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Peacemaker Season 1 Episode 1 Recap

A Whole New Whirled – The show takes off right in the middle of the scenes narrated by Peacemaker himself. Just as a recap, the scene shows Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) in an arbitrary prison facility introducing Bloodsport (Idris Elba) to Christopher Smith (Peacemaker). She goes into a foray explaining to Bloodsport who Christopher is and how he became dubbed Peacemaker. He was trained to kill by his father (Robert Patrick), a veteran and high-ranking soldier of war, since the moment he was brought into the world.

This is where the series recalls the events of “The Suicide Squad” movie. The flashback shows how Waller lent out Peacemaker to Bloodsport for an urgent, upcoming mission (The eradication of all Project Starfish files and data). She explains, they stuck with the plan to keep the Peacemaker in check with a bomb embedded in the base of his skull. If he fails to obey orders his head goes boom! The team’s mission was to eradicate every trace of Project Starfish.

The flashback then speeds ahead through pieces of the mission. It shows the final showdown between Peacemaker and Colonel Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman). Needless to say, Peacemaker gets banged up during the showdown but prevails. As he does, he is double-crossed and shot in the neck by Bloodsport. As far as Peacemaker is concerned, this is where his story picks up. The new “Peacemaker” series now picks up with our inspiring hero recovering in the hospital. The scene starts with a female doctor (Lissa Neptuno) explaining his injuries to him.

The shot scrolls to an illuminated picture of a neck and chest x-ray. She goes on to explain how Peacemaker was the luckiest man alive, being that they had to completely replace his clavicle. This is when Peacemaker’s wit and vain show full light, as he asks the doctor if she can up the contrast on his chest x-ray because he is ashamed of the lack of definition in his chest. He says the shot makes him look like he is one of those weightlifters focused only on bulk. This was not the case, however, as he claims to have put a tremendous amount of time into building his small muscle groups as well.

The doc says the shots are not something for his Tinder profile, he’s lucky he healed as well as he did. Much to his surprise, the doc says she will be discharging him as long as he upkeeps his physical therapy. She tells him to go home. Of course, Peacemaker is tentative about this because he still has a prison sentence to serve. He pokes out of his hospital room, and this is where he runs into hospital janitor Jamil (Rizwan Manji). Peacemaker tentatively whispers to Jamil, and he responds by saying he doesn’t have any more weed.

Peacemaker reacts by saying that was just a one—time thing. The two exchange a bit of a comedic foray, as it basically boils down to Peacemaker asking if he can trust Jamil. Jamil earns his trust and Peacemaker explains how he is supposed to be in prison. He’s wondering if Jamil has seen cops looking for him. Jamil tells him he’s too bulky to be a superhero. Superheroes are built for acrobatics.

Jamil inquires as to what superhero he is, and Peacemaker responds by telling him and his unwavering will for peace. He also says he’s famous, but Jamil still insists he has never heard of him. Aquaman is famous! Peacemaker then bursts into a rant about how someone on Twitter told him Aquaman has sex with fish. Peacemaker claims that’s a step too far. He is fine with him banging women even guys, but fish is too far. Jamil finally says if you are a superhero, what were you in prison for? Peacemaker responds by saying integrity. He made a vow to keep the peace no matter how many men or women he had to kill to do so. Jamil says he now remembers Peacemaker. He refers to him as being that racist superhero. Peacemaker responds by saying that’s simply not true, he’s killed his fair share of white people.

Their conversation ends with confirmation of no one seeking Peacemaker. Jamil says he hasn’t noticed anyone. Peacemaker heads back into his room and retrieves his battered outfit, which shows the signs of his bloody battle with the colonel. He takes a quick evaluation of his belongings, gets dressed, and awkwardly skirts by the nurse’s station. On his way out the heard nurse (Elizabeth McCarthy Meek) notes under her breath that he is a total douchebag while another nurse (Faith Wright) pulls out her cellphone and notifies someone that Peacemaker is on his way out.

Peacemaker is now boarding a cab outside the hospital. He takes some time to collect himself and then bursts into a revel of triumph. The short dance intro routine hits now, and when the show returns, you’re now looking at a panoramic view of the Overview Lofts lodging. The camera now cuts to two black women entering one of the rooms. The louder, more aggressive female Leota Adebayo (Danielle Brooks) of the duo is ranting about how she thought she was going to James Bond, taking baths in champagne, and playing with octopussies and shit. The other lady, Keeya (Elizabeth Faith Ludlow), half-listening to what her partner is saying has her arms full, regaling a small poodle with baby talk, in her arms.

The two get started on a rave about octopussies while Keeya inquires as to what an octopussy is. Leota later mentions she wants to name their first female kid Octopussy. If it turns out to be a boy, they could name it Sharknado. Keeya jokingly says she better not be getting no octopussies and shit. After the witty banter is over a few moments later, the two get engrossed in a serious conversation. Keeya addresses her concern about the dangers of her partner’s new job. Leota says she knows she isn’t made for this type of work, and she promises they’ll just be here until she can save a bit of cash and get them back home.

This is about the time her phone vibrates with a call from Clemson Murn (Chukwudi Iwuji). The two say their goodbyes and profess their love to each other. The scene is over, and the cabbie is now dropping Peacemaker off in a trailer park in front of an American flag-themed trailer. He tries to pawn some scratch-off lottery tickets as payment, but the cabbie (Tim Zhang) isn’t biting. Instead, he asks Peacemaker what he has in the bag. The cab driver departs now being the owner of a new shiny, silver helmet. Peacemaker finds himself up against a locked front door. Without any luck, he searches his yard for a hidden key. He then goes to the back of the trailer and enters through a window he breaks.

After tumbling clumsily through the window and clinching his shoulder, wincing in pain the first thing he notices is his charging phone. It is charging and obliviously still active. Peacemaker wills himself to the bed and proceeds to check his messages. He has several inquiries from Vigilante (Adrian Chase), who is trying to get him to meet up. He mentions everything from cruising to pick up chicks to busting a big heroin shipment he found out about.

While listening to the messages Peacemaker’s attention is drawn to a nearby cocking of a gun. This is his first introduction to what will be his new running mates. He turns toward the noise and is greeted by Emilia Harcourt (Jennifer Holland). The noise of second gun cocking is now heard, and as Peacemaker turns to the right, he is greeted by gifted tech genius John Economos (Steve Agee). This is when the front door opens, and the obvious team captain Clemson Murn enters the scene. Peacemaker is still on the bed verbally kicking himself, saying that he knew being free was too good to be true.

Apparently, Peacemaker has only served 4 years of his lengthy 30-year prison sentence. Peacemaker makes the argument about how he should be free seeing that he successfully completed the last mission. Murn then takes a seat in front of Peacemaker and starts recalling his resume. Murn says with such an impressive resume, Peacemaker has the potential to stay out of prison if he is willing to work for him. Introductions are made all around as if Peacemaker has already made up his mind or just doesn’t have a choice.

When Letoa is introduced as the newest member of the team she goes on a nervous tirade complementing each team member’s specialty, saying how she is looking forward to working with everyone. She is, by no means, going to let the team down. She goes on for a little bit, obliviously trying to burn off nervous energy. Peacemaker now asks about the op at hand and Murn tells him it is a domestic case, dubbed Project Butterfly. Peacemaker shoots an off-handed comment about management not being too creative with case names. He reminds the group that Project Starfish was a giant, walking starfish.

He scoffs and jokingly asks what he’s going to be doing now, fighting Mothra? He then goes on an excited rant about how he would need a jet pack to fight a giant, flying moth. It’s obliviously something he’s brought up in the past. Murn puts a quick end to it and tells him he will be doing contract work, which translates to assassinating bad guys. Peacemaker acts as if he is going to turn down the assignment and the bomb is brought up again.

The scene ends with Murn telling Peacemaker to meet them tonight at 7:30 at Fennel Fields on Manchester Road. Letoa is the one that names the meeting place, and she sneaks in a comment about the Mozzarella sticks being dope. As the team files out Peacemaker confirms his attendance but says he must stop by his dad’s Auggie Smith (Robert Patrick) and scoop up his sidekick, Eagly (Dee Bradley Baker).

The screen fades a quick black and when it returns, Peacemaker is getting out of another cab in what looks like a suburban neighborhood. He gets out in front of a normal enough-looking house. The only thing out-of-place is a car in the driveway with an American flag-inspired paint scheme similar to that of Peacemaker’s trailer. The superhero outfit is now not an item. He is dressed plainly. As he makes his way to knock at the door he is ogled by his dad’s older neighbor (Mel Tuck).

In the middle of knocking and peeking around the neighbor asks him if he is that Peacemaker guy, the supervillain. Peacemaker corrects the lapse, saying that he is a superhero. The neighbor laughs and says Batman is a superhero. After a quick exchange of witty banter, Auggie opens the door and greets his son. Peacemaker greets his dad, but he just stands there silently. He sighs and walks off. Peacemaker follows him inside where there is a Fox newscast about aliens playing on the big screen. Auggie is now at the stove complaining about already getting enough attention without his son harassing his elderly neighbors.

Peacemaker proceeds to tell his dad that he’s had a rough go of it these past 5 weeks. He’s been shot and in the hospital. His dad berets him for letting someone shoot him. Peacemaker idly makes his way around the kitchen/dining room area trying to make awkward conversation. After a little back and forth, Peacemaker mentions that he didn’t cancel his phone subscription as he asked him to. They then get into a small spat about whose fault it was and whose it wasn’t. After having enough and being called a pussy, Peacemaker asks his dad if he’s been taking care of Eagly.

They make their way to the garage from the outside of the home where Eagly is introduced. He is an impressive large bald American eagle. Peacemaker gets excited and his kiddie persona kicks in. He finds himself on his knees in front of Eagly bantering like a baby. Eagly shows him some affection by wrapping his impressive wingspan around him like he is hugging him. Peacemaker tries to get his dad to take a pic with his phone, but he’s already walked off.

The scene is over, and you are now looking at what appears to be the team’s headquarters.

Emilia hatefully takes over the workspace that Leota has already claimed. Emilia wants the space for its natural sunlight. Emilia then goes on a rant about how she and John are getting fucked because they went against Waller on Project Starfish. (You’ll see more about this if you check out the Suicide Squad movie). Leota says she doesn’t think so and Emilia responds by saying the new girl is now an expert. John almost defends Leota, saying that she is entitled to her own stupid opinion.

Throughout the whole scene, you can hear pipes banging in the background as a reminder of how crappy their new headquarters are. This scene is over, and you are now looking at Peacemaker and Auggie enjoying chili or whatever it was his dad was cooking when he first arrived. An awkward silence goes on for several seconds as they eat until Peacemaker breaks it by recalling a past story. The story is one of his past experiences with Bloodsport and Ratcatcher (Daniela Melchior).

It turns out that Bloodsport has a huge fear of rats because his dad locked him in a crate for 24 hours during his childhood with starving rats. young. Given that Ratcatcher’s special attribute is to control rats, it made the encounter darkly ironic. They both have a quick laugh and Peacemaker makes another quip about all the bite scars Bloodsport has. It should also be noted that Eagly has his own place setting at the table, and he appears to get a kick out of the story.

Auggie gets so carried away with the story he suffers from a choking fit, which Peacemaker solves by getting him a glass of water from the kitchen sink. Auggie then demeans Peacemaker by asking if Bloodsport was the one who shot him. The laughs are over, and things turn back solemn when Auggie asks Peacemaker how his sperm grew into a Nancy boy like him. Peacemaker is obliviously hurt from the quick quips and says that he only came by to get Eagly and a spare helmet.

Auggie leads the two to a hallway where a secret doorway is revealed. He punches in a code, and they enter this high-tech room where he starts showing off his collection of helmets. Some appear to have x-ray vision and some help with breathing underwater. Auggie then makes it clear that he didn’t design these helmets while Peacemaker was behind bars, they were collected from before.

It is another hurtful remark to let Peacemaker know he didn’t give his arrest a second thought. He is even hesitant about giving him a helmet. Their relationship is obliviously strained. That scene is over, and you get an outside shot of Fennel Fields (the restaurant the team is meeting at). Inside, John is regaling team with a story about leaving his door open and having pigeons come in and shit everywhere. At about this moment, Peacemaker shows up outside, in full crime-fighting attire, driving the American flag-inspired car that was sitting in front of his dads. Needless to say, it makes for an awkward situation when he walks into and joins the team at the table.

Once he grabs a menu and joins the team, they get down to business. They touch on the elephant in the room and ask him why he’s wearing the costume, and he responds by saying it’s new and needs stretching out. They then hit on Eagly, who is sitting in the backseat. They also make some snide comments about the name of Peacemaker’s sidekick. The team isn’t taking their new addition very seriously. Peacemaker then makes the moment even more embarrassing by calling the head waitress (Ursina Luther), using the term “sweet cheeks” and places an order for a salad with zoodles.

The team berets him for using their term “sweet cheeks.” They go back and forth for a few seconds until it is broken by a restaurant employee. The employee is in full-ogle mode, staring dead at Peacemaker. Emilia asks who he is, and Peacemaker responds by saying that’s his friend’s younger brother Chase. Peacemaker makes a comment about him suffering from mental illness.

It turns out that the lookie-loo is actually (Vigilante) Adrian Chase played by Freddie Stroma.

After the waitress returns with the food, Murn hands Peacemaker a dossier on their first target Antonio Cupo (Royand Goff). He is a US senator! The screen then shifts to Chase exiting the restaurant through an employee’s side entrance. Once outside, he does a little twerk dance in response to Peacemakers return to the field. His little celebration is awkwardly interrupted by the dishwasher (Klarc Jerome Wilson) and Adrian says he just received news that he’s going to be a dad.

The dishwasher questions the legitimacy of him having a girlfriend and asks why he’s always trying to hook up with his cousin. He also asks why Adrian is happy to have a child. The response is that he now gets to have an abortion and asks the dishwasher if he wants to attend. He obviously wants nothing to do with it. Peacemaker is now returning to his car where he shares a sweet moment with Eagly. The two are then interrupted by team member Leota. She says she loves animals and wants to pet Eagly, who responds by striking at her.

The two reminisce for a bit before Leota asks Peacemaker what he knows about Murn. It’s obvious she’s trying to get information out of him. She does not trust Mr. Murn. Peacemaker pretty much responds by telling her that he knows he’s a mercenary and has killed a lot of people. Peacemaker makes a remark about not trusting him. Before departing, the two get off on a tangent about Peacemaker’s huge dick. He basically says that it’s his crux to bear and the malformity makes sexual intercourse difficult because it causes pain. He also says that the kids in high school used to call him “Chimp Arm”.

Peacemaker departs and is seen cruising through what looks like a downtown area when he spots Emilia walking along. She enters a side door. Peacemaker makes a U-turn and appears to follow. She goes into a bar and enjoys a beer with some dudes (Paul Lazenby, Darryl Scheelar, and Jade Pawluk) They spit crude remarks her way while trying to get her attention. One of the douchebags (Paul) escalates the situation by approaching her. The two share a nasty back and forth then Peacemaker appears.

Peacemaker makes awkward conversation, trying to get her first name correct. He says you don’t always have to call me Peacemaker. You can call me Chris. She isn’t having any of it, becoming annoyed. This is about the time, a physically bigger douchebag than the first (Darryl Scheelar) approaches asking what the hell she said to his friend. Emilia tells Peacemaker this will only take a second and she ends up kicking the douchebag’s butt while asking his friends if they want to join. They turn the offer down and Peacemaker is smitten. Emilia pretty much ends up telling him that she wants nothing to do with him.

Peacemaker is obviously hurt. saying he’s just trying to find some relief. Emilia responds by saying she wants to enjoy a beer alone. She goes off on a bit of a feminist rant and stuns Peacemaker, leaving his jaw sitting on the floor. This is about the time he looks over and spots a lone damsel at a table by herself. This would be the luscious Annie Sturphausen portrayed by (Crystal Mudry). Only moments later, Peacemaker is banging her brains out doggy-style in the bar’s bathroom.

The bar scene is cut, and suspicions are confirmed. The newest addition of the team, Leota, is skyping, with none other than Amanda Waller. The communication isn’t nearly as criminal as many would suspect. Waller is asking Leota about the team. During the debriefing, Leota does try to get Waller to read in the rest of the team, but she wants none of it. She then inquires about a diary. Leota is instructed to hide it in Peacemaker’s trailer.

The two go back and forth a bit more. Peacemaker and his father are mentioned but prepared to be stunned. Before the communication is over, it is revealed that Waller is Leota’s mom and her “inside man” in the team. Keeya was eavesdropping in the bedroom doorway. The audience is now back on Peacemaker and Annie, who have taken their little party back to what appears to be her apartment.

Peacemaker is in his tighty whities while Annie brushes her teeth. At one point, he looks over and spots an old A-track player. He approaches and checks out her collection. She has a lot of 80s and classic rock that Peacemaker is hyped about. He puts on Quireboys’ I don’t love you anymore, cranks it, and starts his own karaoke session. Annie now makes her way out of the bathroom and to the kitchen/living room area, where she grabs a knife. She then sneak-attacks Peacemaker while he is completely unaware of what’s going on.

She stabs him in the left shoulder. The two go at it hot and heavy for a few minutes, wrecking the apartment in the process. Peacemaker ends up putting some distance between him and his attacker and starts picking foreign objects off counters and shelves, hurling them at Annie. Eventually, Peacemaker darts for a window and jumps out in hopes of making a getaway. He luckily hits a vinyl portico, slowing his descent to the street level.

With cat-like agility, Annie jumps out the window and makes a graceful landing. The fight is now in the dark parking lot of the apartment complex. Peacemaker is currently nowhere in sight. Annie begins strategically searching the lot. She finds Peacemaker crawling to his car who is only inches away with the driver’s door open. Sitting in the parking lot, he reaches into his car and comes out with his bright, shiny helmet. At this point, Annie is charging at him in a full rush mode. He gets the helmet on and says activate sonic boom. During her dive to him the helmet sends out a massive burst of energy across the parking lot. She is blown to bits!

The lot looks as if it has been hit by a meteor. Sirens wail in the distance while the scene fades out. Peacemaker sits in the parking lot as the episode comes to an end.

Peacemaker Review

This is the introduction to a new but continuing saga of yet another ubiquitous superhero. Although it is hard to dub “Peacemaker” (John Cena) your ordinary superhero. He is anything but. Think of the hulk crossed with Deadpool. Peacemaker is an excessively proud and vain superhero with an even vainer father figure. The series picks up right where the movie “The Suicide Squad” ended. Although the series does a good job of familiarizing viewers with Peacemaker’s role in the movie, if you want to see things chronologically, check out the movie first.

The episode deserves 7. Get more Peacemaker recaps here. If you like what the ReelMockery team does, click on the link to support our work.

This post first appeared on Reel Mockery, please read the originial post: here

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Peacemaker Season 1 Episode 1 Recap


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