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The Winter King Season 1 Episode 7 Recap

The Winter King Season 1 Episode 7 Recap

As the episode opens, Bishop Bedwin (Steven Elder) alerts Arthur Pendragon (Iain De Caestecker) of King Gorfydd’s (Aneirin Hughes) summons. Arthur orders Derfel (Stuart Campbell) to gather hawberries from the garden for an ointment. Later, Gorfydd shows Arthur his many artifacts before offering to teach him history. He chastises King Uther (Eddie Marsan) for not educating Arthur with his great potential.

Ladwys (Tatjana Nardone) is picking hawberries when she cuts her finger. Derfel watches as her knife falls to the ground, triggering a flashback of young Derfel (Jordan Dark) hugging a woman. Addressing him by his name, Ladwys asks what he wants. He walks away without responding.

Gorfydd informs Arthur that the lovers’ rings exchange will take place in the great hall. Arthur tells Princess Ceinwyn (Emily John) that the “Star of Powys” suits her. She says Nesta gave her the name. Gorfydd explains how he held Nesta as she took her last breath. After telling her about the loss of his mother, he says it is difficult at any age. Guinevere (Jordan Alexandra) arrives with an armful of flowers. Ceinwyn announces that Guinevere is to go with her to Caer Cadarn. Upon exiting, Arthur promises to bring ointment for her horse to the stable. Once alone, Gorfydd recognizes Arthur’s attraction to Guinevere who is also fell for. Arthur questions why he permits Guinevere to be close to Ceinwyn if his opinion of her is low. Gorfydd claims Guinevere loves Ceinwyn like a sister.

Derfel recalls the raid that killed his mother. Arthur voices concern about Llamrei’s leg when he sees Derfel is feeling down. He assures Derfel that being around King Gundleus (Simon Merrells) is difficult. Derfel claims to have known Gundleus killed his mother since he arrived in Caer Cadarn. Arthur is proud of him. Derfel stresses the difficulty of restraining himself from killing Gundleus. At the stable, Guinevere smiles when she hears someone approaching only to see Derfel. He tells her that Arthur sends ointment for Llamrei which she declines.

Ceinwyn asks Guinevere how she feels about Arthur. Guinevere points out that she barely knows him. Ceinwyn assures her that Arthur is better than Gundleus. She says Arthur is kind, so their marriage may work before voicing concern about sex.

Bedwin tells Sansum (Andrew Gower) that rumors claim an abbot outside Ratae is converting Christians by the hundreds. Sansum urges him to believe the good news. Bedwin warns that Ratae is facing a Saxon invasion. He suggests Gorfydd uses Christianity to urge the people to keep up their courage. Sansum says God is calling Powys. Bedwin urges him to be careful.

Gorfydd suggests marrying Guinevere to one of Arthur’s men but she has no dowry. Lanval (Matt Mella) assures her that any of the men would be proud to have her as his wife. Gundleus tells Ladwys that he hopes Arthur chokes. She says Arthur is good for Powys because he can marry her now, instead of Ceinwyn. She points out that as King and Queen of Siluria, Arthur’s alliance will provide them protection. She stresses the importance of him being part of the new order. Across the room, Ceinwyn asks if Lanval is a suitable husband for Guinevere. Arthur asks what Guinevere wants. She says Guinevere needs someone her equal.

Derfel tells Ladwys that Arthur demands they live in peace. She asks if the people of Avalon have forgotten. He assures her that they haven’t forgotten before asking about her knife. She says Gundleus gave it to her. He claims Gundleus took it from his mother during a raid on a Dumnonian village eight years ago. She questions his story. He tells her that Gundleus threw him into a death pit before pulling back his shirt to expose his scar. Shocked, she gives him the knife because it belongs to him.

Arthur finds Guinevere in the stall treating Llamrei with the hawberry ointment. He explains how the sight of her makes him joyful until he thinks of Ceinwyn. She admits to loving Ceinwyn but she always gets what she wants when he kisses her. She stops for fear of betraying Ceinwyn. He admits to not caring. She warns that Gorfydd will care and they must not meet again. He asks if it is a Powys’ tradition to keep a lock of your lover’s hair. She gives him a lock of her hair before walking away.

Gorfydd urges Ceinwyn to get pregnant before departing Powys. He says a boy would be best because King Mordred will probably have a short life. She reminds him that Mordred’s condition only affects his foot. He assures her that a son will please Arthur. Gundleus bursts through the door to confront Gorfydd about his promise to wed him to Ceinwyn. Gorfydd tells him that he was a potential husband. Gundleus reminds him of his raid on Avalon on his orders. Irate, Gorfrydd says a raid is not a massacre. Gundleus says his order was to murder Mordred. Gorfydd claims to have ordered him to take Mordred, not kill Queen Norwena (Grace Ackary) and rape the druidess, Nimue (Ellie James). He suggests Gundleus and Ladwys wed before returning to Siluria. Gundleus demands to marry Ladwys under the full moon along with Arthur and Ceinwyn. Gorfydd tells him to kill inside his own borders before tossing him a sack of coins which Gundleus declines.

Ladwys informs Gundleus of Derfel surviving his death pit. She warns that the Gods say one look and Derfel will kill him. Elsewhere, Bedwin claims to have been present when his mother died and Uther took her ring. Arthur says he cared about her but still abandoned her. He tells him that a man should have the right to marry the woman of his choice. After suggesting the wedding be stopped, Arthur denies loving Ceinwyn. Bedwin reminds him of the wedding being part of his alliance. Arthur says she desires a man who will give all of himself to her. Bedwin assures him that with Powys, he can drive the Saxons out. He pleads with him to go through with the wedding.

Gorfydd demands Guinevere go to Caer Cadarn to be his spy and get close to King Mordred. Arthur aborts his dance with Ceinwyn to dance with Guinevere. Lanval rushes in to ask Ceinwyn to dance. Ceinwyn watches the attraction between Arthur and Guinevere. Lanval joins Guinevere while Ceinwyn scolds Arthur. Upon leaving, she tells Gorfydd that Guinevere was teaching Arthur to dance. Arthur warns Guinevere that Ceinwyn knows how they feel about each other. Ceinwyn pleads with Guinevere to be Arthur’s mistress but she declines.

Arthur orders Derfel to stand guard while he meets with Guinevere. Arthur tells her that the wedding must be stopped because he loves her. She urges him to marry Ceinwyn. Gundleus attacks Derfel in the woods. Derfel pretends to be unconscious. When Gundleus releases the rope around his neck, Derfel attacks him. A fight ensues and ends with Arthur approaches accusing Gundleus of trying to kill Derfel twice. Gundleus warns that they will regret it.

Arthur tells Ceinwyn that he never considered her when he suggested the marriage. She denies being heartbroken over him. He informs her of his decision to tell Gorfydd that the wedding is off. She warns that Gorfydd will kill him. She says when Nesta tried to leave Gorfydd, she died shortly after. She suggests Gorfydd killed her. He refuses to run away. She urges him to leave with Guinevere. Later, Arthur and his men and Guinevere flee Powys. Bedwin tells Arthur that he is going to Ratae. Upon leaving, he prays that God will forgive them. Arthur asks Guinevere to marry him, so he can offer her protection. She accepts. He asks Sansum to marry them. Sansum points out that he doesn’t have a church. Arthur vows to give him one in Dumnonia.

Gorfydd asks Ladwys if she was with Gundleus at the raid on Avalon and if she enjoys killing. She says yes. He informs Gundleus of Arthur and Guinevere running off together. He demands Gundleus stay in Powys.

Sansum weds Guinevere and Arthur as the episode ends.

The Winter King Review

Arthur is set to marry Gorfydd’s daughter, Ceinwyn to strengthen ties between Dumnonia and Powys. He changes his mind after falling in love with Guinevere. Ceinwyn tries to convince Guinevere to be Arthur’s mistress but she refuses. Arthur tells Ceinwyn that the wedding is not going to take place. She warns that Gorfydd will kill him like he potentially did Nesta when she tried to leave him. Arthur and Guinevere flee Powys with his men. Bedwin goes to Ratae instead of returning to Dumnonia. Sansum marries Guinevere and Arthur.

Gorfydd orders Gundleus to stay in Powys after Arthur left with Guinevere.

The episode deserves a 5.5. Get more The Winter King recaps here. Support Reel Mockery by donating. Our onsite advertising builds awareness, click the link to learn more. Join our forum to discuss the latest movies, TV shows, and celebrity news.

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The Winter King Season 1 Episode 7 Recap
