions,' one can sometimes perceive how apparently contradictory statements can both be true — based upon circumstances or due to the basis of personal beliefs.

Considering channeled perspectives, the transcendental communicator must speak carefully.  If what is said greatly opposes an individual's beliefs and spiritual understanding, than the manifesting entity could be quickly and harshly judged and lose all relevancy according to individual perception.  At the conclusion of a 2014 Interview, Ramtha commented about his philosophy: "There is an exquisite art of delivery . . . I have been most artful in my delivery."
Often in transcendental communication discourses, statements may have figurative/metaphorical meanings and in this way avoid conflicting with the incorrect or in some way distorted beliefs and convictions of those experiencing the contact; and even travesty is a type of figurative language.  The 1979 transcript anthology book of Mark Probert channeling sessions Yada Speaks includes the statement: "When I put my experiences into words, I realize that each one of you exist in different environments, reared and conditioned to think in different ways.  So it may be that I will have to think of proper words that can be understood by you, using a simple kind of terminology that everyone can understand."

'Yada' was one of a group of 16 'controls/communicators' who referred to themselves as "We of the Inner Circle" to have their oratory channeled through Mark Probert.  'The Inner Circle' is one of a variety of metaphors noticeable in channeling case chronologies that correlate with the understanding of each human being having an 'I AM Presence.' The timing of a 'message' stated during a channeling session may also influence how something is being articulated or what other phenomenal manifestations occur at that specific moment in time.
The 'channeled entity' 'Chang' through Douglas Johnson is quoted: 
"The power of the pen is great, and it is our wish in our world—those of us in our world whose work it is to try to be of service to the earth world—it is our wish and our work to try to further an understanding of our work, an understanding that it is a place which is as natural as your world, but merely it is upon a different vibration.
. . . we who have to use earthly instruments such as this one have to contend with the mind and prejudices of that instrument.
It is like pouring water into a mind . . . And if you pour water into a vessel that is shaped round, the water will be round-shaped in that vessel.  Therefore the words that we pour through human instruments are certain to take the shape of the mind of that instrument, although the essence of that message may well remain.  This is our difficulty.  Some instruments are better than others.  Psychic gifts are not necessarily spiritual.  It is a gift that is like music.  Remember this.  Not all those who are endowed with the gift of music may lead lives that are exactly spiritual in nature.  We make use of what material is available.  Therefore, place not people upon pedestals in your exploration.  Assess them and know them.  (article)

This blogger's study of the gamut of transcendental communication cases has led me to realize that commercialization of the channeling gift by a 'medium' or 'channeler' will have an impact upon how and what information is shared by that individual.  Duplicity or immoral or destructive aspects involving the personal life of a channeler or channeling chronicler will also have effects; with one example of such a predicament found with The Law of One/The Ra Material.  The resulting phraseology and/or distortions impact the relevance of the information being offered.  The extensively chronicled 'channeled entiy' known as 'Lazaris' through Jach Pursel has instructed:
. . . you are moving into a New Age — a New Spirituality — where you consciously create your own reality.  This truth is becoming more and more real.  In reaction and response to this realness, people are asking for help — spiritual help.  They are discovering and calling out to their Higher Selves.  They are reaching beyond their Higher Selves as they ask for help.  They are creating that help in the form of channeling.

Channeling runs the range, just like every other activity in life.  There are the good ones and the not-so-good ones.
On the down side, there are those who see this as a tremendous moneymaking opportunity.  Others have looked at it as a tremendous power trip, and therefore have hopped on the bandwagon quite erroneously, quite fraudulently.  Others are sincere in intention, but are not having the connection they ought to have or the clarity they ought to have, and therefore are channeling inadequately or inappropriately.  There are also those who are allowing very high energies, very powerful energies to travel through and put the information forth.

This also is a part of the pattern, for, you see, it is important that you as individuals learn discernment.  You are barraged with all kinds of channeled information, and, in that sense, you have to pick and choose.  Which works?  Which doesn't?  Which is valid?  Which is not?  Which can help?  Which does not?  Therefore, you are still responsible.  Therefore, you are still powerful.
If every shred of channeled information from every channeled source were accurate and correct, and therefore you could "just accept it because it is so," there would be no responsibility left for the human being.  That would be terribly unfair.  So therefore, the opportunity of discernment, the opportunity of choice, the opportunity of finding the answers is part of what the New Age is.
Secondly, it is part of the New Spirituality.  More and more in your world, particularly in the United States, have fulfilled their basic needs.  When you were children you were told, "If you just get the right job and the right education and the right marriage, then the world will be 'golden.'"  You listened to what you were told, and you did what you were told.  It still wasn't enough.
Your turned to your traditional sources of spirituality, which hitherto had been the Judeo-Christian ethic.  It was an answer, but not enough of an answer.  You didn't abandon it necesssarily.  You stretched beyond it.
We suggest that the New Spirituality is that search, is that seeking of God/Goddess/All That Is, a force that is more than limited religious concepts.  You are searching for and seeking a grander sense of wholeness, a grander sense of channeling, a grander activity where forces from other levels offer their input and information.  So your channeling is increasing.  (Source: Lazaris Interviews Book I [1988])

A channeling case documented with more than 3,100 books with many including channeling session transcripts is that of the late Ryuho Okawa.  A comment of mine in the article "An Interview with the 'Guardian Spirit of George Lucas'" mentions transcripts of spiritual interviews with 'the guardian spirit of Stan Lee' (birth name: Stanley Martin Lieber), who conversed during several sessions in 2018 and provided ideas and advice for screenplay elements of the movie scheduled for being produced by Ryuho, "The Laws of the Universe — The Age of Elohim."
I questioned:
Or could this communicator have been stating a plethora of travesties.  Considering Ryuho's channeling session transcripts published in recent years including the space entities oeuvre, readers might keep in mind that literality of statements may be questionable as transcendental communication can be limited by the beliefs and convictions of those experiencing the contact; and travesty is a form of figurative language.
Movies as entertainment bring the observations made in blog articles (1, 2) — Superconsciousness expressing through human creativity now manifests blatant 'mockery' or 'mocking' aspects . . . The movies are calculated for mass consumption/programming by corporate executives whose objective is financial exploitation of 'sheeple' . . . . 
One of the articles about the Mark Probert channeling case chronology that so consistently has been covered-up by the federal military bureaucracy for many decades (example of the data being concealed) includes this statement

As I've commented in other blog articles concerning legitimate 'channelers,' the perspective of entities speaking through a person should be understood as being 'more-knowing' rather than 'all-knowing.'  Each perspective of a 'channeled entity' reflects a unique chronology of experiences and may even to some extent be limited by the beliefs and spiritual perspectives of people interacting with the messages at the time the transcendental communication is given.  This is evident in the following transcript when one considers the aspects of UFOlogy expressed on this occasion by 'Professor Luntz' as such concerns as public readiness are no longer relevant at the current time.

Kevin Ryerson's 'John' is quoted in Spirit Communication: The Soul's Path (1989):
Spirit guides and teachers are not infallible in the information they give.  Advice from them should be taken as just that—advice or counseling from one who perhaps has a broader spectrum of life experience.

Individuals always have the ability of free will and can alter any predictions made for them.  We encourage you to scrutinize all information received from any channeled source to know that you make the final decisions in all of your life affairs. 

Left: A portion of the first page of Meade Layne's 1952 brochure (PDF copy) shared with U.S.A. government representatives.  Right: The Coming of The Guardians (first published in 1954 and later expanded) was compiled by scientist Meade Layne from trance mediumship session transcripts from the 'channeled entities' (or 'the controls') of 'The Inner Circle' who conversed with him through 'trance medium' Mark Probert for many years.

The blog article "Here is UFOlogy's 'Bombshell Physical Proof'" reports that in the 1954 case chronology of 'space people' contactee Truman Bethurum, Captain 'Aura Rhanes' is quoted:
We worship a Supreme Deity who sees, knows and controls all . . . We figure our lives and plan our actions far in advance, and every one of us knows how to do this . . . God has been liberal in his blessings and there is no dearth . . . Your deserts and plains could be transformed into gardens that would be like heaven.  The substance and effort and life spent each year on your wars [if used otherwise] would bring an abundance of water into your deserts, if not from your polluted rivers from the atmosphere itself, or from your distant oceans.
The 1954 contactee case study Alan's Message: To Men of Earth (1954) the disembodied voice of 'Alan' is chronicled to have told Daniel Fry: 

Mankind . . . has, from the very beginning of his development, sensed the fact that there is a supreme power and intelligence which pervades and controls all nature.  Man's attitude toward this power has varied from fear and resentment, to reverence and love . . . our ancestors were a group of survivors of the last complete collapse of civilization on this planet . . .

'Neptune' to Orfeo Angelucci is quoted in his 1955 Book The Secret of the Saucers:

Brother of Earth, each entity of your planet is divinely created and immortal.  Upon your world the mortal shadows of those entities are working out their salvation from the plane of darkness.  Every person upon Earth and its adjoining planes of manifestation are definitely arrayed upon either the positive side of progression toward good, or on the negative side of regression toward greater evil . . . We will do everything within our power for the children of Earth that they will permit us to do, through free will . . . The aggressive men of Earth want our scientific advancements.  For these they would shoot our crafts from the skies — if they could.  But additional scientific knowledge we cannot give to Earth except as we are now doing in a manner perfectly in accord and harmony with cosmic law.  Already man's material knowledge has far outstripped the growth of brotherly love and spiritual understanding in his heart.  Therein lies the present danger.  To add to the destructive phase of man's scientific knowledge is not permitted . . . Each person upon Earth has a spiritual, or unknown, self which transcends the material world and consciousness and dwells eternally out of the Time dimension in spiritual perfection within the unity of the oversoul . . . God is Love, and in these simple words may be found the secrets of all the mysteries of Earth and the worlds beyond.

Space being 'Selorik' is quoted in the 1967 book The Warminster Mystery by Arthur Shuttlewood:

I ask you to believe that we are just as you, physically.  You have exceptions to the rule in giants and pygmies, in differing colours of skin.  We have these, also.  Specific tasks are carried out for us by robots of or own creation.  These, if seen on the ground, could cause confusion in the minds of your peoples, being mistaken for grotesque denizens of other planets.  They are harmless and obey our will.
We do need your friendship, so that we can share our knowledge with your scientists and doctors.  There is so much of value we can offer, freely and willingly, to your peoples.  Please tell them, by publications in all your cantel [planet] papers and writings, that we are not to be feared.  We come in infinite love and peace.  Yet many of you are still hostile to us.  Shots from earth-guns have been fired at our spacecraft.  We are immune to such attacks, when prepared to meet them.  But some of us have been killed, needlessly.
You see, Shuttlewood, we cannot retaliate. That is against the laws of our cantel and the demands of the Only One's code.  We may lose lives while endeavouring to help your peoples, though we shall never take one in return.  That is forbidden.

While this article seems to be one of the UFOlogy subjects impossible to find by an online search — these four contactee case chronologies show how each human experiencer/author may be considered what one might describe as a potential 'initiate to Universal Source.'

When one reads the hundreds of channeled discourse transcripts collected among the 20 volumes in the Saint Germain Series, one will find some articulated declarations about the "I AM Presence" continuously repeated.  This is one of the manifold aspects of this case that reminds that the Ballards were initiated to consider themselves '
accredited messengers' of the 'Ascended Masters'; therefore, it was not a liberty to be considered by themselves that the channeled discourse transcripts should be edited or redacted.

This post first appeared on Interesting Articles, Links And Other Media, please read the originial post: here

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The Nature of 'Ascended Masters'—and 'Space People'—Revealed


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