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Rayjay’s Opinion: does Vince McMahon not like Wrestling Factions?

Rayjay’s Opinion: Does Vince McMahon Not Like Wrestling Factions?

Ric Flair and his Friends made the four horseman a household name, nWo made WCW and Ted Turner Temporarily win in TV Ratings, Degeneration X was WWF’s answer to the nWo, The Undesputed Era is Slowly Taking over WWE NXT, and Finally Cody Rhodes and his Buddies in Bullet Club are overtaking New Japan, and Ring of Honor. With all these former and Current Factions being Extremely popular and changing the Pro Wrestling Landscape, and WWE’s main Roster having stories without Factions or current tag teams going Faction breaking up (I. E. Balor club being Separated, the Mizterage being separated, and even Sanity Coming to the main roster with only 3 Members), let’s not forget the very Short Run of the nWo within the WWE. You have to ask yourself does WWE CEO Vince McMahon not like Faction’s?

Don’t get me wrong I do not really care what Vince Think’s and I do Enjoy his Product. But it seem’s that Vince with his Company having a sort of Monopoly on said Sport they do not really want to listen to there fans. look no farther than WWE not removing Moolah from the Women’s battle Royal at Wrestlemania, until Major Sponsor Snicker’s said something. What is going on is everything WWE does Vince McMahon has total creative control of his product, Bruce Pritchard on his Something to wrestle podcast even say’s this. But at the same time Most viewers of the product say they don’t like how it is or how stories are Scripted. some have said the non kid friendly Additude era should return, or Former Wrestler Road Dogg needs to be fired from creative. Those are not the reason’s. WWE needs to bring back factions. and it seem’s Vince hates factions.

Current Examples of Factions include Bullet Club Which has really helped Promotions Ring of Honor, and new Japan, and The Undisputed Era in NXT which at Takeover New Orleans flipped the Tag Team Match on it’s head, and Roderick Strong is getting asked why he did said flip. But do we see Storylines like this on Raw, Smackdown, or a WWE Pay per view event? nope.

I guess Vince McMahon does not like faction’s. He did not let nWo run long enough when they finally came to the WWE, and DX had a short life span. I think the Four Horseman had a better run in WCW also. I hope at one point at least Triple H can take over the Main product, So Stories, Matches, and more will be better, and also Maybe just Maybe factions will have a strong presence back in WWE again.

all I gotta  say is I’m “nWo 4 Life” so just “Suck it”.

“too sweet”

This post first appeared on Rayjay's World, please read the originial post: here

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Rayjay’s Opinion: does Vince McMahon not like Wrestling Factions?
