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Channeling, Personal Growth and The New Age

Jach Pursel is the channeler of 'Lazaris' (incl. 1, 2), an entity who has described themselves as being "aware of our existence on multiple levels of awareness" without ever having lived a personal physical lifetime on the earthly plane of existence.  Lazaris has used the expression about being "energy that creates thought" and offered the perspective of 'God' as "a whole that's much greater than the sum of its parts" with the combined terms "God/Goddess/All That Is."  Jach
During one channeling session, Lazaris warned that some 'channeled entities' could be "unevolved, if well-intentioned." 
Some lower Astral entities are tricksters.  They come through initially offering some marvelously wonderful insight, and you're hooked.  Then they start screwing your life up, messing your life up, leading you into a total shambles.  Some may be telling the truth as they see it, but it's from a limited scope.  They—the entities—need to grow more as consciousness.
In the same chapter, Lazaris is quoted as having mentioned:
There is a relationship that we encourage people to have with a sense of God/Goddess/All That Is that is very personal.  It is not with the totality of God/Goddess/All That Is, but with an aspect of that Source with whom you can interact personally and privately.
We encourage you to turn inward, to go into meditation, to talk to your counselors, to talk to your Inner Child.  Talk to these parts of yourself.  Ask them questions.  Get their input.  Get information.  This is channeling.  It's internalized, most definitely.
Some people find that they can externalize this channeling process.  Within all the creative arts there are those who, while caught in the wonder and the flow of the process of creating, feel like they are channeling.  Outside the creative arts, you may have found yourself thinking or talking spontaneously only to discover beautiful new information that makes you wonder, "Where did that come from?"
One personal perspective of mine about channelers and channeled entities that evolved after extensive researching of many channeling case chronologies is that commercialization can influence what is articulated through a channeler.  The transcripts in the book were contributed by various audience members to Jach/'Lazaris' channeling sessions.  Contributors for these pages in the book are identified as Lee Perry of Van Nuys, CA; Brian Enright and Lisa Michelle Guest of Los Angeles; Mary Pratt and Jack Clark of Atlanta; Betty Finas of Salt Lake City; and Penny Price of Pacific Palisades, CA.  Other channelers who are contemporaries of Jach Pursel include Ray Brown (born in 1946), JZ Knight (born in 1946), Kevin Ryerson (born in 1951) and Paul Selig (born in 1961).

This example video of Jach Pursel channeling 'Lazaris' shows the entity's vocal emotionality. 


Channeling & Personal Growrh

Q: In an overall sense, could you tell me what role you see being played by channeling in regard to spiritual evolution on Earth?

Lazaris: It's a multiple role.  Part of the message of channeling is a message of discernment, clearly so.  You know, for example, in your practices and the study of meditation, there are all kinds of meditative procedures out there, all kinds of people teaching meditation.  Some of them are very good.  Some of them . . . ah, well, a little nebulous at best . . . and some, quite frankly, aren't doing a very good job at all.

You know that meditation isn't just meditation.  You hear: "Meditation is meditation is meditation — it doesn't matter."  Yes, it does matter!  There are ways, appropriate ways, and no-so appropriate ways.

Channeling has gone through the same sort of thing.  At one time people felt that a channeled entity was just a channeled entity was just a channeled entity.  It didn't matter.  "They must be telling the truth because . . ."  There is no way you can say that just because it's channeled it's true and that you don't have to question it, that you don't have to wonder about it, that you don't have to apply it, that you don't have to make your own decisions.

Many people wanted that.  They wanted channeling to be the panacea.  "Here's some entity from other levels who's going to give me all the answers and is going to make my life work.  All I have to do is to listen to everything that they say and just have faith in it."

People have been hurt rather sadly and have been misled and mistaught.  Entities on other levels have to be taken as you take people.  You first have to learn, and you need to discern, and you need to decide whether it works for you.  Part of the message of channeling is to discern.

Additionally, the role of channeling is a teaching role, but it is not something that is the final answer.  It provides an opportunity of growth.  It provides an opportunity.

We'll be the first to say, for example, that we are not for everybody.  There are some people who will not allow themselves to benefit from what we have to say.  There are too many obstacles and beliefs that would get in their way.  The very fact of our existence might get in the way.  It's just too difficult for some people.

Others might project father
— they might want to make us into a father, or make us into some sort of guru, or master, or some sort of god that knows every answer, and they might want to hang on our every word.  No.  We maybe can't be of benefit to those people, either.

Channeling is a tool, an avenue, and for many it will be a tremendously valuable tool that will allow them catapulting levels of growth, sensationally, wonderfully.  For others it will not be the avenue at all, and therefore we say, "If it is for you, get involved.  If it's not, then don't and don't feel you should just because your friends are.  If this kind of teaching works for you, it works; if it doesn't, it doesn't."

Thirdly, it's a time that people are wanting to grow, and they're opening themselves up and inviting more and more opportunity.  Those entities who are honestly channeling valuable information and are not necessarily the "answer," as we say.  They offer an accelerated opportunity of growth.  They are one of many opportunities.  The channeling phenomenon has a message: "Your world is ready to grow, to change
— very rapidly, very powerfully, very beautifully."

The channeling process, which has been going on for thousands upon thousands of years without much publicity, is now again being used, and it provides an opportunity for people to augment their growth because you, as a civilization, are ready to grow.  You are seeking answers that traditional spiritual avenues are simply not providing — and therefore you are seeking new, different, and innovative answers to the questions that you have been asking for so very long.

You're ready to grow.  You're wanting to grow.  And you're ready to open up to as many different avenues as possible.

Q:Why is it that someone who's never been physical would have a better knowledge of the physical plane than someone here?

LAZARIS: Just because someone is coming from a level that is not physical, for whatever reason
— because they've passed beyond that physical plane or they've never been there — just because they're talking to you does not necessarily mean that they have anything of value to say.  That is very true.

As an analogy: It all depends upon where you stand on the hill.  And therefore, those that are standing fairly low on the hill, in the valley, for example, can perhaps tell the truth of what they sense, but their view is limited, their scope is limited.  The further they move up the hill, the grander a view they have.  When you reach high up on the hill, then you have great vistas of information, great vistas of understanding.  Just as with human beings, where there is a variance in the degree of one's knowledge, so with entities there's such a variance, absolutely.

Why is our insight perhaps more helpful?  Well, in our own experience, we do not have time, and therefore we can grasp a sense of what you call your past along with what you call your present and your future, and therefore we can perhaps offer a perspective that is different than the perspective you would normally hold.

Through the interaction between you and us, in our talking together, our perception and your perception can blend together to create an alchemy out of which can come something that is grander than either your perception or our perception alone.  Therefore, we are offering that help.

Because we are not part of your set (in the sense that we are not part of the set of that which has ever been physical), we are not so limited by those beliefs, those prejudices or those particular attitudes.  We can offer a different and sometimes more helpful insight into how your set works.

Indeed, if you look at mathematical theory, and set theory most particularly, the truth of the matter is this: As long as you are a part of a set, you cannot fully understand that set.  The only way that you can fully understand and comprehend a set is to movie outside it.
Therefore, we are outside of your set and therefore have an opportunity to understand your Reality perhaps more precisely and more clearly than you can.  We can perhaps pass that knowledge on to you so that you might combine it with what you believe, with what your attitudes are, with the feelings and thoughts that you hold, and with the choices and decisions that you have been making so that you can make them more clearly, or at least more consciously.  If, indeed, that is what happens, then we feel that our work, our interaction, our communication has been complete.

The New Age

Q: What is the difference between the New Age and the Old Age?

LAZARIS: Indeed, there are a number of differences.  Perhaps a bit of a preamble . . . There are certain ancient principles that are part of your mystical history from the beginnings of time that are true.  They are the core, the backbone, of all mysticism.  Therefore, Old or New, they will be there.  There are also remembrances of times past, remembrances of knowledges that you once had from advanced civilizations, and from unconscious memory between lifetimes.  They will also be part of a core of the New Age just as they are a part of the core of the Old Age.

Many will say there's nothing new in the New Age.  That is not true.  Some will say that the New Age is just the Old Age remembered.  Perhaps that is a nicer way of saying it, but nonetheless it is not totally true.

There is something very new in the New Age.  What is new is the fact that power is now conscious.  You see, initially power was seated in your Higher Conscious Mind where you were but puppets, where you were but marionettes of the puppeteer.  Everything was done for you.  Everything was taken care of.  Power was in the Higher Conscious Mind, but you weren't conscious of it, and therefore you were not responsible for it.

It was the time that Biblically is referred to as the Garden of Eden, where life was innocent and blissful, where there was no responsibility.  There was no knowledge of good and bad.  There was no decision making.  There were no choices or decisions.  There were no thoughts or feelings that were personal, individual.  Certainly there were no positions of attitude or belief that could be definitely identified as personal and private.

The myths of all religions begin with this "time of innocence" because there are certain unconscious
— not subconscious, but unconscious — remembrances of that time when power was seated in the Higher Consciousness without responsibility.  The power moved into the unconscious mind, where indeed human beings moved from that state of bliss, that innocence of childhood, into a world where they could distinguish right from wrong.  They didn't always know what to do with it, but they could distinguish it.
Therefore, the instinctive world of "knee-jerk response" began.  The instinctive world of "fight or flight"  began, a world where human beings were not really human beings but more like human animals.  People existed in that very primitive and very rough state — a very "cave man" sort of energy that you read about or think about.  Again, from your unconscious memory it seems very right and very real to you.

This was a time of instinct, a time when power was instinctive.  There was a little more responsibility, because you knew the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, healthy and not healthy, but you didn't really have the full responsibility for your life or your world.

Power then moved from the unconscious to the subconscious mind.  That's what Freud described, suggesting that motivation came from childhood experience, that you could discover it through dreams and altered states and through psychoanalysis
— that indeed there was an id and a libido and various other components of the subconscious self.  The subconscious self directed your life.  The reason you did the things you did was because of your subconscious programming.  It was so automatic.  Based upon your past, based upon what you had gone through, based upon the trauma of those experiences, you were motivated.

Freud was quite correct, but he came in at the tail end of that period of time, when the consciousness has already moved.  Now, more clearly than ever, it is moving
— because the transition is not a rapid thing — from the subconscious to the conscious.

Once one could legitimately say, "Ah, that was subconscious.  I didn't know I was doing it.  That was a subconscious motivation.  I was totally oblivious to it."  Now, more and more, those statements cannot be made, because power is conscious.
You make conscious decisions.  Everything you do is a conscious decision.  That you pretend it isn't, that you look the other way, that you put those conscious decisions in some sort of automatic relationship does not make them unconscious or subconscious.  They're still conscious.

The New Age is the age when people become conscious
— where indeed power is conscious — where you create your own reality, where you create your own reality individually and then collectively — and where the future is not determined by predestined patterns.  The future is not determined by the predictors from the past, but rather is determined by conscious choice.  Now that is quite a marvelous, incredible reality where indeed everything in your reality is more and more becoming a conscious creation.

Simple words: power is conscious.   It is a tremendously important concept, however, because what it means is that all the predictions from the past are now up for grabs.  All the energy of the past that determined what the future would be no longer has that kind of power.  Well, you can give it power consciously, but we suggest that you have the conscious choice.

That's going to scare a lot of people.  That's going to cause a lot of people to "go crazy" in their reality.  They won't know how to deal with it.  They won't want to deal with it.  They won't want to believe it.  Alas, reality will reflect it . . . reality will reflect it.  All that has been objective in the past
— the solidness, the concreteness, the determination, the predestination — will become subjective, by people's choice.
What is new in the New Age, concisely, is that power is conscious and will continue to become more and more conscious.  What is unique in the New Age is that more and more individuals are coming to that conclusion.

You know, thousands of years ago a person here, a person there came to the realization.  They knew that power had moved from the Higher Conscious to the unconscious to the subconscious, and they took back their power.  They took it back consciously, and for them the New Age began at that time.

Perhaps the New Age began for certain Lemurians, if you accept that reality, and there were perhaps Atlanteans who came to the understanding of the New Age.  Throughout your modern world, the world subsequent to those realities, individuals here and there, in groups of two or three, came to this understanding.  And their New Age began then.  It's a personal process.

But now in your world, more individuals are experiencing their personal process.  That personal process is becoming a massive movement of energy, and that is what the New Age is about.

Q: What are the similarities between religion and metaphysics?

LAZARIS:  First of all they're both seeking a sense of spirituality.  We suggest that whether that religion is fundamentalist, traditional, or even avant garde in its approaches, it has in common a seeking, a seeking of God
— or as we call it God/Goddess/All That Is.

Metaphysics similarly involves seeking that same feeling of spirituality, that same energy, that same Light.  They call it by different names, and they look on different paths, but they are seeking the same energy and the same Light.

Secondly, both attempt to deal with the issue of responsibility.  Some fundamentalist approaches try to shift the majority of the responsibility off onto God.  But most fundamentalist, traditional, and even avant garde religions, as they exist today, at least try to take some level of responsibility for the reality they create.  They suggest  that one's happiness and one's light are somehow connected to one's involvement in spirituality.  Thus, you are responsible for your happiness.  The more spiritual you are, the happier you will be.

The metaphysical approach is to suggest that you are totally responsible for the reality that you are creating, either by causing or allowing that reality creation.  There is a semblance of understanding that the more one is involved in one's spirituality, the more one is involved in one's search for God/Goddess/All That Is, the more positive, the more successful life will be.  Those similarities also exist.

Thirdly, there is a moral code that both rather suggest.  There is a level of integrity, a level of impeccability that both put forth.

Whether you believe in the particular codes that either put forth, at least they both have a sense of that morality, a sense of that integrity, a sense of that impeccability.  They each have a standard, a code, that a person can follow, by necessity within the more fundamentalist/traditional approaches or by preference in the more metaphysical approaches
— but nonetheless there is that code.
Fourthly, both believe in Love and the power of that Love.  They both believe in the power of positive energy and in the power of God or God/Goddess/All That Is (in the case of metaphysics).

And so we sense that although there are differences, certainly so, there are some areas in which the two are very much the same.

Q: Do you think there will ever be a merging of organized religion with what I would call enlightened thinking or New Age thinking?

LAZARIS: Well, not a merging as you would think of it.  No.  There will be no organizational merging.  There is a dichotomy between metaphysics and fundamentalist and traditional religions that look upon this New Spirituality, as we call it (which is more than a New Age), as something evil, something bad, something terrible.  They see metaphysics as a replacement, and therefore they fear it.

The New Spirituality
— the New Age — is not a replacement, but an extension, an expansion beyond that which organized religions believe.  The New Spirituality builds upon many of the traditional religious ideals, principles and values.

These misconceptions and the fear that they produce lead to the commonly accepted polarity between religion and new thought.  This polarity is normally seen as a left-right division.

There's an additional polarity between the top and the bottom.  There are those within the New Age Movement that speak positively and beautifully of a future that can come.  There are those within the traditional religions  and the fundamentalist religions
— televangelists as they may be — that speak similarly of the positive and the potential future that humankind can create.  There are within that fundamentalist religion the negative soothsayers that speak only of the doom and the horror and the gnashing of teeth, just as there are those on the metaphysical side that can only talk of Doom and Gloom and the end of the world.

There is not only the division left and right, but also the division top and bottom, and those metaphysicians that speak positively of the hopes of mankind and these Christians who speak similarly are in greater alliance with each other than they are with their respective metaphysicans and Christians who think, speak and act negatively.  Though this alliance will never be verbally spoken or officially named, in the hearts and minds it is there.

There will be that time in the future when these two groups will be more aligned than they've ever been and saying basically, "We're going to lead this world into that Age, into that newness, into that possibility that we both, from our different perspectives, and with our different vernaculars, see."  We suggest that is going to occur in this time period that is to come.

With love and peace . . .



This post first appeared on Interesting Articles, Links And Other Media, please read the originial post: here

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Channeling, Personal Growth and The New Age


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