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Red Eagle Speaks (through Trance Medium Riz Mirza) Excerpts

The first book chronicling what has been said by a channeled entity speaking through Riz Mirza is Red Eagle Speaks (2011) as told to Oriah Miller.  The book is described:

Psychic medium Riz Mirza has the rare gift of being able to receive communication from a being named 'Chief Red Eagle' who lived on Earth more than a century ago.

This book was dictated word for word by Red Eagle through Riz and told to Oriah Miller over a series of thirteen nights.  Oriah documented this collection of spiritual guidance and compiled it into this book.
The book of transcripts was published after Oriah had been witnessing 'Red Eagle' and other entities channeled at weekly public and private channeling gatherings.  These personalities are manifesting from another dimension.  (Five videos of channeled entities speaking through Riz Mirza are presented in the preceding blog article.)  Riz commented in his Introduction for the book about the period in his life a decade earlier when he was an artist and rock musician in New York.

One evening I attended a gathering at the home of Alexander Murray.  Alex was a trance channel.  He could leave his body at will and spirit guides would speak volumes of wisdom through him.  Everyone sitting around the cozy living room would get personal psychic messages too.  All of the messages were delivered with such love and respect — all very positive.
The spirit guide told him, "You are a channel."  Riz remembered:

. . . he came right out and said my band wasn't going to "make it" and that my life was to be on the "spiritual path."

Today I a psychic medium and I trance channel just as I was told I would. Many different spirit guides communicate through me, teaching me so much and allowing me to give a lot of people a lot of peace of mind and love"

Red Eagle introduced himself to me in 2008 while I was in deep meditation and I will never forget the first time I heard his voice.  It was so wise, strong and peaceful.
This blog article presents passages from Red Eagle Speaks, beginning with some sentences from Red Eagle's Introduction.

Excerpts from Red Eagle Speaks

For some of you, a person who is a channel is a strange new concept.  Why?  Even you, who is reading this book, have channeled.  Many of you — I should say all of you — have experienced a time in your life when you have said to yourselves: How did I say that?  How did I know that?  How did I do that?  It was beyond me.  I don't know where I got the strength from.  I don't know what made me think of that.  I had told that person so many things about their life, when they were telling me a problem, I had the solution.  My mouth was moving.  I did not know what I was saying but I felt energy when I was doing it.  There was great intent and great wisdom in my words.  We will say you were channeling.  You were dialed in.

Who are we?  We are your spirit guides.  When you dial into us, we answer the phone.  You can say we don't let it go to voicemail.  And we always have the time for you.

You always want to experience something different and new, and yet you like the old because also it is comfortable.  You do not want to throw away certain things because they are old and comfortable, or maybe not so comfortable.  But it has been so long that you don't realize it is not so comfortable

Only many of you have not been given a chance to learn the most basic things, yet somehow you still know them

You know that if you forgive, people will also forgive you.  You know that fighting doesn't lead to anything good.  You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand that, as they say, or a brain surgeon or a heart surgeon to understand what is in your head or heart

My brain surgery is to open your mind
— that is the surgery.  There is nothing else.  My heart surgery is to open your heart.  There is nothing else more to it.  I want to open your mind and I want to open your hearts more than they are.

Knowledge is nothing.  Wisdom is everything.  Because: Wisdom is when you put it into action.  You know that old saying?

. . . do not let yourself be a puppet emotionally and psychologically to what anyone else tells you

Your thoughts are mostly in the past or in the future.  People will tell you, "Do not think about the past, you cannot change the past."  I am here to tell you my friend, you can.  You can change the past.  How?  How is that possible?

When you change your perception of the past, you will change the past

Many of you who have been through a relationship that have caused you pain
— maybe marriages, maybe business partnerships that went sour.  The person that you once got along with, you no longer get along with and you say that you cannot believe that happened to you, you are suffering from the effects of the past in the present.  You resist the lessons you have learned.

When you resist the teachings that the experience is presenting to you, even though it is painful, you create even more pain in your life because you are bound to repeat those mistakes.  Experience alone does not bring wisdom, my friends.  Only deep and profound insight into those experiences can provide you with wisdom.  Some people say, "Oh, I had to learn my lesson so I had to experience that."  I would say that is pretty much true

Every aspect of pain in your life lies in your resistance to becoming your Higher Self

Now you can find the perfect balance of being open to the world and being sensible.  Think about so many things in the past that were painful when you were experiencing them.  Now you see, if it was not for those experiences you would not have met that person or did that thing, or gone to that place that led you to that, that led you to that, that led you to that, that led you to a new kind of happiness, and that kind of advancement, that kind of growth, and that kind of joy, and that kind of deep understanding.  Now here you are, all because of those very troubling experiences at the time

You are seeking balance in your lives and many of you do not even know it.  You are seeking to learn, to control your issues of control.  Imagine that.  That can be very confusing.  It is like saying, "I don't like to procrastinate and I will stop procrastinating tomorrow.  Ha!

For those of you who do not practice meditation
— do you know there is always something that you are doing in your life that is kind of like a meditation?  You are trying to find a state of balance, of peace, of clarity for yourself.  It is often done through some kind of activity.  For some people it is to play sports on the weekends, for some it is to watch television.  It is all, in a way, a search for peace of mind

Even those who drink alcohol too much
— although it is not a healthy way to do it, but they get something out of it — they have a few drinks and they are able to achieve what feels like peace.  Some use drugs, some use sexual relations or shopping.  All of these are some kind of therapy to help heal what is ailing you, to fill what is missing in your lives.  It is a rather expensive way to do it.

Connecting.  Do I have to explain to you what "connecting" means?  Connecting to what?  You know deep in your heart and soul what I am talking about.  I am not going to patronize you.  I am going to talk to you like the incredible, dynamic, resonant, vital being that you are.  I want to speak to the wise one  that lives inside of you, the compassionate one, the divine one, the hopeful one
.  When you read these words, which one of you is listening?  I hope the many parts of you are listening to these words for the betterment of your life.

Even people who are abusing alcohol or drugs are trying to connect with the feeling of joy.  But it is physically damaging and not long lasting.  But the Higher Self exists without any of those things.  You are not understanding the pain that you feel, the resistance to the growth experiences, the learning experiences that the troubles bring forward

When you are in love, truly in love . . . what I mean is, inside the feeling of love, the vibration of love, the energy of love, you can flow more easily through your troubled times.  Losing your house or loved one will be less painful and even your health will improve.  Maybe you are thinking: Oh, I have heard this before.  Yeah sure, you have to love yourself before you can love anybody else.  You have to love yourself if you want life to get better.  Perhaps you think that is cliché

You have been on a quest for the truth.  You have read many books, sat in front of many masters, teachers, sacred environments, and you feel you are getting closer and closer to the truth.  You are putting together pieces of truth that have been revealed to you or that you have discovered.  How would you define "truth"?  What is it?  You are looking for something that you feel very strongly about.  So when you say, "I want to know what the truth is . . ."  The truth about what?  Are you trying to define the word "truth" when you say that?  Or are you asking for what the truth is about something in particular?

Look at all the stars in the sky.  They are all suns with planets around them.  There are infinite possibilities and infinite truths.  Take a moment and try to define the word "truth."  Maybe look it up in your dictionary.  Don't you wonder what it will say?  I am sure most of you have never bothered to look that word up in the dictionary.  It is a very difficult word for you to define.

What about what some people call "eternal and universal truth"?  There are a few, I must tell you.  The number one is that "you create your reality."  This teaching is spreading all over the planet.  It is interesting.

Many of you have said, "I never believed it when I first heard it, but now after many years, I now understand it."  So what you once rejected as once being false, you now accept it as truth

If you are upset that someone did not tell you the truth, that they deceived you on purpose to take advantage of you, of course this is very disturbing and can be painful and damages relationship.  The person who did not tell you the truth, was not being true to themselves first, for they did not trust or feel their truth was good enough to manifest positive outcomes in their lives.

So they had to change or disguise the truth in order for themselves to feel better.  And you as a victim to that lack of truth, are being offered an experience to raise your appreciation of the teaching that to be true to oneself is beautiful and important.

Release yourself from this feeling of betrayal from that person not telling you the truth.  You are adding more fuel to that fire.  Have faith that the situation will not damage you.  Understand the situation occurred to raise your understanding to a new level

You may spend your whole life in your mind, believing that there are no spirits, there are no angelic forces.  I don't care who you are, you have experienced this kind of assistance in your life.  Every person has had a moment that they said to themselves: I cannot explain it but the help appeared out of nowhere.

Maybe the time has come on your planet that you start to believe again in these things.  The ancient people, they knew this and they accomplished much.  Do you think that my people were not a wise people?  Across the planet we have been known for our wisdom.  My people believe in spirits, spirit guides.

You are being assisted.  You are not alone.  Today, you call it "positive thinking."  If it helps you, then I am happy, but there seems to be a lack of love in that positive thinking.  Where is the togetherness?  Where is the co-creation?  It does not matter what your religious beliefs are in this discussion

The things that you find challenging and painful in your life are not there to distract you from your inner vision but to redirect you toward it.  So now you know what you don't want, at least you are clear what you do want.

Maybe you have heard of things that seem unbelievable, like right now the fact there is a spirit speaking, dictating this book
— maybe that is unbelievable to you.  You are holding it in your hands and you are reading these words.  You are seeing it.  Maybe if you follow the advice of Red Eagle you will see changes in your life and you will believe it.   
You will see changes in your life and then you will believe it.  Or perhaps something of this metaphysical or "supernatural" thing is something you can put aside, something you don't want to deal with even though you see it is working, so you must believe it.

This much bigger soul is living in other dimensions still connected to the higher dimensions, and the smaller version of that soul that is living on planet Earth is not so aware of the larger soul, the larger part of the soul that is living in the other dimensions.  We call that the "Higher Self."  The Higher Self is guiding and when it feels that its lessons have been learned on this planet and there is nothing more here for them to learn, then they leave

There are so many books and stories about people who have received signs from their loved ones who have crossed over
.  Beautiful stories.  Do you choose to look the other way from those things?  You can have those things happen in your own life.  You don't have to feel such strong pain about the death of those loved ones.

. . . when you cross over to the other side.  You still learn.  Whether you call them "spirit guides" or "angels," I don't care, we are here.  You sit with us in wonderful classes and you learn.  You will see people you know and some you don't know, that are connected to you through your soul.  Soul mates.

So why is there reincarnation?  It is because you wanted to experience everything.  You wanted to experience being a different person on the planet.  You wanted to experience being rich, poor, strong, weak, healthy, ill, having a short life, having a long life, being happy, being depressed, having a big family or dying alone.  You choose it.

Nothing is predestined.

There are other schools in other dimensions, in other systems, in other planets.  Some people on your planet called "psychics," "mediums," channels," they know about these other realms.  Some of you have experienced that in your dreams.

A word of solace and peace to all of you who have experienced loved ones crossing over.  Know that every single one of your loved ones is doing okay, in fact they are doing much better!  They are not dead.  They are very much alive.  They are experiencing more and more and more.  Someday when you leave your physical body, my words will be proven true to you.  In some ways there's no way I can prove it to you right now.  I can only put it in these books for history from the other side.

All of the religions, all of the traditions still are pointing to the light.  They are not pointing to the darkness.  Do you know that there are people on your planet that still remember their past lives?  You don't read much about it, but there are many books documented by researchers and psychologists, therapists of all kind.

There are certain people who under hypnosis can remember their past lives, and can give details about the country and the place they have never been to, nor have been interested in.  Even little children, they gave specific names, even addresses, and experiences that they remember from a past life and the parents were bewildered when they heard their children talking about it.  They researched it and found out it was true.
So you can ignore all of that information if you want, and you will be ignorant.  Is your ignorance bliss now that you have proof that there is evidence of past lives?

Some of you still wish you were living that past life in another place.  Let me tell you something.  All of your past lives are connected psychically, and all of those people you were in those past lives, they put all of their energy together to come back through time and space to become you now.  They are looking to you!  You don't need to look to them.  They wanted to be you, to experience what you are experiencing now.  Your past lives, it is like they are in the audience, and you are in the playing field, and they are cheering you on — thousands of them.  You have been a woman and man, an old person, a child.  You have been every nationality and religion.  You have died young, you have died old, you have been murdered, and you have murdered.

I will tell you something.  Whatever patterns, challenges, issues that you have right now — when you don't clear them — they are still there on the other side.

There is a famous line from a famous book that says, "In the beginning there was the Word."  From that Word, everything came into being.  Are you a person of your word?  Can you tell what and who you are from your word?  That shows us how you are "being."  In this life it is said that if you don't stand by your word, you don't have anything.

. . . wish peace for everyone.  That is the song that you can create, with all of your fellow musician singers on the planet.

There was an explorer who was looking for the new world.  He came to these shores in this land called America.  He encountered my people.  We regarded the Earth as our mother, the trees, the plants, the wind, the river, as our siblings.  For that explorer it was a new world
— intriguing, beautiful, and at times frightening.

Many conflicts with our people, there was much death and destruction, we lost many men, women and children, homes.  Now many of those spirits from the native people are assisting spiritually people who are still on the planet.  We do not hold anger, nor do we desire revenge.  We hope that our legacy means something to people to return once again to the beginning, to return to integrity with yourself, with others, with our planet, our mother.



Other blog articles involving American Indian 'guides' include "Rosemary Altea and Her 'spirit guide' (in Oneness) 'Grey Eagle'", "Spiritualism, Maurice Barbanell, Spirit Voices and Materialization Mediumship", "Trance Healer Autobiography: A Mere Grain of Sand", "Alec Harris: The Full Story of His Remarkable Physical Mediumship by Louie Harris", "Gladys Osborne Leonard's Steps to Trance Mediumship (Trance Channeling) and Healing", "Glimpses of the Next State", "'Talks With Shafir' Direct Voice Seance Transcripts" and "Excerpts from Where Two Worlds Meet".

This post first appeared on Interesting Articles, Links And Other Media, please read the originial post: here

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Red Eagle Speaks (through Trance Medium Riz Mirza) Excerpts


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