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Evidence of the Angelic Force via Channeled Discourse Transcripts

The transcript excerpts of the 'channeled entity' featured in this blog article is a source of correlations with other 'paranormal' case chronologies and here is also an instance of 'the Michael pattern' noticeable in such cases as Joan of Arc, Nostradamus, John Dee, the Fox Sisters associated with the Spiritualism Movement, Madame Blavatsky, Edgar Cayce, Eileen Garrett, Leslie Flint, JZ Knight, Mark Probert, the 'Messages from Michael' case, contactee Arthur Shuttlewood, Nina Hagen, Martin Luther King, etc.  The Archangel Michael is the archetype for an angelic Force interacting with mankind throughout the ages.  These passages are from Beloved Archangel Michael Speaks on the Angelic Host (2001), Volume 16 of the 20-volume Saint Germaine Series.
The channeling case chronology of Guy Warren Ballard (1878-1939) and his wife Edna (1886-1971) is also the subject of the preceding article.  The discourses dictated from 'ascended masters' to the Ballards show a complex stylized rhetoric that inspired 'the I Am activity' and movement that commenced during the 1930s.  As with every 'channeling' case chronology, placing in perspective what is spoken—words, sentences, discourses, 'automatic writing,' and so on—and determining whether something is figurative or not is subject to individual discernment.
An introductory note in the book reports that the Dictations comprising the book "were recorded during Saint Germain Foundation Classes led by beloved Lotus [Lotus Ray King is the honorary pen name for Edna Ballard] in various cities of the United States of America between the years 1950 and 1970."  The current Brittanica online entry for 'the I AM movement' reports —
Ballard claimed that in 1930 during a visit to Mount Shasta (a dormant volcano in northern California), he was contacted by St. Germain, one of the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood.  Many occultists believe that this order of spiritual beings guides the overall destiny of humankind and speaks through human messengers.  The first modern contact with the Masters was allegedly made in the 19th century by Madame Helena Blavatsky (1831–91), one of the founders of the Theosophical Society.

The Masters' discourses emphasized ways for individuals to become aware of their "I AM," or "God Presence," which flows from God, the mighty Creative Fire at the centre of the universe. Ultimately, each person hopes to ascend into the divine realms, as the Ballards are believed to have done at the end of their lives. The reciting of decrees—invocations of the divine that call for the manifestation in the visible world of a desired condition or the removal of an undesirable one—is the primary devotional activity of members of the movement. Listening to the messages recorded by the Ballards is the central activity of I AM gatherings.

photo from The History of the "I Am" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation (2003): "The Ballards visit the Mount Vernon Exhibition, 1938"

The Ballards' previous incarnations had been revealed to include George Washington for Guy and Joan of Arc for Edna.  Because of Guy's physical resemblance to the first American President, the couple chosen to carry out Saint Germain's mission were confronted with considering of this information was literal, metaphorical or both.  The book presents a portion of the very first Dictation by 'Beloved Angel Michael' in Philadelphia 1938:
I have not ministered to Earth since My Ministry in France.  I ministered then to the same individual who, this night, I begin to minister through in America, our Beloved Joan of Arc. . . . I feel that it is My Duty to do what I can to assist the Earth and the people of America who have turned to the Light to stand firm and unyielding, and by that Power, which I shall give them in moving among them, they shall wield the Sword of Blue Flame in their physical hands. . . . That Blessed One who was once burned at the stake, will not be this time!
This blogger published the article "UFOlogy and Seance Phenomena Correlations - Testimonials Mentioning Blue Light or Blue" two years ago and there were have been three corollary articles (1, 2, 3, 4) with correlations noticeable in other blog posts.  (including 1, 2, 3)  The book also features a channeled discourse excerpt of 'Beloved Mighty Victory' given on June 25, 1969 in Chicago, as follows.
Everywhere you draw forth the Fiery Christ Blue Lightning Victory of the Sacred Fire Love of the Angelic Host, you can have that drawn forth in and around you as a permanent Focus of the Sacred Fire in your own atmosphere, and as this is increased through habit, and you gain a momentum, the Light becomes brighter, the Sacred Fire's Concentration of Invincible Victory becomes a greater pressure around you to repel destructive forces. And as time goes on, It becomes the Illumination in the atmosphere about you by which you can see into the Ascended Masters' Octave, and It also can become the Illumination of the pathway ahead of you. . . .

We could come between any two seconds and  manifest anything in the atmosphere of Earth, but if mankind is so concerned with its own everyday activities that it just ignores Us, and just thinks no more about this than a passing cloud — well, We are not coming to be ignored I'll guarantee you that.  But, when We come, We come to stay. . . .

Before you get used to Us—as continuous appearance with you—you must get used to the Angelic Host first. . . . When you establish the habit of accepting the Angelic Host, calling Them to your assistance, then accepting It—and when you have a manifestation, thanking Them, and realizing that They are Real and that Their Love does produce Perfection for you, and that that Love does make you Victorious over destructive forces—when this realization gets deep enough within you, and you have momentum of It around you, It's only a breath until We can step through in any outer world crisis and protect you and produce Miracles or control conditions that mankind cannot control.  That includes the Powers of Nature and Forces of the Elements of which you are a part.
The following passage is from a Dictation given on November 24, 1957 in Santa Fe by 'Beloved Archangel Michael.'

Now the Angels—all Ascended Masters are Angels, but all Angels are not Ascended Masters, because there are untold Legions of Angels who have never embodied on any world, in any kind of substance except the Substance from the Great Central Sun.  They do have Visible, Tangible Bodies and Substance in which They function, but They have never been through the experience Life of the mankind of this world or any other planet.  They are Beings wholly Divine, knowing only the use of the Sacred Fire Love to produce manifestations, and to guard manifestation wherever They are called forth to assist Life anywhere.  Therefore, since those Legions come under My Direction, and since mankind needs the Sacred Fire of Their Love, the more you can give Them conscious recognition, the more you can call to Them, the more you ask for Their Sacred Fire Love to come into this world, well, the greater will the Purity manifest, the greater will the Assistance come to all that is seeking the Light. . . . I hope you will give more recognition to the Angelic Host.  Call Them into action to guard all that is near and dear to you, and in guarding, Their Sacred Fire dissolves and consumes what's wrong, protects and strengthens what is right. . . . You have no idea of the Power that the Legions of the Angelic Host can focus in one flash through a city, or through the minds and feelings of a whole group of people, or through the atmosphere of Earth to, in an instant, prevent destruction.  I want you to think on this — become aware of It.  I want you to see It.  If you ask for It to be revealed, so shall It be established unto you.  If you care to have this Power of the Angelic Host's Sacred Fire Love revealed to you, and revealed to all mankind, and you demand It, It will have to manifest, for "I AM" the Authority for that Manifestation in this world, and I offer you this Explanation, that you make the Call!
It is noted that "Beloved Archangel Michael dictated approximately 126 Dictations through Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ballard between the years 1938 and 1970."  There are 18 entire discourses presented in the book.  Some representative excerpts are featured in this article hereafter.  In 2020 the FBI released records concerning the public response and resulting federal involvement with the I AM activity/movement.  (1, 2)  This predicament shows how people ignorant about transcendental communication chronologies have reacted in ways expressing the social consciousness familiar to them on the basis of their spiritual beliefs being called into question.  An information source such as this Metaphysical Articles blog wasn't readily available during the lifetimes of the Ballards when the Internet had not yet been developed


'Beloved Archangel Michael' Discourse Treanscript Excerpts (through Mrs. Ballard)

As we move forward in the greater understanding of the immense Service—the Immortal Service which the Great Angelic Host render to the people of Earth—We will call forth the Eternal Divine Memory in each Life Stream of that absolute acceptance of the Reality of the Angelic Host, because all mankind centuries ago knew, accepted, and conversed with the Angelic Host.  But as the discord grew greater, the Angelic Host, being Holy, Pure Beings of Love, had to recede until the Cycle in which the Violet Consuming Flame could be given, by which certain Purification could take place that would again make it possible for the Angelic Host to come closer into mankind's outer daily activities.

I want you to begin to realize that this Immortal Flame of Cosmic Love of which I speak is the Great Wealth of all Creation.  There is the Source of Wealth.  There is the Source of Immortal Power.  There is the Victory of the "Mighty I AM Presence Supreme," because without that Flame of Love from the Angelic Host that guards all that is constructive on this planet, you would not even have a world.

Therefore you do need this Flame of Love.  And since the world is taking its Initiation in Love—I mean the Great Immortal Purity and Peace of Cosmic Christ Love from the Great Central Sun—then what you're going to require in the future is the Conscious Concentration of this Flame of Our Love which the Angelic Host alone bring forth.

People need Love, not the things of this world.  Isn't the world full of things?  Aren't your own worlds full of things?  And still you're not free from your problems; you're not free from your limitations; you're not free from the desires that keep you constantly under tension.  You're not free from your problems or limitations; and there's only one Freeing Power in all the Universe, and that is the Sacred Fire of Immortal Love from the Great "Mighty I AM Presence" in the Great Central Sun.

You may rage and rebel; you may weep; you may plead; you may become depressed or become angry and defiant all you want to, but so long as you exist in this Universe you will be under the Law of this Demand from the Great Central Sun — that Perfection come forth from Its Love.

People can struggle; people can work; people can dominate.  But one day every ounce of energy has to be purified, requalified with that Immortal Love until It becomes a Living Flame or Sun of the Presence of Eternal Perfection, ever expanding Its Happiness and Blessing to all.  I could talk to you for a thousand years, and every time I will ever talk to you I will tell you this again.

The Great Beings of the Angelic Host who come under My Direction have, century upon century, poured Their Flame of Love into the holocaust of hate; and Their Love is that which today holds the Earth in its orbit.

Precious Ones, if responsibility seems to weigh heavily upon you, please conquer that feeling.  Your Light couldn't expand if you don't take responsibility.  There is no other way to enable the Light within to ever grow brighter except as you draw It forth in use.  And if you don't have responsibility, you won't use It.  The outer self is just built that way.  It will not let that Light expand unless it carries responsibility.  So if you are carrying responsibility, it's a consolation to know that while you are carrying it, it forces you to draw forth from your "Mighty I AM Presence" and the Ascended Host these greater Powers of Life which enable your Light to become so bright that one day It bursts into the Eternal Flame and takes you into the Ascension.

There has been a vague acceptance in the mass of mankind of a Guardian Angel, which many times individuals have seen in time of crisis.  But they forget the Service that the Angelic Host are rendering all the time.  Wherever the Ascended Masters are giving Assistance, you can be as certain as you live that there is an Angel—one or more—in attendance while the Master is giving that Help.

Now since Limitless Legions of the Angelic Host come under My Direction, whenever an accomplishment is desired to be brought forth in the physical world to render greater Service in fulfilling the Divine Plan, there is always established the Guardianship of the Angelic Host and the Sacred Fire of Their Love — to hold Protection until the accomplishment is completed, and then still further, to protect if that Blessing is to be maintained through long periods of time.

I am bringing this Knowledge to you tonight because your city here, since it is called the "City of the Angels," I assure you, it is not by accident.  This was long ago a Focus for the Angelic Host in Their Service of the centuries past.  During the time of Atlantis there was a Temple to the Angels located on the ground that is now your city of Los Angeles, and it seems to Me the mass of the people ought to know something more about the Angels.  It would enable them to behave more like Angels too!  The more you associate with the Angelic Host, the more you love Them and want to become like Them; and the more you love Them, the more They can do for you.  The more you keep your attention upon Them, the more you would draw Their Perfection into the physical world.

If I were you, I would be wholly indifferent as to anyone's belief or acceptance of these Great Beings of Life's Perfection.  Live your own Life!  Go your own way!  Stay on the Pathway that leads to greater Happiness; and the Angelic Host will ever attend you until your Happiness becomes Infinite, Invincible, and Eternal.  And you then, in turn, will—looking back to mankind—seek also to awaken them until they, too, enter the Realm of Eternal Perfection.

May I invite you to listen sometime to the Music of the Angelic Host!  And if your Higher Mental Body opens your hearing, and you listen once, you will understand something of what I mean; for one day that Music must take the place of the human chaos and discord that mankind listens to in this world.  So as you experience the Happiness of this Greater Perfection, the Transmutation will go on, and the Sacred Fire ever expand until the human desires that have bound mankind to darkness will have been dissolved; and the Light of Eternity takes its place and reveals the Perfection that ever expands Its Blessings to Life, that It may glorify the Source from whence all proceed.

The masses of the people are confused.  They've been so betrayed, they do not know who to trust.  So if you will call forth the Sacred Fire of Cosmic Illumination to protect them so they know clearly the right thing to do, and then the Sacred Fire gives them the Strength to do it, you help to settle the chaos.  You give Protection to those who are standing for that which is right, and you weaken the plans of that which is wrong.

And now, since there are great Groups of the Angelic Host directed by Cosmic Beings abiding above every nation in the world, seeking always to bring forth Perfection wherever possible, mankind needs to understand the constant effort Life makes to bring Help that raises all Life out of mankind's frightful, human creation.  So Blessed Ones, We are very grateful for the recognition you give Us.  And while all mankind has within it, existing within Life naturally, some awareness of the Angelic Host, yet individuals are not taught to call to the Angelic Host, by which close association can take place in the daily Life of the people everywhere.

So Blessed Ones, if you will use the Sacred Fire of Our Love—to send It forth into the shadows of the rest of the world, the sunshine may break in many places that will surprise all.  And We are hoping to bring that as powerfully and as quickly as possible.  And We can only bring It through those who want It, through those who call for It, through those who will use It.  So We will come and knock at your door rather frequently in the immediate future, for We are needed very greatly in the outer world tonight.

Now another most important reason for My Coming and concentrating on this in this Class is because there is such a rapidly increasing activity of mankind's energy—through the atmosphere of Earth—that you're going to have to have certain concentration of the Guarding Flame from the Angelic Host in order to hold certain Order and Balance and Control of the atmosphere over your Land, or over any nation in the world.  Since mankind has invented the airplane and the atomic bombs and that sort of thing, individuals are filling the atmosphere with more and more destructive rates of vibration.

Many of these return upon those who sent them out, and they are paying the price right along.  And anyone who comes into a stream of that destructively qualified energy is subject to it—unless individuals know this Law and consciously command the Protection that is required to avoid disaster.  And that is one reason that it is so important for all of you to be aware of a Sun Presence of the Guarding Flame of the Angelic Host about you that forever holds Protection against anything and everything that is destructive.

And if individuals were a thousandth part as much concerned about receiving the Angelic Host and letting Their Blessings fill the physical world as individuals today are concerned with the radio and the TV, you'd have a World of Masters instead of a world of trouble.

Just notice how many hours of a day the humanity of this world keep their attention on the things that enslave and destroy them and desecrate the Blessings they desire.  Now you must have some kind of an idea how much mankind's attention needs to be called to the Angelic Host.  Just imagine what would be your experience if you contemplated the Angelic Host for one whole hour.  What do you think We could do for you?  Most of the time, mankind only thinks of Us when individuals are in trouble; and then We're immediately forgotten as soon as the pathway is easy again.

To some degree there has been a general acceptance, at least a partial acceptance, of the Angelic Host as the Guardian Angel.  Now many times the Protection individuals have had has been the direct Presence and Help of the Higher Mental Body.  But there are those Legions of the Angelic Host whose special Service of Love is to guard all that is constructive for individuals wherever the way is kept open.  So since We want to bring about the greater Illumination for the incoming Healing Powers that must come to help individuals to greater Freedom, this recognition must come — because the Enfolding Presence of the Sacred Fire's Purifying Love from the Angelic Host enfolds every sincere doctor and nurse and individual who is concerned with giving mankind help.

So Blessed Ones, in all the marvelous blessings and advance of modern civilization, the outer, mechanical activity has become so rapid that it is swallowing mankind's attention until it is keeping out of balance the activities of the individual.  And We must correct that.  The Great Cosmic Law does not permit the individual's growth to be interfered with by the mass production of anything.  The individual has a right to grow!  The individual has a right to expand the Light within each Life Stream, and not all the political accumulation on the Earth can take the Cosmic Law out of existence.  Mankind but create more confusion, and then being bound by that, must have Our Assistance to be free to try again.

Blessed Ones, the Door stands wide open before you.  The Hands of the Angelic Host are stretched to offer you Their Blessings, and to guide you forward into the most wondrous experiences you've ever known; and there lies only Happiness and Freedom ahead if you will do this with Us from tonight.  And I am sure your own experiences, as you just try this out a little bit, will thrill you with such Joy that it will hold your attention — will set the habit; and you will go forward to the Victorious Accomplishment you have always desired.  And ahead of you lies only the Sunshine Presence of Our World, Our Happiness — Our Mastery of Life.

And it all depends on the Power Flame of the Love from the Heart of Creation, and the use of that Sacred Fire Love in physical conditions; for It purifies all and frees all and gives all for Eternity.  May We abide with you; and wherever you go, be aware of Our Presence, that you and We may rescue weary mankind from the slaughter and the filth and the destruction intended.  This is what We want to avoid.  And with your Love to Us and Our Love to you, you call this Power into action — and We will accomplish the Victory.

You have had instances through the centuries of nations and groups of individuals deadlocked in their own ideas, unable to agree with each other, and constantly creating more and more problems.  And yet do you know, even some of your world conferences in which there seems to be no agreement—that lasts any length of time—I could walk simply through the atmosphere of the city and make it impossible for the evil in those conferences to function.  Now that's the Power We are ready to give!  That Power is in the Universe.  It's part of Life.  Life is One; Energy is One; Consciousness is One; Substance is One; Space is One.  And since We are the Authority of Perfection, and more than that, We are the Manifestation of Protection, if you want Perfection manifest in this world, It's going to have to come by the Assistance of the Angelic Host.

The outer world is so prone to think everything in the physical world is more important than the Inner World that is greater than the physical.  Physical things are only as important as they reveal the Perfection, Authority, and Reality of the "Beloved I AM Presence," the Great Angelic Host, and the Great Cosmic Beings and Cosmic Plan of Creation.  But you who are aware of Our Presence, you can call into yourselves and into your Nation that which We alone can do for your Nation, because We can do for your Nation what all of mankind put together cannot do.

One more thing: Demand that every human being on this Earth be compelled to be made aware of the Reality of the Angelic Host and forced to see an Angel of the Sacred Fire stand in Eternal Authority and Control, and behold the Mastery of the Angelic Host's Sacred Fire over the evil everywhere that has enslaved the people of Earth.  And you will find the Manifestations and the Miracles of Our Presence a very practical help in time of trouble!  Give Us this opportunity, and come forward with Us; and you shall have all the Manifestations you desire — of the Proof of Our Presence, the Reality of Our Power, and the Victory which We command made manifest to bless you, and through you become Eternal to the Earth.

Now in times of great disaster, epidemics, plagues, distress of various kinds, where the Call to God has gone forth for relief from the condition, the Beings of the Sacred Fire who came have been the Angelic Host.  The Angelic Host are the ones who draw the Sacred Love of the Sacred Fire's Immortal Purity—and an Individual Focus of that Sacred Fire—into certain conditions to consume what is wrong, to strengthen and protect everything that is constructive, and to be the Illumining Consciousness to unascended beings to show the intellect the right thing to do.

And very often when people have received great Illumination and Understanding that was the Truth, it is because one of the Angelic Host, or sometimes more, has drawn around the individual the Heart Flame of Sacred Fire Love that has shut off all vibratory action for the time being, until the True Concepts of the Ascended Masters' Consciousness could fill the intellect, and pour the Purifying Love into the energy of the emotional body—the feeling world—until the individual's concept was clarified; and the individual received the full Idea of Perfection, and the Love to make It manifest in the physical octave.

You've asked for things.  You've asked for Help; but how often have you called to your "Beloved I AM Presence" and the Ascended Host to call for whatever fulfills your Call to make it eternally the prevention of all wrong, eternally free from all wrong?  If mankind had done this, the constructive things that have been built in this world would not have been dissolved by the destructive forces.

Therefore the sinister force cannot use the Sacred Love of the Sacred Fire.  The sinister force cannot interfere with any Service the Angelic Host choose to give.  The sinister force cannot prevent the Almighty Authority of Sacred Fire Love and Purity for the Purification of this Earth from coming to this world and fulfilling the Divine Plan.  So don't give the sinister force any more power!

Not all the atheists in existence can any longer oppose the Onrushing Fulfillment of the Divine Plan — the Eternal Fiat of the Cosmic Law that mankind shall awaken from the sleep of the senses, from the denial of the Great Perfection of Life, and be compelled to be purified and give obedience, and then be compelled to make restitution to the Life that it has defied.  Don't think for one minute the sinister force, or the benighted human beings who are the slaves to its lies and its destruction, are masters of either the planet nor infinite space around the planet.  They're not masters of the Ascended Host!

If you wish to acknowledge Our Presence, if you wish to accept the Love and the Help We give, if you wish to have your world filled with Our Miracles, then say so!  Were you to ask that everything in your being and world be kept forever filled full to overflowing with the Invincible Miracles and Manifestations of the Angelic Host's Control of physical conditions—and the Sacred Fire's Love that is the Fulfillment of the Divine Plan—you will have It manifest!

Mankind is coming to the hour of complete awareness of the Reality of the Ascended Masters, the Cosmic Beings and the Angelic Host; and this is part of the way We open the Door!

So to those who will accept Us, and will accept the use of this, I assure you, your Blessings will be without limit for Eternity.  They will forever set you Free, and They will clothe you with the Power to set others Free.  So it is well worth every effort that you make to come into the use of every Activity of the Sacred Fire that sets your Nation Free.

The masses of the people are asleep as to why they are here, and what is the responsibility that they must carry and face.  I am privileged to direct Limitless Legions of the Angels of the Sacred Fire's Cosmic Illumination and Fiery Christ Truth that, I can assure you, will teach anybody and anything the Ascended Masters' Truth of Eternity by experience that none can avoid.  This is why there are actions and reactions of energy, consciousness, and substance that mankind handles all the time.

Therefore, if you care to call forth the Love which the Sacred Fire Angels can give—to bring Cosmic Illumination to your outer intellectual consciousness of what the Angels do to help mankind—you not only will understand what They do; but you will cooperate with Them so They may render greater Service to you, and clothe you in some of Their Power of Sacred Fire Love that enables you to do what the rest of mankind cannot do.

Now when you call to your "Beloved I AM Presence" or the Ascended Masters or the Cosmic Beings or the Great Cosmic Law — as you refer to the Great Central Sun to give you Help, or correct conditions down here, or help you create something constructive, there's a Way and Means by which Life accomplishes that.  These Beings are in the Universe because They are the Way and Means provided by the Great Cosmic Law of Life in the Great Central Sun, by which Manifestation comes into existence, is sustained, fulfills Its Divine Plan, and forever expands.

Therefore whatever is wrong in the outer world can be changed, can be consumed, can be stopped — if enough of mankind will awaken to the Truth of this Law, and call It into action to do what the physical body of unascended beings cannot do.  That's why the Call is imperative; and that's why mankind has been told since the first embodiments on this planet — in every civilization mankind has been reminded again and again and again, "Call unto Me and I will answer Thee.  Ask and ye shall receive.  Seek and ye shall find.  Knock and It shall be opened unto you."

Your Higher Mental Body is a Guardian Angel too.  It has guarded you more times than you will ever know until you're Ascended.  But now it becomes your obligation to help guard this Nation — to keep the world from being desecrated completely.  So I am here to bring all the Love from the Heart of Creation that unascended mankind will call into the lower physical atmosphere of Earth, to be the Protecting Presence of everything that is constructive.

From tonight, I hope you will love to call to your "Mighty I AM Presence" and the Ascended Host for whatever Angels of Love from the Great Central Sun We know blaze the Sacred Fire that makes you master over the hatred of this world, makes you master over every condition of poverty and limitation, makes you master over the hatred of other people.  Whether it be criticism, condemnation and blame, or whether it be war or disease or whatever it is, It will make you master over mankind's human creation.  And I can give no more than the Love from the Heart of Creation which has created the Manifestations of infinite space, keeps Them sustained in Cosmic Action and Divine Order, and is giving of Itself to ever expand greater and greater Happiness to Life.  And you are part of that. We want you to be!  Thank you so much.

You are part of that Divine Love from the Great Central Sun, the Master Power Flame from the Heart of Creation that is the Sacred Fire that controls everything in existence, and only creates Perfection that blesses all, and raises all into ever greater and greater Happiness and Perfection.  Therefore your survival depends on this.  Your Protection depends on It.  Your Supply depends on It.  Your Ascension depends on It.

So from tonight, I trust We may have your continuous Calls for all the Sacred Fire Legions of the Great Central Sun, to blaze whatever Sacred Fire We know moves into outer physical conditions that which corrects all mistakes, consumes what's wrong, protects what is right, allows the Divine Plan to be revealed; and mankind be held obedient until the complete consuming of the sinister force can take place by the Great Command of the Cosmic Beings who are the Authority, and who issue the Command at the moment the Cosmic Law permits the Final Removal from the Earth of all mankind's filth and human creation.
This must come!  And if enough people would call for this Sacred Fire Love from the Great Central Sun into every condition in this world that is wrong, with the Conscious Command for the Divine Judgment to strike that compels all wrong to be consumed; as soon as you want the Great Central Sun's Sacred Fire Love enough to free everything in this world forever from human distress, then the Cosmic Law—and I am speaking of the Great Cosmic Beings who direct this whole System of Worlds—can issue the Fiat and release the Fiery Christ Blue Lightning Purity that moves into physical conditions that which consumes all evil before it can any longer desecrate life.

So We enfold you in Our Hearts' Flame and Sun Presence, Our Armor of Protection of that Sacred Fire Love from the Great Central Sun.  And the Limitless Legions of the Angelic Host who direct that, and draw It into physical conditions in this world, can be your daily Associates.  We ask you to accept this, make the Call, and provide the conditions by which We can clothe you in Power of the Sacred Fire that will help more quickly to purify your Nation, and move into outer physical conditions that which removes war from the Earth as quickly as possible.

To this end do We offer you everything of Our Love from the Great Central Sun.  And Our Limitless Legions of the Sacred Fire Angels of Invincible Mastery over all in this world, We ask to come and enfold you, be with you; and blaze through you whatever Sacred Fire Love will help to set your fellowman free, and in that, automatically assure you of your own Ascension.

The symbolic word and name Bell is another source of correlations among 'paranormal' case chronologies.
(including 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)


This post first appeared on Interesting Articles, Links And Other Media, please read the originial post: here

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Evidence of the Angelic Force via Channeled Discourse Transcripts


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