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Little Alchemy 2 mobile app – Cheats for Email, Excalibur, etc

Little Alchemy 2 Mobile App – Cheats For Email, Excalibur, Etc

Little Alchemy 2 mobile app is the one you need to watch out for if you looking to spend your time wisely whilst having some fun. What is really special about this game is that it provides you unlimited possibilities. You can mix and match numerous items to come out with further new items. Here, we have listed out some of the possibilities that you can use for generating new items. Remember, there are many other combinations you may wish to try as they are likely to help you create newer items.

Cheats for Little Alchemy 2 mobile app:

How to get Email?

Internet + Letter = Email

Email = Computer + Letter

Computer Mouse + Letter = Email

Email = Letter + Electricity

This is what Email can make:

Container + Email = Computer

How to make Energy?

Atmosphere + Fire = Energy

Energy = Science + Heat

Science + Fire = Energy

Energy = Fire + Fire

What can you make from Energy?

Cloud + Energy = Lightning

Gunpowder = Energy + Dust

Storm + Energy = Lightning

Sugar = Fruit + Energy

Air + Energy = Heat

Sugar = Energy + Juice

Beer + Energy = Sugar

Lightning = Energy + Rain

Dough + Energy = Bread

Sugar = Alcohol + Energy

Sword + Energy = Light Sword

Atomic Bomb = Explosion + Energy

Wine + Energy = Sugar

Gunpowder = Charcoal + Energy

Milk + Energy = Butter

Battery = Energy + Container

Sun + Energy = Solar Cell

Stun Gun = Energy + Bow

Gunpowder = Mineral + Energy

Stun Gun = Gun + Energy

How to get Engineer?

Machine + Human = Engineer

Engineer = Steam Engine + Human


What can Engineer make?

Mountain + Engineer = Tunnel

Tunnel = Hill + Engineer

Robot + Engineer = Cyborg

Statue = Medusa + Engineer

Engineer + Engineer = Idea

Tunnel = Mountain Range + Engineer

Glasses + Engineer = Safety Glasses

Idea = Engineer + Light Bulb

How to get Eruption?

Eruption = Pressure + Lava

Time + Volcano = Eruption

Eruption = Volcano + Pressure

Currently, Eruption is the final element. You can’t use it for making a new item.

How to make Excalibur?

Sword + Stone = Excalibur

Excalibur = Story + Sword

Fairy Tale + Sword = Excalibur

Excalibur = Sword + Monarch

Lake + Sword = Excalibur

Excalibur = Legend + Sword


What can be made from Excalibur?

Human + Excalibur = Monarch

How to make Explosion?

Gunpowder + Fire = Explosion

Explosion = Petroleum + Lava

Lightning + Gunpowder = Explosion

Explosion = Petroleum + Volcano

Petroleum + Pressure = Explosion

Explosion = Petroleum + Fire

Volcano + Pressure = Explosion

Explosion = Petroleum + Explosion

Heat + Petroleum = Explosion

Explosion = Electricity + Gunpowder

What can Explosion make in Little Alchemy 2 mobile app?

Explosion + Explosion = Atomic Bomb

Combustion Engine = Machine + Explosion

Space + Explosion = Super Nova

Juice = Explosion + Fruit

Warrior + Explosion = Grenade

Tsunami = Explosion + Ocean

Big + Explosion = Atomic Bomb

Juice = Vegetable + Explosion

Human + Explosion = Corpse

Combustion Engine = Steam Engine + Explosion

Glasses + Explosion = Safety Glasses

Super Nova = Explosion + Sun

Atmosphere + Explosion = Fireworks

Grenade = Steel + Explosion

Explosion + Sea = Tsunami

Super Nova = Explosion + Galaxy

Sky + Explosion = Fireworks

Grenade = Gun + Explosion

Energy + Explosion = Atomic Bomb

Explosion = Petroleum + Explosion

Star + Explosion = Super Nova

Grenade = Metal + Explosion

How to make Fabric?

Fabric = Machine + Thread

Thread + Wheel = Fabric

Fabric = Tool + Thread

What can be made from Fabric?

Cashmere = Mountain Goat + Fabric

Airplane + Fabric = Parachute

Mummy = Fabric + Pyramid

Fabric + Boat = Sailboat

Bandage = Sword + Fabric

Rain + Fabric = Umbrella

Tent = Wood + Fabric

Smoke + Fabric = Smoke Signal

Wagon = Fabric + Cart

Steel + Fabric = Armor

Drum = Wood + Fabric

Fabric + Blade = Bandage

Armor = Fabric + Metal

Sand + Fabric = Sandpaper

Tent = Wall + Fabric

Plant + Fabric = Cotton

Umbrella = Fabric + Storm

Horse + Fabric = Saddle

Smoke Signal = Campfire + Fabric

Steamboat + Fabric = Sailboat

Bandage = Fabric + Blood

Village + Fabric = Tent

Mummy = Fabric + Corpse

Spider + Fabric = Web

Tent = House + Fabric

Sandwich + Fabric = Picnic

Parachute = Pilot + Fabric


How to make Fairy Tale using Little Alchemy 2 mobile app?

Story + Knight = Fairy Tale

Fairy Tale = Dragon + Story

Story + Unicorn = Fairy Tale

Fairy Tale = Monarch + Story

Castle + Story = Fairy Tale

What can you make from Fairy Tale?

Sword + Fairy Tale = Excalibur

Legend = Fairy Tale + Big

Time + Fairy Tale = Legend

Legend = Story + Fairy Tale

Garden + Fairy Tale = Gnome

Book = Fairy Tale + Container

How to get Family?

House + Human = Family

Family = Container + Love

Human + Human = Family

What can Family make?

Family + Family = Village

House = Container + Family

Time + Family = Family Tree

Family Tree = Tree + Family

How to make Family Tree?

Family + Time = Family Tree

Family Tree = Village + Tree

Tree + Family = Family Tree

Currently, Family Tree is the final element. You can’t use it for making a new item.

How to get Farm in this Android game?

Barn + Farmer = Farm

Farm = Tractor + House

Container + Farmer = Farm

Farm = Barn + House

House + Farmer = Farm

What can be made from Farm in this mobile game?

Orchard = Farm + Fruit Tree

Time + Farm = Ruins

Chicken = Farm + Bird

Farm + Wolf = Dog

Barn = House + Farm

Cheese + Farm = Mouse

Silo = Wheat + Farm

Pitchfork + Farm = Hay

Chicken = Egg + Farm

Statue + Farm = Scarecrow

Hay = Grass + Farm

You can download Little Alchemy 2 mobile app here.

The post Little Alchemy 2 mobile app – Cheats for Email, Excalibur, etc appeared first on App Cheaters.

This post first appeared on App Cheaters, please read the originial post: here

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Little Alchemy 2 mobile app – Cheats for Email, Excalibur, etc
